RE4 Remake Gemstone: Types, Bonuses & Use

This guide covers all the types, bonuses, and general uses of gemstones in RE4 Remake, so you earn and spend pesetas much more quickly.

RE4 Remake Gemstone are an easy guide to making short stacks of pesetas. Like the treasure items, you can exclusively use these stones for selling purposes in the game. However, unlike the original, they have a lot more versatility compared this time around, thanks to the new and improved looting system. And with the right treasure item and gem collection, you can even pair them together to tremendously raise their price!

Key Takeaways
  • Gemstones in Resident Evil 4 Remake are valuable for selling at the Merchant’s Shop.
  • There are 6 types:
    1. Ruby (3000 Pesetas)
    2. Sapphire (4000 Pesetas)
    3. Emerald (5000 Pesetas)
    4. Alexandrite (6000 Pesetas)
    5. Yellow Diamond (7000 Pesetas)
    6. Red Beryl (9000 Pesetas).
  • Obtain them through extended map quests, defeating specific enemies, trading Spinels, or finding them in each chapter.
  • Inlay gemstones into Treasures for greater rewards by selecting “Inlay Gemstones” in the inventory’s Key Items & Treasures menu.
  • Combine similar gemstones in 4 or 5 open-slot Treasures for a higher multiplier, enhancing the selling price.

Types Of Gemstones

There are 6 unique types of gemstones that you can collect in Resident Evil 4: Remake. You can usually find most of them as random drops during enemy encounters or exploration segments. Alternatively, you might also find some as purchasable items from the Merchant or as farmable loot from certain enemy types.

GemstoneColorShapeSelling Price
RubyRedRound3000 Pesatas
SapphireBlueRound4000 Pesatas
EmeraldGreenRectangle5000 Pesatas
AlexandritePurpleRectangle6000 Pesatas
Yellow DiamondYellowRound7000 Pesatas
BerylRedRectangle9000 Pesatas
  • Gemstones, once obtained, can be sold at any time at the Merchant’s shop.
  • Depending on their rarity, you can usually find them once or twice per Chapter or as discoverable loot from specific Extended Map Treasures.
Yellow Diamond RE4: Remake
A Yellow Diamond (Screenshot Grab: eXputer)
    • Some mobs also guarantee these precious jewels as drops after you kill them, as the Regenerators and the Masked Cultists in red wear assuring Ruby and Red Beryl drops, respectively.
    • Additionally, you can obtain certain gems as rewards for taking down notably strong foes, like the amped Iron Maiden in the Wandering Dead Merchant Request that drops an Alexandrite once killed.
Alexandrite RE4 Iron Maiden
Collecting the Alexandrite from the Iron Maiden (Image by eXputer)
    • Another uncommon way of getting them is by trading the Spinels you get from Blue Notice Requests or as random loot at the Merchant’s shop.
Trade Items list with Merchant at his shop
Yellow Diamond tradable at the Merchant’s Shop for 3x Spinel (Image Captured by eXputer)

Uses Of Gemstones

  • Alongside simply selling off the gemstone as it is, one important feature the remake adds is the capability of inlaying several of these gemstones into treasure items, ultimately becoming more valuable than their constituents.
  • These Treasure Items have unique slots for you to fill with several jewels.
Inlaying Gemstones in Treasure items
Inlaying a Treasure Item with Sapphire and Yellow Diamond (Screenshot taken by eXputer)
    • One of the major distinguishing factors of a gemstone that determines whether or not it’s compatible with a specific slot of a treasure item is its shape.
    • Once a gemstone fits into the item, the newly-made artifact gains the value of the standalone gemstone and treasure item combined.
    • On top of that, you can also get a Gemstone Bonus, an extra multiplier of the artifact’s value, raising it by a considerable margin.

What Are Gemstone Bonuses?

For more detail, here’s a list of all the gemstone combinations and the bonuses they turn in: 

Combination NameCombination DescriptionBonusSample Combination
Two ColorsTwo gemstones of differing colorsx1.11x Ruby | 1x Emerald
DuoTwo gemstones of the same colorx1.22x Yellow Diamond
Three ColorsThree gemstones of differing colorsx1.31x Emerald | 1x Sapphire | 1x Ruby
TrioThree gemstones of the same colorx1.43x Alexandrite
Two DuosTwo Duo gemstone combinationsx1.52x Ruby | 2x Sapphire
Four ColorsFour gemstones of differing colorsx1.61x Red Beryl | 1x Sapphire | 1x Emerald | 1x Alexandrite
QuartelFour gemstones of the same colorx1.74x Red Beryl
Duo and TrioOne Duo and one Trio combinationx1.82x Yellow Diamond | 1x Emerald
QuintelFive gemstones of the same colorx1.95x Sapphire
Five ColorsFive gemstones of differing colorsx2.01x Red Beryl | 1x Ruby | 1x Alexandrite | 1x Emerald | 1x Sapphire
  • As seen, the Bonuses become much more significant as more jewels are inlaid into a single Treasure Item.
  • For the best possible payout, wait for a 4 or 5-slot Treasure item and stack as many gemstones as possible into that item since more gems will equal a higher incentive due to the multiplier.
  • This way, you can guarantee the best value for all the jewels with you at the same time.
Re4 remake gemstone bonus system
All Gemstone Bonuses on Treasure Items (Screenshot taken by eXputer)
Important: Notice how you’ll get a bigger bonus when you pair up the same gemstones. This is another aspect of RE4 Remake’s revamped looting system, encouraging you to collect rather than spend jewels until you have a set of the same type.

My Thoughts On Gemstones

In my opinion, the gemstone system in Resident Evil 4 Remake adds an intriguing layer of depth to the game’s economy. Collecting and inlaying these precious gems into treasure items becomes a puzzle in itself. It’s a clever twist that encouraged me to think strategically about when to cash in their valuable finds. The Gemstone Bonuses offer an additional incentive, rewarding those who carefully stack and pair similar gems. 

re4 ibad
My save slots in Resident Evil 4: Remake

The gemstone system showcases how Resident Evil 4 Remake maintains its classic charm while introducing new elements to keep the gameplay fresh and engaging. That’s why I never found it tiring to mix and match the right gemstones to cash in a major bonus, even after playing the title for over a month. It promotes patience and exploration, enhancing your overall gameplay experience like it did for me. 

If you’re struggling to kill Regenerators for farming gemstones, you might want to read our guide on getting the Thermal Scope beforehand. For more intriguing selling items in Resident Evil 4 Remake, check out our Viper locations guide to learn more about an extra earning source. And for simply progressing the main game, consider reading up on how to defeat all the in-game bosses.


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Sameer is a Senior Writer & Editor for all sorts of guides on eXputer. He has dove deep into many gaming genres and ended up investing 8,000+ hours on COD titles, Pokemon games, Witcher 3, Minecraft, and Bloodborne. Sameer has a degree in Writing and Editing from the University of Michigan. Additionally, he has several years of writing experience and has worked for Mashable previously. Get familiar with Sameer's gaming library on his PSN and Steam profiles.

Experience: 5+ Years || Previously Worked for Mashable || Education: ACCA

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