Midnight Suns Hangout Guide: Best Hero Activities + XP

Befriend your favorite superheroes and hang out with them to get passive abilities and unlock a new outfit for them.

Key Takeaways

  • To level up your friendship with Superheroes, you can Hangout with them, Spar with them, and give them Gifts.
  • Be careful while hanging out with your Hero and always select a good activity that is liked by a particular character.
  • When you max your superhero Friendship levels, you get Fifty Gloss, and you can unlock a new combat outfit called “Midnight Suns”. 
  • When you are in deep conversation with your superhero, try to pick a favorable answer during the Hangout to get more Friendship points or XP in Marvel’s Midnight Suns.

Friendship XP System & Hangout Outcomes

Hangout with superheroes
Midnight Suns Superheroes Watching a Movie-[Image Captured by eXputer]
Hangouts are only one method to increase Friendships with Superheroes, and there are two more methods, including gifts. You can also give gifts to your superhero and invite them to Havens. So, after finishing off the supervillain, you will get to pick one superhero that you can chill and hang out with him. After choosing one hero, you will have to select one activity for you two to have fun and enjoy. 

But be careful when you are selecting an activity. If your hero doesn’t like it, he will give you Dislike. There are a total of Three outcomes of every hangout. 

  • Like: you will get Five XP points for Friendship.
Fishing likes by Doctor Strange
Fishing with Doctor Strange-[Image Captured by eXputer]
  • Love: you will get more than Five points; you’ll get Seven XP points for friendship.

Midnight Sun's Nico loves Watching Movies

  • Dislike: you won’t get any Friendship XP.
Videogame Disliked by Doctor Strange
Playing Videogames with Doctor Strange-[Image Captured by eXputer]
You can talk with your hero in Marvel’s Midnight Suns and hang out with them. If you provide an answer that receives a favorable response during the Hangout in Midnight Suns, you will get Two additional XP points. While you are hanging out with the hero, you can hand him a gift, too, to get more XP points. Try to give them a legendary gift. But be careful not to give them the wrong gift.

Every Superhero has their taste for how they want to spend their time if you pick their favorite activity. By doing that, you will get extra points. Below you will find a list of what every hero Loves to do, Likes, and Dislike to do in their spare time.

Iron Man

Midnight Suns Iron-Man
Iron-Man in Midnight Suns-[Image Credit: eXputer]
  • Loves: Playing Cards, Video Games, Reading Books, Pool Lounging.
  • Likes: Fishing, Grassy Overlooks, Deep Conversations, Foraging for Mushrooms, Painting, Watching a Movie, Working Out, Stargazing.
  • Dislikes: Exploring the Grounds, Having Drinks, Meditation.

Captain America

Midnight Suns Captain America
Captain America in Midnight Suns-[Image Captured by eXputer]
  • Loves: Deep Conversations, Playing Cards, Reading by the Fire, Painting, Working Out.
  • Likes: Meditation, Explore the Ground of the Abbey, Grassy Overlooks, Fishing, Stargazing, Watch Movies.
  • Dislikes: Video Games, Pool Lounging, Drinking.


Midnight Suns Hangout with Wolverine
Wolverine in Midnight Suns-[Image Captured by eXputer]
  • Loves: Having a Drink, Grassy Overlooks, Explore the Grounds, Foraging for Mushrooms, Pool Lounging, Playing Cards, Fishing.
  • Likes: Working Out, Playing Video Games, Watching Movies, Painting.
  • Dislikes: Reading a Book, Stargazing, Meditation, Deep Conversations.


Midnight Suns Magik
Magik in Midnight Suns-[Image Credit: eXputer]
  • Loves: Reading, Stargazing, Having a Drink, Painting, Meditation.
  • Likes: Playing Cards, Pool Lounging, Watching a Movie, Fishing, Foraging for Mushrooms, Grassy Overlooks, Exploring the Grounds.
  • Dislikes: Deep Conversations, Playing Video Games, Working Out.


Midnight Suns Blade
Blade in Midnight Suns-[Image Credit: eXputer]
  • Loves: Working Out, Having a Drink, Fishing, Meditation.
  • Likes: Playing Games, Pool Lounging, Reading Books, Painting, Playing Cards, Grassy Overlooks.
  • Dislikes: Stargazing, Watching a Movie, Deep Conversations.


Midnight Suns Hangout with Spider-Man
Spider-Man in Midnight Suns-[Image Credit: eXputer]
  • Loves: Deep Conversations, Painting, Playing Video Games, Stargazing, Watching Movies, Foraging for Mushrooms.
  • Likes: Fishing, Reading by the Fire, Having a Drink, Pool Lounging, Working Out.
  • Dislikes: Meditating, Playing Cards, Exploring the Grounds.

Captain Marvel

Midnight Suns Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel in Midnight Suns-[Image Credit: eXputer]
  • Loves: Stargazing, Working Out, Playing Cards, Reading by the Fire.
  • Likes: Having a Drink, Exploring the Grounds, Foraging for Mushrooms, Pool Lounging, Painting, Playing Video Games, Grassy Overlooks, Deep Conversations.
  • Dislikes: Watching a Movie, Meditation, Fishing.

Scarlet Witch

Midnight Suns Scarlet Witch
Scarlet Witch in Midnight Suns-[Image Credit: eXputer]
  • Loves: Meditation, Pool Lounging, Foraging for Mushrooms, Deep Conversations, Reading by the Fire, Exploring the Grounds.
  • Likes: Painting, Grassy Overlooks, Fishing, Playing Cards, Stargazing, Watching a Movie, Having a Drink.
  • Dislikes: Playing Video Games, Working Out.

Ghost Rider

Midnight Suns Hangout with Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider in Midnight Suns-[Image Credit: eXputer]

There are some activities that Ghost Rider will Love to do while hanging out with you, like:

  • Loves: Working Out, Having a Drink, Fishing, Meditation.
  • Likes: Playing Video Games, Pool Lounging, Watching a Movie, Playing Cards, Grassy Overlooks, Painting, Foraging for Mushrooms, Deep Conversations.
  • Dislikes: Stargazing, Watch Movies, Exploring the Grounds.


Midnight Suns Nico
Nico in Midnight Suns-[Image Credit: eXputer]
  • Loves: Stargazing, Watching a Movie, Deep Conversations, Pool Lounging.
  • Likes: Exploring the Grounds, Foraging for Mushrooms, Meditation, Painting, Playing Cards, Reading by the Fire, Having a Drink.
  • Dislikes: Playing Video Games, Working Out, Fishing.

Doctor Strange

Midnight Suns Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange in Midnight Suns-[Image Credit: eXputer]

For Doctor Strange, try to pick an activity that both you and Doctor Strange will enjoy when you are hanging out with Him. 

  • Loves: Meditation, Deep Conversations, Explore the Grounds, Foraging for Mushrooms, Reading by the Fire.
  • Likes: Grassy Overlooks, Painting, Playing Cards, Watching Movies, Having a Drink.
  • Dislikes: Video Games, Working Out, Pool Lounging.

Getting More XP By Sparring

Sparring with Superhero
Superheroes Sparring in Midnight Suns-[Image Credit: eXputer]
You can also Spar with the Superheroes. You need to choose a hero to spar with. This is always worthwhile since Sparring has a variety of advantages. Therefore it is always worthwhile to do this. Not only do you improve your friendship with that superhero. But you also permanently improve their stats.

Final Words

Whenever you are in performing Hangouts in Midnight Suns, never pick the wrong activity because the hero can deny doing it. With heroes, you can Play Cards, Play Video Games, Watch Movies with them, and do a lot more with your favorite superhero. Level up your Friendship XP with them. If you are thinking of maxing out your friendship level, you came to the right place so let’s get to it.

So always go for the Love activity that your hero will love to do, and do not forget to give a Gift to your superhero. When you give them a gift, they will give you more Friendship XP points. You can Spar every day with every different superhero and you get more XP points doing it.

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