Lost Ark Brelshaza Gear Conversion Chart & Guide

Learn how the Brelshaza gear conversion works with the help of a useful chart, and see how it is further broken down!

Lost Ark has seen many legion raids in its time, and players have been in the knows of there being a new legion raid being announced and released, with it being the Brelshaza Legion Raid. Players might need help figuring out how the Lost Ark Brelshaza Gear Conversion works for their gear in the raid and might need further assistance! 

Key Takeaways
  • The Brelshaza is a legion raid that has been recently added to Lost Ark and is part of the four legion raids that can be found in the game. 
  • Players are able to get help from a convenient conversion chart that showcases everything that needs to be known regarding item levels and honing rates. 
  • The Brelshaza raid will have six gates that players will be able to get through in order to get mats. 
  • The mats can be used in order to craft weapons and armor
  • The main benefit of knowing how conversion works in Brelshaza will be that players will save on precious time as well as gain more knowledge about how it all works!

Gear Conversion Chart 

First things first, let’s get a few things out of the way. Before I get further in-depth about the conversion works, let’s list down a basic chart that players will be able to get an overview of before diving further into the mathematics of everything. 

Gear  Item Level  Brelshaza Gear Item Level  Honing Rate Of Gear Honing Rate Of Brelshaza Gear
20 1490 3% 12 1510 10%
21 1505 3% 13 1520 10%
22 1520 1% 14 1530 5%
23 1535 1% 15 1540 5%
      16 1550 4%
24 1550 0.5% 17 1560 4%
      18 1570 3%
25 1575 0.5% 19 1580 3%

Further Explanation 

Further Explanation
Further Explanation (Image Credits Exputer)

First things first, let’s discuss how many materials are required to craft the gear that is obtained from the Brelshaza raids and how many mats are required to get your hands on the weapon as well. 

  • To craft the armor that they want, players will need a total of 40 mats from the raids. 
  • As for the weapon, players will need to have a total of 100 mats on them. 

This makes it entirely different as if you are trying to get mats from either the Valtan raid or the Vykas raid, since armor, requires ten mats for it while requiring 25 mats for the weapon. 

Mats Received From Gates

Mats (Image Credits Exputer)

Because the Brelshaza legion raid has a total of 6 gates, players will also need to keep in mind the total of how many mats they will be able to get whenever they end up clearing each gate and progress through the next. 

1490 Item Level 

Gate One (Item Level 1490):

  • Clearing the gate rewards 3 mats.
  • An additional 3 mats are given as a bonus with zero on bids.

Gate Two (Item Level 1490):

  • Clearing the gate rewards 4 mats.
  • An extra 4 mats are provided as a bonus.
  • Bidding can yield 5 mats.

1500 Item Level 

Here’s a concise explanation of the rewards for clearing gates three and four at an item level of 1500:

Gate Three (Item Level 1500):

  • Clearing the gate rewards 3 mats.
  • An additional 3 mats are provided as a bonus with zero from bids.

Gate Four (Item Level 1500):

  • Clearing the gate rewards 4 mats.
  • An extra 4 mats are given as a bonus.
  • Bidding can yield 5 mats.

1520 Item Level 

While being at item level 1520, players should be able to access gates 5 and gate 6, and the mats will be as follows: 

  • At gate 5, players can expect to get 3 mats from clearing, 3 extras, and zero from bids. 
  • At gate 6, it will reward players with 5 mats at the clearing, 5 extra, and 5 more from bids. 

The total mats that players will get will be 59, with there also being a bonus of 30 mats rewards upon clearing gate one for the first time. 

Week One Crafting 

In week one of crafting, it’s important to consider the following:

Armor Crafting:

  • Completing gate one guarantees you 6 mats.
  • Clearing it for the first time grants a bonus of 30 mats, totaling 36 mats.
  • However, crafting one armor piece requires 40 mats.
  • To craft armor on week one, players need to clear gate 2 to obtain additional mats before reaching the required 40.

Weapon Crafting:

  • Crafting a weapon on week one is not feasible.
  • Even if players clear all gates, which provides 59 mats, and get the bonus 30 mats, they will still fall short of the required 100 mats for weapon crafting.

Therefore, in the early stages of the game, focusing on armor crafting may be a more achievable goal compared to crafting weapons due to the substantial material requirements for weapons.

Transferring From Valtan/Vykas To Brelshaza 

Brelshaza Raid
Brelshaza Raid (Image Credits Exputer)

Understanding the item level increase and honing rates can be crucial for optimizing your gear progression. Here’s a breakdown of how it operates:

  1. Transferring Item Levels: When transferring an item level of 1490 from Valtan/Vykas to Brelshaza, it increases to 1510, resulting in a 20-level gain.
  2. Average Increase Per Gate: With 6 gates, you can calculate the average increase per gate by dividing the difference (20 levels) by 6, resulting in an average increase of 3.33 per gate.
  3. Gate Progression: Clearing specific gates for the required materials increases the item level by a certain amount. For instance, clearing gate 2 for the required 40 mats increases the level by 3.33, making it 1493.3.
  4. Honing Rate: There is a 10% honing rate when going from Brelshaza level 12 to 13. This rate indicates the probability of successful honing.
  5. Progression Odds: The odds of progressing from level 20 to 21 are approximately 3%, highlighting the rarity of achieving higher levels.
  6. Examples: When your item level is at 1520 and you raise it to Brelshaza’s level 1530, it results in a difference of 10. Dividing this across 6 gates means an increase of 1.6 per gate. Similar calculations can be applied to other level transitions, such as going from 1535 to 1540 or 1575 to 1580.

Understanding these calculations allows you to plan your item level upgrades strategically and make informed decisions about when and how to progress your gear in the game.

Route To Get To 1500 

Moving on, if players want to go from gate one to gate four without spending way too much, let’s say you end up starting at a 1490 item level, then you end up doing a transfer, which makes your level increase from 1490 to 1493.3.

Starting at 1490 Item Level:

  1. Transfer to increase item level to 1493.3.
  2. Hone the Brelshaza gear to increase it by 1.6 increments.
  3. Successfully hone 3 more times for the Brelshaza gear, bringing it to item level 1500.

Advantages and Disadvantages:

  • The Brelshaza route offers higher success rates but requires more advanced materials.
  • The Valtan/Vykas route involves successfully honing only twice to reach item level 1500, using older materials, but has lower success rates.

Players can choose the route that best suits their preferences and material availability.

Route To Get To 1520 

Now, if there are players who want to go all the way to gate 6 and want to go to 1520 on week one, let’s say you start by being at item level 1505. Let’s say that you carry out your transfer, and you gain a 2.5 increase, which will up your item level to 1507.5. 

  • To get even more Brelshaza success, take the 1.6 increase, and players will need to have 8 successful hones to get to 1520. 
  • With Valtan/Vykas, players will need to successfully hone only 5 times. 

Brelshaza Sidereals 

Whenever players head into the different gates of Brelshaza, they will have assistance from a few sidereals that the gates will offer up.

Gates 1 and 2 Sidereals:

  1. Thirain: Summons the vanquisher, using light power for explosive thrusts and granting a weak point ability.
  2. Azena: Summons a versatile elemental spear for ranged attacks (water, fire, earth).
  3. Balthorr: Strikes an anvil with Earthen Strength, providing a temporary buff to allies, including enhanced armor and push immunity.

Gates 3 and 4 Sidereals:

  1. Wel: Summons Dochul for three staggering attacks, with Awakened Dochul enhancing the effect.
  2. Nineveh: Supplies arrows to Perkunas for consistent damage to enemy weak spots.
  3. Inanna: Creates a protective zone with Magick, offering push immunity, attack absorption, and HP recovery.

Gates 5 and 6 Sidereals:

  1. Shandi: Uses Illusion Magick to distort spacetime, providing buffs to raid members and debuffs to enemies (increased attack, movement speed, MP recovery).
  2. Azena (Carried over from Gates 1 and 2).
  3. Inanna (Carried over from Gates 3 and 4).


And there you have it! An in-depth explanation of how conversion and conversion charts operate in Lost Ark, and with that, I will wrap up my Brelshaza Gear Conversion guide! If you are someone who wants to learn about how markets operate, and how buying and selling works, then our Lost Ark Market Online guide will showcase all that you need to know!

Up Next: 

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Mina is a Senior Guides Writer and a fanatic who’s obsessed with playing games and writing about them. She’s invested more than 2,500 hours in games like Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism, she loves to write detailed guides for beginners and pros in the Gacha Games world. You can follow Mina's gaming activity on her Steam and PSN Profiles.

Experience: 3+ Years

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