Marvel Snap: Pool 2 Meta [Best Characters]

Pool 2's character cards in Marvel Snap are extremely unique and powerful, but some stand out way more than others

Pool 2 characters in Marvel Snap are much stronger and unique compared to Pool 1 characters. When utilized properly, these character cards can single-handedly win you the game. However, since these characters are so unique, it can be tough to decide the best ones and how to use each one. So, let’s jump right in and look at the current meta of Marvel Snap’s Pool 2!

Key Takeaways
  • Marvel Snap’s Pool 2 is a milestone that starts at Collection Level 215 and ends at Collection Level 474.
  • Meta cards in Pool 2 are at the top of their game and can usually completely mess up your opponent’s strategy.
  • A good deck in Marvel Snap needs good synergy and a specific playstyle theme so that all of your characters are centered around 1 objective.

Best Pool 2 Characters in Marvel Snap

After considering all these traits, these are the best Pool 2 characters that define the meta:

Bucky Barnes21When this is destroyed, create the Winter Soldier in its place
Hobgoblin5-8Your opponent gains control of this
Okoye22Give every card in your deck +1 Power
Scorpion22Afflict cards in your opponent’s hand with -1 Power
Shang-Chi43Destroy all enemy cards at this location that have 9 or more Power
The Infinaut620You're unable to play this, if you played a card in last turn

Bucky Barnes

Showcasing Bucky Barnes, a powerful Pool 2 meta
Bucky Banes card (Image Credits: eXputer)
Power 1
Cost 2
Ability When this is destroyed, create the Winter Soldier in its place

If you have a deck that focuses on destroying cards, then Bucky Barnes is the best choice for a 2-Cost card. When Bucky is destroyed, he’s replaced by the Winter Soldier, a +6 Power card, essentially making Bucky the strong 2-Cost card in Marvel Snap! This also makes him the top pick for locations like MurderWorld where cards are guaranteed to be destroyed.

Bucky should be played alongside characters like Carnage, who destroy cards. Once you play Bucky, you should place a Carnage-like character next to him so that he gets destroyed and the Winter Soldier takes his place.


Showing the Hobgoblin card, a 5-Cost character card
Hobgoblin card (Image Credits: eXputer)
Power -8
Cost 5
Ability Your opponent gains control of this

Hobgoblin has the lowest Power out of any Marvel Snap character. So why is he on here? When you play this card, it automatically goes on to the opponent’s side of the same location. So this character gives -8 Power to your opponent and takes up one slot of their location as well! This also traps your opponent since they have lesser space to make up for lost Power. Consequently, this makes Hobgoblin one of the best trick cards in the game who can easily catch your opponent off-guard.


Showing Okoye, a Pool 2 meta character that gives +1 Power to your entire hand
Okoye card (Image Credits: eXputer)
Power 2
Cost 2
Ability Give every card in your deck +1 Power

Okoye is a low-cost character in Pool 2 that grants +1 to every card in your deck. Despite having an average Power-to-Cost ratio, Okoye makes up for it with her strong ability. If you have a deck with many characters, then giving each character +1 Power will mean that your overall Power in each location will be more balanced.


Showcasing Scorpion, a Pool 2 meta character that gives -1 Power to the opponent's entire hand
Scorpion card (Image Credits: eXputer)
Power 2
Cost 2
Ability Afflict cards in your opponent’s hand with -1 Power

Scorpion is another powerful low-cost character that gives all the cards in the opponent’s hand -1 Power. This works similarly to Okoye’s ability, but it’s the opposite. Instead of your Power being distributed more evenly, your opponent’s Power in every location will be cut down evenly, preventing your opponent from blatantly dominating a single location.

This card should be played when your opponent has a large number of cards in their hand so that they get afflicted with massive damage since more cards mean more afflictions. It’s better to play Scorpion in the mid-game since that’s when your opponent is likely thinking of strategies, and using Scorpion will fumble those strategies by lowering Power.


Showcasing Shang-Chi, a card that can destory all enemy cards with 9 or more power
Shang-Chi card (Image Credits: eXputer)
Power 3
Cost 4
Ability Destroy all enemy cards at this location that have 9 or more Power

If given the proper circumstances, Shang-Chi can easily lose your opponent’s control over a location due to his ability to be able to wipe out enemy cards with 9 or more Power. This ability can almost certainly take out your opponent’s 5-Cost or 6-Cost cards, which usually have 9 or more Power.

Furthermore, this also makes Shang-Chi an unpredictable character, completely blind-siding your opponent and taking back control of your area, hence making Shang-Chi one of the best three Cost cards in Marvel Snap.

The Infinaut

Illustrating The Infinaut, a Pool 2 card that can only be played if no other card was played in the previous round
The Infinaut card (Image Credits: eXputer)
Power 20
Cost 6
Ability If you played a card last turn, you can’t play this

The Infinaut has the single highest base Power in all of Marvel Snap. He has so much base Power that he can win an entire location on his own in some situations! However, there’s a major drawback to his utility which is that you cannot play him if you have played a character in the previous round, which is usually Round 5. Therefore, you’ll need to strategize in a way so that no characters are to be played in Round 5.

In an ideal situation, The Infinaut should be played whenever he can. Sometimes, certain locations can often grant you more Energy or lower Cost in advance, so you should save it for Infinaut’s usage in the next round and not play any cards in the current one. In addition, Infinaut should be placed at a location where the opponent has less than 11 Power on the opposing side. That way, The Infinaut will nearly guarantee your win at that location.

Best Pool 2 Decks

Now that I’ve covered the meta-defining cards in Marvel Snap’s Pool 2, you can move on to the optimal decks for those cards. It’s important to remember that the best decks always have strong characters and good synergy.

Deck 1: Destroy and Win

Deck 1 Lineup with cards meant to destroy or to be destroyed
Deck 1 Lineup (Image Credits: eXputer)

This deck centers on strategic card destruction and revival.

  • In Round 1, start with Nova on the left, maximizing its potential when destroyed.
  • Round 2 pairs Wolverine or Buck Barnes with the Round 1 card. If unavailable, use Carnage with Nova for added Power.
  • Round 3, utilize Deathlok or Carnage to eliminate Wolverine or Nova, with Sabretooth as an option.
  • In Round 4, place Jessica Jones, where you’re slightly behind.
  • If Jessica Jones is used in Round 4, skip Round 5 for The Infimaut in Round 6.
  • Alternatively, use Hobgoblin on a location with 1 or 2 opponent cards.
  • In the final round, deploy a high-power card like Jessica Jones or Spiderwoman. Shang-Chi is an option against extremely high-power opponent cards.

Deck 2: The Infimaut Setup

Deck 2 Lineup with cards meant to support The Infinaut
Deck 2 Lineup (Image Credits: eXputer)

This deck, designed for setting up The Infinaut, prioritizes maintaining control even when no cards are played in Round 5. To optimize The Infimaut’s placement, all cards are concentrated in two locations, reserving one for The Infimaut.

  1. Round 1: Start with Nova on the leftmost location.
  2. Round 2: Place either Carnage or Wolverine at the same location. Alternatively, use Okoye if you have a healthy card hand.
  3. Round 3: If Carnage was used in Round 2, play Nightcrawler or another 2-Cost card at a different location. Otherwise, use Deathlok or Carnage to enhance overall Power.
  4. Round 4: Deploy Jessica Jones in your highest-Power location for control. White Queen is a second option.
  5. Round 5: No cards are played, preserving Power concentration.
  6. Round 6: Place The Infimaut at the unused location for optimal setup.

Deck 3: Barring The Opponent

Deck 3 Lineup with mainly On-Reveal characters
Deck 3 Lineup (Image Credits: eXputer)

This Power-draining deck focuses on strategic card placement and character abilities. In Round 1, refrain from placing any cards.

  1. Round 2: Choose Okoye if you have more cards than your opponent, or Scorpion if your opponent has more cards.
  2. Round 3: Play The Punisher in isolation for effective Power distribution. If you lack The Punisher, consider using Nightcrawler with a 2-Cost card.
  3. Round 4: Deploy Jessica Jones at a winning location to secure control. Optionally, use Ironheart and Ant-Man alongside your Round 2 card.
  4. Round 5: Place Hobgoblin where you’re winning, and the opponent has fewer than 3 cards. If Hobgoblin is unavailable, use White Tiger next to your Round 2 characters.
  5. Final Round: Introduce Odin next to White Tiger and others. All On-Reveal cards will be replayed, significantly boosting overall Power. Hulk is a suitable alternative to Odin if unavailable.


The character cards in Marvel Snap are split into 3 pools. Pool 2 is the first significant progression milestone in Marvel Snap, which unlocks after you reach Collection Level 214. Instead of 2 card upgrades, you’ll need 4 to advance to the next Collection Level.

If you’re curious about finding the top cards for each pool, consider reading our guide on Marvel Snap’s best characters from Pools 1, 2, and 3. Additionally, if you’re looking for character-specific info and decks, here’s a read on our guide on the best devil dinosaurs deck. You can also check out our guides on the best themed-decks as well, such as the Best Mutant Decks and the Best Avengers Deck.

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Rabiya is a versatile writer at eXputer who can cover everything from guides to tier lists and the hottest news in the gaming industry. Rabiya earned her Bachelor's in English Literature, further enhancing her writing skills. With hundreds of hours on Persona 5 and Genshin Impact, Rabiya has proudly played video games for eight years. Follow Rabiya's gaming activities on her Steam and Xbox Profiles!

Experience: 2+ Years || Mainly Covers Tier Lists & Guides || Education: Bs English Literature, Ms. Applied Linguistics, Writing & Editing Course, English for Journalism.

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