Midnight Suns: Best Magik Build [Cards & Team]

Magik is a mutant superhero and a member of the Midnight Suns whose playstyle revolves around manipulating the playing field. Find the best deck to make Magik a force to be reckoned with!

Magik is one of the Heroes that players can use in Marvel’s Midnight Suns. She features a unique playstyle that can be deadly in the right hands. Therefore, in this guide, we will go through the best Magik build and card deck in Midnight Suns!

Key Takeaways
  • Magik is a mutant sorceress who is a former member of the X-Men and is currently part of the Midnight Suns.
  • Magik’s primary playstyle revolves around creating Portals and manipulating the battlefield to her advantage.
  • Our Magik card deck consists of the following cards: Limbo Portal+, Kick+, Quick Soulslash+, Limbo’s Grasp+, and Gather+. Some other useful cards are Soul Blast+, Banish+, and Trap Door+.
  • Cards that players should mostly avoid include Reinforcement+ and Darkchylde+.
  • The best Heroes to team up with Magik are Ghost Rider and Doctor Strange.

Best Magik Build In Midnight Suns

Midnight Suns Magik Build Card Deck
Magik in Marvel’s Midnight Suns [Image credits: eXputer]
Recommended DeckCards To ConsiderCards To AvoidBest Team
- Limbo Portal+
- Limbo Portal+
- Kick+
- Quick Soulslash+
- Quick Soulslash+
- Limbo’s Grasp+
- Limbo’s Grasp+
- Gather+
- Soul Blast+
- Banish+
- Trap Door+
- Reinforcement+
- Darkchylde+
- Ghost Rider
- Doctor Strange

Magik’s abilities take a bit more skill and strategy to use than those of most other characters in Midnight Suns. As such, players need to select a deck of the right Attack, Heroic, and Skill cards that work well together.

With that said, here is the card deck we recommend building with Magik:

  • Limbo Portal+
  • Limbo Portal+
  • Kick+
  • Quick Soulslash+
  • Quick Soulslash+
  • Limbo’s Grasp+
  • Limbo’s Grasp+
  • Gather+

It should be noted that these are upgraded versions of the base cards. Moreover, their stats can be changed by applying mods.

Magik excels in battlefield manipulation through her signature ability: the Portal. She creates Portals anywhere to launch enemies into environmental objects or other foes for increased damage.

This setup offers exceptional damage and crowd control. The Kick+ card deals single-target damage. Gather+ deals area damage and repositions targets. Limbo’s Grasp+ boosts damage when enemies go through Portals.

Notably, this deck has a low Heroism cost. Only Gather+ requires 2 Heroism, while the rest, like Quick Soulslash and Limbo’s Grasp, have no cost and generate Heroism for teammates. This supports Magik’s allies in executing their plays.

  • Limbo Portal+: This skill card allows Magik to create portals strategically, enhancing battlefield control and enabling her to manipulate enemy positions for maximum damage.
    Midnight Suns Magik Build Card Deck
    Limbo Portal+ [Screenshot by eXputer]
  • Kick+: An attack card that not only deals damage but also generates Heroism. Its Knockback ability synergizes well with Magik’s portals, allowing her to reposition enemies and potentially deal additional damage by knocking them into hazards.
    Kick+ [Picture by eXputer]
  • Quick Soulslash+: Another attack card with Knockback, the Quick Soulslash+ card refunds a card play if it results in a KO, providing Magik with additional versatility and potentially allowing her to chain together multiple actions in a single turn.
    Midnight Suns Magik Build Card Deck
    Quick Soulslash+ [Picture captured by eXputer]
  • Limbo’s Grasp+: A powerful skill card that increases the damage enemies take when knocked into portals. This card significantly boosts Magik’s offensive capabilities and synergizes perfectly with her portal-based playstyle.
    Midnight Suns Magik Build Card Deck
    Limbo’s Grasp+ [Picture credits: eXputer]
  • Gather+: A Heroic card that deals area-of-effect damage and moves enemies closer to its center. This card is effective for crowd control and can be used in conjunction with Magik’s portals to group enemies together before unleashing powerful attacks.
    Gather+ [Screenshot by eXputer]

More Cards To Consider

Aside from our ideal Magik build and card deck in Midnight Suns, some other cards also deserve a mention here. These cards did not fit in with our recommended playstyle, but players should feel free to give them a try to see if it suits them. If so, they can swap these cards with any of the duplicate cards in our deck.

  • Soul Blast+: This card provides Forceful Knockback, which can be useful for repositioning enemies across a larger distance. It pairs well with Magik’s abilities to control the battlefield and can offer alternative strategies for dealing with enemies.
    Midnight Suns Magik Build Card Deck
    Soul Blast+ [Picture by eXputer]
  • Banish+: Banish+ allows Magik to replace an enemy with a Drop until the next turn. This can be incredibly useful for neutralizing powerful enemies or creating openings in the enemy formation. Additionally, the ability to use it on allies adds a layer of versatility, allowing Magik to protect vulnerable teammates.
    Midnight Suns Magik Build Card Deck
    Banish+ [Screenshot taken by eXputer]
  • Trap Door+: Trap Door+ offers another method of battlefield manipulation by allowing Magik to move enemies to a designated location while dealing damage. This can be used to isolate or group enemies for more efficient targeting with Magik’s other abilities.
    Trap Door+
    Trap Door+ [Image by eXputer]

Best Heroes To Play With Magik

To make the most of Magik’s unique playstyle and high Heroism generation, players need to pair her with the right team. Keeping that in mind, here are the Heroes we recommend selecting with Magik for her ultimate build in Midnight Suns:

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider [Image credits: eXputer]
Ghost Rider is a great character for dishing out high damage. He has access to cards like Hell Ride that can damage multiple enemies immensely. Moreover, cards like Hell’s Fury and Lash also single out targets and make considerable dents in their health. Therefore, Ghost Rider acts as the main DPS character in Magik’s team.

The other reason he pairs so well with Magik is because of his ability to create Drops, much like Magik’s Banish+ card. Ghost Rider does this with his Hellmouth and Straight To Hell cards. Drops are holes in the map into which players can knock enemies for a chance to KO them instantly. Our Magik deck has multiple cards with the Knockback ability. As such, when Magik is not busy knocking enemies into her Portals, she can use her Knockback cards in tandem with Ghost Rider’s Drops to take care of more daunting foes.

Doctor Strange

Midnight Suns Magik Build Card Deck
Doctor Strange [Picture credits: eXputer]
Doctor Strange is one of the more well-known MCU characters featured in Midnight Suns, along with the likes of Iron Man, Captain America, and Spider-Man. The Sorcerer Supreme is a great fit for any team due to the amount of utility that he brings to the table.

For example, his card Astral Meditation grants the player more Redraws and Combat Items. On the other hand, the Blessing of the Vishanti card provides a damage buff to all cards in the player’s hand. Additionally, his cards can provide useful status effects to allies such as Resist and Concealed. This means that players will benefit from Doctor Strange in nearly every situation.

More About Magik

Midnight Suns Magik Build Card Deck
Magik [Image taken by eXputer]
Magik, also known as Illyana Rasputina, is a mutant superhero who was a former member of the X-Men. Tragedy in her past led to her becoming the demon lord and sorceress ruler of Limbo. As a result, Magik excels in the art of Portals, using it to her great advantage as a member of the Midnight Suns.

Players can increase Hunter’s friendship level with Magik by engaging in hangouts she likes, such as having a drink and painting. Gifting also helps, of course. Doing so can unlock cool rewards such as costumes and special moves.

Magik’s passive ability is Relay. This gives Magik a small chance to create a Limbo Portal card every time she uses a Portal to knock an enemy through. As a result, her Portal playstyle is further encouraged.

With that, we wrap up our guide on the best Magik build and card deck. This card deck makes Magik immensely powerful and puts her on par with some of the best characters in Midnight Suns. Give it a shot and see if the deck works well for you!

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Sulaymaan Ahmad is a Senior Writer on eXputer who covers all the latest and greatest games. He has an engineering background and a knack for decimating players in First-Person Shooter games. He also enjoys narrative-driven games with characters he can emotionally invest in. Sulaymaan's love for gaming has been going strong for several years which is evident on his gaming profiles at Steam and PSN. Experience: 3+ Years || Written 150+ Guides || Mainly Covers Strategy Guides on eXputer

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