Naraka Bladepoint Best Classes [Aggressive, Defense & Support]

Breakdown of the aggressive, defensive, and support classes in Naraka Bladepoint, including key strengths for each playstyle.

Mastering the different fighter classes and playstyles is essential to succeed in Naraka Bladepoint. You will know the key strengths of the three major classes – aggressive, defensive, and support fighters. It will highlight the top characters in each class, like Yoto Hime, Matari, and Kurumi, while explaining the abilities that make them excel. 

Key Takeaways
  • Naraka Bladepoint has three major classes:
    1. Aggressive fighters specialize in great damage and disrupting enemies to secure kills.
    2. Defensive fighters focus on escaping danger, mitigating damage, and controlling engagement terms.
    3. Support fighters amplify allies through healing, shields, and crowd control abilities.

  • Top aggressive picks like Yoto Hime and Viper Ning overwhelm enemies with damage.
  • Matari and Tianhai are top defensive choices for their evasion and durability.
  • Kurumi and Ziping Yin provide vital team support with healing and protection skills.
  • Each class has distinct strengths that enable different combat approaches and playstyles.
  • Picking the right class and character complements your preferred way of playing Naraka Bladepoint.

What Are Classes In Naraka Bladepoint?

Following are the three different types of classes in Naraka Bladepoint as well as the characters associated with them along with their key strengths:

RoleCharactersKey Strengths
AggressiveYoto Hime, Tarka Ji, Viper NingAggressive fighters have high damage abilities. They utilize mobility for swiftly attacking enemies. Their skills disrupt and disorient foes. Aggressive fighters excel at securing kills on weakened targets. They specialize in initiating fights on their own terms.
DefensiveMatari, Tianhai, TemulchDefensive fighters possess abilities to escape bad situations and evade attacks. They can mitigate and withstand high damage. Defensive skills allow blocking of enemy attacks and combos. Their evasion forces enemies to fight on the defender's terms. They can delay engagements and reset fights.
SupportKurumi, Ziping YinSupport fighters have powerful healing abilities to keep allies alive. They can shield teammates and amplify damage through buffs. Supports displace enemies and provide crowd control. Their skills sustain fights by augmenting allies.

Naraka Bladepoint features a diverse roster of characters that can be grouped into three major playstyle classes – aggressive fighters, defensive fighters, and support fighters.

  • Aggressive fighters specialize in disrupting enemies and dealing great damage. They have high mobility skills to engage and take down opponents swiftly.
  • Top aggressive fighters include Yoto Hime, Tarka Ji, and Viper Ning.
  • Defensive fighters focus on escape, evasion, and damage mitigation. They have abilities to block attacks, heal themselves, and reposition.
  • The top defensive picks are Matari, Temulch, and Tianhai.
  • Support fighters provide healing and shields for allies. They also have the skills to teleport teammates to safety.
  • The best support options are Kurumi and Ziping Yin.

Top Aggressive Fighters

Below, three aggressive fighters shine at initiating fights, disrupting foes, and securing kills quickly. Their mix of damage and mobility makes them ideal choices for aggressive players who want to pressure enemies actively.

Yoto Hime

classes naraka bladepoint
Yoto Hime
Stat Value
Health Low
Attack Very High
Defense Low
Mobility High
Difficulty Hard
Role Damage
Skills Ominous Blade (high damage)
Playstyle Aggressive, high-damage

Yoto Hime is one of the best aggressive characters in Naraka Bladepoint. Her skills, like Ominous Blade, allow her to deal massive damage to enemies.

She can teleport to her blade during attacks for added mobility. Yoto Hime is great for players who prefer an aggressive, high-damage playstyle.

Tarka Ji

classes naraka bladepoint
Tarka Ji
Stat Value
Health Medium
Attack Very High
Defense Low
Mobility High
Difficulty Moderate
Role Damage
Skills Inner Fire (knockback & burn)
Ultimate Blackout (damage while sprinting)
Playstyle Aggressive, chase & finish low health targets
Strengths Excellent at quickly finishing off enemies

Tarka Ji is another top aggressive pick with skills like Inner Fire that knock back and burn enemies. His Blackout ultimate envelops him in flames, damaging nearby enemies while sprinting. Tarka Ji is excellent for quickly chasing down and finishing off low-health targets.

Viper Ning

classes naraka bladepoint
Viper Ning
Stat Value
Health Low
Attack High
Defense Low
Mobility Medium
Difficulty Hard
Role Damage
Skills Twilight Crimson (stun groups)
Playstyle Fast initiator, crowd control
Strengths Strong DPS and group crowd control
Weaknesses Low defense
Rewards Decisive initiation of fights

Viper Ning has strong DPS and crowd control abilities like Twilight Crimson. She can stun groups of enemies, setting up prime damage opportunities. Viper Ning rewards fast and decisive initiating of fights.

Key Strengths Of Aggressive Fighters

Character Strengths
Yoto Hime Very high attack, high mobility, massive damage skills
Tarka Ji Very high attack, high mobility, excellent at finishing low-health targets
Viper Ning High DPS and crowd control abilities

Here are some key strengths of aggressive fighters in Naraka Bladepoint:

  • High damage abilities: Aggressive fighters like Yoto Hime and Viper Ning have skills that can quickly burst down opponents. Their abilities are tailored for disabling and finishing enemies.
  • Mobility for attacking: Aggressive characters have high mobility skills to engage and take down targets swiftly. Tarka Ji’s Blackout gives him speed to chase while attacking.
  • Disrupting enemies: Aggressive fighters are adept at interrupting enemy combos and disorienting their foes—Viper Ning’s skills knockback and stun groups of enemies.
  • Securing kills: The damage and speed of aggressive fighters enable them to pick off weakened and isolated enemies swiftly. Their abilities allow them to confirm kills quickly.
  • Initiating fights: Aggressive picks are ideal for starting engagements on their terms, catching opponents off guard. Their mix of damage and disruption can overwhelm unprepared enemies.

In summary, aggressive fighters specialize in swiftly taking the fight to enemies to damage, disrupt and destroy their opponents. Their ability to control the terms of engagement makes them powerful playmakers.

Top Defensive Fighters

These defensive-focused characters specialize in mitigating damage, delaying engagements, and dictating the terms of combat through their evasive abilities. They force enemies to play around their defenses.


classes naraka bladepoint
Stat Value
Health Low
Attack Medium
Defense Medium
Mobility Very High
Difficulty Moderate
Role Defense
Skills Silent Flutter (high mobility)
Playstyle Repositioning, escaping
Strengths Best mobility, resetting fights
Weaknesses Low health
Rewards Skillful evasion and escapes

Matari is one of the best defensive characters in Naraka Bladepoint. Her high mobility from skills like Silent Flutter allows her to reposition and escape from enemies easily. Matari can reset fights on her terms.


classes naraka bladepoint
Stat Value
Health Medium
Attack Low
Defense High
Mobility Medium
Difficulty Moderate
Role Defender

Temulch is a top defensive pick able to block ranged attacks using abilities like Zephyr Prison. He can displace enemies and create distance using his wind powers. Temulch excels at zoning control.


classes naraka bladepoint
Stat Value
Health Very High
Attack Medium
Defense Very High
Mobility Low
Difficulty Easy
Role Defense
Skills Divine Bell (damage resistance)
Ultimate Titan’s Call (giant form)
Playstyle Withstand attacks
Strengths Extremely durable
Weaknesses Low mobility

Tianhai has defensive skills like Divine Bell, which makes him resistant to damage. His Titan’s Call transforms him into a giant that can withstand attacks. Tianhai is extremely durable.

Key Strengths Of Defensive Fighters

Character Strengths
Matari Best mobility, resetting fights through escape
Tianhai Extremely durable, can withstand attacks
Temulch Excellent zoning control, displacing enemies

Here are some key strengths of defensive fighters in Naraka Bladepoint:

  • Escape and evasion: Defensive characters like Matari have abilities to get out of bad situations swiftly. Their mobility helps them reposition.
  • Damage mitigation: Defensive fighters have the skills to absorb damage and withstand attacks. Tianhai’s Divine Bell makes him very durable.
  • Blocking attacks: Temulch can block projectiles with wind walls. Defensive abilities disrupt enemy combos.
  • Dictating engagement: Their evasion forces enemies to fight on their terms. Defensive players control the battle’s pace and range.
  • Delaying fights: By avoiding damage and escapes, defensive picks can delay full engagement to recover or wait for help.
  • Resetting fights: If losing a battle, defensive abilities allow disengagement and reset for a more favorable position.

In summary, defensive fighters aim to mitigate damage while controlling the terms of combat through escapes and disruptions. Their durability and evasion frustrate opponents.

Top Support Fighters

These supportive fighters specialize in keeping teammates alive through healing, damage reduction buffs, and displacement of enemies. They amplify the potency of their team through augmenting abilities.


classes naraka bladepoint
Stat Value
Health Medium
Attack Low
Defense Medium
Mobility Medium
Difficulty Easy
Role Support
Skills Sacred Circle (healing)
Ultimate Binding Prayer (teleport to allies)
Playstyle Healing and supporting teammates
Strengths Best healer can quickly restore health/armor
Weaknesses Low damage output

Kurumi is one of the best support characters in Naraka Bladepoint. Her healing abilities, like Sacred Circle, can quickly restore health and armor to herself and her teammates. She can also teleport to allies using Binding Prayer.

Ziping Yin

classes naraka bladepoint
Ziping Yin
Stat Value
Health Medium
Attack Low
Defense Medium
Mobility Medium
Difficulty Moderate
Role Support
Skills Shielding and healing allies
Ultimate Saving Grace (knockback enemies)
Playstyle Defensive support
Strengths Excellent defensive utility, enabling counters
Weaknesses Low damage

Ziping Yin provides excellent defensive support with skills that shield allies and restore health—her Saving Grace ultimately knocks back enemies who attack her, enabling counters.

Some other top support picks include Wuchen for his mobility and buffing skills, along with Feria Shen, who can summon healing mechs to aid allies.

Key Strengths Of Support Fighters

Character Strengths
Kurumi Best healer who quickly restores health/armor
Ziping Yin Excellent defensive utility, shields, and healing
Enables Supporting teammates through healing and protection
Rewards Keeping teammates alive and enabling counters

Here are some key strengths of the support fighter class in Naraka Bladepoint:

  • Healing abilities: Support characters like Kurumi have powerful heals to keep allies alive during battles. Their healing skills and items are vital.
  • Shielding allies: Supports can grant teammates damage reduction buffs and absorption barriers. Ziping Yin’s skills help mitigate damage.
  • Teleportation: Some supports like Kurumi can reposition allies out of harm’s way. Their displacement skills protect teammates.
  • Amplifying damage: While supports lack individual damage, they amp ally damage through augmenting effects and enemy debuffs.
  • Crowd control: Supports have abilities that can stun, knock back, or slow enemies, setting up allies to secure kills.
  • Sustaining fights: Support’s healing and defensive skills allow a team to stay in prolonged fights and sieges. Their abilities extend staying power.

In summary, understanding Naraka Bladepoint’s aggressive, defensive, and support fighter classes provides the knowledge to excel with your preferred playstyle. Aggressive fighters like Yoto Hime enable dominating offense. Defensive picks such as Matari allow for durable survival. Supports like Kurumi amplify allies. While individual skill remains crucial, selecting the right class gives you an inherent edge. Use this guide to analyze your playstyle and identify the class that complements it. 


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Roaim is a Guides Writer at eXputer. He is an avid fan of RPG titles and fighting games. Roaim's love for games, which has been running strong for 15+ years, led him to write about them through detailed, top-notch guides. His gaming expertise is further solidified by his game time of 3,000+ hours on Monster Hunter: World. Apart from that, you can also find him dominating players on Tekken! You can follow Roaim's gaming activities on his Steam profile.

Experience: 1+ Years || Mainly Covers Guides On eXputer || Education: Bachelor's in Computer Science.

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