Palworld Black Merchant Locations [All Trades & Locations]

After Spending countless hours exploring all the land in Palworld, these are all the Black Merchant Locations I found.

There comes a time when that special bond between you and your Pals fades away. You journey to the Black Merchant Locations in Palworld at such a moment, hoping to get a good deal and some money selling your old companions. Consequently, If you have Pals that you don’t need or if they have bad passive traits, you can easily sell them off for a decent sum of money. I only found the following four Black Marketeers in Palworld in my playthrough.

Key Takeaways
  • Black merchants are neutral entities that barter in ill-gained pals.
  • You can find at least four Black Marketeers in Palworld as of now.
  • They Scattered across every corner of Palworld in both hot and cold climates.
  • Black Marketeers are the only merchants who will barter with captured humans.

1. The Abandoned Mine Black Marketeer

The easiest Black Marketeer you can get to in Palworld when starting your world is the one in the Abandoned Mine. The Marketeer is located roughly at (40, -406), but the entrance to the mine itself is a bit farther south. 

Follow these steps to get to the Abandoned Mine:

  1. Go to the Eagle Statue near the Desolate Church (63, -416).
    Church Eagle Statue
    The Desolate Church Eagle Statue (Image Credit Copyright: eXputer)
  2. Follow the path to the west that heads towards the mountain’s edge on the map.
    Mountain Path to the Black marketeer
    Mountain Path to the Abandoned Mineshaft (Image Credit: eXputer)
  3. Once you are on the cliff’s edge, use a mount to jump down towards the west on the path below.
  4. Keep heading down from the path to your left until you see the belly of the mountain.
    Abandoned Mineshaft Palworld Black Marketeer Location
    The Abandoned Mineshaft Entrance (Image Captured by eXputer)
  5. Navigate through the mine entrance to get to the Abandoned Mineshaft Black Merchant.

2. The Mount Obsidian Black Marketeer

The rest of the Black Merchant Locations in Palworld are equally difficult to get to if you don’t account for the local levels of hostile entities. The Mount Obsidian Black Marketeer is one that I opted for next out of my love for fire-type Pals at Obsidian Mountain. 

Important: Mount Obsidian is a very hot island so you will need armor that increases your heat resistance to explore that region.

Steps to get to the Black Marketeer at Mount Obsidian:

  1. Teleport to or journey towards the Beach of Everlasting Summer Eagle Statue at Mount Obsidian (-834, -565).
    Mount Obsidian eagle statue
    The Beach of Everlasting Summer Eagle Statue (Image Credit: eXputer)
  2. Start moving south and stay on top of the grey obsidian cliff.
    Mount Obsidian
    Obsidian Mountain Cliff (Image Captured by eXputer)
  3. At the end of the cliff, you will see a beach with three huge rocks, go towards them.
    Mount Obsidian Edge
    The Three Rocks on the Beach (Image Credit: eXputer)
  4. The Black Marketeer will be behind the small boulder beside the three big rocks.
    Obsidian Mountain Black Merchant Location
    The Obsidian Mountain Black Marketeer (Image Credit Copyright: eXputer)

3. The Duneshelter Black Marketeer

The Dunesheleter Black Marketeer is located just outside the Duneshelter Ruins. Making a journey this far just for a merchant doesn’t seem wise. Thankfully, the Duneshelter Ruins are full of chests and Huge Eggs. However, I do not recommend going here unless you have a flying mount because it is not fun to journey there on land.

Follow these steps to get to the Duneshelter Black Marketeer:

  1. Start by approaching the Icy Wesel Hill Eagle Statue at 4, 183.
    Icy Weasel Hill Statue
    The Icy Weasal Hill Eagel Statue (Image Capture by eXputer)
  2. Take the path towards the north that heads in an overall northwest direction from the statue on the map.
    North Icy Weasal Hill Path
    The Path to the Black Marketeer (Image Credit: eXputer)
  3. That path ultimately ends on a cliff on the mountain.
  4. Behind the trees on the cliff stands the Duneshelter Black Marketeer.
    Duneshelter Balck Merchant
    The Duneshelter Ruins Black Merchant (Image Copyright: eXputer)

4. The Secret Mineshaft Black Marketeer

The Secret Mineshaft Black Merchant is probably one of the harder locations to travel to. It requires both heat and cold resistance for the desert climate. The Pals there aren’t too friendly either making the entire journey unpleasant. However, it shouldn’t be too difficult if you’re level 25 or over and it has a lot of Eagle Statues if you do meet an unfortunate end.

Steps to get to the Secret Mineshaft Black Merchant:

  1. Start by going towards the PIDF Tower Entrance eagle statue at 542, 333.
    PIDF Entrance Black Merchant Location
    PIDF Tower Entrance Eagle Statue (Image Captured by eXputer)
  2. Journey west towards the edge of the mountain on which the Eagle Statue is
  3. You may notice a small gap with an underlying ravine at the end of that mountain.
  4. Use a flying mount to either fly down or use a riding mount to jump down without taking fall damage.
  5. You should see a cave opening in the ravine lit up by torches.
    Secret Mineshaft Black Merchant Location
    The Secret Mineshaft Entrance (Image Credit Copyright: eXputer)
  6. Navigate towards the end of the cave and you will find the Secret Mineshaft Black Marketeer.
    The Secret Mineshaft Balck Marketeer Location
    The Secret Mineshaft Black Marketeer (Image Credit: eXputer)

All Black Marketeer Trades In Palworld

With all the Black Merchant Locations in Palworld out of the way, the only thing left is the trades. The Black Merchant will buy every captured Pal you have, including those Syndicate Humans you have captured. The passive skills and rarity dictate the price of the Pal you want to sell.

All the Pals that you can buy from Black Merchants are listed in the table below:

Pal NamePal Price
Ribbunny2,958 gold
Jolthog Cryst3,049 gold
Killamari3,420 gold
Galeclaw6,030 gold
Robinquill6,150 gold
Chillet10,350 gold
Incineram11,472 gold
Dumund11,959 gold
Relaxaurus29,184 gold
Nox4,440 gold
Robinquil4,612 gold
Beegrade4,794 gold
Vaelet5,586 gold

My Tips For Dealing With Black Merchants

Black Merchants are a fun part of Palworld because they are the only ones you can sell humans to. I recommend selling off all the Pals with undesirable traits to Black Marketeers as they often give you a better price than the normal Pal Traders.

That concludes All the Black Merchant Locations in Palworld. Hopefully, you could locate all of them easily because it was not easy on my side. 

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Ibrahim Akhtar is a guides & features writer at eXputer. He uses his passion for gaming to provide insightful takes in his articles. Ibrahim spends most of his time defending Baldur's Gate from the forces of the Absolute. He has accumulated more than 15 years of gaming experience, having 1000 hours in The Witcher 3 and twice as much on Skyrim V. Ibrahim has previously worked at TopTierList. You can keep up with his Steam account to stay up to date on his latest explorations.

Experience: 1+ Years || Previously Worked for TopTierList || Education: Bachelors in Data Science.

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