Starfield: How To Get Dream Trait & Home

Learn about The Dream Home trait in Starfield, which offers players luxury on Nesoi, balanced by a hefty 125,000 Credit mortgage challenge.

Starfield immerses players in an expansive universe with a myriad of choices, one of which is the unique Dream Home trait. Situated on the mesmerizing planet Nesoi in the Olympus System, this luxurious property offers an opulent abode amidst the vastness of space. However, its allure comes with strings attached—a daunting 125,000 Credit mortgage.

Key Takeaways
  • Starfield’s Dream Home trait grants players a luxurious residence on Nesoi in the Olympus System.
  • The acquisition comes with a significant 125,000 Credit mortgage debt to GalBank.
  • Players can opt for a weekly 500 Credit access fee in Starfield, which doesn’t reduce the main debt.
  • Debt settlement is not immediately punitive; unpaid debts restrict home access until entrance fees are met.
  • Completing the “One Small Step” main story quest in Starfield is required to unlock the Dream Home.
  • Landry Hollifield in New Atlantis is pivotal for addressing mortgage details or trait removal.
  • Players can personalize the Dream Home through the game’s decorating system, accessed via the crafting menu in Starfield.

What Is Dream Home Trait In Starfield?

Dream Home Trait
Dream Home Trait (picture credits: eXputer)

In Starfield, the Dream Home trait allows players to start with a luxurious property on the planet Nesoi in the Olympus System.

In Starfield, once players dive into the immersive process of crafting their avatar, one of the traits they can choose is the Dream Home trait. This trait is not just about granting an aesthetic house; it has gameplay implications tied to it.

  • Choosing this trait bestows your character with a luxurious space property.
  • However, this luxury comes at a significant financial cost.
  • A mortgage to the tune of 125,000 credits, owed to the in-game banking institution called GalBank, accompanies the trait.
  • This debt symbolizes a weighty commitment to the player, pushing them to engage in in-game activities and strategies to generate the necessary credits.

For those who might feel daunted by this hefty sum, the game offers a more manageable alternative. Players can opt to pay a weekly amount of 500 credits, allowing them to access their dream house. However, there’s a catch: these payments merely grant access and do not contribute towards reducing the principal amount. It’s akin to paying for the privilege of entering your house rather than paying down the mortgage.

How The Dream Home Trait Works
How The Dream Home Trait Works (picture credits: eXputer)

Now, while Starfield does present this financial challenge, it’s not entirely unforgiving. If players find themselves unable to make their payments, GalBank does not kick them out of their homes. Instead, access to the house is restricted until an entrance fee is paid. This leniency offers players some breathing room, especially in the early stages when accumulating credits can be a challenge.

Is the Dream Home Trait Worth It?

Dream Home Trait house
Dream Home Trait house (picture credits: eXputer)

Whether the Dream Home trait in Starfield aligns with your gameplay aspirations is pivotal. I suggest that players seeking a role-playing or story-driven experience should consider getting this trait.

Having a designated base in the vastness of space can provide emotional anchorage, driving personal stories and interactions. The trait grants players a touch of luxury amidst the wild unknown—a base from where tales of galactic adventures begin.

  • Exploration Priority: Those who prioritize exploration, hopping from one star to the next, might find the Dream Home trait more of a liability than a boon.

Trader Or Hub Playstyle Preference

Initial Mortgage Debt
Initial Mortgage Debt (picture credits: eXputer)

The Dream Home is not merely a cosmetic addition—it affects gameplay. For some playstyles, especially those involving trade, diplomacy, or establishing a personal hub, the Dream Home trait in Starfield offers clear advantages.

  • It can serve as a location for NPC interactions, ship storage, and perhaps even crafting or trade.
  • Additionally, the sense of having a “home” can be gratifying to many players, offering a sense of accomplishment.
  • However, Starfield likely provides an array of traits tailored for diverse gameplay choices.
  • For those who feel the weight of the Dream Home’s financial commitments is too restricting, other traits might focus on combat proficiency, diplomacy, crafting, or exploration bonuses.

These alternatives could better support players who desire a gameplay experience less tied to a fixed location or financial obligations.

Based on my gameplay experience, the Dream Home trait in Starfield is a double-edged sword, offering a blend of opportunities and challenges. Here are the pros and cons I’ve found for the trait:


  1. Customizability: One of the primary advantages is the ability to design and customize your space. This means players can create a unique and personalized sanctuary in the vastness of the universe.
  2. Location: Being strategically located can offer players easier access to resources, faster travel times between missions, or even a haven in the unpredictable expanse of space.


  1. Initial Mortgage Debt: The 125,000 credits owed to GalBank is a hefty sum.
  2. Weekly Payments: The alternative payment system, where one can pay 500 credits weekly, doesn’t decrease the overall debt. This perpetual outflow of credits can become a drain on resources.

How To Remove The Dream Home Trait

How To Remove The Dream Home
How To Remove The Dream Home (picture credits: eXputer)

In Starfield, removing the Dream Home trait involves a specific set of actions. Key to this process is a visit to Landry Hollifield.

While the reasons behind Landry’s involvement remain uncertain, it’s evident that this character plays a central role in managing or altering the trait specifics, perhaps serving as a mediator or a representative of GalBank.

Before considering the removal, players must be mindful of one crucial detail: the potential foreclosure of the Dream Home.

  • Foreclosure isn’t just a loss of the in-game property; it’s a risk to any personal items stored within.
  • This could range from rare artifacts, tools, and weapons, to personal keepsakes that a player has acquired on their spacefaring journey.
  • Losing these due to oversight can be a significant setback, especially if certain items are integral to quests or offer substantial gameplay advantages.
  • Hence, ensuring that all valuable items are retrieved before initiating the removal process becomes paramount.

How To Get The “Dream Home” House?

One Small Step
One Small Step (picture credits: eXputer)

In Starfield, players eager to acquire their very own Dream Home must first immerse themselves in the game’s narrative. The pivotal key to unlocking this unique trait lies within the game’s storyline.

One Small Step Main Story Quest

To gain access to the Dream Home in Starfield, players must complete the “One Small Step” main story quest.

This quest acts as a gateway, suggesting its significance in the overarching narrative. The name itself, reminiscent of the famous words spoken during the moon landing, hints at a significant milestone or achievement in the player’s journey.

Finding Landry Hollifield

locate landry hollifield
Locate Landry Hollifield (picture credits: eXputer)
  1. Location: Landry Hollifield is situated in New Atlantis.
  2. GalBank Directions: To locate GalBank, where you’ll likely interact with Landry regarding mortgage details:
      • Start at New Atlantis’ main plaza.
      • Head northeast, following signs for financial districts
      • Look for the prominent GalBank logo.
  3. Mortgage Details
      • Initial debt for Dream Home trait: 125,000 credits.
      • Alternative: Pay 500 credits weekly. This doesn’t decrease the overall debt.
My Opinion: I got the Dream Home while playing through Starfield. While I enjoyed everything the house had to offer, my only minor gripe was the blurred windows.

Can You Customize Your Dream House?

customize dream home
customize dream home (picture credits: eXputer)

Yes, players can decorate their Dream House however they see fit. Upon acquiring the Dream Home trait in Starfield, players are presented with a base house equipped with a basic outlook.

  • To personalize it, players can delve into the game’s decorating system.
  • By opening the crafting menu, various options for interior design and decoration become available.
  • It’s essential to gather specific resources for unique decorations, so always keep an eye out for these while exploring or trading.
  • Familiarizing oneself with the crafting menu will give insights into required materials, ensuring that players can transform their house into the ideal space they’ve envisioned.

To sum it up, in the vast expanse of Starfield’s universe, the Dream Home trait stands as both a sanctuary and a challenge. Nestled on Nesoi, this luxurious abode offers solace and prestige, but the weight of its mortgage reminds players of the intricate financial dance they must perform amidst their cosmic adventures.

With this, I conclude my guide on getting the Dream Home trait in Starfield. While you’re here, I suggest reading the Starfield: The BEST Backgrounds, and How To Dock Ships & Nova Galactic Staryard guides.


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Sulaymaan Ahmad is a Senior Writer on eXputer who covers all the latest and greatest games. He has an engineering background and a knack for decimating players in First-Person Shooter games. He also enjoys narrative-driven games with characters he can emotionally invest in. Sulaymaan's love for gaming has been going strong for several years which is evident on his gaming profiles at Steam and PSN. Experience: 3+ Years || Written 150+ Guides || Mainly Covers Strategy Guides on eXputer

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