Starfield: All 24 Temple Locations & Their Abilities

This guide includes all Starfield temple locations on the map like Xi Temple and Sigma Temple location so it is easier to find.

Temples in Starfield are ancient alien structures spread all around the galaxy. These temples will be mainly dangerous and remote places to visit. From the Starfield temples players can get valuable rewards known as Powers. Almost all the Starfield temple locations are on the map. For example, the Starfield Xi Temple location and Starfield Sigma Temple location. 

Key Takeaways
  • Starfield features 24 ancient alien temples.
  • These temples grant valuable powers to players.
  • Each temple is tied to a specific artifact.
  • Some temples are discovered during main missions, while others are found through side quests.
  • Many temples are named after Greek letters like Alpha, Beta, Chi, and Delta.
  • They are often located on moons orbiting planets in different star systems.

What Are Starfield Temples?

All Temples And Powers
Starfield: Temple Locations – [Screenshot Captured by eXputer]
The most important aspect of Starfield is its temples. These temples are the best way to earn great powers by only solving some puzzles, and you will be given the capabilities that will enhance your combat and overall skills. Starfield contains about 24 temples with artifacts and The Power the players require.

Here’s the path that I would recommend for locating Starfield temples on the map:

Temple NameLocationPower
Alpha TempleTau Ceti System, Tau Ceti VIII BPersonal Atmosphere
Beta TempleAltair System, Altair IV CGravity Wave
Chi TempleTau Ceti VIII BSense Star Stuff
Delta TempleAlpha Centauri System, Alpha Centauri BB planetTelekinesis Power
Zeta TempleAkila System, Akila planetGrav Dash Power
Eta TempleProcyon System, Procyon III planetAnti-Gravity Field
Gamma TempleSkink PlanetCreate The Vacuum
Iota TempleAltair System, Altair III planetPrecognition Power
Kappa TempleVariable locationSunless Space
Lambda TempleEnlil I-a (moon of Enlil I)Eternal Harvest Power
Buried TempleAternus, in a desert cavePhased Time
Nu TempleSkink planetCreator's Peace
Omicron TempleBara VIII-d (moon of Bara VIII)Void Form
Sigma TempleOburum III (moon of Oburum III)Parallel Self
Tau TempleIndum System, Indum II planetReactive Shield
Phi TempleAl-Battani system, Al-Battani II planetAlien Reanimation Power
Psi TempleBessel system, Bessel III-B (moon)Elemental Pull
Omega TempleVariable locationParticle Beam
Xi TempleVariable locationSupernova
Theta TempleEta Cassiopeia system, Cassiopeia II-A (moon)Solar Flare
Epsilon TempleNikola IIEarthbound
Upsilon TempleSyrma IIIInner Demon
Temple RhoCharybdis VII-DMoon Farm
Temple PiPiazzi IILife Force

1. Alpha Temple

Starfield Alpha temple location
Temple Alpha– [Image credit: eXputer]
The Alpha Temple is located in the Tau Ceti System, which is located on the planet Tau Ceti VIII B. It is a highly massive structure carved into a mountain’s side. 

  1. Travel towards the Tau Ceti system.
  2. Scan the planets and search for the Anomaly.
  3. Travel to the planet, land the ship, and start traveling on foot.
  4. The Temple is located in a remote area, so be prepared for enemies and possible fights.
  5. The Alpha temple is a large structure carved into the side of a mountain and surrounded by a dense forest.


Alpha Temple in Starfield gives power called the Personal Atmosphere. The Power will allow the player to create a personal atmosphere around them, allowing the player to survive in space without having a spacesuit.

2. Beta Temple

Starfield Beta temple location
Temple Beta– [Image Captured by us]
The Beta temple is located in the Altair system, On planet Altair IV C. The structure of the Temple is massive, so it would be easy to locate once you are the Altair IV C.

  1. Travel to Altair IV C, which you can easily find in the Altair system.
  2. Land your ship and scan the planet for the Temple’s exact location.
  3. Head towards the location.
  4. The Temple will be in a remote area with a massive structure, so you can easily detect it.
Be careful: The Temple is located in a remote area, which means some enemies will encounter you, so I would suggest you make sure to gear up and be ready for any fight.


The Beta temple will provide you with Gravity Wave, which generates an extremely powerful wave of gravity that can knock people down and give them a good amount of damage. 

3. Chi Temple

Starfield Chi temple location
Temple Chi– [Image Captured by eXputer]
  1. The Chi Temple is simply located on the Guniibuu II planet.
  2. The planet is in the Guniibuu system.
  3. Land your starship on the Tau Ceti VIII B planet and use your scanner to find the Temple’s exact location.
  4. Once you reach close to the Temple, you will locate the Temple yourself due to its massive structure.


The Chi temple also provides Sense Star Stuff. The main feature of the Sense Star Stuff is that it will help the player sense the presence of nearby objects and lifeforms, including hidden objects.

4. Delta Temple

Temple Delta location
Temple Delta – [Image credit: eXputer]
  1. Travel to Altair System.
  2. Find and travel the Altair IV-C planet.
  3. Land on the planet and use your scanner for the Temple’s location.
  4. You will notice it yourself once you get close to the Temple due to its massive structure.


The Delta temple provides the player with the Telekinesis Power. It allows the player to move the object by just using their minds.

5. Zeta Temple

Starfield Zeta temple location
Temple Zeta– [Image by eXputer] 
  1. Travel to Indum System.
  2. Then, travel to Indum IV-D planet.
  3. After reaching the planet, use your scanner to determine the exact location of Zeta Temple.
  4. You will notice it once you are near the Temple due to its large structure.


The Zeta temple provides the player with the Grav Dash Power. Its main feature allows the player to perform a powerful double jump. 

6. Eta Temple

Starfield Eta temple location
Temple Eta– [Image by eXputer]
  1. Travel to the Procyon System.
  2. Find and reach the Procyon III planet.
  3. After reaching the planet, use your scanner for the Temple’s exact location.


The Eta temple provides the player with the Power known as the Anti-Gravity Field. The Anti-Gravity field allows the player to create a localized low-gravity field.

7. Gamma Temple

Temple Gamma Location
Temple Gamma– [Screenshot Grab: eXputer]
  1. The player would need to travel to the Feynam II Planet.
  2. To travel to the Skink planet, you must travel to the Feynman system.
  3. After reaching the Skink planet, use your scanner and head towards the direction it shows.
  4. You would know you are near it because of its massive structure.


The Gamma temple provides the player with the ability to Create The Vacuum. It allows the player to create a localized vacuum around them, which helps the player during combat scenarios.

8. Iota Temple

Starfield Iota temple location
Temple Iota – [Image Captured by eXputer]
To get to the Iota temple, you would have to follow these simple steps:

  1. The player would have to travel to the Oborum system first.
  2. They would then travel to Oborum II, A planet for the Temple.
  3. After reaching the earth, the player must use their scanner to know the exact Starfield temple locations map.


The Iota temple provides the precognition power and allows the player to see glimpses of the future.

  • The Precognition ability can be used to explore, combat, and solve puzzles.
  • Players could see the end and check for any ambushes or traps.
  • They could also find hidden items and solve puzzles without even doing anything.

9. Kappa Temple

Starfield Kappa temple location
Kappa Temple– [Image Captured by us]
Follow the below-given steps to reach the Kappa Temple:

  1. Travel to the Katydid system.
  2. Then, travel to the Kaydid I-A planet.
  3. After that, use your scanner to get the Temple’s exact location.


The Kappa temple provides the player with The Sunless Space power. It will allow the player to create a localized cold field around the player, which will help the player during their combat or exploration.

10. Lambda Temple

Lambda temple location
Temple Lambda– [Image credit: eXputer]
  1. To reach the Lambda Temple, the player would have to go to the Enlil I-a, the moon of Enlil I.
  2. You would have to travel to the Enlil System to reach the planet.
  3. After reaching the planet, use your scanner to identify the exact location of the Lambda Temple.


Like every Temple, the Lambda temple also provides the player with an ability called the Eternal Harvest Power ability. The ability allows the player to create a localized field of fertile energy.

11. Buried Temple

Buried temple location
Buried Temple– [Image Credit Copyright: eXputer]
  1. The Temple can be found on planet Aternus.
  2. After reaching the planet, go to the deserted region of the earth.
  3. The Temple is buried under a layer of sand.
  4. To access the Temple, find the entrance of the Temple, which is in the small cave of the desert.
  5. Once the entrance is located, remove the sand to enter the Temple.


The Power the Buried Temple provides after solving their puzzles is the Phased Time. The player can slow down the time or completely stop the time.

12. Nu Temple

Temple Nu location
Temple Nu– [Screenshot Grab: eXputer]
  1. The Nu Temple is found on the Skink planet.
  2. The Skink planet is located in the Cheyenne system.
  3. Reach the planet and use your scanner to know the Temple’s location.


The Nu Temple unlocks the Creator’s Peace power, making the enemies briefly leave the combat and drop their weapons.

13. Omicron Temple

Temple Omicron Location
Temple Omicron– [Screenshot Grab: eXputer]
  1. The Omicron Temple can be found on the Bara VIII-d.
  2. Travel to its moon.
  3. The planet will be located in the Bara system.
  4. After reaching the planet, use your scanner to know the Temple’s location.


The Omicron temple will allow you to unlock the Void Form power, allowing the character to turn invisible briefly.

14. Sigma Temple

Starfield Sigma temple location
Temple Sigma– [Screenshot Captured by eXputer]
  1. Travel towards the moon of Oburum III.
  2. The planet’s moon is located in the Oburum Prime system.
  3. After reaching the moon, use your scanner to determine the exact temple locations.


The Power that the Starfield Sigma temple location provides is the Parallel Self power. The Parallel Self power allows the player to create a friendly decoy of the character, which is also armed.

15. Tau Temple

Starfield Tau temple location
Temple Tau– [Screenshot Captured by eXputer]
I suggest following these steps to reach the Tau temple:

  1. The player must first travel to the Indum System to reach the Temple.
  2. After reaching the Indum system, Travel to the Indum II planet.
  3. Land your ship on the planet and use your scanner to identify the Temple’s location.


The Tau temple unlocks the Reactive Shield power. Reactive shield power allows the player to create a shield that blocks or even reflects the enemy projectile. It helps the player during combats.

16. Phi Temple

 Phi temple location
Temple Phi– [Image by eXputer]
Here’s how you should be able to travel to the Phi Temple:

  1. The player would have to travel to the Al-Battani system.
  2. After getting the system, travel to Al-Battani II planet.
  3. Ensure the player has a 28 LY Grave Jump Range with them to reach the high points.
  4. After reaching the earth, use your scanner to get the exact temple locations.


After unlocking the Phi temple, you will be provided the Alien Reanimation Power. When the player activates the Power, alien life will be resurrected and assist the player.

17. Psi Temple

Temple Psi location
Temple Psi– [Image credit: eXputer]
I recommend these steps to reach the Psi Temple:

  1. Travel to the Bessel system.
  2. Then, travel to Bessel III-B and then go to its moon.
  3. After getting the moon, use your scanner to identify the exact temple locations.


The Psi Temple provides the Elemental Pull power. It allows the player to pull all the inorganic things near themselves. You can remove the enemy’s weapons to kill them quickly or remove the objects that are high or far enough to get.

18. Omega Temple

 Omega temple location
Temple Omega– [Image Credit Copyright: exporter]
Based on my gameplay experience, here’s my recommended method for traveling to the Omega Temple:

  1. To reach the Omega temple, travel to the Bannoc system.
  2. After that, travel to Bannoc II planet.
  3. Use your scanner to get the exact location of the Temple.


The Omega Temple includes the Particle Beam power. The Particle beam power lets the player kill enemies in groups, destroy vehicles, or penetrate the enemy defense.

19. Xi Temple

Temple Xi location
Temple Xi– [Image by eXputer]
I suggest following these steps to reach the Temple Xi location:

  1. Travel to the Luyten’s star.
  2. After that, travel to Luyten’s Rock.
  3. After reaching the earth, use your scanner to know the exact temple locations.


The Xi temple provides the Supernova power. The Supernova ability allows the player to create powerful and massive explosions, greatly affecting the enemies.

20. Theta Temple

 Theta temple location
Temple Theta– [Image by eXputer]
In my opinion, here are the steps you should take to travel to the Theta Temple:

  1. Firstly, travel to the Eta Cassiopeia system.
  2. Than travel to Cassiopeia II-A’s moon.
  3. After getting there, use your scanner to know the exact temple locations.


The Theta temple provides the Solar Flare power. It allows the player to create a space orb, which then damages enemies nearby to the player.

21. Epsilon Temple

Temple Epsilon Location
Temple Epsilon– [Screenshot Grab: eXputer]
  1. Travel to the Nikola system first.
  2. After that, travel to the Nikola II planet.
  3. Use your scanner to identify the exact location of the planet.


The Epsilon temple rewards the player with the Earthbound power. The Earthbound power allows the player to create a strong shockwave.

22. Upsilon Temple

Temple Upsilon location
Temple Upsilon – [Screenshot Grab: eXputer]
I recommend these steps to reach the Upsilon Temple:

  1. Travel to the Syrma system.
  2. Then, travel to the Syrma III.
  3. Use your scanner to get the exact location of the Temple.


The Upsilon temple provides the player with the Inner Demon power. It allows the player to create a mirror image of the player to help them fight with the enemies. Be careful because these can also damage the player.

23. Temple Rho

Temple Rho location
Temple Rho – [Screenshot Grab: eXputer]
I suggest following these steps to reach the Temple Rho:

  1. Travel to the Charybdis system.
  2. Then, travel to the Charybdis VII-D.
  3. Use your scanner to get the exact location of the planet,


The Rho temple gives a very powerful power called the Moon Farm. It allows the player to become rock-solid and resist all types of damage.

24. Temple Pi

Temple Pi location
Temple Pi – [Screenshot Grab: eXputer]
I suggest following these steps to reach the Pi Temple:

  1. Travel to the Piazzi Syatem.
  2. After that, Travel to Piazzi II.
  3. Then, use the scanner to get the exact location of the Temple.


The Pi Temple provides a great ability, which is the Life force. It allows the player to drain the enemy’s life force and heal themselves while in the process.

Every Temple contains a unique reward with a special power. These temples are on different planets; some are on the moon, and others are on a different world. Starfield temple locations are not directly on the map, so some Reddit users don’t know how to find the temples without a proper guide. Removing or Increasing outposts can be helpful and bad, so you should know all about it.


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Community Feedback

A very Hugh Thanks!

All artifact temples locations are random each playthrough. Those locations only work for the person who posted it.


Some locations worked for me some didnt. I guess its the random nature of the playthrough.


Some of these are random but thankfully this guide helped me find the remaining ones


The Alpha Temple in the Tau Ceti System is my favorite. That Personal Atmosphere power lets me explore the cosmos without a spacesuit.


Epsilon Temple on Nikola II grants the Particle Beam ability. It’s like wielding a cosmic laser cannon.


Thankyou for this guide. while all these are randomly spawned in the game I still found the Omicron temple with this guide help

Meow Meow

OMG i needed something like this, it was so hard to find these temples.

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Experience: 8+ Years || Manages Teams, Creates Strategies, and Publishes Guides on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Journalism.

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