There are two Nornir chests found in The Forbidden Sands in God of War Ragnarok. These two Nornir chests are unlocked by igniting three torches.
Key Highlights
There are two Nornir Chests in The Forbidden Sands.
The first Nornir chest is in the southwest region of The Forbidden Sands.
The second Nornir chest is in the Northeast region of The Forbidden Sands.
The 2nd chest is underneath the statue, which you can access by breaking its lower part.
First Nornir Chest In The Forbidden Sands
Location of the First Nornir Chest in The Forbidden Sands – [Image by eXputer]This Nornir chest is behind an interactable pillar in the southwest region of The Forbidden Sands. To unlock the First Nornir chest, you will need to ignite three torches. The first Torch is near the chest, which you can ignite using the Chaos of Blade.
First Torch – [Image by eXputer]However, for the second and third torches, you will need to use Sigil Arrows and build a chain reaction to ignite them. The second chest is on a stone pillar, for which you will have to leave the chest area by moving the interactable pillar. It is pretty easy to spot after you leave the chest area, as it will be on your left.
Second Torch – [Image by eXputer]After doing a Chain Reaction and igniting the second Torch, you will need to look to your right, where you will find the third Torch. It might take some tries at first because it’s too high. However, you can fire sigil arrows on the same spot, which will increase the area of effect of the chain. That way, you can easily ignite the Torch.
Third Torch – [Image by eXputer]After igniting all three torches, you can now go back to the Nornir Chest and claim your reward. It will be either an Idunn Apple, a Horn of Blood Mead, or some other low-level item.
Second Nornir Chest In The Forbidden Sands
Location of the Second Nornir Chest in The Forbidden Sands – [Image Credit: eXputer]This Nornir Chest is located on the Northeast side of The Forbidden Sands. However, this location is pretty sneaky as it’s hidden underneath the statue. To access that area, you will need to use your Leviathan Axe and break the lower part. It’s too easy to locate yet difficult to notice.
Breakable Lower Part – [Image Credit: eXputer]Upon destructing and entering the lower part, you will need to remove the Hive Matter and also ignite the three torches. Moreover, you will also find one of Odin’s Raven there. However, to remove the Hive Matter, you will need to aim at the Purple Stone and throw your Leviathan Axe, which will bounce the Leviathan Axe, removing all the unaligned Hive Matter.
Purple Stone – [Image Credit: eXputer]After removing all the Hive Matter, you will need to ignite the three torches to get the Nornir Chest in Forbidden Sands. The first Torch is located on the cliff edge on the left. However, igniting this Torch can be tricky, as it requires you to create a chain using Sigil Arrow from the Torch to the Campfire on its left.
Afterward, you will need to shoot at the Campfire using Sigil Arrows, which will start a reaction causing the Torch to be lit.
First Torch – [Image Credit: eXputer]The second Torch is opposite the first Torch, which you can ignite in the same way. Create a chain, and then fire at the Campfire, located on its left.
Second Torch – [Image Credit: eXputer]The third Torch is behind the Hive Matter. The Hive Matter is right above the first Torch, which will open by shooting Sonic Arrows at it. To ignite it, you must first create a chain from the first Torch to the third Torch. After that, switch to Sonic Arrows, and shoot at the Hive Matter. Upon doing so, the Hive matter will open. Afterward, quickly switch to the Sigil Arrows and fire at the first Torch, which will create a reaction causing the third Torch to lit.
Thereafter, you can claim the reward from the Nornir Chest in the Forbidden Sands. The reward will be either an Idunn Apple, a Horn of Blood Mead, or some other low-level item.
Wrap Up
That covers our guide on the Nornir Chest found in the Forbidden Sands area in God of War Ragnarok. Nornir chests are scattered all over the realms. If you want to get all the Nornir chests in God of War Ragnarok, our guide on All Nornir Chests Locations will surely help you.
Moreover, the King Hrolf boss can be a bit of a hassle to beat as he’s one of the toughest bosses. Our guide on How To Defeat King Hrolf will tell you How to find and defeat King Hrolf. Finding all the collectibles alone can be pretty difficult, so why not read our guide on All Aurvangar Wetlands Collectibles and Jotunheim Collectibles?
Irfan Ansari is a Senior Editor and Guides Writer on eXputer. He has seven years of Video Game Journalism experience and has been gaming for more than 22 years. Over his editorial career, he has gained experience at multiple sites, including TheGamer and VeryAli Gaming. Irfan has also earned a degree in Writing and Editing from the University of Michigan. Learn some more about Irfan's gaming journey on his Steam, PSN, and Xboxprofiles.
Experience: 7+ Years || Worked for TheGamer and VeryAli Gaming
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