Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora: Best Ancestor Skills + Locations

I have played Avatar Frontiers of Pandora for 30+ hours and these are my top picks of Ancestor Skills from the Ancestor Tree!

The Ancestor Skill Tree is different from your standard skill trees like Memories of Hunter or Memories of Rider for your Ikran skills. The ancestor skills don’t need skill points to be unlocked; rather, they are required to reach the ends of mountain peaks to avail them. You can locate them easily on the map as they are marked by a shining pink light coming out of a beautiful Tarsyu flower. There are many ancestor skills that have the best super abilities among the 12 ancestor skills in Avatar Frontiers of Pandora.

Key Takeaways
  • There are a total of 12 skills in the Ancestor Skill Tree in Avatar Frontiers of Pandora.
  • You will be able to retrieve Ancestor Skills from Tarsyu Saplings on top of various mountain peaks.
  • These skills are far superior to the normal skills you get from the main basic skill trees.
  • You will have to get to different heights of mountain peaks and sometimes fight off RDA forces to get these Ancestor Skills in AFOP.

For a more concise breakdown of the best Ancestor Skills to match your playstyle, check out the following YouTube video from eXputer:

YouTube video

Best Ancestor Skills Summary

The following are the best Ancestor Skills that you can receive in AFOP:

RankAncestor SkillDescriptionLocation
1Free Fast TravelAllows free travel to various points without costing stamina.Clouded Forest (Central mount peak)
2ReconnaissanceMarks enemy patrol paths, aiding in stealthy elimination without alerting others.Upper Plains (Far southwest peak of Celebration Valley)
3EjectEnables the removal of AMP-controlling soldiers from their AMP suits, speeding up the defeat of AMPs.Kinglor Forest (North of Shadow Wood)
4Drop ImpactIncreases airborne melee attack damage and staggers enemies in the impact radius.Kinglor Forest (Far north mountain peak of Shadow Wood)
5Soft LandingReduces fall damage by 50%, providing better navigation in areas with varying heights.Kinglor Forest (East mountain peak from Silk Woods)
6Deeper ConnectionStrengthens the bond with Ikran, reducing the need for constant feeding and increasing Ikran's stamina.Kinglor Forest (North of Stoneblade Bridge area)
7Wing GustAllows Ikran to damage and disorient enemies before engaging in a fight.Upper Plains (North of Mother Of Rivers)

7. Wing Gust

Most Damaging Ikran Skill
Wing Gust Ancestor Skills In Avatar Frontiers of Pandora
Wing Gust – [Image Captured by me ]
  • Why I Chose It: You can land on a defended area with RDA soldiers and damage and disorient them before the fight.

Ikran rarely interferes in your fights or helps you out, but with the help of abilities like Wing Gust, your Ikran will be able to damage opponents while performing basic movements. You normally always use Ikran to land on a surface and then take on a fight, but now you can enter the battle with Ikran to disorient and stun your enemies and get the best of them before they make their first move on you.


  • The main area to retrieve Wing Gust from is the Upper Plains of Pandora.
  • Wing Gust can be acquired from the mountain peak up north of Mother Of Rivers.

6. Deeper Connection

Most Convenient Ikran Skill
Deeper Connection Best Ancestor Skills In Avtar frontiers Of Pandora
Deeper Connection – [Image Captured by me ]
  • Why I Chose It: You and your Ikran will have a deeper connection, and you won’t have to feed the Ikran constantly.

With a Deeper Connection, you won’t have to constantly stop and try to get food for you and Ikran, as Ikran’s stamina will increase. You will now be able to focus on your main objective and not roam around trying to find Ikran some food for some extra time of speed boosting. There is no exact percentage that is increased, but I should tell you that the difference in the time of reduction is really good, making the skill worth it.


  • Deeper Connection can be found on a mountain peak in Kinglor Forest.
  • You can find it up north of the Stoneblade Bridge area.

5. Soft Landing

Most Fun Skill
Soft Landing best Ancestor Skill In vatar Frontiers Of Pandora
Soft Landing – [Screenshot by me ]
  • Why I Chose It: The extra jump helps you navigate your character better in areas like the Kinglor Forest.

Soft Landing is an ability that helps in reducing fall damage. There are many mountain peaks with various heights that you tend to climb, especially in the areas where Ikran can’t fly. There are chances of you falling off a mountain or a huge tree that you might have climbed earlier for some resources. Normally, you would die from the fall damage, but if you press “CTRL” on PC or “O” on PlayStation, the damage will reduced by 50% so that you can just heal afterwards.


  • The main area where Soft Landing can be found is Kinglor Forest.
  • Soft Landing is situated on the East mountain peak from Silk Woods.

4. Drop Impact

Most Damaging Skill
Drop Impact In AFOP
Drop Impact – [Screenshot by me ]
  • Why I Chose It: You will be able to defeat AMPs with just your airborne melee attacks.

Drop Impact is a really underrated ability because you can use it in so many ways. Its ability is to increase damage out of your Melee attack with the speed and momentum at which you are attacking the enemy while airborne. The damage impact is three times more powerful than a normal melee attack. Another added bonus is that the enemies in the surrounding area or radius of impact will be staggered.


  • The main area where Drop Impact can be found is Kinglor Forest.
  • It is specifically situated on the far mountain peak up north of Shadow Wood.

3. Eject

Best Skill To Use Against AMP
Eject In AFOP
Eject – [Image Captured by me ]
  • Why I Chose It: You will be able to bring down multiple AMPs without wasting arrows or shotgun ammo.

With the help of Eject, you can take an RDA AMP-controlling soldier out of their AMP suits when the AMP is staggered by either hacking with SID or stunned. It will help defeat and finish an AMP at a quicker speed without wasting time shooting at them or using arrows against them. It will allow you to save your ammunition for other soldiers or enemies that you encounter.


  • The main area where Eject can be received is the Kinglor Forest.
  • Eject can be received from the mountain peak up north of Shadow Wood.

2. Reconnaissance

Best Recon Skill.
Reconnaissance In AFOP
Reconnaissance – [Screenshot by me ]
  • Why I Chose It: You will be able to take apart hoards of enemies without indicating the rest of their team.

With the super ability of Reconnaissance, your enemy’s patrol path will be marked when you use your Na’vi Senses. The ability helps you know not only their exact location but also their entire movement pattern. It is great to come up with a strategy to jump RDA EMPs and soldiers and kill them all with weapons. You can take each soldier apart and kill them so you don’t alert the other soldiers. For instance, it is best to raid defended locations.


  • Reconnaissance can be found in the Upper Plains part of Pandora.
  • It is found at the far southwest peak of The Celebration Valley.

1. Free Fast Travel

Most Worth It Skill
Free Fast Travel In Game
Free Fast Travel – [Image Credit Copyright: me]
  • Why I Chose It: Free Fast Travel will let you go to the various travel points around the map without ever costing stamina, which is just great.

The best Ancestor Skill you can acquire in Avatar Frontiers of Pandora is the best Free Fast Travel. The name Free Fast Travel speaks for itself since now you can travel to the main fast-traveling checkpoint areas without costing you 20% of your stamina. I found it mentally relaxing that I was not being penalized to just go from one area to another to either do side quests or gather resources. Mounting rides become medieval now.


  • The main area from which you receive Free Fast Travel is the Clouded Forest area.
  • It is found on the main central mount peak of The Clouded Forest.

My Take On The Best Ancestor Skills

My Game Hours Of Avatar
My Game Hours – [Image By Me]
I have played Avatar Frontiers of Pandora for about 30+ hours, and these are the best Ancestor Skills you can receive from the mountain peaks of Pandora. Skills like Free Travel and Reconnaissance majorly help in every aspect of the game, whether it is hunting, completing missions, raiding bases, or gathering resources. These Top 7 abilities should be acquired first before any other ability because they are crucial to your gameplay. When I unlocked these skills, I was able to progress through the storyline at a much faster pace.

So these were the best Ancestor Skills you can receive in AFOP. It will be worth reaching those mountain tops for these skills. Players are discussing other Skill Trees they find amazing, like Memories of the Maker on X. Do make sure to check out our in-depth review of Avatar Frontiers of Pandora.

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Haris Umer is a Guides Writer on eXputer who can be seen torturing himself by playing FromSoftware’s offering of Souls games. He speaks about games with overwhelming passion, which readers can spot in his guides. Haris has been avidly playing video games for 15+ years now. You can learn more about his gaming experience through his PSN and Steam profiles.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelors In Medicine And Surgery.

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