Warhammer 40K Darktide: Penances & Rewards

How To Get Points By Completing Missions Through Penances in Warhammer 40K Darktide

Penances in Warhammer 40K Darktide are in-game accomplishments that primarily track your game progress. However, earning these penance points will reward you with a variety of goods and weaponry. You may also get cosmetics and trinkets as rewards for earning these points.

Key Takeaways
  • Penances are your in-game achievement points, with them, you can get trinkets and cosmetics.
  • These missions might be tough, but some of them will grant you 4000 toughness skills.
  • Some of them might require you to reach a particular level in order to complete it.
  • Penances can vary in length, and some of them will take a lot of time.

Here is the complete list of all Penances in Warhammer 40K Darktide:

Penance NameTypeHow To Achieve
Time To DieOffensive - Kill Monstrosity
- Time Limit: 60 secs or less
Dodge ThisOffensive - Kill 3 Enemies With A Headshot
- Time Limit: 10 secs
Purge The HereticOffensive - Kill 1,000 Enemies
Serial KillerOffensive - Kill 20 Enemies With A Headshot
Frenzied KillerOffensive - Kill 60 enemies
- Time Limit: 30 secs
FlyswatterOffensive - Kill 50 Climbing Enemies
Attack, Attack, AttackOffensive - Complete All The Other Offensive Type Achievements
The Emperor ProtectsDefensive- Block 400 Damage
- Time Limit: 10 secs
Preternatural DodgeDefensive- Dodge 7 Attacks
Flawless ExecutionDefensive- Complete 5 Mission Consecutively
- Difficulty Level: Malice Or Higher
Zigging And ZaggingDefensive- Use Sprinting To Dodge 99 Shots
Figure FourDefensive- Use Slide To Avoid An Enemy Attack
Violent TendenciesDefensive- Regenerate 40,000 Toughness From Kills
UntouchableDefensive- Do Not Receieve Any Damage During A Mission
Case For The DefenseDefensive- Complete All The Other Defensive Type Achievements
Circle Of TrustAccount- Complete Path Of Trust Chapter 1
Call To ArmsAccount- Complete Basic Training
Don't Let Me Down, CriminalAccount- Complete The Prologue
Two's CompanyAccount- With 2 Classes Reach Trust Level 30
Unconsidered TriflesAccount- Unlock Your 1st Curio Slot
Well Met, WhippersnapperAccount- Unlock Access To Sire Melk’s Requisitiorium
Hail The OmnissiahAccount- Get Access To The Shrine Of Omnissiah
Get A Bone To PickSkullbreaker- Reach Trust Level 5 While Playing As A Skullbreaker
Built Like A TankSkullbreaker- Complete 25 Missions As A Skullbreaker
Beat Em UpSkullbreaker- Complete 1 Mission Of Each Type
I'm In ChargeSkullbreaker- Use Bull Rush In Order To Interrupt A Plague Ogryn’s Charge
Something In Your EyeSkullbreaker- Hit A Corrupter In The Eye With Your Grenade Box In Order To
Kill Him
Friends Will Be FriendsSkullbreaker- Stay In A Certain Radius Of All Your Teammates For The Whole Mission
- Difficulty: Malice Or Higher
Gone BowlingSkullbreaker- Kill 70 Enemies Using 1 Bull Rush
- Difficulty: Malice Or Higher
Don't Stop Me NowSkullbreaker- Move 40 Meters Using Bull Rush
- Time Limit: 20 secs
Heavyweight ChampionSkullbreaker- Use A Single Bull Rush To Kill:
- Bulwarks, Plague, Ogryns, and Reapers
Bone ‘EadSkullbreaker- Complete The Following:
Get A Bone To Pick | Beat Em Up | Built Like A Tank |
| Something In Your Eye | I'm In Charge
Maniacal LaughterPreacher - Reach Trust Level 5 As A Preacher
Praise The God EmperorPreacher - Complete 1 Mission Of Each Type
DoomseekerPreacher - Complete 25 Missions As A Preacher
Buying TimePreacher - Throw A Stun Grenade At A Sniper
- Distance Should Be 40 Meters
Abhor The MutantPreacher - Use A Melee Attack To Kill A Mutant While Dashing With
Chastise The Wicked
Shocking StuffPreacher - Kill 40 Enemies Using A Stun Grenade
- Time Limit: 10 secs
- Difficulty: Malice Or Higher
Up Close And PersonalPreacher - Complete A Mission Without Using A Gun
- Difficulty: Malice
There Is Nothing But The AbyssPreacher - Fill Your Health With Holy Revenant Feat After It Is Triggered
- Difficulty: Heresy
Just A Flesh WoundPreacher - Complete A Full Mission Without Taking More Than 1 Wound
- Time Limit: 20 mins
- Difficulty: Heresy
Sainted PathPreacher - Complete The Following:
Maniacal Laughter | Praise The God Emperor | Doomseeker |
| Buying Time | Abhor The Mutant |
Mind over MatterPsyker Psykinetic- Reach Trust Level 5 As A Psyker Psykinetic
LifeleechPsyker Psykinetic- Complete 25 Mission
Mind Over MatterPsyker Psykinetic- Complete A Mission Of Each Type As A Psykinetic
Not Even ClosePsyker Psykinetic- Use Brain Burst To Kill A Pox Hound
CliffhangerPsyker Psykinetic- Knock 20 Enemies Off A Ledge
- Time Limit: 2 secs
Warp BatteryPsyker Psykinetic- Maintain Warp Charges For 300 secs
- Difficulty: Malice
Going Out With A BangPsyker Psykinetic- Knock Out 3 Elite Enemies Using 1 Perils Of The Warp Explosion
- Difficulty: Malice Or Higher
Pick n' MixPsyker Psykinetic- Kill 5 Specialist Or Elite Enemies
- Time Limit: 10 secs
- Difficulty: Heresy Or Higher
Malleus MonstronumPsyker Psykinetic- Knock Out A Mostrosity Using A Brain Burst
- After 90% Damage Infliction
Kinetic KillerPsyker Psykinetic- Complete The Following:
Mind over Matter | Mind Over Matter | Lifeleech |
| Not Even Close | Cliffhanger
I Love the MillitarumSharpshooter- Reach Trust Level 5 As A Sharpshooter
Through The MudSharpshooter- Complete 25 Missions As A Sharpshooter
Vantage PointSharpshooter- Complete 1 Mission Of Each Type
Marked For DeathSharpshooter- Hit The Enemy At His Weak Spot Using The Secondary Action Of
Your Weapon During A Single Volley Fire
- Number Of Hits: 4 Hits
Long BombSharpshooter- Kill 3 Enemies Using A Frag Grenade Without It Bouncing
One In The ChamberSharpshooter- Kill 5 Enemies Using The Last Round Of Your Clip
- Difficulty: Malice Or Higher
On OverwatchSharpshooter- Complete A Mission Without Taking Any Melee Damage
- Difficulty: Malice Or Higher
DeadeyeSharpshooter- Kill 5 Highlighted Enemies
- Hit Them On Their Weak Spots With The Secondary Action Of Your Weapon
- Difficulty: Heresy Or Higher
Make Every Shot CountSharpshooter- Complete A Mission With 100% Accuracy
- Diffculty: Heresy Or Higher
On TargetSharpshooter- Complete The Following:
I Love the Millitarum | Vantage Point | Through The Mud |
Long Bomb | Marked For Death
Raiding PartyMissions- Complete 50 Raid Missions
Seek, Locate, DestroyMissions- Complete 50 Assassination Missions
No Stone UnturnedMissions- Complete 50 Investigation Missions
Disruptive BehaviourMissions- Complete 50 Disruption Missions
Strike ForceMissions- Complete 50 Strike Missions
Master Of IntrigueMissions- Complete Espionage Missions
Omnissiah’s HandMissions- Complete 50 Repair Missions
First AssignmentMissions- Complete 100 Missions
Auspex DrillMissions- Scan 10 Auspex Targets
InterrogatorMissions- Complete 10 Data Interrogations
Adapt To The EnvironmentMissions- Complete A Mission That Has A Special Condition
Stand By For ActionMissions- Complete 1 Flash Mission
Rapid ResponseMissions- Complete A Flash Mission
- Difficulty: Damnation
Flawless InterrogatorMissions- Complete A Data Interrogation With 0 Auspex Entry Mistakes
Inquisitorial RecruitMissions- Complete Each Mission
- Difficulty: Sedition Threat Or Higher
Mission ImprobableMissions- Complete The Following:
Raiding Party | Seek, Locate, Destroy | No Stone Unturned |
Disruptive Behavior | Strike Force| Master Of Intrigue | Omnissiah’s Hand
Traitorous CollectiveHeretics- Kill Scab Enemy Of Every Type
Renegade MasterHeretics- Kill 10 Scab Specialist Enemies
ElitistHeretics- Kill 10 Scab Elite Enemies
Scab PickerHeretics- Kill 1,000 Scabs
BlowoutHeretics- Kill 10 Bombers Using Melee Attacks
Hard LabourHeretics- Kill 10 Scab Maulers Without Headshots
Cull The TraitorsHeretics- Complete The Following:
Traitorous Collective | Renegade Master | Elitist |
Scab Picker | Blowout | Hard Labour
Lex TriumphantHeretics- Kill 10 Dreg Specialist Enemies
Lex VigilantHeretics- Kill 10 Dreg Elite Enemies
Dreg CleanserHeretics- Kill Every Type Of Dreg
Dreg HunterHeretics- Kill 1,000 Dregs
Decapitation ProtocolHeretics- Headshot Kill 10 Dreg Rangers
Purge the HereticsHeretics- Complete The Following:
Lex Triumphant | Lex Vigilant | Dreg Cleanser
Dreg Hunter | Decapitation Protocol
Nightmare PatrolHeretics- Kill 10 Terror Specialist Of Every Type
Purification ProtocolHeretics- Kill 10 Terror Elites
BanishementHeretics- Kill A Terror Of Each Type
PurgatorHeretics- Kill 1,000 Poxwalkers
- Kill Any Other Terror Of The Warps
Bullying The BullyHeretics- Kill 10 Reapers Using Melee Attacks
Cleanse The TaintHeretics- Complete The Following:
Nightmare Patrol | Purification Protocol | Banishement |
Purgator | Bullying The Bully


Penances in the offensive category are fairly straightforward because you often just need to play the game for a short period to complete them.

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  • Time To Die: To unlock this achievement, you need to kill Monstrosity in 60 seconds or less than 60 seconds.
  • Dodge This: This achievement will be unlocked if you kill three enemies with a headshot within ten seconds. This achievement requires you to be precise in your shooting. You can kill these enemies with any weapon. You can upgrade weapons to do greater damage by unlocking weapons levels.
  • Purge The Heretic: This achievement requires you to kill 1000 enemies.
  • Serial Killer: This challenge will be completed when you kill 20 consecutive enemies with headshots. For this challenge, you must have good aiming sight.
  • Frenzied Killer: You need to kill 60 enemies in a period of 30 seconds to unlock this achievement.
  • Flyswatter: To unlock this challenge, you simply need to kill 50 climbing enemies you see.
  • Attack, Attack, Attack: To unlock this challenge, you must complete the following missions.
  1. Flyswatter
  2. Serial Killer
  3. Time to Die
  4. Purge the Heretic
  5. Frenzied Killer
  6. Dodge

You will be rewarded with trinkets by completing this challenge.


Defensive penance in Warhammer 40K Darktide has multiple challenges. To complete all of them, you need to know the requirements of every mission.

Penances in Warhammer 40K DarkTide
Penances in WarHammer 40K Darktide
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  • The Emperor Protects: This achievement will be unlocked when you block damage of 400 in a period of ten seconds.
  • Preternatural Dodge: This challenge requires you to be very quick because you need to dodge 7 attacks without taking any damage.
  • Flawless Execution: This achievement will be unlocked when you complete five consecutive missions without being downed on Malice or greater difficulty.
  • Zigging And Zagging: This challenge requires you to dodge 99 shots by sprinting.
  • Figure Four: This challenge is very simple as you just need to slide to avoid an enemy attack without getting hit.
  • Violent Tendencies: This penance will be unlocked when you regenerate 40000 toughness from melee kills. The trick to regenerating toughness fast is to remain closer to your allies.
  • Untouchable: This challenge also requires you to avoid taking any health damage during a mission.
  • Case For the Defense: To achieve this, you must complete the following penances:
  1. The Emperor Protects
  2. Preternatural Dodge
  3. Zigging And Zagging
  4. Figure Four
  5. Violent Tendencies
  6. Untouchable
  7. Flawless Execution.

This penance will reward you with trinkets on completion.


Account penance is the easiest and smallest one. Most of them will automatically complete while doing other penances.

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  • Circle Of Trust: This challenge is very simple as you just need to complete Path of Trust chapter 1 to complete this challenge.
  • Call To Arms: To achieve this penance, you must complete your basic training.
  • Don’t Let Me Down, Criminal: Simply complete the Prologue to unlock this challenge.
  • Two’s Company: This challenge will be completed when you reach Trust Level 30 with 2 Classes.
  • Unconsidered Trifles: You need to unlock your first Curio slot to unlock this achievement.
  • Well Met, Whippersnapper: Just unlock access to Sire Melk’s Requisitiorium to get this achievement.
  • Hail The Omnissiah: In order to unlock this mission, simply get access to the Shrine of the Omnissiah.


Skullbreaker has certain complications. You must be aware of their prerequisites since certain penances are simple to perform while others are challenging.

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  • Got A Bone To Pick: You need to reach Trust Level 5 as a Skullbreaker to complete this mission. You will also get the upper body cosmetic by completing this mission.
  • Built Like A Tank: This achievement is very simple as you simply need to complete 25 missions as a Skullbreaker to get this achievement.
  • Beat-‘em-Up: As a Skullbreaker, this challenge requires you to complete at least one mission of each type. You will also be rewarded with a frame for completing this challenge.
  • I’m In Charge: In Warhammer 40K Darktide, This mission requires you to interrupt a Plague Ogryn’s charge using Bull Rush. A lower body cosmetic will be awarded to you for this mission.
  • Something In Your Eye: To acquire this mission, you require to use your grenade box to kill a corrupter by hitting him in his eye. You will get one upper body cosmetic for the completion of this challenge.
  • Friends Will Be Friends: This mission is quite difficult as you must stay in a coherency radius with all of your teammates during a full mission. If anyone of your teammates goes outside this radius, you will fail to complete this challenge. Moreover, you must be on Malice threat or higher. You will also be rewarded with lower body cosmetics for completing this mission.
  • Gone Bowling: This penance requires you to kill 70 enemies using a single Bull Rush to complete this mission on Malice threat or higher level. Upper body cosmetics will be your reward for this mission.
  • Don’t Stop Me Now: On the Heresy threat higher, you require to move 40 meters in a period of 20 seconds using Bull Rush to unlock this challenge. This mission will grant you a lower body cosmetic as a gift.
  • Heavyweight Champion: This mission requires you to kill Bulwarks, Plague, Ogryns, and Reapers with a single bull rush on heresy threat. Upper body cosmetics will be your reward for this penance.
  • Bone ‘Ead: For this penance, you must complete the following penances as a Skullbreaker:
  1. Got a Bone
  2. Beat-‘em-Up
  3. Built Like a Tank
  4. Something In Your Eye
  5. I’m In Charge

This penance will reward you with 1 trinket and head slot cosmetic on completion.


In Warhammer 40K Darktide, Preacher Penance’s missions are rather easy to complete as you simply need to know how to complete them. Some missions are quite tricky, so you need to be careful about them.

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  • Maniacal Laughter: This penance is quite simple as you just have to reach Trust level 5 as a preacher. One upper body cosmetic will be yours as a reward for this penance.
  • Praise The God-Emperor: You need to complete at least one mission of each type as a preacher to acquire this challenge. You will get a frame cosmetic as a reward.
  • Doomseeker: As a preacher, you need to complete 25 missions to unlock this challenge.
  • Buying Time: In this challenge, you need to shoot a sniper enemy that is 40 meters away from you by throwing a stun grenade at him and earn a lower body cosmetic as a reward.
  • Abhor The Mutant: This penance is quite challenging as you need to dash with Chastise the wicked and kill a mutant with a melee attack while dashing. Upper body cosmetics will be your reward for this penance.
  • Shocking Stuff: For this penance, you must be very quick, as you need to kill 40 enemies by using your stun grenade within a period of 10 seconds. Moreover, you must be on Malice threat or higher. This challenge grants you a lower body cosmetic as a reward.
  • Up Close And Personal: You require to complete a full mission on Malice threat without using a gun or firing a single shot to complete this challenge. Rather, you can use flamer in this mission to get an upper body cosmetic as your reward.
  • There Is Nothing But The Abyss: You need to fill your health from Holy Revenant Feat after it triggers on heresy threat to acquire this penance. You will get lower body cosmetics after completing this challenge.
  • Just A Flesh Wound: In order to acquire this challenge, you must complete a full mission on the Heresy threat within 20 minutes and make sure you don’t take more than one wound for seven and a half minutes. You will earn upper body cosmetics at the end of this challenge.
  • Sainted Path: As a preacher, you need to complete the following challenges to complete this penance:
  1. Maniacal Laughter
  2. Praise The God-Emperor
  3. Doomseeker
  4. Buying Time
  5. Abhor The Mutant

Head cosmetics will be your reward for this penance.

Psyker Psykinetic

When playing Psykinetic Penance, you must be incredibly smart. It’s not difficult to complete this penance in Warhammer 40K Darktide. You can use this psyker psykinetic in psyker build. 

WarHammer 40K DarkTide: Penances
Psykinetic Penance in Warhammer 40K Darktide
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  • Mind over Matter: This challenge requires you to reach Trust level 5 as a Psykinetic to acquire it. You will get upper body cosmetics as a reward for this challenge.
  • Lifeleech: As a Psykinetic, you must complete 25 missions to unlock this mission.
  • Mind Over Matter: Complete at least one mission in Warhammer 40K Darktide of each type using Psykinetic to acquire this mission. Character frame will be your reward for this penance.
  • Not Even Close: You can complete this mission simply by killing a Pox hound using a brain burst. This penance grants you a lower body cosmetic.
  • Cliffhanger: This challenge seems quite difficult as you need to knock 20 enemies off a ledge within a period of two seconds. Simply wait for the enemies at the ledge to complete this mission. You will earn upper body cosmetics for this mission.
  • Warp Battery: For this challenge, you require to maintain warp charges for 300 seconds in a single session while playing as a psykinetic in malice threat. By completing this challenge, you will get Storm witch’s penance raiment for upper body cosmetics.
  • Going Out With a Bang: In order to complete this mission, you need to knock out three elite enemies with a single Perils of the warp explosion while playing as a psykinetic on malice threat or higher. Try to find out low-health elite enemies for this mission. You will get Storm witch’s duty raiment for the upper body.
  • Pick n’ Mix: On Heresy threat or greater difficulty, You can complete this mission by simply killing 5 specialist or elite enemies within a time of 10 seconds. Lower body penance will be given to you as a reward for this mission.
  • Malleus Monstronum: In Warhammer 40K Darktide, this penance is the most difficult one as you require to knock out a Monstrosity with your Brain burst after giving him 90% damage. By completing this penance, you will get upper body cosmetics as a reward.
  • Kinetic Killer: You can acquire this penance by completing the following challenges:
  1. Mind over Matter
  2. Mind Over Matter
  3. Lifeleech
  4. Not Even Close
  5. Cliffhanger

Head slot cosmetics will be your reward for Kinetic Killer penance.


Nearly ten challenges are in Sharpshooter penance. Some of them are quite simple, but not all of them. Therefore, in order to complete a mission, you need to be aware of its prerequisites.

WarHammer 40K DarkTide: Penances
Sharpshooter Penances in WarHammer 40K Darktide
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  • I Love the Millitarum: To acquire this challenge, you just need to reach Trust level 5 while playing as a sharpshooter. Your reward for this penance will be one trinket and upper body cosmetics.
  • Through The Mud: This mission requires you to use a sharpshooter and complete twenty-five missions.
  • Vantage Point: To unlock this penance, you must complete at least one mission of every type. This penance rewards you with one character frame.
  • Marked For Death: In Warhammer 40K Darktide, this mission is a little bit confusing as you have to hit the enemy four times at his weak spot with the secondary action of a weapon during a single use of volley fire without missing a shot. Lower body cosmetics will be your reward for this mission.
  • Long Bomb: For this mission, you just need to use your frag grenade and kill three enemies without causing the frag grenade to bounce. Stand away from the enemies and throw the frag grenade in such a way that it will fall directly on their heads. After completing this challenge, upper body cosmetics will be your reward.
  • One In The Chamber: On Malice threat or higher level, you need to kill five enemies with the last round in your clip during a single mission. Use a gun having more damaging power and try to kill every enemy in one single shot to complete this mission. You will receive a lower body cosmetic as a reward for this mission.
  • On Overwatch: This challenge requires you to complete the mission without taking any melee damage on Malice threat or higher. For this mission, try to use a lightweight weapon to increase your mobility so that you can dodge easily. This mission grants you upper body cosmetics as a reward.
  • Deadeye: On Heresy threat or higher level, you must kill five highlighted enemies by hitting them at their weak spots with the secondary action of a weapon during a single use of volley fire. Use counterfire and try to make every shot count from sharpshooter feats that will help you in this mission. You will get lower body cosmetics after completing this challenge.
  • Make Every Shot Count: This challenge requires you to be accurate in your shooting. You need to complete a mission with 100 percent accuracy and with no ammo remaining on Heresy threat or higher.  Upper body cosmetics will be given on completion of this mission.
  • On Target: In order to acquire this final penance, you must complete the following penances:
  1. I Love the Millitarum
  2. Vantage Point
  3. Through The Mud
  4. Long Bomb
  5. Marked For Death

One trinket and head slot cosmetic will be your reward for this final penance.


Missions penance is not difficult to achieve because most of them will complete themselves as you complete other Warhammer 40K Darktide missions.

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  • Raiding Party: For this mission, you just need to complete 50 raid missions.
  • Seek, Locate, Destroy: You must complete 50 Assassination missions to acquire this challenge.
  • No Stone Unturned: The requirement for this challenge is to complete 50 investigation missions.
  • Disruptive Behavior: Simply complete 50 Disruption missions to unlock this mission.
  • Strike Force: This mission requires you to complete 50 strike missions to unlock this mission.
  • Master Of Intrigue: You can complete Master of Intrigue penance by simply completing Espionage missions.
  • Omnissiah’s Hand: This mission will be complete when you complete 50 repair missions.
  • First Assignment: You must complete 100 missions while playing the game to acquire this mission. You will also unlock the character frame for you from this mission.
  • Auspex Drill: This mission is quite simple, as you just need to scan 10 Auspex targets.
  • Interrogator: Just complete 10 data interrogations successfully to complete the interrogator penance.
  • Adapt To The Environment: This penance requires you to complete a mission having a special condition.
  • Stand By For Action: Completing one Flash mission will complete Stand by for Action penance.
  • Rapid Response: This mission requires you to be on damnation difficulty and complete a Flash mission to acquire this penance.
  • Flawless Interrogator: The requirement for this penance is to simply complete a Data Interrogation without putting any auspex entry incorrectly.
  • Inquisitorial Recruit: This penance is a bit lengthy. You must complete each mission on a Sedition threat or a higher level. Character frame will be your reward for this penance.
  • Mission Improbable: This final penance requires you to complete the following penances to get one trinket:
  1. Raiding Party
  2. Seek, Locate, Destroy
  3. No Stone Unturned
  4. Disruptive Behavior:
  5. Strike Force
  6. Master Of Intrigue
  7. Omnissiah’s Hand


The longest penance in Warhammer 40K Darktide, Heretics, is challenging to do since you have to be aware of the prerequisites for each penance.

WarHammer 40K DarkTide: Penances
Heretics penances in WarHammer 40K Darktide
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  • Traitorous Collective: You need to kill Scab enemy of every type to complete Traitorous Collective mission.
  • Renegade Master: This mission in Warhammer 40K Darktide will be completed when you kill 10 Scab specialist enemies.
  • Elitist: To acquire this mission, you must kill 10 Scab elite enemies. You can kill these enemies with any weapon. You can upgrade weapons to greater damage by unlocking thier levels.
  • Scab Picker: Killing 1000 scabs will complete this penance, and you will get a character frame for this penance.
  • Blowout: To complete the Blowout mission in Warhammer 40K Darktide, you must use melee attacks to kill 10 Bombers.
  • Hard Labour: This penance requires you to kill ten scab maulers without using headshots. Using headshots will fail this penance.
  • Cull The Traitors: The requirement for this penance in Warhammer 40K Darktide is to complete the following penances:
  1. Traitorous Collective
  2. Renegade Master
  3. Elitist
  4. Scab Picker
  5. Blowout
  6. Hard Labour

This penance will reward you with one trinket on completion.

  • Lex Triumphant: In Warhammer 40K Darktide, you simply need to kill 10 Dreg specialist to acquire this challenge.
  • Lex Vigilant: To complete Lex Vigilant penance, you must kill 10 Dreg elite enemies.
  • Dreg Cleanser: This challenge requires you to complete Dreg of every type.
  • Dreg Hunter: For this mission, you need to knock out 1000 dregs.
  • Decapitation Protocol: The requirement for this mission is to kill Dreg Ragers by shooting them in their heads.
  • Purge the Heretics: You need to complete the following penances to acquire this mission:
  1. Lex Triumphant
  2. Lex Vigilant
  3. Dreg Cleanser
  4. Dreg Hunter
  5. Decapitation Protocol
  6. You will unlock one trinket by completing this penance.
  • Nightmare Patrol: This penance requires you to kill 10 Terror specialist of every type.
  • Purification Protocol:  You need to kill ten elite terrors to acquire this purification protocol mission.
  • Banishement: You can complete this banishment penance by simply killing terror of each type.
  • Purgator: In this penance, you must kill 1000 Poxwalkers and any other Terrors of the warp to complete this mission.
  • Bullying The Bully: This challenge requires you to use your melee attack to kill 10 reapers.
  • Cleanse The Taint: You must complete the following penances to unlock this final and ultimate penance:     
  1. Nightmare Patrol
  2. Purification Protocol
  3. Banishement
  4. Purgator
  5. Bullying The Bully

 One trinket will be your reward for this final penance.


Here it is, a thorough guide on how to obtain Penances in Warhammer 40K Darktide. Check out the Tips and Tricks guide if you’re just getting into Warhammer. Furthermore, you can find lists of our best classes in our Class Tier Lists.


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Sulaymaan Ahmad is a Senior Writer on eXputer who covers all the latest and greatest games. He has an engineering background and a knack for decimating players in First-Person Shooter games. He also enjoys narrative-driven games with characters he can emotionally invest in. Sulaymaan's love for gaming has been going strong for several years which is evident on his gaming profiles at Steam and PSN. Experience: 3+ Years || Written 150+ Guides || Mainly Covers Strategy Guides on eXputer

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