Overwatch 2 Error Fix WS-37505-0 [Tested Fixes]

Resolve the Error WS-37505-0 in Overwatch 2 by Checking for Console Updates, Changing DNS Settings, and more!

Overwatch 2 is an incredibly immersive game that depends on players interacting in a 5v5 team to take on the ultimate battles that are to ensue. With such a solid game in hand, there may be many times when you might run into problems. One such issue is the Error code WS-37505-0 in Overwatch 2, which signals a poor connection.

However, it can also be caused by your Internet Connection or Game Servers. But don’t worry, as in this guide, I will reveal the best ways to combat the error and get your game running again!

The error message states: “An error has occurred. (WS-37505-0)”
error ws-37505-0 overwatch 2
Error Message (Image by eXputer)

Before moving to individual fixes, I recommend you first try basic troubleshooting methods:

Key Takeaways

To fix the error, go through the following methods:

  1. View PSN Status.
  2. Change your DNS Server.
  3. Open the Required Ports in your Router.
  4. Check for Console Updates.

Verify The Status Of PSN

If the PSN servers are down, you won’t be able to get your requests serviced, essentially being disconnected from Overwatch 2. So, I suggest verifying the PSN Status first and foremost, as also recommended by Sony. Doing this will help you save time on resolving an issue that is not there.

checking psn server status for overwatch 2 error
The PlayStation Network Service Status (Image Captured by eXputer)

To do this, head to the Official PSN Service Status site. Once there, verify if all the services are up and running. If they are, move forward with the methods. However, if not, I suggest waiting till they fix the problem.

Change The DNS Server 

Another reason Error WS-37505-0 might be popping up for you in Overwatch 2 is your default DNS Server. You can think of them as a phonebook. The better the phonebook, the easier it is to find your required information. But, sometimes, our default DNS Servers are not great, taking a while to get this server information.

So, I recommend swapping your default DNS Server for a better alternative. This will have your consoles establish stronger connections, potentially fixing the problem. Further, doing so will also improve your daily browsing experience. So, it’s a win-win scenario for you regardless of the outcome.

Open Required Router Ports 

If the router ports are not open, your console will not be able to reach the required servers, leading to connection errors like WS-37505-0. Every network or server endpoint has ports assigned to that, listening or servicing user requests. The same is true for PSN and Overwatch 2 as well.

So, if the required ports are not open on your router, I suggest doing so to increase your connection stability. 

Required Ports:

  • TCP: 3480, 3478, 3479, 443, and 80.
  • UDP: 3479 and 3478. 

Caution: Opening Ports on your Router can be a security risk. So, make sure you only open the ones that are required.

Here is the process to do so:

  1. Note down your Login Information from the back of your router.
  2. Enter the IP Address into a Search Bar > Enter your Username and Password to Log In.
  3. Find the Setting for Port Forwarding. (Sometimes NAT, Virtual Server, or Port Triggering)
    Opening Port Forwarding to fix overwatch 2 error
    Port Forwarding from Router (Image by eXputer)
  4. Add the Port Value > Repeat for all Entries.

Once done, restart your router to cement the changes.

Update System Software For PlayStation

Lastly, if nothing works, I suggest checking whether you need to update your System Software. Sometimes, when the system software becomes outdated, the core functions start deteriorating, especially things like server connections in games.

Usually, PlayStation will show a notification whenever an update is available. However, sometimes it can go to pending. So, it’s best to make sure you are updated manually.

To update manually, you can head to Settings and select the System Software Update option.

updaing ps4 system software
Updating System Software on a PlayStation (Image Captured by eXputer)

My Thoughts On Overwatch 2 Error WS-37505-0

Overwatch 2 had a shaky launch, filled with different issues. The one on hand, however, was not included in that list of problems. This is mainly because the Error WS-37505-0 is an issue from Sony’s side. The problem more or less happens when PSN is down, either for maintenance or other issues.

As a result, it hasn’t been widespread either, with a couple of reports from forums such as Reddit and TheShow. But, if there is an issue, the Official Blizzard CS Twitter handle is usually fast to post updates. So, I suggest keeping an eye out there.

However, sometimes, the issue does originate from the user end. In this case, I am confident the methods listed will help get around the problem. However, if they don’t, I suggest getting in contact with Blizzard Support for one-on-one support.

More Error Guides for Overwatch 2 covered on eXputer:

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Haider Khan is our error guides writer who loves to tinker around with operating systems and game files to find practical solutions to video game issues. He then crafts easy-to-follow error fix guides based on his findings. He’s also a Battlefield veteran who likes to rack up some Ws in his spare time. Learn some more about his gaming journey on his Steam profile. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Successfully Troubleshot Over 200 Games || Mainly Covers Error Fix & Game Settings 

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