Starfield: The Ultimate Ship Building [Tried And Tested]

The Starfield Ship Building guide will showcase the requirements as well as the different manufacturers and styles of ships!

Starfield is known to have a vast ship-building system that players can use to explore interplanetary systems, build their outposts on various planets, and make their bases. Players might find it difficult to get started on a ship so they might need a detailed Starfield Ship Building guide walkthrough! 

Important: I recommend that players have a viable amount of money before they can think of building their dream ship!
Key Takeaways
  • Building a ship in Starfield allows players to build the boat and fully customize it to their liking. 
  • Having enough money to buy parts and investing in the skill tree is crucial as it allows for acquiring better components.
  • Obtain a ship through building, purchase, or legal acquisition from Pirate missions.
  • Explore ship styles from manufacturers like Stroud Eklund, Hopetech, Deimos, Nova Galactic, and Taiyo.

Requirements To Building A Ship In Starfield 

Requirements (Image Credits: eXputer)

Kicking things off, I discovered a few requirements you will have to keep in mind if you want to build your very first ship and have it be a good one in Starfield! I’ve listed them below:

  • Money: Having enough money to buy parts for the ship, as well as upgrading it and building it up, will take a whole lot of money; therefore, I advise that you have plenty of it. 
  • Skill tree: Apart from this, you will also need to allocate a few skill points into your skill tree, which from my experience, gets you better components for your ship. 

Starting Off 

Buy Ships
Buy Ships (Image Grab: eXputer)

Now that you know the basic ship-building requirements, let me guide you from my experience on the best ways to build your starter ship. 

  • One of the things I suggest you can do is to use the ship you get from your first mission and continue tearing it down and further building up on it.
  • Another thing I suggest being able to do is buy a ship, but that can cost you back a lot of money, and if it’s not to your liking, then it’s just money wasted. 

For the third option, there are two ways to go about it from my experience – legally, you will want to accept a mission whose main objective is to “Eliminate Pirate” from its terminal and then leave the ship that you can take for last.

Pirate Mission
Pirate Mission (Image Grab: eXputer)
  1. To carry out this method, you must unlock the targeting control systems in Starfield’s Tech skill tree. That will allow you to easily disable the ship’s engine so that you can enter it. 
  2. Once you’ve done that, you must fire the ship’s crew. After that, you can easily take control of the ship itself. 
  3. You will also need to search the ship for Contraband thoroughly. These are illegal to have either on you or in the boat. 

I suggest it might be a good idea to find a smaller ship that will make it much easier to find contraband items and take them into your possession. After that, you must store items in your cargo and Jettison it, or you can be criminalized. After that, you can fly over to a new system, and then you need to register the ship. 

Ship Manufacturers And Sizes In Starfield

Now, when it comes to Starfield Ship Building, there is a wide variety of manufacturers you can choose from, all of whom offer different styles of ships. I think the main ones that will be available will range from Stroud Eklund, Taiyo, and Hopetech, to Nova Galactic and Deimos.

Stroud Eklund 

Stroud Eklund
Stroud Eklund (Image Captured By Us)

As far as the Stroud Eklund is concerned, it is one of the manufacturers with ships that are instead catered to being sleek. 

  • The ships will look pretty futuristic; for players who would rather have a futuristic ship, it would fit them best.
  • The cockpits are of two different types that players can go for. One features a larger cockpit situated on the top of your ship. For the other one, it is pushed to the front of the ship.
  • As for the interiors of the ships by Stroud Eklund, they feature lighter floors, carrying forward the futuristic vibe, combined with darker paneling on the walls and very boxy-looking interiors. 


Hopetech (Image Credits: eXputer)

The second manufacturer is Hopetech; if there is one word I can use to describe the ships they manufacture from my experience, it’s industrial

  • The ships feature yellow colors, pipelines, black wiring, and fewer aesthetic choices than those from Stroud Eklund. 
  • When it comes to their cockpit designs, they have one style to choose from, which makes it a bit lackluster. 
  • For its interiors, Hopetech has kept it simple with a darker color palette for the ceiling, walls, and flooring. 

If this ship is to your liking, you can mix and match it with other pieces to build your dream ship. 


Deimos (Image Captured By Us)

Next up, Deimos takes the lead in the third manufacturer in Starfield, and its design choices could be best described as being very “out there.” 

  • It features extremely rigid, sharp, and angular ships, and it is best suited for players who are into rogue designs. 
  • Deimos ships are mainly used as Battleships by the UC and, therefore, feature a personalized style. 

The interior features darker and lighter color themes and orange pops here and there. The interior ties it all together very nicely

Nova Galactic

 Nova Galactic
Nova Galactic (Image Credits: eXputer)

Moving onto the fourth ship design, it will feature a ship design that will look a bit more on the aged end, and it also resembles a design reminiscent of an aged-punky style. 

  • The ship’s design style is so old because Nova Galactic is one of the oldest manufacturers in Starfield. 
  • Its interior features many worn-out and older-looking aesthetics, coupled with its lighter-colored ceilings and darker floors. 

Regarding their cockpit designs, they will feature three options you can choose from. The options range from a smaller design to a medium and a larger cockpit that you can go for. 


Taiyo is one of the last brands that will manufacture ships with different styles that you can use. its overall exteriors will feature that rounded-out white color palette,  and it only features a typical bridge style. 

  • Its interiors feature a semi-circle design, with darker overhead and light floor palettes that perfectly tie the design together. 

And that’s just about it! All that players need to know about the Starfield Ship Building guide, so let’s wrap up the guide! While you’re here, why not read the Starfield Digipick guide? You might want to check out the Starfield How To Dock Ships Nova Galactic Staryard guide!

Apart from these, the Best Background Starfield guide is a must-read! Lastly, the Starfield Romance Sarah Morgan guide is one that you should not skip out on! 

Up Next:

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Community Feedback

So the starting ships dont have anything different except looks?


Thanks for the tips


so nice and im proud of myself for finding this guide

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Daniyal is a Guides Writer and Editor at eXputer with over one year of experience in content writing. He's had a passion for tech and gaming for more than 15 years. Ever since his first console, the PS2, he's constantly branching off to different genres, and his go-to at the moment is the Souls experience pioneered by FromSoftware, which is evident by his 1,500+ hours of game time on Elden Ring. You can learn some more about Daniyal's gaming journey on his Steam & Xbox profiles.

Experience: 1+ Years || Mainly Covers Guides || Education: Bachelors in Computer Sciences.

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