Hogwarts Legacy: How To Find Lacewing Flies

All The Locations Where You Can Find The Lacewing Flies

Lacewing Flies are an important ingredient (insect) in Hogwarts Legacy as it is required in several recipes to get some of the most powerful potions in the game. There are many ways through which you can obtain the Flies, but do note that opting for the easiest method isn’t always the most suitable one.

Key Takeaways
  • Players might find Lacewing Flies in massive quantities, but you can choose the hard way or the cheap way.
  • The easiest way is just to buy them from the potion store, but this method will cost you some money
  • You can save money by finding them in the wild, but this will require your time and much more effort
  • These flies also roam around the keen bridge and they can be caught in large numbers.
  • Some of these Flies can be found in the Floo Station if searched properly where you will at least find 3 nests. 
  • It is advised to go on a hunt for Lacewing Flies once and collect them in excess so you can use them later onwards

How To Get The Lacewing Flies 

The Flies are usually available at most places, but you must look for the right places if you want to use them earlier in the game.

Hogwrats Legacy Lacewing Flies
How to find lacewing flies in the wild

When you have gained the Flies, you just have to take the first potions class. This will aid you in the unlocking room of requirement or classrooms so you can even brew your ingredients. There are several methods to obtain the items but you will be briefed about both the easiest and the hard way to get them.

Buying From Vendor

You must visit Hogsmeade to the J.J. Pippin’s Potions shop, where you can just buy five bottles of the item for a cost of 100 Galleons (Golden Coins). You can also obtain other items like horklump juice or other items from the store. You can find the exact location of the store if you travel towards the west side of the area.

Hogwarts Legacy Lacewing Flies
Locations of The Flies

Finding In Open Area 

Usually, these insects are easily found in open areas like the wild but you should search properly. These items will be found in an area with grass and where the tree density is quite low. You should check the bushes as most of them are hidden inside them. It is recommended to search for these items at night as it glows which will be quite easy for you to find.

You can also use Lumos to make the area much more visible and brighter so you can search easily. You can also add Revelio to make the bushes highlighted so the search for Flies can be much easier.

Floo Station Forest

You can also find these insets in Floo Station Forrest where if you move towards the east side, you may find at least 3 nests.

You can pick the Flies by just pressing the left button when you are near a bush and a white diamond becomes visible. This way, the flies will be directly added to the inventory of the player.

Keen Bridge

Sometimes if you are lucky, the Flies will be found around the area if searched properly. Though they have a transparent body due to their wide wing span and their specific glow, they can be spotted quite easily.

Hogwarts Legacy Lacewing Flies
Lacewing Flies in the wild


Do note that the Flies is an ingredient used for a potion called the “Focus Potion”. This potion is used to decrease the cooldown rate on various spells when you are in between a fight. This potion can be used to access the best available spells more rapidly. This will give you an edge over your opponent, leading to an increased chance of winning the duel.

You can also use the flies for using the Felix Felicis spell. The potion also helps to find some of the bigger chest vaults available in the game. This way you can increase your financial status. You can brew items like Focus Station and Felix Felicis for 1 minute each but other might take a bit while so plan accordingly.

Do note that the Focus potion requires three items which are 1x Lacewing Flies, 1x Fluxweed Stem, and 1x Dugbog Tongue. Therefore, the insects are one of the required items and without it, the potion cant be created.

These insects are also used for creating the Polyjuice Potion. These insects are one of the items for making this potion and this has to be stewed for about twenty-one days to make it ready.

The easiest way is to just buy the Flies from the J.J. Pippin store. This option is quite suitable for those who don’t like to waste time finding items. But do note that this will require some of your financial investment and the plus side of this option is that you won’t have to devote some of your time to finding the required item for your potion.

The hard option is to find in the wild and all the above-mentioned areas. Though, this might seem hard and time-consuming but do remember that this is the cheapest way to obtain the insect without giving any gold coins.

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