Midnight Suns Ghost Rider Build [8 Best Cards]

Ghost Rider is one the best Damage heroes in Marvel's Midnight Suns, and a build with the best ability cards will make him Unstoppable!

Having the best Ghost Rider build in Midnight Suns will allow you to clear waves of enemies faster using the Rider’s versatile Heroic and Skill-based attack abilities. Hell’s Ride, Drain Soul, and Penance Stare are some of the best hero card abilities of Ghost Rider you should equip. 

Key Takeaways

Ghost Rider has some of the best high-damaging cards, which can help the player to defeat enemies.

Some of the Best Cards to keep an eye on include: 

    • Lash: Combo attacks on targets.
    • Hell’s Ride: Heroic ability for multiple enemy elimination.
    • Hell’s Fury: Saves base damage, aids in enemy elimination.
    • Retribution: Knockback ability, enhances damage with other cards.
    • Penance Stare: Buffs hero at the cost of health, deals damage.
    • Straight to Hell: Escape combat with low health, health increase over time.
    • Hellmouth: Sends enemies to portal for 2 turns.
    • Drain Soul: Targets multiple enemies, drains their health.

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Best Ghost Rider Cards To Use

Best Ghost Rider Cards [Screenshot Captured by Us]
Hell’s RideCommonHeroic
Hell’s Fury
Penance Stare
Straight To HellRareSkill
Drain Soul

Since you can equip 8 cards per character for combat, we have recommended eight unique cards for Ghost Rider’s build in Midnight Suns. The hero ability cards that we have entailed here contain a mix of Attack, Skill, and Heroic ability cards.

Of course, you can ever take four of these eight ability cards and pair them instead of bringing all four. However, Ghost Rider’s every single ability has a lot of utility, and few of them are very situational. That is why you must first learn how Ghost Rider’s abilities play out in combat.   


Lash [Screenshot Captured by eXputer]
Rarity Type Duplicates Required Essence Cost
Common Attack 2 30

This is by far the best utility hero ability of Ghost Rider, as not only he gets to push by knocking an opponent, but you get to hit a target in multiple ways. You can throw a target toward an ally for a combo hit or into another enemy to damage both units. Of course, the (+) version of Lash hero ability will do more damage than the base one. 

If you apply mods in Midnight Suns to Lash hero ability in Midnight Suns, you can get the most out of this card further. Draw on Card usage, and Vulnerability are two of the best hero ability card mods that we prefer on the attack version of the cards in the game.   

Hell’s Ride

Hell’s Ride [Screenshot Captured by eXputer]
Rarity Type Duplicates Required Essence Cost
Common Heroic 2 40

Hell’s Ride stands out as a top-tier heroic ability capable of devastating multiple enemies in a single use. Its high damage output makes it ideal for wiping out 5-7 enemies or more if they align in a single row, regardless of their position on the battlefield.

However, its effectiveness hinges on enemy positioning, presenting a significant downside. If foes are scattered or not aligned in a row, Hell’s Ride loses its efficiency and may only take down 1-2 enemies. Therefore, while potent, its situational nature necessitates strategic consideration before use to maximize its impact.

Hell’s Fury

Hell’s Fury [Image Captured by eXputer]
Rarity Type
Epic Heroic

Using the Hell’s Fury card basically buffs Ghost Rider’s base damage, and he can lash out and hit enemies harder after you have used this hero ability card. The overall cost of this heroic attack card is just one heroism, indicating that this is not much of a high-damaging Ghost Rider hero ability. 

However, the lower heroism cost is what makes this ability all the more important in combat, as you get to buff Ghost Rider every now and then whenever the effects have worn out. Most heroic attacks in Midnight Suns cost 2, 4, or higher heroism cost, and it makes their use frequently in combat a challenge. However, using Ghost Rider’s Hell’ Fury ability card is not that much of a challenge anymore if you have this card in your deck. 


Retribution [Image Captured by eXputer]
Rarity Type
Rare Attack

Retribution is a rare attack card for Ghost Rider, providing significant value when paired with Hell’s Mouth and Drain Soul cards. This ability allows Ghost Rider to perform a knockback on a single target, generating 2 souls in the process.

By utilizing Retribution alongside Hell’s Mouth’s portal and Drain Soul’s ability, Ghost Rider can effectively KO targets, especially potent against tough enemies like Nest Mothers and Guardians. Even without utilizing Hell’s Mouth, Retribution can still be used to throw enemies into environmental hazards for substantial damage.

Penance Stare

Penance [Screenshot Captured by Us]
Rarity Type
Legendary Heroic

Penance Stare is another classic move that you must recognize if you have read enough Ghost Rider comics or watched Nicholas Cage’s Ghost Rider movie. This hero ability buffs the hero for one ability usage by consuming 50% of his own health and dealing at least damage against each health point to a single target. 

This is an extremely useful Heroic ability of Ghost Rider that you can use against shield Guardians or Nest Mothers to one-shot them or bring them to near-death HP.

Ghost Rider Penance Stare Hero ability

Of course, Penance Stare also consumes at least 4 heroism points like most high-damaging Heroic attacks. So, you must at least have support units in the team to generate Heroism for you or have an excellent Nico build character who can remove the heroic card requirement by using one of her abilities. 

Straight To Hell

Straight To Hell [Image Captured by Us]
Rarity Type
Rare Skill

Straight To Hell, a rare skill card, offers both offensive and defensive utility. When Ghost Rider is low on health, players can use it to vanish from combat temporarily. Upon return, Ghost Rider will have increased health, providing a defensive advantage.

Alternatively, players can use Straight To Hell offensively by vanishing for the entire turn, allowing two other teammates to assault the enemy. While Ghost Rider is off the field, any drawn cards will be for the other two heroes exclusively. This usage is highly situational and requires strategic expertise to execute effectively.


Hellmouth [Image Captured by Us]
Rarity Type Duplicates Required Essence Cost
Common Skill 2 30

The Hellmouth is a common skill in the game, requiring 2 duplicates and 30 essence to acquire.

It enables Ghost Rider to create a hell portal, reminiscent of classic Ghost Rider style, to send enemies directly to hell. When triggered, this ability allows Ghost Rider to open a small hell portal, enabling players to throw enemies into it for an instant knockout.

The portal remains active for 2 turns, providing ample opportunity to utilize it strategically. Its effectiveness depends on the availability of knockback abilities, including Ghost Rider’s Lash ability card. The more knockback abilities at your disposal, the greater the potential for sending enemies into the hellmouth for maximum impact.

Drain Soul

Rarity Type Duplicates Required Essence Cost
Common Heroic 2 40

Drain Soul is another classic Ghost Rider ability where he targets multiple enemies in a single usage and then drains their health to KO them. In return, Ghost Rider gets lost health in combat. However, if Ghost Rider is already at full health and you use the Drain Soul ability on enemies, then his overall health bar will increase beyond your total health for the hero in combat.  

Players can use Drain Soul in multiple ways, and you can prioritize using this hero ability card not just for the sake of assault but also to recover the lost health and keep the combat rolling. Drain Soul works similarly to most characters‘ self-healing, but this one heals Ghost Rider and attacks foes in one single usage, unlike most hero cards such as Berserk of Wolverine.  

How To Get More Ghost Rider Cards 

  1. Gamma Coils: Play main or side missions with Ghost Rider to earn Gamma Coils. Visit Tony Stark in the Forge to open the Gamma Coils, yielding at least one card for Ghost Rider.
  2. Hero Ops Missions: Send Ghost Rider on Hero Ops missions to earn random Hero Cards upon his return.
  3. Ability Crafting: Once a hero ability card is obtained at least once, players can craft higher versions of it using the Ability Crafting option in The Forge. However, cards must be unlocked before they can be crafted.
  4. Friendship Activities and Gifts: Engaging in friendship activities and giving gifts can potentially unlock more Ghost Rider cards.
  5. Leveling Up: Advancing to higher levels may also result in unlocking more Ghost Rider cards.

That is pretty much everything we had to discuss Midnight Suns Ghost Rider Build. The stats, as discussed above, are not fixed, and they increase as you play more with a character, complete its requests, help them, and increase friendship activities. Stats can not be changed at will, and you can only do that with hero ability cards of characters. Ghost Rider also has some of the fancy and legendary costumes in Midnight Suns.  


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