Assassin’s Creed Mirage has around 50 achievements for you to unlock. It also has a lot of secret achievements as well that can be missed easily. If you are a completionist, then you will have to spend at least 25 hours to get all Assassin’s Creed Mirage achievements. This includes Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies and the 100% completion Platinum Trophy.
- There are 51 PlayStation trophies and 50 Xbox achievements in Assassin’s Creed Mirage.
- PlayStation owners will get one additional trophy upon getting all achievements.
- There are 12 secret trophies, and they have specific conditions to be unlocked.
- You will need to spend at least 25 to 35 hours to get all your achievements in Assassin’s Creed Mirage.
All Achievements In Assassin’s Creed Mirage
There are 51 PlayStation trophies and 50 Xbox achievements, including missable and secret trophies.

Below is a list of all standard trophies that you can obtain by completing specific missions and objectives.
Trophy | Type | How To Unlock |
A True Hidden One | Bronze | Without triggering any open conflict, manage to kill 10 guards. |
Gifted Escapist | Silver | Unlock by destroying 5 scaffolding structures. |
Street Cleaner | Bronze | Managed to successfully hide 5 bodies in the hay. |
Eagle’s Will | Silver | In open conflict, manage to survive for around 10 minutes. |
Spread The News | Bronze | Make use of any Munadi’s services 3 times. |
Poster Boy | Bronze | Tear down the wanted posters when maximum Notoriety is reached to become anonymous. |
Notorious | Silver | Managed to stay At the highest Notoriety for 10 minutes. |
Surprise! | Bronze | Manage to take down 10 guards successfully from any hiding spots. |
Blade In The Crowd | Bronze | Managed to successfully kill 10 guards while hiding in the crowd. |
Patron Of The Industry | Bronze | To unlock the achievement, you have to pay any merchant group at least five times. |
Patron Of Sell Swords | Bronze | Unlocked achievement by paying mercenaries five times in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. |
Patron Of The Arts | Bronze | Unlock by paying the musicians five times. |
Dawn And Dusk | Bronze | Pass the time by sitting on a bench for a total of 5 times. |
You Snooze You Lose | Bronze | Managed to pickpocket any guard who was affected and hit by a blow dart. |
The Hands Of A Thief | Silver | Unlock by pickpocketing a total of 50 people. |
Attention Seeker | Bronze | Managed to distract a total of 10 guards by using noisemakers. |
Hoarder | Bronze | Managed to save up around 2007 dirhams. |
Up In Smoke | Bronze | Use smoke bombs on 20 guards. |
Ambush | Bronze | Set up traps and manage to set them off by 10 guards. |
Sleep Tight | Bronze | Use blow darts to put a total of 10 guards to sleep |
Headhunter | Bronze | Use throwing knives to deal a headshot on 20 guards. |
Eagles Eye | Silver | Kill a total of 75 guards in Assassin’s Creed Mirage by using throwing knives. |
Riddle Me This | Bronze | Solve an enigma to obtain treasure. |
Scholar | Bronze | Find the 7 lost books and give them to Al Jahiz. |
Crossing Paths | Bronze | Unlock by completing a Tale from Baghdad. |
Defender Of The People | Silver | Obtain by finishing a total of 10 faction contracts. |
Explorer | Silver | Unlock the achievement by exploring all territories completely. |
Bird Of Prey | Bronze | Using Enkidu to Tag a total of 100 guards. |
Fearless | Silver | Unlock the trophy by synchronizing all the viewpoints available in the Assassin’s Creed Mirage. |
Potion Collector | Bronze | Unlock by getting a total of 10 elixirs. |
Serving The Light | Bronze | Obtain the highest rank of hidden one to obtain the achievement. |
Masquerader | Bronze | It can be obtained by getting both disguises available in the game. |
Treasure Seeker | Bronze | Get a token chest and open it. |
Tools Of The Trade | Silver | Upgrade all the tools to the maximum to unlock the achievement. |
Self Improvement | Silver | Unlock by obtaining all skills. |
Fashion Statement | Bronze | Dye an outfit to unlock the achievement. |
Thick Skin | Bronze | Upgrade an outfit fully to unlock. |
Cutting Edge | Bronze | Upgrade any weapon to the maximum to unlock. |
Master Of His Fate | Platinum | Earn every trophy |
Secret Achievements
There are a total of 12 secret achievements that you can unlock.

Most of them are missable and have specific requirements to unlock them.
Achievement | Type | How To Unlock |
The Shadow And The Flame | Bronze | It can be unlocked by defeating a Shakirriya in battle. |
Unstoppable | Silver | Using Assassin’s focus, kill a total of five guards. |
Silencer | Bronze | Managed to destroy a horn bearer’s horn by using a throwing knife. |
Curio Collector | Silver | Managed to pickpocket all 18 artifacts available in Assassin’s Creed Mirage and give them to Dervis. |
Bal Kullun Mumkin | Bronze | Learn about Basim’s past. |
The Head Of The Snake | Bronze | Achieve the trophy by killing the head of the order. |
The Blood Of A Spymaster | Bronze | Unlock by eliminating Al Mardikhwar. |
The Blood Of An Enchantress | Bronze | Along by eliminating Al Pairika. |
The Blood Of A Demon | Bronze | Eliminate Al Rabisu to unlock. |
The Blood Of A Ghoul | Silver | Eliminate Al Ghul to unlock |
La Shay’a Waqi’un Mutlaq | Silver | It can be achieved by becoming one of the initiates of the hidden ones. |
The Master Thief Of Anbar | Bronze | Unlock by finishing the prologue. |
My thoughts
It won’t take too long to get every single achievement in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. Personally, I will recommend that the players should focus on the secret achievements and trophies while progressing. Most of the achievements are unlocked pretty easily and won’t require a second playthrough.
That was all on my Assassin’s Creed Mirage Achievements guide. While you’re at it, don’t forget to check out the detailed review of Assassin’s Creed Mirage by Usama Mehmood.
You can also read the detailed guide on the Excavation Site in Assassin’s Creed Mirage and the Isu Armor location by our location guide expert writer Atik Younus. Also make sure to read the detailed review of Assassin’s Creed Mirage by Games Expert Usama Mehmood and his detailed analysis of the game!
Xbox players can head to this Xbox achievements page and see all achievements as well as the time required to get a completionist platinum trophy.
Up Next:
- AC Mirage: Solve This Problem Quickly For Me Enigma
- AC Mirage: All Harbiyah Enigmas
- AC Mirage: Map Size & Comparison
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