The cheap knock-out you once knew as Mobile Legends is a fully grown MOBA for Mobile Platforms. Mobile Legends Bang Bang (weird name, I know) just finished its 5th world championship known as M5. With over 120 Heroes, knowing which hero performs best in which lane becomes impossible. That is where my Mobile Legends Tier List comes in. This Tier List will guide you through which heroes to choose and when to choose them.
- Mobile Legends Bang Bang has 123 Heroes currently available.
- These heroes range from durable tanky heroes to squishy yet powerful heroes.
- Each lane or role has its meta heroes or heroes that are good.
- Among the Junglers, Balmond, Baxia, and Fredrinn are some of the best heroes.
- As for Roamers, players can’t go wrong with Angela, Mathilda, Minotaur, or Tigreal.
- Lylia, Faramis, Novaria, and Valentina are solid choices in the Mid Lane, with others close behind.
- The best EXP Lane heroes are Arlott, Balmond, Terizla, and Uranus.
- Lastly, Brody, Bruno, Clint, and Wanwan rule the Gold Lane.
- Author’s Note: I have spent over 5,000 matches in Mobile Legends Bang Bang mastering the game; you can rest assured that my Tier List is credible.

All Mobile Legends Bang Bang Characters Ranked
Here is an overview of the Tier List. If you want my detailed take on each role, you can read about it later on in the guide.
Tiers | Jungler | Roam | Mid Lane | Exp Lane | Gold Lane |
S-Tier | Balmond, Baxia, Fredrinn, Guinevere, Joy, Nolan | Angela, Mathilda, Minotaur, Tigreal | Lylia, Faramis, Novaria, Valentina | Arlott, Balmond, Terizla, Uranus | Brody, Bruno, Clint, Wanwan |
A-Tier | Akai, Barats, Fanny, Lancelot, Martis | Akai, Chou, Diggie, Edith, Estes, Faramis, Franco, Grock, Hilda, Kadita, Kaja, Khufra, Lolita, Novaria, Rafaela, Ruby, Valir | Angela, Gord, Kadita, Lunox, Nana, Pharsa | Benedetta, Dyrroth, Edith, Gloo, Guinevere, Joy, Khaleed, Lapu-Lapu, Paquito, Phoveus, Thamuz, Xborg, Yu Zhong | Beatrix, Claude, Irithel, Ixia, Lesley, Melissa |
B-Tier | Alice, Bane, Cyclops, Dyrroth, Esmeralda, Granger, Gusion, Harith, Hayabusa, Helcurt, Julian, Leomord, Ling, Natan, Paquito, Popol and Kupa, Saber | Atlas, Baxia, Belerick, Fredrinn, Gloo, Hylos, Jaw Head, Johnson, Minsittar, Natalia, Selena | Cecilion, Gusion, Harith, Lou Yi, Mathilda, Odette, Valir, Xavier, Yin | Alice, Badang, Bane, Barats, Cici, Chou, Esmeralda, Freya, Grock, Julian, Martis, Ruby, Thamuz | Hanabi, Harith, Layla, Lunox, Lylia, Moskov, Natan, Popol and Kupa |
C-Tier | Aplha, Aulus, Hanzo, Harley, Hylos, Jaw Head, Karina, Natalia, Roger, Thamuz, Yi Sun-Shin, Yin | Carmilla, Gatotcaka, Khaleed, Martis, Saber, Silvana, Triezla, Zilong | Alice, Aurora, Chang'e, Cyclops, Eudora, Guinevere, Harley, Julian, Kagura, Natan, Rafaela, Vexana | Alice, Aurora, Chang'e, Cyclops, Eudora, Guinevere, Harley, Julian, Kagura, Natan, Rafaela, Vexana | Change, Granger, Kimmy, Miya, Valentina, Zhask |
D-Tier | Aldous, Alucard, Amon, Kimmy, Sun, Zilong | Aurora, Benedetta, Popol and Kupa | Bane, Carmilla, Kimmy, Selena, Vale, Zhask | Aldous, Argus, Carmilla, Saber, Silvana, Sun, Zilong | Cecilion, Chou, Gusion, Pharsa |
All MLBB Heroes Comparison
Here are the stats of 123 heroes currently available in Mobile Legends:
S. No. | Heroes | Roles | Recommended Lanes | HP (Lvl 15) | Mana (Lvl 15) | Physical/Magical Attack (Lvl 15) | Physical/Magical Defense (LvL 15) |
1 | Angela | Support | Roaming | 4206 | 2125 | 216/0 | 69/50 |
2 | Aamon | Assassin | Jungling | 4742 | 1883 | 255/0 | 66/38 |
3 | Akai | Tank | Jungling/Roaming | 5861 | 1822 | 194/0 | 76/50 |
4 | Aldous | Fighter | EXP Lane/Jungling | 5328 | 1805 | 279/0 | 83/50 |
5 | Alice | Mage/Tank | EXP Lane/Mid Lane | 4946 | 493 | 191/0 | 80/50 |
6 | Alpha | Fighter | EXP Lane/Jungling | 5712 | 1853 | 238/0 | 76/38 |
7 | Alucard | Fighter/Assassin | Jungling | 5561 | Nill | 244/0 | 86/50 |
8 | Argus | Fighter | EXP Lane | 5190 | Nill | 159/0 | 68/50 |
9 | Arlott | Fighter/Assassin | EXP Lane/Roaming | 2628 (Lvl 1) | 510 (Lvl 1) | 120/0 (Lvl 1) | 21/15 (Lvl 1) |
10 | Atlas | Tank | Roaming | 6011 | 1840 | 259/0 | 70/38 |
11 | Aulus | Fighter | Jungling/EXP Lane | 5628 | 1810 | 268/0 | 73/38 |
12 | Aurora | Mage | Mid Lane/Roaming | 2501 (Lvl 1) | 750 (Lvl 1) | 110/0 (Lvl 1) | 17/15 (Lvl 1) |
13 | Badang | Fighter | EXP Lane | 2708 (Lvl 1) | Nill | 111/0 (Lvl 1) | 23/15 (Lvl 1) |
14 | Balmond | Fighter | Jungling/EXP Lane | 6180 | Nill | 237/0 | 90/50 |
15 | Bane | Fighter/Mage | EXP Lane/Jungling | 5779 | 1833 | 269/0 | 84/50 |
16 | Barats | Tank/Fighter | Jungling | 2559 (Lvl 1) | 430 (Lvl 1) | 135/0 (Lvl 1) | 18/15 (Lvl 1) |
17 | Baxia | Tank | Jungling/Roaming | 5471 | 1822 | 204/0 | 72/38 |
18 | Beatrix | Marksman | Gold Lane | 4699 | 0 | 250/0 | 64/38 |
19 | Belerick | Tank | Roaming | 5719 | 1850 | 208/0 | 54/50 |
20 | Benedetta | Assassin/Fighter | EXP Lane/Jungling | 2569 (Lvl 1) | 460 (Lvl 1) | 113/0 (Lvl 1) | 18/15 (Lvl 1) |
21 | Brody | Marksman | Gold Lane | 4597 | 1835 | 245/0 | 66/38 |
22 | Bruno | Marksman | Gold Lane | 4517 | 1839 | 343/0 | 76/50 |
23 | Carmilla | Support/Tank | Roaming | 5706 | 1803 | 255/0 | 75/38 |
24 | Cecilion | Mage | Mid Lane | 4451 | 2226 | 171/0 | 62/38 |
25 | Chang'e | Mage | Mid Lane | 4163 | 2129 | 222/0 | 55/38 |
26 | Chou | Fighter | Roaming/EXP Lane | 5536 | Nill | 262/0 | 23/15 (Lvl 1) |
27 | Cici | Fighter | EXP Lane | 5129 | Nill | 226/0 | 74/45 |
28 | Claude | Marksman | Gold Lane | 4155 | 1850 | 195/0 | 56/38 |
29 | Clint | Marksman | Gold Lane | 4669 | 1850 | 318/0 | 79/50 |
30 | Cyclops | Mage | Mid Lane/Jungling | 2521 (Lvl 1) | 500 (Lvl 1) | 112/0 (Lvl 1) | 18/15 (Lvl 1) |
31 | Diggie | Support | Roaming | 4183 | 2310 | 216/0 | 60/50 |
32 | Dyrroth | Fighter | EXP Lane/Jungling | 5768 | Nill | 266/0 | 75/38 |
33 | Edith | Tank/Marksman | EXP Lane/Roaming | 5489 | Nill | 190/0 | 71/50 |
34 | Esmeralda | Mage/Tank | EXP Lane | 5254 | 2056 | 191/0 | 75/45 |
35 | Estes | Support | Roaming | 3950 | 2295 | 221/0 | 65/50 |
36 | Eudora | Mage | Mid Lane | 4771 | 2428 | 193/0 | 77/50 |
37 | Fanny | Assassin | Jungling | 4400 | 100 (Energy) | 269/0 | 68/50 |
38 | Faramis | Support/Mage | Mid Lane/Roaming | 4902 | 1970 | 216/0 | 66/38 |
39 | Floryn | Support | Roaming | 4256 | 2398 | 222/0 | 68/50 |
40 | Franco | Tank | Roaming | 6433 | 1840 | 217/0 | 93/50 |
41 | Fredrinn | Fighter/Tank | Jungling/EXP Lane | 6069 | Nill | 240/0 | 76/38 |
42 | Freya | Fighter | EXP Lane | 5671 | Nill | 231/0 | 83/50 |
43 | Gatotkaca | Tank/Fighter | EXP Lane/Roaming | 5569 | Nill | 228/0 | 58/50 |
44 | Gloo | Tank | EXP Lane/Roaming | 6179 | 1840 | 210/0 | 65/38 |
45 | Gord | Mage | Mid Lane | 2478 (Lvl 1) | 570 (Lvl 1) | 110/0 (Lvl 1) | 13/15 (Lvl 1) |
46 | Granger | Marksman | Jungling/Gold Lane | 4239 | Nill | 352/0 | 59/38 |
47 | Grock | Tank/Fighter | Roaming/EXP Lane | 6179 | 1830 | 250/0 | 68/38 |
48 | Guinevere | Fighter | Jungling/EXP Lane | 5286 | Nill | 255/0 | 68/38 |
49 | Gusion | Assassin | Jungling | 4888 | 1862 | 234/0 | 67/38 |
50 | Hanabi | Marksman | Gold Lane | 4057 | 1720 | 217/0 | 74/50 |
51 | Hanzo | Assassin | Jungling | 4624 | Nill | 268/0 | 73/50 |
52 | Harith | Mage | Gold Lane/Mid Lane | 2701 (Lvl 1) | 490 (Lvl 1) | 114/0 (Lvl 1) | 19/15 (Lvl 1) |
53 | Harley | Assassin/Mage | Jungling/Mid Lane | 2501 (Lvl 1) | 490 (Lvl 1) | 114/0 (Lvl 1) | 19/15 (Lvl 1) |
54 | Hayabusa | Assassin | Jungling | 4620 | 100 | 251/0 | 75/50 |
55 | Helcurt | Assassin | Jungling | 4853 | 1840 | 275/0 | 73/50 |
56 | Hilda | Fighter/Tank | Roaming/EXP Lane | 2789 (Lvl 1) | Nill | 123/0 (Lvl 1) | 24/15 (Lvl 1) |
57 | Hylos | Tank | Roaming/Jungling | 7749 | 1830 | 198/0 | 71/50 |
58 | Irithel | Marksman | Gold Lane | 4537 | 100 | 272/0 | 75/50 |
59 | Ixia | Marksman | Gold Lane | 4699 | 1840 | 205/0 | 73/50 |
60 | Jawhead | Fighter | EXP Lane/Roaming | 5780 | 1830 | 234/0 | 88/50 |
61 | Johnson | Tank/Support | Roaming | 6099 | Nill | 209/0 | 96/50 |
62 | Joy | Assassin | Jungling/EXP Lane | 5408 | Nill | 255/0 | 78/45 |
63 | Julian | Fighter/Mage | EXP Lane/Jungling | 5664 | 1820 | 257/0 | 74/38 |
64 | Kadita | Mage/Assassin | Mid Lane/Roaming | 2491 (Lvl 1) | 495 (Lvl 1) | 105/0 (Lvl 1) | 18/15 (Lvl 1) |
65 | Kagura | Mage | Mid Lane | 4436 | 2157 | 230/0 | 60/38 |
66 | Kaja | Support/Fighter | Roaming | 5549 | 1800 | 218/0 | 78/45 |
67 | Karina | Assassin | Jungling | 5262 | 1831 | 236/0 | 83/50 |
68 | Karrie | Marksman | Gold Lane | 2578 (Lvl 1) | 440 (Lvl 1) | 120/0 (Lvl 1) | 17/15 (Lvl 1) |
69 | Khaleed | Fighter | EXP Lane | 2778 (Lvl 1) | Nill | 109/0 (Lvl 1) | 23/15 (Lvl 1) |
70 | Khufra | Tank | Roaming | 2770 (Lvl 1) | 460 (Lvl 1) | 117/0 (Lvl 1) | 19/15 (Lvl 1) |
71 | Kimmy | Marksman/Mage | Gold Lane | 4095 | 100 | 216/0 | 69/45 |
72 | Lancelot | Assassin | Jungling | 4607 | 1850 | 289/0 | 60/38 |
73 | Lapu-Lapu | Fighter | EXP Lane | 5614 | Nill | 234/0 | 71/38 |
74 | Layla | Marksman | Gold Lane | 4369 | 1824 | 230/0 | 71/50 |
75 | Leomord | Fighter | Jungling/EXP Lane | 5748 | Nill | 269/0 | 74/38 |
76 | Lesley | Marksman/Assassin | Gold Lane | 4247 | 100 | 238/0 | 67/45 |
77 | Ling | Assassin | Jungling | 4608 | 100 | 240/0 | 68/38 |
78 | Lolita | Support/Tank | Roaming | 4803 | 1880 | 211/0 | 71/50 |
79 | Lunox | Mage | Mid Lane | 4735 | 2192 | 202/0 | 52/38 |
80 | Luo Yi | Mage | Mid Lane | 5156 | 2172 | 193/0 | 74/45 |
81 | Lylia | Mage | Mid Lane | 4384 | 2180 | 207/0 | 61/38 |
82 | Martis | Fighter | Jungling/EXP Lane | 2738 (Lvl 1) | Nill | 128/0 (Lvl 1) | 25/15 (Lvl 1) |
83 | Masha | Fighter/Tank | EXP Lane/Jungling | 4353 | 100 | 227/0 | 50/67 |
84 | Mathilda | Support/Assassin | Roaming/Mid Lane | 5290 | 1970 | 214/0 | 80/50 |
85 | Melissa | Marksman | Gold Lane | 4532 | 1848 | 215/0 | 65/38 |
86 | Minotaur | Tank/Support | Roaming | 6345 | Nill | 195/0 | 73/45 |
87 | Minsitthar | Fighter | EXP Lane/Roaming | 5470 | 1780 | 250/0 | 87/50 |
88 | Miya | Marksman | Gold Lane | 4463 | 1845 | 296/0 | 74/50 |
89 | Moskov | Marksman | Gold Lane | 4257 | 1820 | 300/0 | 75/50 |
90 | Nana | Mage | Mid Lane/Roaming | 4321 | 2050 | 217/0 | 59/38 |
91 | Natalia | Assassin | Roaming | 4935 | 1914 | 243/0 | 75/50 |
92 | Natan | Marksman | Gold Lane | 4523 | 1843 | 264/0 | 63/38 |
93 | Nolan | Assassin | Jungling | 4607 | 100 | 289/0 | 72/50 |
94 | Novaria | Mage | Mid Lane | 4228 | 2192 | 202/0 | 56/45 |
95 | Odette | Mage | Mid Lane | 4481 | 2021 | 178/0 | 60/38 |
96 | Paquito | Fighter/Assassin | EXP Lane/Jungling | 5458 | Nill | 262/0 | 74/38 |
97 | Pharsa | Mage | Midlane | 2421 (Lvl 1) | 490 (Lvl 1) | 109/0 (Lvl 1) | 17/15 (Lvl 1) |
98 | Phoveus | Fighter | EXP Lane | 5698 | 1830 | 240/0 | 87/50 |
99 | Popol and Kupa | Marksman | Gold Lane | 4385 | 1845 | 193/0 | 67/50 |
100 | Rafaela | Support | Roaming | 4268 | 2435 | 218/0 | 70/50 |
101 | Roger | Fighter/Marksman | Jungling | 5089 | 1805 | 317/0 | 81/50 |
102 | Ruby | Fighter/Tank | Roaming/EXP Lane | 4889 | 2040 | 226/0 | 74/45 |
103 | Saber | Assassin | Jungling | 4909 | 1843 | 254/0 | 76/50 |
104 | Selena | Assassin/Mage | Roaming | 4984 | 1918 | 204/0 | 59/38 |
105 | Silvanna | Fighter | EXP Lane/Roaming | 5586 | 1830 | 256/0 | 72/38 |
106 | Sun | Fighter | EXP Lane/Jungling | 5838 | 1800 | 207/0 | 86/50 |
107 | Terizla | Fighter | EXP Lane | 5738 | 1830 | 307/0 | 69/38 |
108 | Thamuz | Fighter | EXP Lane/Jungling | 5740 | Nill | 222/0 | 68/38 |
109 | Tigreal | Tank | Roaming | 6778 | 1850 | 207/0 | 95/50 |
110 | Uranus | Tank | EXP Lane/Roaming | 5009 | 1855 | 217/0 | 47/23 |
111 | Vale | Mage | Mid Lane | 2401 (Lvl 1) | 490 (Lvl 1) | 115/0 (Lvl 1) | 15/15 (Lvl 1) |
112 | Valentina | Mage | Mid Lane | 5326 | 2050 | 205/0 | 75/38 |
113 | Valir | Mage | Mid Lane | 2516 (Lvl 1) | 495 (Lvl 1) | 105/0 (Lvl 1) | 20/15 (Lvl 1) |
114 | Vexana | Mage | Mid Lane | 4406 | 2002 | 193/0 | 63/38 |
115 | Wanwan | Marksman | Gold Lane | 4409 | 1824 | 242/0 | 59/38 |
116 | X.Borg | Fighter | EXP Lane/Jungling | 2524/2723 | 100 | 232/0 | 90/50 |
117 | Xavier | Mage | Mid Lane | 4611 | 2462 | 198/0 | 59/38 |
118 | Yi Sun-Shin | Assassin/Marksman | Jungling | 4425 | 438 | 212/0 | 69/38 |
119 | Yin | Fighter/Assassin | EXP Lane/Jungling | 5238 | Nill | 210/0 | 71/50 |
120 | Yu Zhong | Fighter | EXP Lane | 5428 | Nill | 293/0 | 83/50 |
121 | Yve | Mage | Mid Lane | 5066 | 2162 | 205/0 | 66/38 |
122 | Zhask | Mage | Mid Lane | 4256 | 2170 | 208/0 | 63/50 |
123 | Zilong | Fighter/Assassin | EXP Lane/Jungling | 5517 | 1805 | 216/0 | 90/50 |
Jungle Tier List

Fast heroes like Nolan and Joy can deal a ton of damage to squishy heroes. Whereas Guinevere is much more deadly than before. I’ve been utilizing the Tanky Junglers as they are relatively easier to use while providing great utility to the team.
Although each of these has its own benefits, I use Fredrinn whenever I can and got to Mythic while playing very few ranked matches last season.
- Consider reading: League of Legends Tier List
Here is my take on the Jungle Tier List in Mobile Legends BB:
Tiers | Jungler |
S-Tier | Balmond, Baxia, Fredrinn, Guinevere, Joy, Nolan |
A-Tier | Akai, Barats, Fanny, Lancelot, Martis |
B-Tier | Alice, Bane, Cyclops, Dyrroth, Esmeralda, Granger, Gusion, Harith, Hayabusa, Helcurt, Julian, Leomord, Ling, Natan, Paquito, Popol and Kupa, Saber |
C-Tier | Aplha, Aulus, Hanzo, Harley, Hylos, Jaw Head, Karina, Natalia, Roger, Thamuz, Yi Sun-Shin, Yin |
D-Tier | Aldous, Alucard, Amon, Kimmy, Sun, Zilong |
Roam Tier List

Supports are also going quite high in MLBB, thanks to the recent Support update and Item. Mathilda is back again thanks to her great mobility, while Angela’s Heartguard can provide a timely shield to allies.
There are other great roamers, too, but their utility isn’t as great as Tigreal’s, who only needed one buff to his ult to get him to the ban section.
Mid Lane Tier List

Therefore, I’d suggest going with Lylia, Faramis or Valentina. Faramis and Valentina are team-based heroes, so you must ensure that you can rely on your team to listen to comms before picking these. Meanwhile, a good Lylia can keep enemies at bay by using her short CD of bombs.
I must mention Nana, as her recent update has made her quite good. But I have yet to face a good Nana player who will make me ban Nana in ranked matches.
Exp Lane Tier List

Terizla’s recent buffs got him to the banned section, and the nerfs out of it. But even then, he is a powerful hero if you can play the slow game. The same goes with Uranus. The Emblems update fixed a lot of problems faced by Uranus players. Pick up these two and play a slow game; no one can touch you. Although Balmond goes best as a Jungler, I pick him up in Exp lane against weaker heroes and snowball early on.
Gold Lane Tier List

Brody, Bruno, and Clint are some of the best heroes for Gold Lane. And they can start snowballing quite early in the game. But remember that even a Layla will be deadly if she gets to the farm quickly. So you must be more than active while playing the Gold Lane. So, pick your heroes with caution.
My Take On Mobile Legends Bang Bang Tier List
I consider a few things when I put a hero in the S-Tier, and that is how easy they are to use. Because to an average player, you will always look at heroes that don’t require high mechanics. If you think you’re like the legendary Fast Hands Kairi, you will easily master the assassins.
With well over 5,000 matches played on several accounts, I can confidently say that my Tier List is up to the standard of pro players. You might disagree on a few choices, say Moskov should be in a higher tier, etc., but they are all based on how I find these heroes in the game. Some are easier to deal with when playing against, whereas others can one-shot you, however strong.

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Thanks! Do share your feedback with us. ⚡
How can we make this post better? Your help would be appreciated. ✍
Appreciate the stat comparisons
Like that theres is a table with every character for you to compare
Good tier list no complaints here