Best Minecraft XP Farm [Early, Mid And Endgame]

Looking for the best XP farm in Minecraft 1.19? Learn everything you need to know about the most efficient XP farms in Minecraft in 2024.

Looking for Minecraft’s best XP farm? XP farms help you gain more XP while performing less of the work. You can design these structures to get help in farming experience points in large quantities. This makes it easier for you to progress, as XP is the main ingredient in enchanting your weapons. Here is a list of some farms in Minecraft for XP for different game stages to help you level up like a pro. Build these farms to master the art of XP farming and dominate your world in Minecraft!

Key Takeaways
  • XP, also known as experience points, are essential for performing various game tasks such as Sword enchantment, repairing, and renaming items.
  • There are different ways of getting XP. Players build farms to perform these tasks to get XP points more efficiently and quickly.
  • The effectiveness of an XP farm depends on the stage of where the player is in terms of progression.
  • Some of the best end-game farms include Wither skeleton farm, Enderman Farm, and Silver Fish Farm.

Best XP Farms In Minecraft

XP farms are an essential part of Minecraft gameplay. They provide a reliable source of experience points. These points are necessary for enchantments, repairing and renaming items, and unlocking game advancements.

  • In the early game, you can use makeshift farms to generate resources quickly and XP using simple materials.
  • Towards the midgame, more advanced farms can be built to generate a greater amount of XP and valuable resources.
  • In the endgame, the player can build highly efficient farms that generate a massive amount of XP and valuable materials.

The need for XP farms increases as the player progresses through the initial hours. The amount of XP required to enchant items and progress through game advancements becomes higher with a higher level. With the right knowledge and strategy, XP farms can be a highly effective tool for players to progress and unlock its amazing features.

Farms For Early Game

Early games in Minecraft can be tough, especially when it comes to leveling up and gaining experience points. However, XP farms can be an excellent way for players to gain valuable XP and level up quickly. In early games, players may not have access to advanced materials or knowledge of complex farming techniques. Therefore, it’s best to focus on simple, low-cost farms that can be built using basic materials.

Typically the XP farms in Minecraft for the early game are makeshift farms. These farms may not be as efficient as more advanced XP farms, but they are still a great way for players to level up and gain valuable resources without investing much time and effort.

Here are some of the Best XP Farms in 1.19.

1. Basic Wheat Farm

Materials Quantity
Dirt blocks 40
Water bucket 1
Wheat seeds 1-2
Wooden hoe 1

Here is how you can build a basic wheat farm:

  • Find a suitable location to build your XP farm. Look for a flat area that is close to a water source. You can also place water around the dirt blocks without a water source.
  • The farm can be built on any type of block, but it’s best to use dirt blocks since they are the most suitable for growing crops.
  • Use a wooden hoe to till the soil by right-clicking the dirt blocks. This will turn the dirt into farmland suitable for growing crops.
  • Take the wheat seeds and right-click on the farmland blocks to plant them. You can use one or two wheat seeds per block.
Wheat XP Farm Minecraft
Basic Wheat Farm for XP

2. Manual Mob Grinder

Materials Quantity
Building blocks (cobblestone, dirt, or other solid block) 150+
Hoppers 2-3
Chests 1-2
Ladders 10-20
Water buckets 2-3
Signs 3-5
Slabs 10-20
Torches 10-20
Fencing or walls (optional) 20+

Here is how you can build a manual mob grinder:

  • Look for a dark area where mobs are likely to spawn, such as a cave or a room that is at least two blocks tall and three blocks wide.
  • Use building blocks to build a platform that is at least 20 blocks above the ground. This platform should be at least two blocks tall and three blocks wide, and it should have a 2×2 hole in the center.
  • Build a funnel around the spawning platform using slabs, blocks, or fencing. This funnel should slope towards a collection point at the bottom of the grinder.
Mob Grinder Farm for XP
Mob Grinder XP Farm

3. Simple Chicken Farm

Materials Quantity
Fencing 16+
Gates 1-2
Torches 2+
Wheat seeds 1-2
Chicken eggs 2-3

Here is how you can build a simple chicken farm:

  • Look for a flat area that is close to your base or wherever you want the XP farm to be. You can build the farm outdoors or indoors if there is enough space for the chickens to move around.
  • Use fencing blocks to build a pen that is at least 2 blocks tall and 3 blocks wide. You can make the pen as big as you want, but ensure it is large enough to hold a few chickens.
  • Place a gate on one side of the pen, so you can enter and exit the pen as needed.
  • Use chicken eggs to spawn chickens inside the pen. You can also lure chickens into the pen with wheat seeds.
Chicken Farm for XP
Chicken XP Farm 

4. Slime Farm

Building blocks 300-500
Slabs 100-200
Torches 50
Fences 50
Water buckets 2
Signs 30
Chests 2
Hoppers 4
Iron golems 1-2

Here is how you can build a slime farm:

  • Locate Slime Chunk using an online slime chunk finder or digging underground.
  • Create spawning platforms by digging out multiple layers of the chunk, each at least three blocks high.
  • Light up platforms with torches to prevent hostile mob spawns.
  • Set up water channels on each platform to funnel slimes toward the central drop chute or killing area.
  • Place signs strategically to control water flow.
  • Optionally, construct a drop chute in the center of the platforms, hole two blocks wide and two blocks long, to funnel slimes into the central killing area.
Slime Farm for Experience Point
Slime Farm for XP

5. Sheep Farm

Materials Quantity
Fencing 20+
Gates 1-2
Water bucket 1
Wheat 1-2
Shears 1-2
Iron bars (optional) 10-20

Here is how you can build a sheep farm:

  • Find a flat area with grass blocks to build your sheep farm. Sheep need grass to regrow their wool after being sheared, so ensure the farm has access to plenty of grass.
  • Use fencing blocks to build a pen that is at least two blocks tall and three blocks wide. You can make the pen as big as you want, but ensure it is large enough to hold a few sheep.
  • Place a gate on one side of the pen, so you can enter and exit the pen as needed.
  • Use wheat to lure sheep into the pen. You can also use a lead to bring them to the pen.
  • Place torches around the pen to prevent hostile mobs from spawning nearby.
  • The sheep will grow their wool over time. Once the wool is fully grown, you can use shears to collect it.
  • Use wheat to breed the sheep inside the pen. Once they breed, they will produce baby sheep, which will grow into adults over time.
Basic Sheep Farm for XP
Basic Sheep Farm for XP

6. Fish Farm

Materials Quantity
Fencing 30+
Water bucket 1
Hoppers 2+
Chest 1
Trapdoors 4+
Signs 1-2
Fishing rod 1

Sheep Farm is not only the best XP farm in 2024 but it has stood in its position for a long time. Here are the steps for building a basic fish farm in Minecraft:

  • The first step is to find a body of water that is at least four blocks deep. This can be a river, ocean, or even a man-made pond.
  • Use fencing to create a border around the area where you want to build your fish farm. Ensure the border is at least three blocks high to prevent fish from jumping out.
  • Use a water bucket to fill the inside of the border with water. Make sure the water is at least two blocks deep.
  • Place hoppers at the bottom of the border, so they will collect any fish that are caught.
  • Place a chest next to the hoppers, so they will deposit the fish they collect into the chest.
  • Place trapdoors along the top of the border. These will prevent rain from falling into the water and disrupting the fishing process.
  • Place signs along the top of the border, just above the trapdoors. This will create a barrier that prevents players from accidentally falling into the water.
  • Use a fishing rod to fish in the water. The fish will be caught and collected by the hoppers and then deposited into the chest.

Fish Farm is one of the best and easiest ways to get XP in Minecraft. Players can expand this farm to a greater scale to breed more fish, in return earning more XP.

Fish Farm for XP
Fish Farm for XP

Farms For Mid-Game

As you progress through Minecraft and enter the mid-game, your access to resources and materials expands, allowing you to create more efficient and productive XP farms. At this stage, players can explore the world, discover new structures, and obtain more advanced materials to construct better farms.

Mid-game farms offer a balance between efficiency, resource gains, and XP output. Remember to optimize the designs based on your personal preferences, and always ensure the farms are safe to use. Players can pick any best XP farm 2024 for midgame in the following.

1. Blaze Farm

Obsidian and Nether blocks 90-120
Glass Blocks 200-300
Hoppers and chest 20-30
Lava buckets 3-4
Water buckets 1-2

Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can build a blaze farm:

  • Locate a blaze spawner in a Nether Fortress.
  • Identify blaze spawners by bright orange flames.
  • Build a spawning platform with netherrack blocks, one wall of glass.
  • Ensure platform is spacious for mob movement and player maneuvering.
  • Create adjacent kill zone with clear line of sight to blazes; protect with walls.
  • Implement water and lava system to push blazes toward kill zone.
  • Place water source blocks on platform, use signs to prevent flooding.
  • Add lava source blocks near kill zone to kill blazes and collect drops.
  • Use hoppers to gather Blaze Rods and other drops, such as gunpowder, coal, and bones.
  • Design XP farm with magma blocks at bottom of drop chute.
  • Use hoppers under magma blocks to collect XP orbs.
  • Set up AFK spot near blaze farm to stay within spawn range.
Blaze XP Farm
Blaze Farm for XP

2. Guardian Farm

Prismarine blocks 300-500
Soul sand 50
Fences 100
Nether brick slabs 100
Chests 4
Hoppers 8
Signs 50
Water buckets 10

Here is how you can build a guardian farm for XP:

  • Locate Ocean Monument underwater, inhabited by guardians and elder guardians.
  • Prepare for combat; eliminate all guardians and elder guardians.
  • Use potions of water breathing and night vision for assistance.
  • Construct large flat platform above monument with prismarine blocks, 30×30 size with 2-block gap.
  • Divide platform into 3-block wide sections using fences; place signs to prevent water flow.
  • Fill sections with water to create currents pushing guardians to center.
  • Create 3×3 hole in center; place soul sand at bottom surrounded by fences to keep guardians inside.
  • Soul sand generates bubble column, transporting guardians upwards.
  • Build 3×3 platform at top of column with nether brick slabs; surround with fences to contain guardians.
  • Place chests below killing chamber, connect to hoppers to collect drops.
  • Stand near killing chamber to attract guardians; watch as they’re transported and dropped onto platform.
  • Collect XP orbs and drops as guardians die.
Guardian XP Farm
Guardian Farm for XP

3. Iron Golem Farm

Iron blocks 100-120
Lava Bucket 10
Glass 200-300
Fences 100
Slabs 100
Chests 4
Hoppers 8
Signs 50
Water buckets 10
Villagers (trapped) 3
Zombie (trapped) 1

Here is how you can build an iron golem farm for resources and XP:

  • Choose flat area close to base for farm.
  • Create two 16×16 spawning platforms with iron blocks, 2-block gap.
  • Construct water channels with glass and fences between platforms; place signs to prevent water flow.
  • Fill sections with water to push iron golems toward center.
  • Create 3×3 hole in center; surround with fences to contain iron golems.
  • Iron golems fall into drop chute.
  • Build 3×3 platform at chute’s bottom with slabs; surround with fences.
  • Use lava with signs to kill iron golems if preferred.
  • Place chests below killing chamber; connect to hoppers for drops collection.
  • Trap three villagers in nearby enclosure, protect from threats.
  • Trap zombie close to villagers but out of reach.
  • Zombie presence prompts iron golem spawning.
  • Stand near killing chamber to attract iron golems.
  • Observe as they’re pushed into water currents, fall into drop chute, and land on killing platform.
  • Collect XP orbs and drops from iron golem demise.
Iron Golem XP Farm
Iron Golem Farm for XP

4. Zombie Pigman Farm

Netherrack 300-400
Glass 200-300
Fences 100
Slabs 100
Chests 4
Hoppers 8
Signs 50
Water buckets 10
Ladders 20
Trapdoors 20
Turtle eggs 4

Here is how you can build a zombie pigman farm for resources and XP:

  • Choose Nether location above lava lake or in open area for accessibility.
  • Build two 16×16 spawning platforms with netherrack, 2-block gap, 24 blocks from solid blocks.
  • Surround platforms with glass wall to prevent zombie pigmen wandering into lava.
  • Use open trapdoors and turtle eggs to attract zombie pigmen; place eggs in center of each platform, surrounded by trapdoors.
  • Zombie pigmen fall through trapdoors onto slabs below.
  • Build 3×3 platform with slabs at bottom of drop for pigmen to land and take damage.
  • Design safe route to access pigmen for killing and XP.
  • Surround platform with fences to prevent pigmen escape.
  • Place chests below killing chamber; connect to hoppers for drops collection.
  • Construct small enclosed platform above farm with ladders, protect from ghasts.
  • Stand on AFK spot to attract zombie pigmen; watch as they’re lured towards eggs, fall through trapdoors, and land on killing platform.
  • Collect XP orbs and drops from pigmen demise.
Zombie Pigman Farm
Killing Zombie Pigman for XP

5. Ghast XP Farm

Building blocks 800-1000
Slabs 300-500
Fences or walls 200
Trapdoors 100
Minecarts 4-6
Powered rails 50
Regular rails 100
Redstone torches 10
Chests 4
Hoppers 8

Here is how you can build a ghast XP farm for resources and XP:

  • Locate open area in Nether Wastes biome with ample space for large spawning platforms.
  • Construct multiple large spawning platforms using building blocks, spaced out to allow ghast spawns.
  • Place slabs on top of platforms to prevent piglins and magma cubes from spawning.
  • Design funneling system with trapdoors and fences/walls to guide ghasts into central killing chamber.
  • Use trapdoors to lure ghasts towards open spaces; fences/walls keep them contained.
  • Install minecart system below funneling area to transport ghasts to killing chamber.
  • Create track with powered rails and regular rails leading to chamber.
  • Build killing chamber large enough for ghasts, with safe area for player to attack from.
  • Place chests below killing chamber; connect to hoppers for drops collection.
  • Stand near killing chamber to attract ghasts; watch as they’re funneled into minecart system and transported to chamber.
  • Collect XP orbs and drops as ghasts are defeated.

This farm not only provides you with valuable resources like ghast tears and gunpowder but also offers a substantial amount of experience points, making it an excellent choice for players looking to level up quickly.

Ghast Farm for XP
Killing Mechanism For Ghast XP Farm

6. Witch XP Farm

Building blocks 500-700
Slabs 100-200
Glass 100
Fences or walls 100
Trapdoors 50
Water buckets 4
Signs 50
Chests 4
Hoppers 8
Soul sand 1
Bubble column item 1

Here is how you can build a witch XP farm for resources and XP:

  • Locate witch hut in swamp biome, natural spawning area for witches.
  • Construct large spawning platform around hut, properly lit to prevent other hostile mobs.
  • Cover platform with slabs, leaving 2-block gap around hut for witch spawning.
  • Remove obstacles within hut (roof, walls, floor) to maximize spawning area.
  • Design funneling system with trapdoors, fences/walls to guide witches into central water stream.
  • Install water channels with signs to control flow.
  • Create 2×2 hole in center of platform, place soul sand surrounded by fences/walls to contain witches.
  • Add bubble column item (e.g., magma block, kelp) for upward transportation.
  • Build platform with slabs at top of drop chute; surround with glass/fences.
  • Place chests below killing chamber, connect to hoppers for drops collection.
  • Stand near killing chamber to attract witches; watch as they’re pushed into water currents, transported up bubble column, and dropped onto killing platform.
  • Collect XP orbs and drops as witches die.
Witch XP Farm Minecraft
Witch Farm for XP

Farms For Endgame

Endgame farms focus on maximizing efficiency, resource gains, and XP output. These farms often utilize complex mechanisms and extensive infrastructure to achieve the best results. These farms are usually very difficult to build and require a lot of effort to be built. Once established, players can benefit a lot from these farms in terms of material and experience points. You can find Minecraft best XP farm 2024 for the endgame in the list below.

1. Enderman XP Farm

End stone 300-400
Glass 200-300
Fences 100
Slabs 100
Chests 4
Hoppers 8
Signs 50
Ladders 20
Trapdoors 20
Endermite (trapped) 1
Minecart 1
Rails 10
Name tag 1

Another Minecraft best xp farm 1.19 is Enderman XP Farm. Here is how you can build an Enderman XP farm for resources and XP:

  • Choose End location 128 blocks from main island to avoid Enderman spawns.
  • Construct two 16×16 end stone platforms, 2-block gap, 24 blocks from solid blocks.
  • Surround with glass wall to prevent Endermen from falling.
  • Spawn, trap, and name endermite above gap between platforms.
  • Build roof with slabs to limit height, prevent Endermen teleportation.
  • Place trapdoors on platform edges to force Endermen into 2-block high space.
  • Place chests below killing chamber; connect to hoppers for drops.
  • Create enclosed platform above farm with ladders for safety.
  • Stand on AFK spot to attract Endermen; watch as they’re lured to endermite, fall into killing chamber, and become trapped.
  • Kill Endermen, collect XP and drops.
Endermite Used in Enderman XP Farm
Endermite for Enderman XP Farm

2. Wither Skeleton XP Farm

Nether brick 300-400
Glass 200-300
Fences 100
Slabs 100
Chests 4
Hoppers 8
Signs 50
Ladders 20
Trapdoors 20
Wolf (tamed) 1
Soul sand 20
Wither roses 20

Here is how you can build a wither skeleton XP farm for resources and XP:

  • Choose Nether Fortress location for wither skeleton farm.
  • Construct two 16×16 nether brick spawning platforms, 2-block gap, 24 blocks from solid blocks.
  • Remove other spawnable spaces for efficiency.
  • Surround platforms with glass wall to prevent wither skeletons from falling into hazards.
  • Bring tamed wolf from Overworld to Nether, place on raised platform in farm center.
  • Place soul sand below platforms, plant wither roses on it.
  • Wither skeletons will be attracted to wolf and fall onto wither roses, taking damage.
  • Place chests below killing chamber; connect to hoppers for drops collection.
  • Create small enclosed platform above farm with ladders for safety.
  • Stand on AFK spot to attract wither skeletons; watch as they’re lured to wolf, fall onto roses, and take damage.
  • Collect XP orbs and drops as wither skeletons die.
Wither Skeleton XP Farm
Wolf Bait Wither Skeleton Farm

3. Ender Dragon Farm

Note that Ender Dragon Farm is one of the Minecraft best XP farms in 2024 but it is not feasible to build. Mainly as the ender dragon can only be respawned by placing end crystals on the exit portal, and the dragon’s behavior makes it impossible to create a farm similar to other mob farms. Furthermore, the ender dragon can destroy blocks in its path, which would compromise the structural integrity of any farm design.

However, you can still obtain a substantial amount of XP from defeating the ender dragon each time it respawned. Here is a simple guide on how to respawn and defeat the ender dragon for XP:

End crystals 4
Bow 1
Arrows 64
Ender pearls 16
Food 20
Armor (preferably diamond or netherite) 1 set

Here are the steps that you need to follow to build an ender dragon spawn:

Respawning The Ender Dragon
  • Travel to the End, where you previously defeated the ender dragon.
  • Place one end crystal on each side of the exit portal, aligning them with the portal’s bedrock frame.
Defeat The Ender Dragon
  • As the ender dragon respawns, it will regenerate the obsidian pillars and end crystals that heal it.
  • Destroy the end crystals on top of the obsidian pillars by shooting them with your bow and arrow. Ender pearls can be used to reach the top of the pillars, if necessary, quickly.
  • Attack the ender dragon while avoiding its breath attacks and projectiles.
  • Collect the XP orbs dropped by the ender dragon upon its defeat.

You can obtain many experience points each time you defeat the ender dragon. Although it is not an automated farm, it is still an effective way to gather XP for leveling up and enchanting.

4. Raid Farm

Building blocks 500-700
Glass 200-300
Fences 100
Slabs 100
Chests 4
Hoppers 8
Trapdoors 20
Iron golems 2-4
Villagers 2
Beds 2
Workstations 2
Water buckets 10

For some players Minecraft best xp farm 1.19 list has Raid Farm on the top. Here is how you can build a raid XP farm for resources and XP:

  • Choose location near Pillager Outpost or open area for easy raid triggering.
  • Construct small village with 2 villagers, 2 beds, 2 workstations; well-lit and fenced to keep out hostile mobs.
  • Surround village with 2-block deep, 3-block wide trench to protect from raid mobs.
  • Build raised platforms with trapdoors on outer side of trench for raid mobs to fall into.
  • Spawn or lead 2-4 iron golems into trench as defenders.
  • Place chests below killing platforms; connect to hoppers for drops collection.
  • Create enclosed platform above village with ladders for safety.
  • Acquire “Bad Omen” effect by killing pillager captain.
  • Enter village to initiate raid.
  • Stand on AFK spot during raid; watch as iron golems and trench handle mobs.
  • Collect XP orbs and drops as raid mobs are defeated.
Minecraft Raid XP Farm
Raid Farm for XP

5. Silverfish XP Farm

Building blocks 300-500
Slabs 100-200
Glass 50
Fences or walls 50
Water buckets 2
Signs 30
Chests 2
Hoppers 4
Pistons 4
Pressure plates 4
Redstone 20

Here is how you can build this XP farm in Minecraft for resources and XP:

  • Find End Portal room in stronghold; contains silverfish spawner.
  • Remove obstacles in room to maximize silverfish spawning area.
  • Construct spawning platform around spawner with building blocks.
  • Cover platform with slabs to prevent other hostile mobs.
  • Design funneling system with fences or walls to guide silverfish into central water stream.
  • Use pressure plates and pistons to push silverfish into water channels.
  • Install water channels with signs to control flow.
  • Create 1×1 hole in center of platform; surround with fences or walls to contain silverfish.
  • Build platform with slabs at bottom of drop chute for silverfish to land and take damage.
  • Surround platform with glass or fences to prevent escape.
  • Place chests below killing chamber; connect to hoppers for drops collection.
  • Stand near killing chamber to attract silverfish; watch as they’re pushed into water currents and funneled into drop chute.
  • Collect XP orbs and drops as silverfish die.
Silver Fish XP Farm Minecraft
Silverfish Farm for XP

My Thoughts On The Best XP Farm For Beginners

Personally, I think Manual Mob Grinder is one of the best early-game farms for XP mining. Manual Mob Grinders are easy to build, don’t require a lot of materials, and have a high yield compared to other early game farms mentioned in this article. You can also get other useful loot like bones, arrows, and enchanted armor.

minecraft hours
My current in-game achievements for Minecraft (Screenshot by me)

You can increase Manual Mob Grinders’ drop rate by simply building the farm 200 blocks above the ground and lighting up the farm roof to prevent mobs from spawning on the roof. You can also build multiple mob spawning sections for a higher yield

In conclusion, Minecraft offers a variety of XP farms to cater to different stages, from the early game to the end game. These farms not only help players level up more efficiently but also provide valuable resources to aid in their in-game progression. As you advance, your access to resources and materials will expand, enabling you to create more advanced and productive XP farms.

By building and optimizing these farms based on your current progression, you can become a true, experienced farming professional and dominate your world in Minecraft. So, get ready to explore, discover, and build experience point farms, as there is no limit to your creativity in the world of Minecraft!

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Daniyal is a Guides Writer and Editor at eXputer with over one year of experience in content writing. He's had a passion for tech and gaming for more than 15 years. Ever since his first console, the PS2, he's constantly branching off to different genres, and his go-to at the moment is the Souls experience pioneered by FromSoftware, which is evident by his 1,500+ hours of game time on Elden Ring. You can learn some more about Daniyal's gaming journey on his Steam & Xbox profiles.

Experience: 1+ Years || Mainly Covers Guides || Education: Bachelors in Computer Sciences.

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