Muhammad Roaim Chohan

Roaim is a Guides Writer at eXputer. He is an avid fan of RPG titles and fighting games. Roaim's love for games, which has been running strong for 15+ years, led him to write about them through detailed, top-notch guides. His gaming expertise is further solidified by his game time of 3,000+ hours on Monster Hunter: World. Apart from that, you can also find him dominating players on Tekken! You can follow Roaim's gaming activities on his Steam profile.

Experience: 1+ Years || Mainly Covers Guides On eXputer || Education: Bachelor's in Computer Science.

Most Played Games
  • 3000+ Hours in Monster Hunter World.
  • 2000+ Hours in FromSoftware Games.
  • 500+ Hours in Zelda Series.
  • 500+ Hours in Hades.
  • 200 Hours in Chrono Trigger.
Gaming History
Roaim started gaming with a PS2 and emulating older consoles on his PC. After that he went on to develop a love for indie titles and challenging games.
69 Articles