RE4 Remake Best Shotguns + How To Get [All Guns Ranked]

After playing RE4 Remake for more than 50 hours, here's my recommendations for the in-game shotguns, where I list all the reasons & arguments about why a particular shotgun is best in the game.

There are four shotguns in Resident Evil 4 Remake, and each one is best at blowing the plagas brains out. The answer to the question of the best shotgun in RE4 Remake is not easy, as all four weapons offer dynamic playstyle for Leon. We have ranked all shotguns based on stats, upgrade cost, pros & cons, and the overall playstyle they offer.

Key Takeaways
  • RE4 Remake has 4 shotguns, each excelling in a particular category.
  • While all four shotguns are among the list of the best RE4 Remake weapons, here is the breakdown entailing where each shotgun performs the best:  
    1. Riot Gun: High power and precision make it ideal for accurately targeting and tackling tough enemies.
    2. Striker: Exceptional speed and ammo capacity allow for rapid-fire damage and sustained combat.
    3. W-870: A reliable early-game weapon with balanced performance and affordable upgrades.
    4. Skull Shaker: A compact sawed-off shotgun perfect for dealing massive damage in close-quarters combat.

My Picks And Comparison Table

The following table reflects the Level 5 upgrade stats of all four shotguns in Resident Evil 4 Remake:

RANKWeaponPowerAmmo CapacityReload SpeedRate of FireBEST FOR
1Riot Gun19.21261.1Long-range engagements
2Striker16.22461.57Firing speed
3W-87010.11030.85Early-game usage
4Skull Shaker9.07660.96Compactness and reducing inventory load

Riot Gun

The Best Long-Range Shotgun In RE4 Remake.
Riot Gun Gameplay
Riot Gun Gameplay (Image Credits Exputer)
  • Why I Chose This: When I find myself in narrow corridors or areas with limited cover in Resident Evil 4 Remake, this shotgun is my go-to choice.
Stat Level 1 Level 5
Power 6.4 19.2
Ammo Capacity 7 12
Reload Speed 1 6
Rate of Fire 0.75 1.1

The Riot Shotgun is easily the best shotgun under the semi-automatic category, offering superior firepower and accuracy. This weapon becomes essential when facing Chainsaw Ganados and other menacing foes.

How To Get

To obtain the Riot Shotgun, players must advance to Chapter 6 and purchase it from the Merchant for 28,000 Pesetas. It is the second shotgun available in the Village after the W-870.

  • High power and precision.
  • Versatile for both long-range and one-on-one battles.
  • Tight spread for accurate targeting.
  • Less expensive upgrades compared to the Striker.
  • May require increasing Attache Case size to accommodate its bulk.
  • Can be easily missed if not acquired in Chapter 6.


The Fastest Shotgun In RE4 Remake.
Striker (Image Credits Exputer)
  • Why I Chose This: As a returning Resident Evil 4 player, I absolutely love using the Striker Shotgun in situations where speed and ammunition are crucial.
Stat Level 1 Level 5
Power 9 16.2
Ammo Capacity 12 24
Reload Speed 1 6
Rate of Fire 1.13 1.57

The Striker Shotgun is a powerful and fast-firing weapon in the Resident Evil 4 remake, known for its unique exclusive perk and high ammo capacity. Though it may not be the best shotgun, however, it still has excellent speed and an exclusive perk that makes it highly effective in certain situations.

How To Unlock 

To unlock the Striker Shotgun, players must progress to Chapter 10 and locate the Merchant, who will sell the weapon for 38,000 Ptas.

  • Fastest shotgun in RE4 Remake.
  • High ammo capacity, especially with the exclusive perk.
  • Effective against bosses, like Verdugo, and high-health enemies.
  • Weakest shotgun when considering other shotguns’ perks.
  • Least precise among all shotguns.


The Best Early-Game Shotgun In RE4 Remake.
re4 remake skull shaker vs w870
Leon Using The W-870 And Skull Shaker (Image by eXputer)
  • Why I Chose This: As an early-game weapon, I find that the W-870 Shotgun is best utilized in close-quarters combat and crowd-control situations.
Stat Level 1 Level 5
Power 5.6 10.1
Ammo Capacity 5 10
Reload Speed 0.6 3.0
Rate of Fire 0.45 0.85

The W-870 Shotgun is the best shotgun for early-game hours, providing a balanced performance and relatively low upgrade costs. Although its firepower is weaker than other shotguns, it remains a reliable choice throughout the game.

How To Get

To acquire the W-870 Shotgun, players must reach the Village Square in Chapter 1. They should take the left pathway, stealthily bypass the horde, enter the northmost house near the Church, and barricade the door. The shotgun can be found on the second floor in a glass case mounted on the wall.

  • Affordable upgrade costs.
  • Available early in the game.
  • Can be sold and repurchased.
  • Weaker firepower than other shotguns.
  • No attachment options.

Skull Shaker

The Most Compact Shotgun In RE4 Remake.
The Skull Shaker
  • Why I Chose This: The weapon’s widespread firing pattern is incredibly effective at quickly eliminating threats at close range.
Stat Level 1 Level 5
Power 5.4 9.07
Ammo Capacity 2 6
Reload Speed 1 6
Rate of Fire 0.49 0.96

The Skull Shaker Shotgun, exclusive to the Resident Evil 4 remake, is a compact, powerful sawed-off shotgun available through DLC purchases. This weapon, almost the same size as Hand Cannon, excels at close-range combat, offering immense damage and a unique firing animation.

How To Get

To obtain the Skull Shaker, players must purchase the Digital Deluxe edition of the game or buy it individually from the digital store. After acquiring the gun, head to the nearest typewriter to transfer it from storage to your inventory.

  • Compact size for easy inventory management.
  • High damage output at close range.
  • Unique firing animation.
  • Limited magazine size.
  • Must be purchased as DLC.
  • Outperformed by later-game shotguns.

My Thoughts On The Best Shotgun

Now that you know the overall performance of the best shotgun, I wanted to share my take on the best shotgun in RE4 Remake. Personally, I think the Riot Gun is the strongest out of the bunch, while the Striker comes in at a close second place.

The Riot Gun excels in delivering high power and precision, making it an ideal choice for players who prioritize accuracy and damage output. Coupled with its tight spread, I found this shotgun incredibly versatile for both long-range and one-on-one battles. 

This brings me to the end of the best shotgun RE4 Remake guide, where I have ranked all four weapons you can experience in the game. 

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Haris Umer is a Guides Writer on eXputer who can be seen torturing himself by playing FromSoftware’s offering of Souls games. He speaks about games with overwhelming passion, which readers can spot in his guides. Haris has been avidly playing video games for 15+ years now. You can learn more about his gaming experience through his PSN and Steam profiles.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelors In Medicine And Surgery.

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