Armored Core 6: Ocean Crossing Battle Log Locations

Learn about the locations of all the battle logs in the Ocean Crossing mission, the last mission of Chapter 2 in Armored Core 6.

Collecting Battle Logs in AC6 helps develop your Loghunt Program to level up your Hunter Rank, unlocking new mech parts and additional challenges. With these new parts and missions, you can gain several resources or direct improvements to your robot. As such, once you reach Chapter 2’s final mission, you’ll want to know about the Armored Core 6 Ocean Crossing Battle Log location to ensure you don’t miss these limited and extremely useful collectibles.

Key Takeaways
  • The Ocean Crossing is the final mission of Armored Core 6’s Chapter 2, with four combat logs.
  • After starting the mission, proceed through the main path until you find two drones past the lower platform’s exit that’ll drop 1 Battle Log each.
  • From there, drop down to the railing on the right and head into the tunnel to fight another two drones, which will reward players with two more Battle Logs.
  • These Battle Logs progress the player’s Loghunt Program, a side objective in AC6 that levels up their Hunter Rank and gives them additional mech parts and challenges to complete.

Armored Core 6 Ocean Crossing Battle Log Locations

The Ocean Crossing mission is the final part of AC6’s Chapter 2, almost immediately after you beat the EC-0804 Smart Cleaner boss in the “Infiltrate Grid 086” mission.

Before starting, it’s worth noting that you can still collect any missing Battle Logs from a completed mission by replaying it in the Sortie menu, and the same goes for Ocean Crossing.

Ocean Crossing
Ocean Crossing Briefing and Rewards (Image by eXputer)

Battle Logs

  1. When you start the mission, proceed and take the elevator up to Grid 086’s upper level.
  2. Once at the bridge at the top, look to your right and jump down to the platforms underneath.
ocean crossing armored core 6
Platforms under the bridge (Screenshot by eXputer)
  1. From the lowest platform, follow the main path to the exit, where you’ll find two drones on your right.
  2. These drones have relatively low AP and HP, and taking them both out will reward you with 2 Battle Logs.
drones ocean crossing ac6
Drones on your right (Image Credit Copyright: eXputer)
  1. After that, drop down to the railings on your right and head inside the tunnel, leading to 2 more drones that’ll each drop a Battle Log.
ocean crossing lower platforms
Railings leading to the tunnels (Screenshot Grab: eXputer)
  1. Before engaging, use your Scan ability to gain info on their positions and strike stealthily to avoid any unnecessary damage.
drones armored core 6
Second pair of Drones (Screenshot by eXputer)
  1. You’ll also spot an abandoned mech lying on the far edge of this area, which you can interact with to Access and get the Doser Information.
  2. Return to the aforementioned railing and proceed toward your objective to the airspace past the lasers.
abandoned mech ocean crossing battle log
Abandoned MT Mech lying on the edge (Image Captured by eXputer)

Sea Spider Encounter

Upon reaching the checkpoint, you’ll have to face the IA-13 Sea Spider boss in Armored Core 6, which is the last major challenge of this mission. As a heads-up, stay between its legs during both phases since it has several lethal long-range attacks.

Finally, when you complete the mission, you’ll receive an additional 330,000 COAM and your Loghunt Report detailing your collected Battle Logs.

Loghunt AC6
Loghunt Program info post-mission (Screenshot taken by eXputer)
Important: Be sure to check the Ocean Crossing mission in your “Replay Mission” menu. If you missed any Battle Logs, your ‘Battle Log’ objective in the Rewards section will say PENDING instead of COMPLETED.

That wraps up the definitive yet brief guide on the Armored Core 6 Ocean Crossing Battle Log locations. As highlighted earlier, these Logs can give you several enhancements that you can use on your mech to freshen your gameplay. As such, it’s best to kill a few non-threatening enemies to grab these unique items. You can also dive deeper into the AC6 Ocean Crossing’s Loghunt to ensure you didn’t miss any notable collectibles.

If you want to boost some offensive features for your mech, here are the best weapons in Armored Core 6. For defense-based options and parts instead, consider reading the best armor that you can grab in the game. And be sure to check out this guide on OST Chips to get an idea of other essential in-game items.


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Shahzaib Khan is a Walkthrough Writer on eXputer. You’ll find him investing tons of hours into newly released games and helping out his audience on eXputer with his walkthrough guides. He loves to explore every nook and cranny of a video game and bring fresh perspectives to beating it. Shahzaib has many years of writing experience under his belt and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelors in Computer Science || Published 20+ Guides 

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