Diablo Immortal Hidden Lair Locations & Rewards

The Hidden Lairs of the world are filled with rich loot to hunt so let's look at their locations and rewards in Diablo Immortal.

There are a ton of different builds to create and rewards to chase. The game hides some of the best rewards in its Lost Lairs which are concealed in different locations of Diablo Immortal. These hidden lairs promise the most exquisite loot. Players of Diablo Immortal can discover them as hidden objectives. So I highly suggest going in prepared with the ideal class builds. We have made detailed guides on the powerful classes of the game, like Barbarian build, Necromancer, and Demon Hunter build. 

Key Takeaways
  • High-tier items can be found at Hidden Lairs. They are like other dungeons but scattered randomly when you explore different areas of the map.
  • Although there are no exact locations for these lairs, I do know about their whereabouts, which are:
    • Ashwood Cemetery
    • Shasshar Sea
    • Darkwood
    • Bilefen
    • Library of Zoltun Kulle
    • Mount Zavain
  • These are just some of the locations, and when any hidden lair spawns there, you will be notified, and you will arrive there in 10 minutes.
  • When you do find a Hidden Lair, your main task is to defeat the boss there called “Guardian,” which will then reward you with goods.

What are Hidden Lairs 

Lost Lairs Diablo Immortal
The lost lairs are linear dungeons with various challenging bosses

The Hidden or “Lost” Lairs are essentially the mini-dungeons found within Diablo Immortal. These can be randomly discovered while out exploring the zones of the world.

You have the freedom to attempt these dungeons solo or match-make with a squad of other players. The early-game rewards may not be satisfying, but they will offer precious rewards sooner or later.

In my opinion, these rewards will be especially important as you slowly grind for the Max Level of Diablo Immortal. So I encourage players to tackle them. Finding them can be a headache, so let’s briefly look at their locations.

Hidden Lair Locations

As per my experience, discovering and finding these lairs can be mildly tedious. They have a rare spawn rate in the world. So you cannot just head to a waypoint on your map to always find an available Hidden Lair.

Most importantly, you will be notified when a Lost Lair has opened in your zone. However, you will need to act fast and discover the location immediately. The lost lair will move to a different location after 10 minutes.

The shimmering blue or yellow light will indicate the lairs at their access points. It is worth noting that once a player enters the dungeon. No other player can join them unless you are a part of their squad.

Luckily, the entrances to these mini-dungeons are not too random. They have specific locations in each zone. But no worries, as I have listed every possible hidden lair location in a few of the areas of Diablo Immortal.

I have whipped up the complete information on the Hidden Lair locations: 

AreaHidden Lair Locations
Ashwood CemeteryThe Ossuary,
Ashwold Manor,
Eastern Gardens,
The Outskirts
Shasshar SeaMultiple zones within the area
DarkwoodDerelict Timberyard,
Sanguine Ruins,
Tree of Inifuss
BilefenInfested Quagmire,
Abandoned Village
Library of Zoltun KulleHydra’s Lair,
The Archive Secrets,
The Chaos Engine
Mount ZavainSanctified Earth Monastery,
Sentinel’s Watch
Frozen TundraCavern of Echoes,
Ice Clan Village
Realm of DamnationsHalls of Punishment,
Forest of Misery

Ashwood Cemetery Lost Lairs

Lost lairs ashwold cemetery
The Hidden Lair locations of the Ashwood Cemetery in Diablo Immortal

The Ashwood Cemetery is one of the early areas of the game. The area is divided into three main zones:

  • The Ossuary
  • Ashwold Manor
  • Eastern Gardens

The lost lairs of this area will mostly appear in these three locations, as shown in the image above. They will be marked as Mausoleums with a blue warp portal. 

The only exception is The Outskirts on the southern side of the area, which only has a few Lost Lairs.

Shasshar Sea Lost Lairs

Lost lairs Shassar sea
The hidden lairs found in the Shassar sea area of Diablo Immortal

The Shassar Sea is also a relatively simple zone. As indicated in the image. The Lost Lairs will appear in almost each of the zones of this area. They will be marked as diamond-shaped wells with yellow light.

They are spaced far apart from each other, but you should face no problem discovering each of these lairs.

Darkwood Lost Lairs

Lost lairs Darkwood
The hidden lair locations found in Diablo Immortal

The Shassar Sea might seem like an intimidating area at first glance. But I assure with the map provided above, you can easily traverse and discover the lost lairs of this area.

The lost lairs will be marked as small stone ruins with overgrown roots all over them.

I suggest players start at the south side, which is the Derelict Timberyard. From there, you can gradually work your way up towards the Northern zones, such as Sanguine Ruins and Tree of Inifuss.

Bilefen Lost Lairs

Lost Lairs Bilefen
The Hidden lairs location in the region of Bilefen in Diablo Immortal

Bilefen is a lush Jungle island region. The area does not have too many difficult foes around it. The bottom-most area is a swampy marsh zone, which is called Southern Wetlands.

The hidden lairs in this region appear as caves along the main path of the area.

Most importantly, the majority of the Lost Lairs can be found on the Northern side; as stated on the map, these areas are the Infested Quagmire and Abandoned Village.

Library of Zoltun Kulle Lost Lairs

Lost lairs Library
The hidden Lairs found within the Library of Zoltan Kulle in Diablo Immortal.

Unlike previous areas, The Library of Zoltun Kulle is mostly self-contained. This area is structurally designed to follow with ease.

However, I implore players to exercise extreme caution because the area contains traps to ward off treasure seekers. The lairs here are marked by glowing diamond-shaped wells, which were also the same ones found in the Shassar Sea.

Also, if you ever like you are struggling, there is a way to Change the Difficulty Setting in Diablo Immortal.

The left-most zone is called the Hydra’s Lair. Then, the upper areas are further divided into The Archive Secrets and The Chaos Engine.

Mount Zavain Lost Lairs

Lost Lairs Mount Zavain
The hidden lairs located on Mount Zavain in Diablo Immortal

Mount Zavain is an area located in the Tamoe Mountain Range of Diablo Immortal. The area can be a minor headache to navigate especially if it is your first time here. But rest assured, by following the map above, you should easily discover most of the Lost Lairs in this area. The dungeons are situated in the two zones: The Sanctified Earth Monastery and Sentinel’s Watch.

Frozen Tundra Lost Lairs

Lost lairs forzen tundra
The lost lairs found in the frozen tundra continent of Diablo Immortal

The Frozen Tundra is a forgotten icy wasteland in Diablo Immortal. It is a major region of Diablo Immortal because it is a returning location from Diablo II. Furthermore, the area is pretty straightforward, with the region’s lair locations mostly spread out.

Players can make one giant loop around the map without any roadblocks. The zones in this location include The Cavern of Echoes and Ice Clan Village.

Realm of Damnations Lost Lairs

Lost lairs realm of Damnation
The Hidden Lairs found inside the Realm of Damnations of Diablo Immortal

The Realm of Damnations is one of the endgame areas found in the game. It is the final location after Frozen Tundra and has some unique mechanics.

Along with Demon Gates that players need to be wary of in the zones. Moreover, the area is divided into two separate set pieces that players can traverse with various options provided in the game.

The Lost lairs in this area are individually discoverable along the outskirts of each path. The main zones found in this region are the Halls of Punishment and Forest of Misery.

While I may have wrapped up the locations of each Lost lair in Diablo Immortal, there are a few more helpful things that need to be said about them to aid you.

The Objectives of Hidden Lairs

Objectives of Hidden lairs
The various objectives needed to complete the lair dungeons in Diablo Immortal

Most of the Hidden Lairs offer a varied amount of objectives when you first enter them. These objectives will differ on the actual level requirements of the lairs themselves.

Most importantly, you will discover secondary objectives as you explore each lair. These are valuable and increase your rewards if completed before defeating the boss fight of each lair. There is no need to rush these lairs, unlike the rifts. So, I urge you to explore and complete everything before attempting the boss fights.

I found using classes like the Diablo Immortal Crusader really helped me easily complete most of these lairs in a short time.

The main objective of Hidden Lairs will be to slay the ‘Guardian’ of the lair. These are essentially the boss fights I talked about earlier. Once they are defeated, you will be rewarded the loot at the end of the lair.

Some lairs will also have special puzzles for each encounter, so I urge you to go in with much-needed prep. Speaking of which, why not check out our guide on How to Solve Lamps Puzzle in Diablo Immortal?

The Rewards of Hidden Lairs

Players can find several materials and other useful items while killing enemies in Hidden lairs. You can also scour the level and complete the secondary objectives for extra rewards. Most of the rewards range from every type of Normal Gem to upgrade materials.

However, remember there seems to be a preset gem drop from these dungeons every day. So I urge you to participate in these hidden lairs daily to see how luck might favor your loot drops. In some Hidden Lairs, you will discover an additional section after defeating the guardian. It will allow you to explore a secret layer of the dungeon and defeat more powerful foes for better loot.

A red portal may pop up when you defeat the Guardian of the Lair. These portals will take you to these secret sections of the Lair. Always pick the red portal over the blue one, as you will obtain even more rewards and possibly gems for completing the secret level.

This concludes my guide on the locations of Hidden lairs in Diablo Immortal and the obtainable rewards and objectives needed to complete them. Let me know if you have any further questions in the comments box!

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Irfan Ansari is a Senior Editor and Guides Writer on eXputer. He has seven years of Video Game Journalism experience and has been gaming for more than 22 years. Over his editorial career, he has gained experience at multiple sites, including TheGamer and VeryAli Gaming. Irfan has also earned a degree in Writing and Editing from the University of Michigan. Learn some more about Irfan's gaming journey on his Steam, PSN, and Xbox profiles.

Experience: 7+ Years || Worked for TheGamer and VeryAli Gaming

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