Tears of the Kingdom: All Vegetable Curry Recipes

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom has different Recipes that let you make some interesting dishes like the Vegetable Curry.

Cooking is an important aspect of many RPG games. And as Tears of the Kingdom is one of those, it is bound to have a great cooking experience for the players. The cooking feature in the game allows players to prepare dishes they can consume to give them specific boosts. One such dish is the Vegetable Curry Tears of the Kingdom. The dish gives players different boosts depending on the ingredients used.

Key Takeaways
  • Vegetable Curry uses Goron Spice, Hylian Rice, and Carrot or Pumpkin.
  • Using different Carrots or Pumpkins, players can get a few different Vegetable Curry recipes.
  • These recipes are Enduring, Hasty, and Tough Vegetable Curry.
  • Enduring Vegetable Curry uses Endura Carrots as its third ingredient.
  • Tough Vegetable Curry’s recipe uses Fortified Pumpkin.
  • Lastly, the Hasty Vegetable Curry in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom uses Swift Carrots.

Vegetable Curry

There are a ton of recipes in the game. Each of these dishes recovers a specific amount of hearts, and it also gives the players a special status buff, depending on the ingredients.. Although the dish isn’t as powerful as many other recipes in the game, it is good for players that always run short on ingredients. Okay, so here is the recipe for Vegetable Curry.

You can use Swift Carrot, Enduring Carrot, or Fortified Pumpkin in the recipe. [Image Credit: eXputer]
  • 1x Goron Spic
  • 1x Hylian Rice
  • 1x Carrot or Pumpkin
IMPORTANT: Using any ingredient other than Carrot or Pumpkin will give you a completely different dish.

From the Recipe, you will note that I have mentioned that it requires Goron Spice and Hylian Rice as the main ingredients. But the customizable ingredient is the Pumpkin or Carrot. That is because each of these gives a different status effect to the recipe. So, depending on what you use, you will get a unique status by consuming the recipe; more on that in a while.

Tears of the Kingdom Vegetable Curry
The Vegetable Curry ready. [Image Credit: eXputer]

Different Sub-Recipes

The different ingredients that you can use in your Vegetable Curry recipe are Enduring Carrot, Fortified Pumpkin, and Swift Carrot. The Carrots will give your Stamina or Movement speed a buff. Whereas if you were to use the Pumpkin, it would enhance Link’s defense stats. That being said, here are all the different Vegetable Curry Recipes and their benefits.

Enduring Vegetable Curry

The first recipe that we have available is the Enduring Vegetable Curry. It restores health upon consumption. Not only that, but the recipe will also fill up your Stamina Wheel. All in all, you will now be able to sprint much longer with full health. The Recipe to make the Enduring Vegetable Curry is as follows:

  • 1x Goron Spice
  • 1x Hylian Rice
  • 1x Enduring Carrot

Tough Vegetable Curry

Up next, there is the Tough Vegetable Curry. The dish, like Enduring Vegetable Curry, will restore the player’s health when consumed. But now, it will have a different status than before. As it is the ‘Tough’ Vegetable Curry, it will now give you a boost to the defensive stats. That will, in turn, make you much more durable in fights. The ingredients required are:

  • 1x Goron Spice
  • 1x Hylian Rice
  • 1x Fortified Pumpkin

Hasty Vegetable Curry

Lastly, you will find the Hasty Vegetable Curry while checking out new recipes related to Vegetable Curry. Like the other two recipes, it restores Link’s health. Also, the Hasty Vegetable Curry will give you a small boost to movement speed. So you can chase after, or at times run from the enemy at a faster speed. You’ll need the following ingredients to get the Hasty Vegetable Curry.

  • 1x Goron Spice
  • 1x Hylian Rice
  • 1x Swift Carrot

Now, a lot of the players assume that since it is ‘Vegetable Curry,’ you can use any and all vegetables and get the same result. But that is not the case with this dish. These three are the only recipes you can get while mixing up the recipe of Vegetable Curry.

Final Words

A lot of players on Reddit ask about Vegetable Curry Tears of the Kingdom, but apart from a few, no one has a definitive answer. If you were to read this guide, you’ll know about each of them and their uses. While on your journey to Find Princess Zelda, you will encounter many enemies. To defeat them, you will need the Best Armor Sets with the best Weapons. Using Bow and Arrow will make these fights a lot easier for you.

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Mina is a Senior Guides Writer and a fanatic who’s obsessed with playing games and writing about them. She’s invested more than 2,500 hours in games like Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism, she loves to write detailed guides for beginners and pros in the Gacha Games world. You can follow Mina's gaming activity on her Steam and PSN Profiles.

Experience: 3+ Years

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