Hogwarts Legacy Troll Bogeys Locations

Here's how to pick Bogeys in Hogwarts Legacy, not from your nose.

Troll Bogeys is an ingredient used to create the Invisibility potion. This has left players wondering where to find troll bogeys in Hogwarts Legacy. They can be purchased from J. Pippin’s Potions in Hogsmeade or obtained by killing trolls found throughout the open world.

Key Takeaways
  • Troll Bogeys used for Invisibility Potion in Hogwarts Legacy.
  • Invisibility Potion better than Disillusionment spell for stealth.
  • Buy 5 Troll Bogeys at J. Pippin’s Potions, Hogsmeade.
  • Kill Trolls for 5 Troll Bogeys; Trolls marked by cave icon on map.
  • Activate Floo Flames to reveal Troll lair icon.
  • Killing Trolls is easy with Protego and Ancient Magic.

Here are the ways to obtain Troll Bogeys in Hogwarts Legacy.

J. Pippin’s Potions

J. Pippin’s Potions is a shop found in Hogsmeade that sells potions and materials required to craft potions. Players will arrive at Hogsmeade very early on in the game, and J. Pippin’s Potions is required to progress through the story. So, do not worry about finding this shop.

Hogwarts Legacy J pippin's potion shop
Trolls Bogeys In The Shop | Screenshot By Us

Also, once you are there, you can purchase Troll Bogeys for 100 Galleons each. However, you can only purchase 5 Troll Bogeys before he runs out of stock, so keep that in mind.

In addition, here is the accurate location of J. Pippin’s Potions in Hogsmeade.

Potion Shop Troll Bogeys
The J. Pippin’s Potion Shop’s Location | Image By eXputer


Trolls are a mini-boss that can be encountered in many locations throughout the world of Hogwarts Legacy. Their locations will always be indicated by a cave icon on Hogwarts’ map. Also, we recommend filling up your Ancient Magic meter before engaging these Trolls.

Furthermore, you can obtain a whopping 5 Troll Bogeys from killing 1 Troll. It is very easy to kill a Troll, too, as Protego can nullify pretty much its entire moveset.

Here is a Troll’s lair in Feldcroft. The troll will be level 15, so it should not be difficult to kill.

Hogwarts Legacy Troll Lair
A Troll’s Lair In Feldcroft | Image By Us

You can find many more throughout the massive open world by activating the many Floo Flames checkpoints found throughout the game. Doing so will reveal all icons on the map, allowing you to find Troll Lairs easily.

How To Use Troll Bogeys 

Troll Bogeys are used to create the Invisibility potion. As the name implies, it can turn you completely invisible, which comes in handy if you prefer a stealthy approach. It is a much better option compared to the Disillusionment Spell, provided you do not have the Invisibility Cloak.


Hogwarts Legacy is the latest endeavor by Avalanche Studios. It is their first-ever project on this scale, and thankfully, they did not disappoint. Hogwarts Legacy embodies the aesthetic, beauty, and adventure of the Harry Potter universe’s Hogwarts school and hits longtime fans with the hardest nostalgia attack they have ever gotten. It has broken all records, becoming the most-watched single-player game on Twitch.

And there you have it. With our guide on where to find Troll Bogeys in Hogwarts Legacy, you can craft your Invisibility potion with this disgusting yet hilarious ingredient.

If you are curious about all the spells in Hogwarts Legacy, check out our guide. Also, if you wish to learn what the level cap in Hogwarts Legacy is, you should check out our guide. Make sure to unlock Wingardium Leviosa as it is a great spell. Also, if you wish to learn how to unlock the Alohomora spell, check out our guide. Lastly, here are all Unicorn locations.


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