Garlic Debuff in V Rising affects a Vampire whenever the Vampire gets in contact with it. The more you get exposed to Garlic, the more Debuffed you get, making your character weaker. If the stacks reach the highest, which is 100, then you will take 100% more damage than the standard hit. This debuff seriously puts you in harm’s way, and you can be killed in a few quick blows.
- Garlic in V Rising weakens vampires upon contact, increasing vulnerability with prolonged exposure.
- Fastest method to counter debuff is by boosting Garlic Resistance.
- Obtain increased Garlic Resistance in Bear form by defeating Ferocious Bear in Farbane Woods.
- To reach at least 90 Garlic Resistance, wear a cloak and drink a garlic potion before assuming Bear form for a significant boost against the garlic debuff.
What Is Garlic Debuff?

The Garlic Debuff in V Rising significantly reduces your Resistance Points, and the more Garlic Debuff stacks you have, the worse the effect, making you more susceptible to attacks. It can stack up to 100 times, with each stack increasing the damage you take by 1% and decreasing your damage output by 0.5%.
Garlic exposure weakens you and increases your vulnerability to damage. When you’re not exposed, the effect gradually fades. Additionally, it causes you to emit a noticeable odor, increasing the distance at which enemies, including humanoids, dogs, and wolves, can detect you. This not only makes combat more challenging but also hinders stealth efforts.
How To Remove Garlic Debuff
Currently, there is no instant way to get rid of garlic debuffs in V-Rising, but there are some things or steps through which you can get rid of garlic debuff faster. The only way to get rid of Garlic debuff faster is by increasing your garlic resistance; the higher your garlic resistance is, the quicker its debuff will go away.
- Increase Garlic Resistance:
- Garlic debuffs decrease faster with higher garlic resistance.
- Consume items or use abilities that increase garlic resistance.
- Transform into Bear Form:
- When in normal vampire form, Garlic debuffs decrease by one stack every 20 seconds.
- Transform into bear form to accelerate garlic debuff reduction.
- Garlic debuffs decrease by two stacks every 20 seconds in bear form.
- Consume a ‘Minor Garlic Resistance Brew’ before transforming into bear form for even faster debuff reduction.
V Rising bear form
- Obtain Bear Form:
- Defeat the Ferocious Bear located at the far east end of Farbane Woods to acquire Bear Form.
- Use Garlic Resistance Brews:
- Craft or obtain ‘Minor Garlic Resistance Brew’ to provide limited resistance to garlic debuffs.
V Rising minor garlic brew - Consume ‘Garlic Resistance Potion’ for significant resistance boost against garlic status effect.
Garlic potion
- Craft or obtain ‘Minor Garlic Resistance Brew’ to provide limited resistance to garlic debuffs.
- Obtain Brewing Recipes:
- Defeat Polora the Feywalker to unlock the recipe for Minor Garlic Resistance Brew.
- Defeat Clive the Firestarter in Farbane Woods to obtain the Garlic Resistance Potion recipe.
Equip Garlic Resistance Items
Additionally, here is the list of potions, armor pieces, and other useful and rare items that will grant you nearly +15 Garlic resistance. Having these resistance items equipped will not only slow down the garlic debuff buildup, but it will also allow you to lose garlic debuff stacks really fast.
- Ashfolk Crystal Ice Cloak.
- Ashfolk Wildfire Cloak.
- Beatrice’s Scarf.
- Cardinal’s Cloak.
- Crimson Ward.
- Garlic Resistance Potion.
- Hermit’s Shawl.
- Hunter’s Cloak.
- Immortal King’s Cloak.
- Immortal King’s Mantle.
- Manna Shawl.
- Minor Garlic Resistance Brew.
- Phantom’s Veil.
- Purple Feathered Cape.
- Razer Serpent Cloak.
- Razer Serpent Mantle.
- Royal Mantle of Ashfolk Kings.
- Royal Veil of the Jester.
- The tail of the Archfiend.
- Thousand-Stich Cloak.
- Toki Feathered Cape.
- War-Torn Wine Cloak.
Similar to other debuff or elements, your vampire character is weak against them; Garlic debuff is the real threat as it builds up to an alarming level and takes a considerable time before it wears off. Even if you die and are reborn, the garlic debuff is still applied to you. This is at least the case in the current version of the game, and it can change in the future because if your character dies, then all status effects must be removed.
That is why if you want to achieve at least 90 Garlic Resistance, then you must wear the cloak and drink Garlic potions before turning your vampire character into Bear Form. Of course, you’ll regain any lost health during this time, but being passive, ideally in your castle, will assist you in escaping from being assaulted.
Other V Rising Tips
V Rising is a Multiplayer Vampire themed survival game in which the player needs to gather resources, defeat enemies and build a castle and an army of the best servants. Of course, the whole plot of the game is to shun weakness and become the ultimate vampire, and that is why you must know the ways to overcome the garlic debuff. While you’re at it, consider reading the best ultimate abilities and best vampire powers in V Rising guides.
Usually, throughout your excursions, you will come across small places in Dunley Farmlands that use garlic to shun out vampires from entering their little villages, cotton farms, and other important places.
However, if you do not ignore these places and still enter, then you’ll get an in-game notification to the right side of your blood pool, entailing that you’ve been exposed to the Garlic debuff status effect. Before reading further, why not take a quick look at V Rising bosses and the best weapons in V Rising guides.
Image Source: Firespark81
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