Stray Seamus Door Code: How To Find & Decipher It

In this guide we will look into how to find the door code at Seamus's home using the "Time Will Tell" hint.

Puzzles in the Stray-verse are no joke, they are extremely challenging and really get you thinking. From puzzles like how to get a stray Poncho for Elliot to finding the safe mysterious password, they really get your blood pumping! So now you might be thinking, how on earth do I get to the Seamus Door Code in the stray universe? Well, do not fret; we have the easiest and most fool-proof method jotted down for you! So, let’s get into it, shall we!

Key Highlights
  • After you have snagged the memory go back to the slums. 
  • Take the bucket and go to the lower rooftop then drop down and keep going in a straight line until you see the red bar sign. 
  • Go inside the bar and meet Seamus. This is where we find out that Doc is Seamus’ father. 
  • Momo will hand you the Doc’s notebook which you will have to Seamus, The Notebook states that there is a secret room in Seamus’ house. 
  • Find the picture of Doc and Seamus in the living room. It will say “time will tell”. 
  • Go to the far-end corner of the same table and start scratching to find the Keypad.
  • Dial 2-5-1-1 into the Keypad and the door should open. 
    Now that the door is open go inside and look for clues about the Doc.

Step By Step Guide To Find Seamus Door Code In Stray

One thing we want you to be well aware of is that this adventure will not be easy. Just like the Stray super spirit detergent puzzle, you will have to be very sharp-witted. So, do not expect an easy puzzle. 

The first thing we want you to do when trying to figure out the door code at Seamus is to of course find the place itself. That seems logical enough, no? If you are a tad bit confused about how to find it, then do not worry, we have got you covered!

To find Momo’s note and go to the bar in the game, follow these steps:

  1. Visit Momo’s Place: Start by visiting Momo’s place and ensure you collect the memory you need.
    locate note that momo gave to go to bar
    Find momo’s note to go to the bar
  2. Check the TV Note: Look for a note on the TV that mentions Momo going to the bar. This will be your cue to head to the bar.
  3. Interact with B-12: Use your adorable B-12 robot to interact with the window next to you. This will take you back to the slums.
  4. Use the Bucket: To get to the bar, use the bucket. Take the bucket to the lower rooftop and drop down.
  5. Head to the Bar: Move forward in a straight line until you see a red sign indicating the bar’s location. This is where you’ll meet Momo.
  6. Meet Momo: When you reach the bar’s door, you’ll find Momo waiting for you outside. Follow him inside.
    momo will be at the front of the bar
    Momo will be waiting for you at the bar’s door
  7. Meet Seamus: Inside the bar, you’ll meet Seamus, who is crucial to the story. However, there are some tasks you need to complete before you can interact with him.
  8. Jump on the Stool: First, jump on the stool next to Momo and observe the Transceiver.
  9. Momo Speaks to Zbaltazar: Momo will speak to Zbaltazar, an Outsider who mentions a way back up through the sewers.
  10. Interact with Seamus: After these interactions, you’ll finally be able to meet Seamus. Talk to him to progress the story.
  11. Follow Seamus Home: Momo will encourage you to follow Seamus back to his home because he believes Doc, Seamus’s father, may have a secret lab that B-12 can use.
  12. Get to Seamus’s Place: After the interaction at the bar, exit the pub and follow Momo to Seamus’s place in the stray slums.
  13. Attempt to Appeal to Seamus: Try to talk to Seamus at his door, but he will initially disregard you.
    talk to seamus to get the Door Code in Stray
    interact with Seamus to find the Door Code in Stray
  14. Give Seamus Doc’s Journal: Momo will provide you with Doc’s journal as a peace offering and proof of a hidden room in Seamus’s house.
  15. Talk to Seamus About Door Code: Enter Seamus’s home and talk to Seamus, giving him Doc’s Notebook. This will initiate the process of unlocking the door code.
    take the docs notebook so you may Door Code in Stray
    Get the doc’s notebook to get the Door Code in Stray
  16. Look Around the House: Start interacting with different parts of the house to find clues about the door code. Pay attention to paintings on the walls.
    chat about the door code with seamus
    Talk to Seamus about Door Code
  17. Find Hidden Text: Find a picture of Doc and Seamus embracing in the far right corner of the living room. Interact with it to reveal hidden text that says “time will tell.”
  18. Find the Keypad: Go to the far-right corner of the same table and scratch at a small image to uncover the keypad.
    find the door code by looking around
    look around the house to find the Door Code
  19. Locate the Four Clocks: Observe four clocks above the couch where Seamus was sitting. They are stuck at specific numbers.
  20. Use the Clocks to Unlock: Use the numbers from the clocks (2-5-1-1) as the code to input into the keypad.
    locate the keypad
    find the Keypad
  21. Go Inside the Secret Room: After entering the correct code, the door will open. Enter the secret room and start looking for clues about Doc.
  22. Examine Blueprint: Look at the blueprint on the wall and translate it.
  23. Inspect Whiteboard: Examine the whiteboard with important data near the entrance door.
  24. Find the Suspicious Box: Locate a suspicious-looking box on top of a big bookshelf. Tap it to make it fall to the floor.
    locate the tracker
    Find the tracker
  25. Retrieve the Broken Tracker: Once you locate it, you should take action to continue your search for a weapon for the Zurks. You now possess the necessary information to unlock Doc’s secret laboratory in Seamus’ Stray apartment..
    hand over the tracker to seamus
    Give the tracker to Seamus

We hope the guide was helpful in finding the Door Code in Seamus’s stray home.

Next: Stray Digicodes Locations

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Moiz Banoori is the brains behind eXputer. Having worked at various Video Game sites, with 8 years of Content Writing Experience and a Journalism Degree at hand, he presently monitors teams, creates strategies, and publishes qualified pieces through his aptitude at eXputer. Feel free to get in touch with him through his gaming profile on Steam and PSN.

Experience: 8+ Years || Manages Teams, Creates Strategies, and Publishes Guides on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Journalism.

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