Starfield DLSS Mod Creator Threatens To Add Hidden Mines In Future Mods Due To Piracy

The DLSS mod came with DRM but was still cracked.

Story Highlights

  • Starfield DLSS3 mod creator is determined to teach a lesson to pirates.
  • PureDark’s Starfield DLSS3 mod is currently available from their Patreon for $5 per month.
  • The DLSS mod comes with DRM protection, which was cracked before the game was officially released.

PureDark, the creator of the Starfield DLSS mod, claimed in an interview with IGN that they’ll be placing hidden mines in all of their future mods to make it harder for pirates. Note that PureDark’s Starfield DLSS3 mod is a paid mod available on their Patreon and is encrypted with Digital Rights Management (DRM). The Starfield DLSS mod was cracked and became available for public users even before the game was officially released.

PureDark's statement regarding their mods being pirated. (Source: IGN)
PureDark’s statement regarding their mods being pirated. (Source: IGN)

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Starfield came out on PC and Xbox Series X|S on September 6. The game was missing the Nvidia DLSS graphic support option on launch. For this reason, PureDark’s Starfield DLSS mode was quite popular as it added the much-needed graphic option to the game. Furthermore, Bethesda announced that they’ll be adding a DLSS upscaling option to Starfield soon on PC. However, the feature’s arrival date hasn’t yet been revealed.

Starfield DLSS3 is available for $5 per month to subscribers of PureDark’s Patreon. Users can also download the DLSS2 mod for free from Nexus Mods. The DLSS2 version is a slightly less advanced version of the paid mod. PureDark has faced a fair share of backlash over social media and on their own Patreon because of their paid mods and the DRM protection.

Bethesda is also working towards releasing frequent updates to fix the stability and performance issues with Starfield. The game provides a lot of freedom for modders and users alike as we’ve seen players add Thomas The Tank Engine, alongside Buzz Lightyear and many others, to join us on our journey through space. Recently, Starfield mods crossed 14 million downloads on Nexus Mods, and the number is bound to get even bigger with time. 

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Fahad is a news reporter at eXputer with a huge passion for fighting games. For the past year, he has been utilizing his skills to report on the latest and greatest in the gaming industry. Side by side with his bachelor's in computer science, Fahad has also acquired a certification in English for Journalism from Coursera. Fahad now dedicates all his time to either playing video games or reporting news at eXputer.

Experience: 1+ Years || Covers News Stories at eXputer || Bachelor's in Computer Science.

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