Marvel’s Midnight Suns’ base version gives players 13 different superheroes to choose from. All of these characters are divided into 3 categories – Support, DPS (Damage Per Second), and Attack, and they have their own character deck in Midnight Suns. The game’s team-focused approach lets you assemble a squad of 3 superheroes to hop into battle.
Key Highlights
- All of the superheroes in Midnight Suns take advantage of different mechanics of the game, making them distinct from each other.
- You can modify character cards later down the line to make them better and have more abilities.
- There’s also a friendship mechanic in Midnight Suns that lets characters accumulate passive abilities that remain active throughout the combat.
Support Characters
Support Characters in Midnight Suns are generally meant to defensively or offensively aid the team. They don’t necessarily dish out the hefty damage themselves. However, they instead set up their offensive characters to deal more damage. These support characters can also heal teammates and boost their defense, making them a lot more reliable.
Doctor Strange
To start, we have the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange. This is one of the first 2 superheroes you use in Midnight Suns alongside Iron Man. He has an extremely versatile arsenal and can therefore be paired up with almost any team.
One of the best things about Doctor Strange is that he has several damage-boosting cards and abilities. One such example is the Blessing of Vishanti, a card that initially adds 28 damage to all your Heroic cards. Another example is Agamotto’s Gaze which lets you have 4 card plays instead of 3 in the next turn. These abilities can be utilized by most of the DPS and Tank cast that heavily rely on multiple Heroic cards for damage.

Doctor Strange also has a few options for improving the team’s defenses. His Vapors of Valtoors card conceals a character and restores a considerable chunk of health. This ability not only heals a character but can also let them be unharmed in the next turn.

All in All, if you’re looking for a great all-rounder Support character, then Doctor Strange is probably your best bet. He can set up your DPS and Tank characters’ decks in such a way that they can become more effective with more Heroism and card plays to use.
Scarlet Witch
The Scarlet Witch is an AoE-focused support character in Midnight Suns, where her cards are mainly attack-based and affect multiple enemies at once while also making them more susceptible to damage in future turns.
This can be seen from the Scarlet Witch’s Hex Field ability that damages and Targets every enemy near her. Targeting enemies will recover used cards once they’re KO’d, so they become more rewarding individuals in the arena.

The Scarlet Witch can also dish out damage on her own with her Heroic abilities. One example is Hex Charge, a 3-cost Heroic ability that explodes an enemy if they’re KO’d in the current round. Another offense-type card is Chaos Reigns, another 3-cost Heroic card from Scarlet Witch that makes enemies attack each other in a certain area.

Besides that, the Scarlet Witch also has a few defense options, hence justifying that Support title. Her Chaos Field grants nearby allies with 1 Resist and lets them regenerate 234 health for 2 consecutive turns. For players looking to have an aggressive Support character, a Scarlet Witch is an easy option.
Nico is the only Support character in Midnight Suns that uses a unique mechanic called Roulette, which attaches a lot of luck to all her cards. This randomness applies to who she hits, how much she hits, and who she heals after that card enters your hand. This does make her deck very risky as you don’t know the exact result of your plays, but the sheer amount of XP she either attacks or recovers at her best is something to consider.
Her support cards don’t have Roulette, but they instead display their true figures after they’re played. Blood for Blood is Nico’s main Support card that heals 83 health of either her allies or herself upon KO. On the other hand, her Double Up is one of Nico’s Skill cards that adds 3 Heroic cards to your hand. However, her RNG makes it so you could even draw 3 Attack or Skill cards instead.

Nico’s RNG system also shows in her attacks. Swarm is a straightforward Roulette Heroic attack that has a few options for its damage output. When it enters your hand, it’ll have its attack power as one of those options. Similarly, her Witchstorm ability can either damage 1 enemy or 4 random enemies.

Overall, Nico’s cards are best in situations when you need a game-changer ability. You can’t rely on her to KO enemies in normal circumstances since it’s never clear who she’ll hit. As such, it’s better to primarily use her heal and card-draw abilities and reserve her attacks as a backup.
DPS Characters
DPS characters are the main offensive archetype superheroes. Their only goal is to eliminate as many enemies as possible in the shortest possible moves. However, their lack of defense capabilities means they’ll need to be dependent on Support cards for survival. Ideally, there should only be 1 DPS character per team, so you have a balanced toolset to work with.
Iron Man
Iron Man is a great all-rounder DPS character with multiple AoE and singular attack cards in his arsenal. He’s also very resource-hungry as he uses a ton of Redraws and Heroism for more damage output. Most of Iron Man’s cards require redraws for additional damage and effects. Redraws can swap out one card for another random card. Iron Man, however, uses this mechanic to buff up some of his attacks.
An example of this can be seen with Iron Man’s top damage cards, Air Superiority and Hellfire Beam. Both of these Heroic abilities gain more damage output once they’re redrawn. An important thing to note is that Air Superiority has limited redraw capabilities, while Hellfire Beam can be redrawn as many times as you want.

As mentioned earlier, Iron Man is very keen on drawing his own cards, thus encouraging players to use his cards. However, bloating your hand with Iron Man cards is advantageous, as proven by Surgical Strikes. This is one of Iron Man’s most powerful Heroic cards that chains attacks equal to the number of Iron Man cards you have in your hand. This means the more Iron Man cards you have, the more attacks Surgical Strikes will do, resulting in more overall damage.

Overall, Iron Man is a great addition to your team if you’re looking for monstrous damage with decent defense. He’s very self-sufficient when it comes to dealing with damage. However, his constant need for resources means he’ll need side-characters like Doctor Strange to grant additional Redraws, Heroism, and Iron Man cards to amplify his attacks.
Ghost Rider
Out of all the characters in Midnight Suns, no other superhero is trickier to plan than Ghost Rider. He’s the only character in the game that damages himself from his or his teammates’ card plays. Therefore, it sometimes makes him a questionable choice for beginners, despite having the most attack power out of any superhero in Midnight Suns.
You can visibly see this drawback in one of Ghost Rider’s main Heroic cards, Hell’s Fury. This ability gains massive damage over time while it’s in your hand. However, Ghost Rider takes damage after every card play as long as Hell’s Fury stays. So you have to regularly make decisions about which cards to use and which to keep.

Apart from Support cards, there is another crucial way to return the rider’s health. Ghost Rider has a soul meter at the bottom of his health bar that fills up with KOs. Filling up this meter grants you a Heroic card called Drain Soul. This 1-Cost Heroic card is a massive AoE blast that damages enemies and steals their XP.
Ghost Rider is a prime example of a character that simply cannot work without Support cards. He needs either consistent KO’s, heals, or Resists to stay alive. And since he’s really dependent on KOs for attack and health bonuses, it’s better to make him the only heavy hitter in your team.

Next, we’ll move on to Spider-Man, who’s one of the few DPS cards in the game that doesn’t eat up resources. Most of his cards interact with the environment and damage enemies via environmental attacks, resulting in frequent AoE damage.
The best ability of Spider-Man to prove this point is his Opportunist card. This Skill card makes Spider-Man’s next 2 environmental attacks completely free and adds 2 Moves this turn. This is not only beneficial to characters that often require repositioning but also shows how Spidey is a great choice in situations when you’re extremely low on Heroism to effectively use another card.

We talked about how Spider-Man has a decent amount of AOE attacks in his deck. The most noticeable ability he has for this is Chained Strike. This Attack card chains onto other targets depending upon whether the last target was KO’d or not. You can chain endlessly by constantly KO’ing enemies with each attack, amplifying Chained Strike’s damage and damage range several times over.

Spider-Man’s general playstyle lets him fit with teams that already have a DPS character. He also adds a lot more to the team in terms of resources, such as Moves and Heroism. As such, he can be considered one of the only passive-aggressive DPS characters that can support his teammates.
Blade has an arsenal of cards that do heavy Bleed and stacks up damage over time. It’s the primary status effect he uses, which he can also buff up with certain cards. However, it’s important to note that Bleed itself has a few drawbacks. To start, Bleed only starts its effect once the inflicted enemy makes a move, and an enemy that dies of Bleed does not recover the played card, even if you’ve marked them.
Daywalker and Make ’em Bleed are both bleed-focused cards that complement each other. Make ’em Bleed draws 2 Blade cards and makes the next 3 Blade cards you draw have +2 Bleed. Daywalker, on the other hand, chains 4 attacks together and draws a Blade card, so then you’ve knocked off a decent chunk of enemies’ HP, which you can later finish off with Bleed-inflicting cards.

There are other combinations, like Daywalker and Make ’em Bleed, which make Blade much stronger. If you’re focused on equally damaging each enemy in the arena over time, then Blade is generally your best bet here.

Magik is a portal character whose focus is to push enemies through her portal and make them land on exploding objects to deal massive damage. So she effectively uses environmental objects in her offense strategy, like Spider-Man. Furthermore, she can combine her portal abilities with her Knockback cards to perform some powerful combo attacks.
Her Limbo Grasp is easily her best portal attack that creates a portal anywhere in the arena and deals damage to the enemy that goes through the portal. This ability can be paired up with any of Magik’s Knockback attacks, like Quick Soulslash, to push enemies through the portal. This makes them land on an exploding object and results in great damage to nearby enemies from the detonation.

Magik is considered one of the more difficult characters to play in Midnight Suns since all of her effectiveness depends on her chained portal attacks and combos. She needs accurate positioning to execute her attacks and needs environmental hostility to generate AOE attacks.
Tank Characters
Tank characters are generally suited for players that want self-reliant characters. These characters can buff themselves up and sometimes even their team as the match goes on. Since they get progressively stronger, Tanks usually have the tools and abilities to keep themselves alive with various offensive and defensive buffs.
Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel’s special move is her Go Binary ability which doubles her damage output and gives her Block. The strategy is to use 3 of her cards as quickly as you can to activate Go Binary. Once you use the ability, Captain Marvel becomes more of a DPS character.

The best way to quickly activate Go Binary is using Captain Marvel’s Quick Jab. This is a regular straightforward move, but since it’s a Quick Attack, you get an additional card play this turn. This means you can use more Captain Marvel cards in one turn.

Once Go Binary is activated, Captain Marvel deals monstrous damage, especially with Counter Attacks. She deals more counterattack damage than almost any character in Midnight Suns due to the Binary amp. Bring It On also showcases this improvement by Taunting enemies in a large area so Captain Marvel can take charge in the next round.
Captain America
Captain America focuses on 2 things during combat – Block and drawing ally cards. He’s made to be an extremely long-lasting superhero on the battlefield, like Captain Marvel. His Block enhancements are complimented by his cards’ Taunt effect that draws enemies to attack him.
Captain America’s signature Skill card, Tactician, let him gain 126 Block and draws 2 cards. You can further improve this by using Punch or Quick Punch to Taunt targets so that they attack him and, therefore, use up his Block XP. Upon upgrading, this defense boost is also granted to his teammates, giving them 63 Block each.

Cap’s card-drawing ability makes him a perfect fit for characters like Iron Man, that need a lot of their own cards. This can be seen from most of his defensive and offensive moves, like Tactician and Brooklyn Handshake. Most of Captain America’s cards provide both Block and cards, so he’s very balanced overall with equally useful cards in his deck.
Apart from that, Captain America’s very AOE-focused as well. His Shield Bounce ability does a healthy bit of damage across a massive area while also inflicting Taunt. Brooklyn Handshake is another one of his AOE attacks that draws 2 cards with each enemy KO.

It’s important to keep in mind that most of Captain America’s card-drawing abilities come when his cards are upgraded. Therefore, it’s better to regularly modify and upgrade Cap’s cards if you’re looking to get cards out of them.
Wolverine is very different from Captain Marvel and Captain America, such that he doesn’t have any cards for Block. He instead uses heals and recovery to keep himself in the game. And since he doesn’t have as much health as the other Tank characters or Block to alleviate damage, he needs to regularly be healed.
The first card you should use with Wolverine is his Berserk Skill card. This card draws 3 Wolverine cards and makes all Wolverine cards have the Lifesteal ability. Berserk sets Wolverine up nicely as it makes him get a continuous supply of health as you use him. We also have Rapid Healing, another Wolverine Skill card that heals a boatload of his health while removing all status effects from his as well.

For Wolverine’s damage capabilities, we have Eviscerate, a Heroic card that chains 4 attacks together. There’s also his Lethal Pounce which has the option to either Chain attack 2 enemies or just hit 1 enemy for more damage.

Wolverine requires extra precision and caution to use. He does get stronger over time, but he can get knocked out by enemies relatively quickly. So teammates that can give him extra defense are a necessity to his build.
As the last character you get, Hulk introduces a new mechanic called Rage that lets his cards do more damage as you build it up. He’s a hybrid between DPS and Tank, as he can easily wipe out enemies while also keeping himself sustained.
There are 2 methods to build up the Rage meter. The first way is by using Hulk’s Smash ability, a Heroic card that builds +1 Rage once you KO an enemy with it. The way to play this card is to use it on weaker enemies so you can guarantee a Rage increase.
The other method to build up Hulk’s Rage meter is by Taunting via his Challenging Roar. This card lets Hulk taunt an enemy and, consequently, gain +1 Rage. You can combine this card with Smash and Taunt a minion, so you can kill it with Smash in the next round to gain a total of +2 Rage.

Once your Rage meter is filled or almost filled, there are 2 ways to utilize it. The first way is by using the Worldbreaker ability. This is Hulk’s most expensive and powerful Heroic card that does insane splash damage to every enemy and likely clears the entire arena at once with this move. You could also use the Rage meter instead to heal huge amounts of Hulk’s health with his Always Hungry ability.

Since Hulk relies on his Taunt ability most of the time, he’ll be the focal point of damage throughout the game. Therefore, you should keep a close eye on his health and use a Block or Healing character to ensure he stays alive. Apart from that, Hulk also chews through your Heroism, so it’s better to have him alongside a character that grants additional Heroism.
The protagonist is more of a hybrid between all 3 character types. You can change his or her playstyle and deck to become a Support, DPS, Tank, or jack of all trades. This makes Hunter extremely versatile and an alternative to almost any character in Midnight Suns.
Although Hunter can carry any role in the team, most of his cards suggest he’s a DPS character. An example of this is All Out, which does insane damage with the drawback that it discards all Hunter cards. Players generally use this specific card a lot since Hunter is usually reserved for tremendous damage with very minuscule downsides.

If you’re looking to make Hunter Support, then the best card for that is Holy Burst, a Heroic ability that damages all enemies and restores a decent chunk of the Health of your allies as well. Alternatively, you can also pick his Morning Star card if you’re going the Tank route, which boosts the damage of other Morning Star cards. This makes Hunter an independent powerhouse and sets him up to bomb the arena.

That wraps up our guide on all Marvel’s Midnight Suns characters. This game offers a ton of options for players to try out different combinations, teams, and playstyles. So it’s better to test every character in Midnight Suns and ultimately craft a team that suits you the most!
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