Little Alchemy 2: How To Make Wood [9 Ways]

This How To Make Wood in Little Alchemy 2 guide will showcase ways to make wood for players!

Little Alchemy 2 is the continuation of its predecessor, Little Alchemy, and it offers players different elements with which they can create an entire planet and anything they might desire. My guide will cover all the potential ways to make wood in Little Alchemy 2 using different materials and discuss things you can make with wood!

Key Takeaways
  • Wood is one of the key elements that can be used in many ways in Little Alchemy 2.
  • There are a total of 9 ways to create the Wood element.
  • After you are done making the Wood element in Little Alchemy 2, you can create unique elements by putting together your favorite elements with the Wood ingredient.

Methods To Make Wood In Little Alchemy 2

Let’s start by discussing the different methods available to get wood in-game! There are up to 9 recipes that you can use to get the Wood element in the game. Furthermore, you can later use the Wood to create tons of more elements in the game.

Forest And Axe 

The first method will include combining Forest and Axe elements to get your hands on wood. The method to make an Axe is listed below. 

Little Alchemy 2 Axe
Ingredients Results
Water and water  Puddle 
Earth and fire Lava 
Fire and fire  Energy 
Earth and earth  Land 
Air and lava  Stone 
Puddle and water Pond 
Earth and land Continent 
Fire and stone  Metal 
Pond and water Lake 
Stone and stone  Wall 
Continent and continent  Planet 
Air and planet  Atmosphere 
Earth and metal  Plow 
Lake and water Sea 
Wall and wall House 
Atmosphere and water  Cloud 
Earth and plow  Field 
Earth and sea  Primordial Soup
Cloud and water  Rain 
Metal and stone  Blade 
Energy and Primordial Soup Life 
Fire and life  Phoenix 
Earth and life  Soil 
Phoenix and phoenix  Egg 
Blade and metal  Sword 
Field and house  Barn 
Rain and soil  Plant 
Barn and egg Chicken 
Chicken and egg Philosophy 
Philosophy and planet Big 
Big and planet Tree 
Sword and tree  Wood 
Stone and wood  Axe 

Below is the method to make a forest in Little Alchemy 2:

Little Alchemy 2 Forest
Ingredients  Results 
Water and water Puddle 
Fire and fire  energy
Earth and fire  lava
Earth and earth land
Puddle and water  Pond 
Earth and land  Continent 
Air and lava Stone 
Pond and water Lake 
Stone and stone  Wall 
Continent and continent  Planet
Fire and stone  Metal 
Air and planet  Atmosphere 
Wall and wall House 
Lake and water Sea 
Earth and metal  Plow 
Atmosphere and water Cloud 
Earth and sea Primordial soup 
Earth and plow  Field 
Cloud and water Rain 
Energy and Primordial Soup Life 
Fire and life  Phoenix 
Earth and life  Soil 
Phoenix and phoenix Egg 
Field and house  Barn 
Rain and soil  Plant 
Barn and egg Chicken 
Chicken and egg Philosophy 
Philosophy and planet  Big 
Big and plant  Tree 
Tree and tree  Forest 

After making the Forest and Axe, combine them to get Wood.

There are also some other methods that you can follow to make Wood in Little Alchemy 2, including the following:

Tree And Axe

The next method that I would like to discuss will feature the use of a tree and axe. The method to make an axe has already been mentioned above. Therefore, here is the method to make a tree.

Little Alchemy 2 Tree
Ingredients  Results 
Water and water  Puddle 
Fire and fire  Energy 
Earth and fire  Lava 
Earth and earth  Land 
Air and lava  Stone 
Puddle and water  Pond 
Earth and land  Continent 
Fire and stone  Metal 
Pond and water  Lake 
Stone and stone  Wall 
Continent and continent  Planet
Wall and wall  House 
Lake and water  Sea 
Earth and metal  Plow 
Air and planet  Atmosphere 
Earth and sea  Primordial Soup 
Atmosphere and water  Cloud 
Earth and plow  Field 
Cloud and water  Rain 
Energy and Primordial Soup  Life 
Fire and life  Phoenix 
Earth and life  Soil 
Phoenix and phoenix  Egg 
Field and house  Barn 
Rain and soil  Plant 
Barn and egg  Chicken 
Chicken and egg  Philosophy 
Philosophy and planet Big 
Big and plant  Tree 

And so by combining the Tree and the Axe you’ll get Wood yet again.

Chainsaw And Forest 

Next up, let’s take a look at the third method, which includes using a chainsaw and forest to make wood. Here is the method used to make a chainsaw: 

Little Alchemy 2 Chainsaw
Ingredients  Results 
Earth + Earth  Land 
Earth + fire  Lava 
Earth + Water  Mud 
Water + Water  Puddle 
Fire + fire  Energy 
Air + lava  Stone 
Earth + land  Continent 
Puddle + water  Pond 
Pond + water  Lake 
Fire + stone  Metal 
Continent + continent  Planet 
Stone + stone  Wall 
Mud + stone  Clay 
Air + planet  Atmosphere 
Wall + wall House 
Fire + planet  Sun 
Earth + metal  Plow 
Lake + water  Sea 
Earth and sea  Primordial soup 
Atmosphere + water  Cloud 
Earth + plow  Field 
Cloud + water  Rain 
Energy + sun  Solar cell 
Energy + primordial soup  Life 
Fire + life  Phoenix 
Earth + life  Soil 
Phoenix + phoenix  Egg 
Field + house  Barn 
Solar cell + sun  Electricity 
Clay + life  Human 
Rain + soil  Plant 
Barn + egg  Philosophy 
Philosophy + planet  Big 
Big + plant  Tree 
Human + tree  Lumberjack 
Lumberjack + electricity  Chainsaw 

After that, combine the Chainsaw with the Forest to unlock another combination for Wood.

Chainsaw And Tree 

Players can also acquire the Wood element in the game by combining the Chainsaw and Tree elements. I have mentioned all the recipes above for both of them.

Forest And Lumberjack 

Another reliable way to learn to make Wood is by using the method of combining a lumberjack and a forest.

Now for the lumberjack recipe, here it is below: 

Little Alchemy 2 Lumberjack
Ingredients  Results 
Fire and earth  Lava 
Water and water  Puddle 
Water and earth  Mud 
Fire and fire  Energy 
Earth and earth  Land 
Water and puddle  Pond 
Lava and air  Stone 
Land and earth  Continent 
Stone and fire  Metal 
Stone and stone  Wall 
Continent and continent  Planet 
Water and pond  Lake 
Metal and earth  Plow 
Wall and wall  House 
Planet and air  Atmosphere 
Water and lake  Sea 
Stone and mud  Clay 
Water and Atmosphere  Cloud 
Sea and earth  Primordial Soup 
Plow and earth  Field 
Water and cloud  Rain 
Primordial soup and energy  Life 
Life and earth  Soil 
Life and fire  Phoenix 
Phoenix and phoenix  egg
House and field  Barn 
Life and clay Human 
Soil and rain  Plant 
Egg and barn  Chicken 
Egg and chicken  Philosophy 
Planet and philosophy  Big 
Plant plus big  Tree 
Tree and human  Lumberjack 

Forest And Tool 

The next way to make wood for Little Alchemy 2 players is by combining the tool and forest elements in-game, with Tools being made by following this method: 

Little Alchemy 2 Tool
Ingredients  Results 
Earth and water  Mud 
Fire and earth  Lava 
Fire and fire  Energy 
Water and water  Puddle 
Lava and air  Stone 
Water and puddle  Pond 
Water and pond  Lake 
Stone and mud  Clay 
Water and lake  Sea 
Sea and earth  Primordial soup 
Primordial soup and energy  Life 
Life and clay  Human 
Stone and human  Tool 

Tree And Lumberjack 

A natural combination where a lumberjack hitting a tree will produce wood. Hence, you can combine a Tree with a Lumberjack to get another recipe for Wood in your books.

Sword And Tree 

Another easy method to make wood will include using elements like the sword and a tree. I have already discussed the recipes for Tree.

Little Alchemy 2 Sword
Ingredients  Results 
Earth with fire Lava 
Air with lava  Stone 
Fire with stone  Metal 
Metal with stone  Blade 
Blade with metal  Sword 

Tool And Tree 

The final process for knowing how to make wood in Little Alchemy 2 is using a tool and a tree. This is the last combination that you need to get all the possible recipes to make the Wood element.

Things To Make With Wood 

Moving on, let’s discuss the possible things that players can make with wood:

  • Wood with air will give a flute.
  • Wood with an animal will give a beaver.
  • Wood with a bee will give a beehive.
  • Wood with a bird will give a woodpecker.
  • Wood with a blade will give an axe and a sword.
  • Wood with a blender will give paper.
  • Wood with a bow will give an arrow.
  • Wood with a bullet will give an arrow, too.
  • Wood with charcoal will give a pencil.
  • Wood combined with cheese will result in a mousetrap.
  • Wood mixed with coal will give a pencil.
  • Wood with a container will result in a bucket.
  • Wood with a cook will result in a cutting board.
  • Wood with a corpse will produce a coffin.
  • Wood combined with earth will give a plow.
  • Wood with a piece of fabric will result in a drum and a tent.
  • Wood combined with a field will result in a fence and plow.
  • Wood with fire will give three things: a vampire, charcoal, and smoke.
  • Wood combined with fish gives a fishing rod.
  • Wood with fruit results in a fruit tree.
  • Wood mixed with a garden will result in a fence.
  • Wood with glass will give the player a mirror.
  • Wood mixed with hay will give a broom.
  • Wood with the horse will give a trojan horse.
  • Wood with a house will result in a log cabin.
  • Wood mixed with a human will result in a lumberjack and a tool.
  • Wood with ice gives a snowboard.
  • Wood with juice gives a popsicle.
  • Wood mixed with a lake gives a boat.
  • Wood with leather results in a drum.
  • Wood mixed with a letter results in a mailbox.
  • Wood and life will give Pinocchio.
  • Wood with a machine will give a mailbox.
  • Wood with metal gives a tool.
  • Wood mixed with music will give a drum.
  • Wood with the ocean will give a boat.
  • Wood and paper give a book.
  • Wood and pencil give a ruler.
  • Wood with a piranha produces a fishing rod.
  • Wood with a plant gives a tree.
  • Wood with pressure gives the paper.
  • Wood and river give a boat.
  • Wood and rock give a tool.
  • Wood and a rope give a bow.
  • Wood and sea give the player a boat.
  • Wood with snow gives a snowboard.
  • Wood combined with sound will result in a bell.
  • Wood with steel gives a tool.
  • Wood and a stone give an axe.
  • Wood with a story gives Pinocchio.
  • Wood with a stream will produce a bridge.
  • Wood with a swordfish will result in a fishing rod.
  • Wood with tobacco will result in a pipe.
  • Wood and a tool will give an axe.
  • Wood with a tree will give a treehouse.
  • Wood plus a wall will result in a fence.
  • Wood and water give a boat.
  • Wood and a wheel give a cart.
  • Wood with wind produces a flute.
  • Wood with wine produces a barrel.
  • Wood and wire produce a bow.
  • Wood with a wizard produces a wand.
  • Wood with wood produces a wall.

With that, I will wrap up my guide on my making wood in Little Alchemy 2! 

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Mina is a Senior Guides Writer and a fanatic who’s obsessed with playing games and writing about them. She’s invested more than 2,500 hours in games like Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism, she loves to write detailed guides for beginners and pros in the Gacha Games world. You can follow Mina's gaming activity on her Steam and PSN Profiles.

Experience: 3+ Years

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