Final Fantasy 16: Knight Of The Splendent Heart [Our Expert’s Take]

Discover the location of and how to beat the Knight of the Splendent Heart in Final Fantasy 16!

There are many different enemies that you can find through the hunt board. Among those different hunts lies the Final Fantasy 16 Knight of the Splendent Heart. Although it possesses a fairly straightforward moves, it can be quite tricky to locate and defeat without a proper strategy in place.

Key Takeaways
  • Complete Under New Management II to unlock the hunt for the Knight of the Splendent Heart.
  • Find the Knight at the Penitent’s Gate in Sanbreque, north of Northreach.
  • Dodge attacks by avoiding vertical blue lines indicating the Knight’s Mirage abilities.
  • Use precision dodging or Titan Eikonic Abilities against the Knight’s lunge attacks.
  • Stay mobile and steer clear of areas where beams of light hit the ground.
  • Counter the Knight’s rush attack with Titan’s Titanic Block and Raging Fists abilities.
  • Rewards for defeating the Knight: 9000 Experience Points, 105 Ability Points, two meteorites, 17,000 Gil, and 35 Renown

Here is a quick look at the Knight of Splendent Heart’s location & more info on this A-rank boss in FF16.

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Final Fantasy 16 Knight Of The Splendent Heart Location

Knight of the Splendent Heart location final fantasy 16
Knight of the Splendent Heart location on the map [screenshot by eXputer]
  1. Complete Under New Management II by talking to Isabella in the eastern part of Northreach.
  2. Unlock the Hunt for the Knight of the Splendent Heart by finishing the main quest, Back to Their Origin.
  3. Access the Hunt Board to select the Knight of the Splendent Heart mark after completing Back to Their Origin.
  4. Locate the Knight in the Royal Meadows, north of Northreach in the Holy Empire of Sanbreque.
  5. Find the Knight at the northern end of the Royal Meadows, near the obelisk, standing on a stone path
Knight of the Splendent Heart standing in front of gate in final fantasy 16
Knight of the Splendent Heart standing in front of the gate for combat [image by eXputer]

For a more precise location, the Knight of the Splendent Heart is found at The Penitent’s Gate in Sanbreque. 

  • The Knight is hard to miss, located right outside the gate to the city. 
  • The Holy Empire of Sanbreque also houses the Behemoth King. 
  • To reach it, fast travel to Northreach Obliske, then head northeast to find the monster just outside the gate to the city.

Final Fantasy 16 How To Beat Knight Of The Splendent Heart

fight screen
Knight of the Splendent Heart bounty showcase

As you prepare for the encounter with the Knight of the Splendent Heart, it’s crucial to understand that his offensive arsenal is fairly limited. The battle largely hinges on two types of attacks:

  • Mirage Dive, Mirage High Dive, and Phantom Mirage: These unique abilities allow the Knight of the Splendent Heart to deliver a bombardment of attacks onto FF16’s Clive. You can avoid these attacks by steering clear of the vertical blue lines that signal the imminent onslaught.
  • Lunge: Following the aforementioned special abilities, the Knight of the Splendent Heart executes a substantial lunge attack. A precision dodge at the right moment can help you evade the attack. Alternatively, the Titan Eikon Abilities can counter the strike, provided the timing is impeccably precise.

Useful Strategies

Knight of the Splendent Heart combat start [taken by us]
  • When facing the Knight of the Splendent Heart, be prepared for his jump technique that releases dragoon illusions and ends with a final blow.
  • Move continuously in a general direction and dodge the illusions right before they hit, staying alert for the delayed final blow.
how to beat Knight of the Splendent Heart in final fantasy 16
Knight of the Splendent Heart glowing aerial move [screenshot by us]
  • Watch out for the Knight’s two speedy charging thrusts, especially after mirage dives, and be ready to dodge.
  • Utilize Titan’s Precision Block for counter-attacks when the Knight rushes at you following his abilities.
  • Beware of beams of light descending from the sky; stay in constant motion and dodge away from the impact point


Upon defeating the Knight of the Splendent Heart, the rewards are substantial. You are rewarded with the following:

The completion of the hunt itself earns you: 

  • 17,000 Gil 
  • 35 Renown

With that, you know everything about the Final Fantasy 16 Knight of the Splendent Heart! Although not quite hard to locate or defeat, knowing the right strategies can truly help out in completing the hunt. The trickiest part is unlocking the Hunt in the first place, as there are many prerequisites involved. 

However, your journey does not end here, as there is still much more to discover, such as different characters, eikons, and dominants! You can also uncover different weapons and even unlock all sorts of achievements with our trophy list

Up Next:

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Atik Younas is a Junior Guides Writer on eXputer with decent experience writing about games. He’s an avid 3D designer and a coding wizard who gets fascinated by the technical aspects of the latest games. He’s got a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and loves enjoying well-written stories and combat mechanics in games. Atik has been playing games for more than 10+ years now. Most notably he has spent 1,000+ hours on GTA V Online and Minecraft! Feel free to get in touch with Atik on his gaming profile at Xbox and PSN. Experience: 2+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Computer Science || Written 200+ Guides || Mainly Covers Game Strategy Guides on eXputer

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