10 BEST Minecraft Armor Enchantments [Expert’s Picks]

Looking to buff up your defense with the best enchantments for armor in Minecraft? Say no more and check out our top picks here.v

Enchantments are additional buffs or extra perks that can be added to swords, axes, and even crossbows. These serve the purpose of enhancing the properties of whatever item they’re applied to. For instance, the Unbreaking III enchantment added to swords increases their durability and makes them last longer. The same is the case with armor in Minecraft, allowing your attire to persevere for a longer amount of time in the face of your foes. 

Key Takeaways
  • Enchantments are a crucial element players need to get familiar with while playing Minecraft.
  • Having all the right enchantments can enhance the performance of your armor and make survival a whole lot easier.
  • Enchantments like Feather Falling, Protection, and Projectile Protection can help decrease incoming damage.
  • On the other hand, Aqua Affinity, Respiration, and Depth Strider can help you explore the oceans with ease!
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Minecraft Armor Enchantments Table

Enchantment NameMax LevelApplicable ToEffects
Aqua AffinityLevel 1HelmetsProvides players with the
same mining speed when underwater as they
have on land.
ProtectionLevel 4Helmets, Chestplate, Leggings, and
Reduces the damage taken
from enemy attacks
MendingLevel 1All Tools, Weapons, and Armor Uses your experience
points and grants your item with durability
Feather FallingLevel 4BootsReduces the damage taken
when falling from considerable heights.
Soul SpeedLevel 3BootsAllows players to walk
faster on Soul Soil or Soul Sand blocks.
RespirationLevel 3HelmetsProvides players with
additional oxygen time when submerged underwater.
UnbreakingLevel 3For All Tools, Armor, and WeaponsIncreases the durability of
an item.
Depth StriderLevel 3BootsIncreases
player’s speed when walking underwater.
ThornsLevel 3Helmets, Turtle Shells,
Chestplate, Leggings, and Boots.
Attackers receive damage when they touch the wearer.

Best Armor Enchantments In Minecraft

Enchantments offer a unique Minecraft experience and allow you to brave the difficult parts of the game with charm and vigor in equal measure. While other enchantments can pay off to enhance your gameplay experience, there’s no doubt that the Best Minecraft armor enchantments will help you the most to survive. You definitely need to know what are these to level up and become a top-notch player. Let’s get started with them right away. 

1. Aqua Affinity 

minecraft best enchantments for armor
Aqua Affinity
Max Level Description Buffs Applicable To
Aqua Affinity 1 This enchantment provides players with the same mining speed when underwater as they have on land. None Helmets

Starting off this list is the brilliant Aqua Affinity enchantment that can only be applied to Helmets in the game. Aqua Affinity’s major purpose is to provide players with the same mining speed underwater as they would have on land. 

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  • The maximum level that you can upgrade Aqua Affinity to is 1, which is already established at its base. Furthermore, it’s worth taking into account a distinct way of using this enchantment that can allow you to utilize it to the full. 

Don’t try mining while being partially submerged in water. Delve into digging when you’re standing on the sea bed for the best results. You’ll be able to mine at the exact same speed as you would on land. It’s definitely one of the best Minecraft armor enchantments you can get your hands on in the game. 

2. Protection IV 

minecraft best armor enchantments
Protection IV
Max Level Description Buffs Applicable To
Protection 4 This enchantment reduces the damage taken from enemy attacks – Protection 1 reduces the damage taken by 4 points.

– Protection 4 reduces the damage taken by 16 points.

Helmets, Chestplate, Leggings, and Boots.

Protection IV is a versatile armor enchantment in Minecraft, applicable to Helmets, Chestplates, Leggings, and boots. It significantly reduces damage taken from enemy attacks, with Protection 4 reducing damage by 16 points.

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This enchantment is widely regarded as a staple choice for armor, offering valuable protection across all pieces. The ability to stack the enchantment on different armor pieces enhances its effectiveness. It’s particularly beneficial for Netherite armor builds.

However, it’s worth noting that Protection is not compatible with other specific enchantments like Blast Protection, Fire Protection, and Projectile Protection.

3. Mending

Mending I Enchanted Book

Max Level Description Buffs Applicable To
Mending 1 This enchantment uses your experience points and grants your item durability points. For 2 XP points you receive 1 Durability Point All Tools, Weapons, and Armor 

Mending is not an armor-specific enchantment. It is rather a buff that can be used with all tools and weapons in the game. What it does is basically use up your gained Experience Points and utilize them in replenishing your armor’s and weapon’s durability. Mending is one of the best armor enchantments in the game for this purpose. 

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The item that you have enchanted with the Mending perk will automatically be repaired and prevented from becoming unusable. This goes out for your armor too, including the relatively strongest Netherite armor that can give out after a certain number of uses. 

The maximum level that this enchantment can be upgraded to is 1, so you’re pretty much set with the base version of Mending. You can use this perk with any other enchant you can get your hands on, but beware that the Infinity Enchantment is the only one that won’t work with it.

4. Feather Falling IV 

minecraft best armor enchantments 1.14
Feather Falling IV
Max Level Description Buffs Applicable To
Feather Falling 4 This enchantment reduces the damage taken when falling from heights.
  • Feather Falling I provides the players with a 12% damage reduction from considerable heights.
  • Feather Falling IV provides the player with a 48% damage reduction.

Providing a substantial 48% reduction in fall damage. At its base level, Feather Falling I reduces damage by 12%, equivalent to 2 heart icons or 4 health points from considerable heights.

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This enchantment can be stacked with other enchantments like Protection IV, further reducing fall damage. When combined, these enchantments can offer up to an 80% reduction in fall damage, making Feather Falling a crucial tool for survival in Minecraft.

5. Soul Speed III 

minecraft best armor enchantments 1.14
Soul Speed III
Max Level Description Buffs Applicable To
Soul Speed 3 This enchantment allows players to walk faster on Soul Soil or Soul Sand blocks. Increases the player speed by 61.5%. Boots.

Providing a significant speed boost of 61.5% when walking on Soul Soil or Soul Sand blocks in the Nether. This enchantment effectively negates the slowdown effect and sinking into these blocks, allowing normal movement speed.

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At its maximum level of 3, Soul Speed enables players to sprint faster on Soul Soil and Soul Sand than on regular blocks. However, using this enchantment comes with a durability cost, with a 4% chance of depreciation when stepping on these blocks. Fortunately, pairing Soul Speed with Unbreaking III can reduce this chance by up to 30%.

6. Respiration III

minecraft best enchantments for armor
Respiration III
Max Level Description Buffs Applicable To
Respiration 3 This enchantment provides players with additional time when submerged underwater before they take any damage.
  • Respiration I grants an extra 15 seconds underwater.
  • Respiration III grants a full extra minute underwater.

If you’re a fanatic of building terrific underwater bases and beach houses, you’re not going to want to miss out on the Respiration enchantment. It’s worth noting that the perk can only be applied to the Helmet of your armor set.

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Respiration prolongs the amount of time that you can breathe without drowning while submerged underwater. Furthermore, the functionality of this enchantment is two-fold. You’ll not only be breathing underwater for longer, but you’ll also take damage at a lesser rate if you run out of breath and reach the point of drowning. 

  • The maximum power level that Respiration can be upgraded to is 3.
  • The base power level grants you an additional 15 seconds of underwater time before you start taking drown damage. This means that you’ll be able to breathe for 30 seconds just by having Respiration I equipped.
  • If you were to upgrade the enchant to the maximum level, expect a full one minute to be given to you underwater without absorbing drown damage. 

There is a way to capitalize on the total output of Respiration III. You can get yourself a Turtle Shell and wear it on your head. The process of crafting a Turtle Shell is lengthy, but easy nonetheless. All you have to do is grow a Baby Turtle on your Minecraft farm or anywhere else that’s suitable by feeding it consistently. 

7. Unbreaking III

best minecraft enchantments for armor
Unbreaking III
Max Level Description Buffs Applicable To
Unbreaking 3 This enchantment increases the durability of an item. Unbreaking III allows an increase in the lifespan of an item by 42.9% For All Tools, Armor, and Weapons

You’ve seen me mention the Unbreaking III enchantment for its effectiveness before in this guide, so it’s only logical that I provide it in a separate entry. This hefty buff is centered on the durability trait—just like Mending—and serves the purpose of increasing any tool’s, weapon’s, or armor piece’s endurance toward a decrease in durability points.

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  • The maximum power level that Unbreaking can be taken up to is 3. There is a certain formula that this enchant follows to implement the favorable effects.
  • You’ll receive a 42.9% increase in the typical lifetime of an armor piece with the Unbreaking III equipped if we’re to sum that formula up. 

We definitely recommend pairing Unbreaking III with Mending if you want to make your high-end armor indestructible. The duo is easily one of the best Minecraft armor enchantments that can alter the odds in your favor in Survival Mode. Besides, you will be needing the extra buffs when mining a great deal of blocks for some of the most amazing player-made cottages in the game.

8. Depth Strider III

all armor enchantments minecraft
Depth Strider III
Max Level Description Buffs Applicable To
Depth Strider 3 This enchantment allows the increase of a player’s speed when walking underwater.
  • Horizontal movement is going to be the same as it is on land.
  • Vertical movement is still slower than normal.

Granting increased speed for walking underwater. While horizontal movement remains the same as on land, vertical movement is slower than normal.

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At its maximum level of 3, Depth Strider significantly enhances underwater mobility, offering three-quarters of the player’s regular speed.

However, it’s important to note that Depth Strider is incompatible with Frost Walker, another enchantment that allows walking on water. Despite this limitation, Depth Strider remains one of the most valuable armor enchantments in Minecraft.

9. Thorns III

best enchantments for netherite armor
Thorns III
Max Level Description Buffs Applicable To
Thorns 3 This enchantment allows an attack from an enemy to be received right back at them.
  • Thorns I grants a 15% success rate of dealing damage to the enemy.
  • Thorns III grants a 45% success rate.
Helmets, Turtle Shells, Chestplate, Leggings, and Boots.

Thorns III is an enchantment applicable to Helmets, Turtle Shells, Chestplates, Leggings, and Boots in Minecraft. When equipped, it reflects a percentage of damage back to any entity that attacks the player.

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At Thorns III level, there’s a 45% chance of damaging the attacker upon being hit, with damage ranging from 1 to 4 health points.

This enchantment can be stacked on multiple armor pieces, increasing the likelihood of retaliation. Fully stacked across all armor parts, it provides a 61.18% chance of dealing damage to attackers, making it a formidable defensive option.

10. Projectile Protection IV

Projectile Protection IV
Projectile Protection IV is an enchantment applicable to all armor pieces in Minecraft, offering significant defense against projectile attacks. It reduces damage from arrows, tridents, shulker bullets, llama spit, and blaze fireballs.
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At its maximum level of 4, Projectile Protection provides a 32% reduction in projectile damage. However, it’s worth noting that this enchantment cannot be combined with Protection, Blast Protection, or Fire Protection enchantments.

How to Create the Best Minecraft Armor Using Enchantments 

Enchantments on their own can surely do the job for you, but did you know there is a way of merging enchantments together and increasing the overall effect they create for your armor? This is the way most pro players utilize their armor pieces and end up crafting the most solid robust in the game. 

We’ll be covering how to create the best Minecraft armors using a combination of enchantments in this section.

Best Helmet – What Minecraft Armor Enchantments to Use

Crafting the best helmet in Minecraft requires you to obtain the following enchantments: 

  • Protection IV 
  • Aqua Affinity
  • Respiration III 
  • Unbreaking III 
  • Mending

Best Chestplate – What Minecraft Armor Enchantments to Use

You will need the following enchantments to transform your Netherite Chestplate into an overly resilient armor piece:

  • Mending
  • Protection IV 
  • Unbreaking III

Best Leggings – What Minecraft Armor Enchantments to Use

The following enchantments are required to buff up the Netherite Leggings like never before: 

  • Unbreaking III
  • Mending 
  • Protection IV 

Best Boots – What Minecraft Armor Enchantments to Use

Getting the best Boots in Minecraft warrants the presence of the following enchants in your inventory. Do note that this one will be fairly complex to manifest, so bear with me as I walk you through the whole procedure.

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  • Protection IV 
  • Feather Falling IV
  • Unbreaking III
  • Depth Strider III
  • Soul Speed III 
  • Mending

My Thoughts On The Best Armor Enchantments

In my opinion, the enchantment that best suits armor is Protection IV. Protection shields the player from enemy and mob damage. The level of defense depends upon the level of enchantment. For instance, if all armor pieces are equipped with Protection IV, it shields the player from 64% of damage.

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My current in-game achievements for Minecraft (Screenshot by me)

This enchantment can be obtained through villager trades, loot chests, or by combining the Protection Enchantment Book with armor using an anvil. However, it should be noted that Protection is incompatible with Blast Protection, Projectile Protection, and Fire Protection.


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Daniyal is a Guides Writer and Editor at eXputer with over one year of experience in content writing. He's had a passion for tech and gaming for more than 15 years. Ever since his first console, the PS2, he's constantly branching off to different genres, and his go-to at the moment is the Souls experience pioneered by FromSoftware, which is evident by his 1,500+ hours of game time on Elden Ring. You can learn some more about Daniyal's gaming journey on his Steam & Xbox profiles.

Experience: 1+ Years || Mainly Covers Guides || Education: Bachelors in Computer Sciences.

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