Tears of the Kingdom has a total of 152 shrines that are split across the Sky and the Surface, and these shrines are split into different challenges. Since there are so many shrines, a detailed walkthrough of all Tears of the Kingdom Shrine Locations might be needed so that it can become easier to traverse and complete all the challenges of the shrine.
Since knowing Tears of the Kingdom How Many Shrines is crucial, the 152 shrines are split into different challenges as a few shrines will have quests to be completed, and some will be proving grounds. In contrast, others might be combat training related, or a Rauru’s Blessing, or even a puzzle.
- A total of 152 shrines are scattered across the land, with 32 in the Sky region and the others on the Surface.
- 5 shrines are in the Central Hyrule Sky area, like the Ukuoh, Gutanbac, Nachoyah, and more.
- 10+ shrines on the Central Hyrule Surface, such as the Susuyai, Jojon, Jiosin, Mayachin, and more.
- The Hebra Sky contains shrines like Ijo-o, Tenbez, Taninoud, Taunhiy, and more.
- The Hebra Surface includes shrines such as Otak, Sahirow, Mouda, Gatakis, Ikatak, and many more.
- Three Eldin Sky shrines are Mayam, Simosiwak, and Kadaunar.
- The Elden Surface has 10+ shrines, such as the Mayak, Jiotak, Isisim, Sitsum, and Ekochiu.
- The Akkala Sky has shrines like the Natak, Gikaku, and Mogisari.
- The Akkala Surface has 5+ shrines like Gemimik, Igashuk, Jochi-iu, etc.
- The Lanayru Sky has shrines like Igoshon, Sihajog, Mayanas, and Jirutagumac.
- The Lanayru Surface has 10+ shrines.
- Necluda Sky region has shrines such as Kumamayn, Ukoojisi, Josiu, and Yansamin.
- Necluda Surface has shrines such as Eshos, Bamitok, and Marari-in.
- The Faron Sky has shrines like Joku-usin and Joku-u.
- The Faron Surface has 5+ shrines.
- The rest of the shrines are split into the Gerudo Sky and Gerudo Surface areas.
Sky Shrines

In the Sky area, there are 32 shrines, and they are listed as follows. Here are all the shrines that are listed in Sky.
Shrines | Locations |
Siyamotsus | Gerudo at 1130.29 elevation |
Mayasiar | In the Gerudo Area |
Rakashog | In the Gerudo Area |
Joku-U | In the Faron Thunderhead Isles, towards the end of the Thunderhead Isles area |
Joku-usin | A Proving Ground is part of the main quest in the Faron Thunderhead Isles. |
Ukoojisi | In the Necluda area, at 704.81 elevation |
Kumamayn | In the Necluda area at 1331.02 elevations. |
Yansamin | In Necluda, at 1594.755 elevation |
Josiu | In the North Necluda Sky Crystal area at 1042.96 elevations, it is a Rauru's Blessing. |
Igoshon | In the Lanayru Wellspring Island area, part of the main quest, at 1444.6 elevations. |
Jirutagumac | In the Lanayru Sky area at 1070.2 Elevation |
Sihajog | At 1239.9 elevation in Valor Island in the South Lanaryu Sky Archipelago area, it is a Rauru's Blessing. |
Mayanas | At 1908.9 elevation in the South Lanayru Sky Crystal area. |
Mogisari | Located at 1129.771 elevations in the Akkala Sky area. |
Gikaku | Located at 1274.02 elevations in the Akkala Sky area. |
Natak | At 1276.9 elevation in the Akkala Sky area. |
Mayam | The 1939.9 elevation in the North Hyrule Sky area is a Rauru's Blessing. |
Kadaunar | At 1370.10 elevation in the Eldin Canyon Sky, you are to use Hydrants to create platforms. |
Simosiwak | At 877.9 elevation in Bravery Island in the North Hyrule Sky area, it is a Proving Ground. |
Ijo-o | Located at 821.7 elevations at the West Hebra Sky Archipelago. |
Ga-ahisas | It is located at 1817.96 elevations in the Lightcast Island at the Tabanta Sky Archipelago and is a Rauru's Blessing. |
Ganos | Present at 1814.28 elevations in the Tabantha Sky Crystal, it is a Rauru's Blessing. |
Kahatanaum | Present at 1466.74 elevations in the Hebra Rising Island area, it is essentially a Rauru's Blessing. |
Mayaumekis | Present at 1015.87 elevations in the Hebra Rising Island area. |
Taninoud | At 1067.9 elevation in the Hebra Sky area. |
Tenbez | Located at 1130.74 elevations in the Hebra Sky area. |
Taunhiy | It is combat training at 734.3 elevations in Courage Island in Tabantha Sky. |
Jinodok | At 1127.16 elevation in the Central Hyrule Sky area. |
Nachoyah | It is at 2417.9 elevations in the Southern area of the Great Sky Island and is one of the Tears of the Kingdom First Shrine. |
Ukuoh | This is part of the Tears of the Kingdom 4th Shrine at 1579 elevation in the Central Hyrule Area. |
Taunhiy | Located at 734.31 elevations in Courage Island in the Tabantha Sky area. |
Jinodok | At 1127.16 elevation in the Central Hyrule area. |
Gutanbac | Located in the Northern Area of the Great Sky Island. |
In-Isa | In the Western area of the Great Sky Island |
Surface Shrines

The rest of the Tears of the Kingdom Shrine Locations are in the Surface area as listed below.
Shrines | Locations |
Irasak | In the Gerudo area and it is a Rauru's Blessing |
Miryotanog | In Gerudo. |
Karahatag | In the Gerudo area. |
Soryatanog | At 242.19 elevation in the Gerudo area. |
Kudanisar | In Gerudo, present on top of a rock plateau |
Chichim | In the Gerudo Area. |
Mayatat | You need to attach the Steering Sticks to the Zonai Sleds in Gerudo. |
Siwakama | In the Gerudo area. |
Mayamatis | In the Gerudo area towards the edge of a cliff. |
Turakamik | In the Gerudo Highlands area. |
Motsusis | Located in Gerudo. |
Kitawak | In the Gerudo area. |
Suariwak | Located in Gerudo. |
Rakadukai | Towards the Gerudo Highlands area. |
Rotsumamu | Towards the Higher Gerudo area. |
Otutsum | Higher Gerudo area. |
Jochisiu | In the Faron surface area. |
Susub | In the Faron area. |
Jiukoum | Present towards the south-eastern side of the Popla Foothills Skyview Tower. |
En-oma | Located in the Faron Surface area at 30.9 elevations. |
Utsushok | Present in the Faron surface location. |
Ishokin | Present towards the 248.1 elevations at the Faron Surface area. |
Tadarok | Located in the river of the Dead Waterfall Cave, and the puzzle linked to it is named Fire and Water. |
Riogok | Located in the Faron Surface area. |
Marari-in | You need to assassinate the pirates on the Eventide Island, which is located towards the Necluda Surface area, nad it is a Rauru's Blessing. |
Bamitok | Located in the Necluda Surface area, you must follow your Purah Pad Sensor to the Mount Dunsel Cave, a Rauru's Blessing. |
Sifumim | Towards the Necluda Surface area, it is found in the southeastern area and will be one of the most important shrines for the Lurelin Village, and it is also a Proving Ground. |
Joju-u-u | Towards the Necluda area. |
Tokiy | In the Necluda Surface area. |
Eshos | Present in Necluda. |
Utojis | Located in Necluda, inside a cave with an entrance to the north. |
Ihen-a | It is located in the Lanayru surface area and the Mipha Court area. |
Yomizuk | Presnet in the Lanayru area. |
Apogek | In the Lanayru area, it is found whenever you go towards the Eastern area and the Secret Stone Geoglyph. |
Mogawak | Present in the Lanayru area and is the most important shrine for Zora's Domain. |
Joniu | Located in the Lanayru Surface area. |
Jonsau | In the Lanayru area, it is present in the depths of the Lanayru Wetlands, and you need to use your Ultrahand to solve a small objective using beach balls. |
Maoikes | In the Lanayru surface region. |
Kurakat | In the Lanayru Area. |
O-ogim | Towards the Lanayru Surface area. |
Jogou | In the Lanayru Surface area. |
Jikais | Located in the Lanayru area, towards the southeastern end of Mount Lanayru. |
Zakusu | Requires a quest called the High Spring And The Light Rings from Nazbi below the Mount Lanayru Skyview Tower area. |
Anedamimik | In Lanayru Surface. |
Zanmik | One of the most important shrines for the Hateno Village. |
Mayahisik | Again located in the Lanayru region, it is found whenever you get the Purah Pad Sensor in the Hateno Village area and can be found in a cave, and it is a Rauru's Blessing. |
Morok | The Lanayru area is located towards the southwestern side of the Lanayru Wetlands area, and it is an objective or a small puzzle. |
Makasura | The Lanayru Surface area is one of the main shrines for the Kakariko Villages. |
Kamatukis | Moving onto Akkala Surface shrines, the Kamatukis shrine is found inside the ravine area of Akkala. |
Rasiwak | In the Akkala area, it is present towards a beach on the northeastern side, and here Ultra hand needs to be used to help solve a small puzzle with beach balls. |
Igashuk | In the Akkala Surface area, it is found towards the Lomei Labyrinth area, and it is a Rauru's Blessing. |
Jochi-iu | Found in the Akkala Surface area, it is one of the main shrines for East Akkala Stables. |
Gemimik | The Akkala Surface location is found towards the north-eastern end of the area, and a small objective needs to be completed here. |
Sinatanika | Towards the Akkala Area, it is present towards the central area, and it is a Combat Training ground. |
Jochi-ihiga | Located in the Akkala area. |
Gatanisis | Present in Akkala surface region. |
Rasitakiwak | It is located at the southern end of the Akkala Surface area and is essentially a proving ground. |
Kimayat | Found in the Eldin surface area. |
Moshapin | Located in Eldin surface region. |
Kisinona | Located in the Eldin area, it is one of the main shrines for the Foothill Stable, towards the southern end of Death Mountain. |
Mayachideg | One of the main shrines for the South Akkala Stable. |
Domizuin | Located in the Akkala area. |
Timawak | Present in the Eldin area, it hangs over the Bedrock Bistro. |
Ekochiu | One of the main Hyrule shrines is the Ekochiu, the most important shrine for the Woodland Stable. |
Marakuguc | Located in the Eldin area, it is the main shrine of the Goron City. |
Sitsum | Present in the Eldin area, head towards Death Mountain, which can be targeted there. |
Isisim | Located in the Eldin area, and it is a Proving Ground. |
Jiotak | Present in the Eldin area. |
Sibajitak | Located in Eldin. |
Momosik | In the Eldin surface region. |
Mayak | In the Eldin surface area. |
Sikukuu | It is located in the Eldin surface area and is found whenever you are trekking across the main road toward Death Mountain. |
Minetak | In the Eldin Area in the Tears of the Kingdom Shrine Locations. |
Iun-orok | One of the parts of the Hebra Surface shrines. |
Oromuwak | Located in the Hebra Surface area, and vines towards the Fortress Geoglyph cover it. |
Ikatak | In the Hebra area. |
Gatakis | One of the most important shrines for the Rito Village in the Hebra surface region. |
Tao-os | - |
Tauyosipun | Found in the Hebra region. |
Otak | In the Hebra area. |
Etoum | Located in the Hebra surface area. |
Sahirow | Located towards the eastern side of the Rospro Pass Skyview Tower in the Hebra surface region. |
Rutafu-um | Present towards the Hebra surface area. |
Sisuran | In the Hebra surface region. |
Mouda | Located in the Hebra area. |
Oshozan-u | In the Hebra area. |
Orochium | Present in a snowfield in the Hebra surface area. |
Mayausiv | Located towards the Hebra Surface area. |
Mayaotaki | In the Hebra surface region. |
Serutabomac | Located in the Hyrule area, it is on one of the broken pieces towards the outside of the Hyrule Castle. |
Ren-iz | Located in the Central Hyrule Surface area. |
Sepapa | In the Central Hyrule area. |
Ishodag | Present in the Hyrule region and present towards the Hyrule Field Chasm. |
Kyononis | Located in the Hyrule area and in the middle of the ruins that are present towards the northern side of the Lookout Landing. |
Yamiyo | It is combat training in the Hyrule surface area towards the eastern side of the ruins that are present towards the Lookout Landing. |
Jojon | In the Central Hyrule area. |
Susuyai | In the Hyrule area. |
Tukarok | Located in the Lanayru area and is one of the most important shrines for the Wetland Stables, and it is an objective that needs to be solved. |
Jiosin | Present towards the Hyrule Field Chasm area in the Hyrule area. |
Mayachin | Located in the Hyrule area towards the southern end of the Central Hyrule area. |
Teniten | In the Hyrule area, it is present as you head towards the southern end of the Central Hyrule area. |
Tajikats | In the Hyrule area, and is one of the most shrines for Riverside Stable. |
Tsutsu-um | One of the most important shrines for Outskirt Stable and located in the Hyrule surface area. |
Kamizun | Present towards the southern end of Hyrule, and it is essentially a Proving Ground. |
Kyokugon | In Hyrule. |
Usazum | Located in the Hyrule surface area. |
Turakawak | Present in the Hyrule area. |
Sonapan | Presnet in the Hyrule area and is alongside the Hyrule Ridge. |
Gasas | In the Hyrule area. |
Makurukis | Located towards the southwestern end of the Hyrule Ridge. |
Runakit | Present towards the northwestern end of the Hyrule Ridge. |
Taki Ihaban | Located in the Hyrule area. |
Sinakawak | It is one of the most important shrines for the New Serenne Stable. |
Kiuyoyou | Located towards the western side of the Great Hyrule Forest. |
Tenmaten | In the Hyrule surface region. |
Kikakin | Present on a mountainous area towards the northern-west end of the Great Hyrule Forest in the Hyrule area. |
Sakunbomar | In Hyrule. |
Ninjis | Present in the Hyrule surface region. |
Musanokir | Located towards the Hyrule area. |
Pupunke | Present in Hyrule. |
And that’s just about it! All that players need to know about the Tears of the Kingdom Shrine Locations, and with that, let’s wrap up the guide! While you’re here, why not check out the Tears of the Kingdom Best Horse guide, which entails everything that needs to be known about the best horses? Alongside that, the Tears of the Kingdom Paraglider guide goes into detail about the location as well as the uses of the Paraglider.
If you want to know how to activate the Master Mode, then the Tears of the Kingdom Master Mode guide can certainly come in handy!
Up Next:
- Tears of the Kingdom Beginner’s Guide
- Tears of the Kingdom Energy Cell
- Tears of the Kingdom Hookshot
- Tears of the Kingdom Archaic Tunic
Map Image Credits: MapGenie
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