Diablo 4: The Best Affixes [Legendary And Unique]

Affixes in Diablo 4 are a must to use to be able to win the battles. Read the guide and choose the best affixes for yourself.

Affixes in Diablo 4 are like buffs that increase damage movement speed, critical hit, and many other things. There are three different tiers for affixes: Regular, Legendary, and Unique. Among these, you should select the best ones to make the experience easier in the long run.

Key Takeaways
  • Affixes boost your damage, speed, defense, and many other things. 
  • They are divided into three tiers: Regular, Legendary, and Unique.
  • Each magic item holds 1-2 affixes, while the rare holds 3-4 affixes.
  • A legendary and unique item holds 4 regular affixes.  
  • Among the three tiers, Unique Affixes are the best ones in Diablo 4.
  • Legendary Affixes are two or three times better than regular affixes, so they are worth it.
  • Normal, Magic and Rare Affixes can be traded, but Legendary and unique ones can’t be traded.

What Are The Best Diablo 4 Affixes?

Regular affixes are the common ones, so they don’t give you many buffs. Legendary affixes are 2 or 3 times more efficient than regular affixes, making them a better pick. I think the Unique affixes are by far the best ones in-game and have a star icon like the Legendary ones.  So, your priority should be getting Legendary or the Unique ones to get the best buffs.

However, keep in mind that affixes depend on the item’s rarity. Also, depending on the item’s rarity, you can have affixes ranging from 0 to 5.

  • The normal rarity one has 0 affixes, and it can be traded.
  • Magic rarity has one affix, and it can be traded.
  • The rare one has three affixes, and it can be traded, too.
  • Legendary one has five affixes, with one being legendary, and it cannot be traded.
  • Lastly, the unique one has five affixes, one unique, and it can’t be traded.  

Legendary Affixes

The Best Affixes For Mid-Game Battles.
Legendary Affix

As per my experience, Legendary affixes are 2 to 3 times faster than the regular ones, so you should get them as soon as possible in Diablo 4.

In the early phases, you can get the regular ones, but they won’t help you in the future. Some legendary items can be dropped, and some can be included in the Codex of Power. So, you can choose between them based on your preference.

The following are the best ones for each class, according to my experience in Diablo 4:

Aspect of Inner CalmCodexOffensiveGenericThis is by one of the best offensive legendary affixes in Diablo 4. It deals 5-10% of increased damage for each second you are standing still. It can stack the damage up to 30%.
Aspect of MightCodexDefensiveGenericIt grants a 20% damage reduction for 2-6 seconds.
Starlight AspectDropResourceGenericIt lets you gain 10-20 of your primary resource for every 25% health you heal
Exploiter's AspectDropUtilityGenericYou can get 20% increased crowd control, and while the enemies are unstoppable, you will do 20-50% more damage to them.
Wind Striker AspectCodexMobilityGenericWhen you land a critical strike, you will gain 8-16% movement speed for 1 sec up to 6 sec.
Aspect of CorruptionCodexOffensiveRougeThis will give you Imbuement Skill a 20-40% boost against Vulnerable enemies.
Enshrouding AspectCodexDefensiveRougeYou will gain a dark shadow every 3 seconds when you are standing still. Each shadow will give you a 2-4% damage reduction.
Energizing AspectCodexResourceRougeIf you are damaging an Elite Enemy, you will get 3-7 energy particles.
Aspect of Quickening FogDropUtilityRougeYou will drop a smoke grenade at the end of a dash.
Aspect of Burning Rage.DropOffensiveBarbarianWhen you are in berserker mode, you will deal fire damage every second.
Weapon Master's AspectDropUtilityBarbarianYour weapon master skill will have an extra charge.
Iron Blood Aspect. CodezCodexDefensiveBarbarianYou will gain a damage reduction of 2-4% for every nearby bleeding enemy.
Bear Clan Berserker's AspectDropResourceBarbarianKilling an enemy in the berserker mode will give a 40% chance to reduce cooldown.
Aspect of Frozen MemoriesDropOffensiveSorcerorThe Avalanche Key applies to more casts.
Aspect of binding AmbersDropUtilitySorcerorFlame Shield lets you move unhindered through enemies.
Snowgaurd's AspectCodexDefensiveSorcerorn your own blizzard, you take 10-15% less damage.
Aspect of Stampede.DropOffensiveDruidYou will gain 1 additional companion.
Mangled AspectCodexResourceDruidWhen you are struck as a Werebear, you have a 20-30% chance to gain 1 Spirit.
Aspect of QuicksandCodexUtilityDruidEarth skills slow down the enemies.
  • Features a lot of offensive affixes.
  • Many great varieties are available. 
  • Not that hard to find.
  • Can’t be traded.
  • Why I Chose This: The legendary affixes I chose can prove to be extremely useful and allow you to deal massive damage and provide protection against many things in the mid-game.

Unique Affixes

The Best Affixes For Late Game Battles In Diablo 4.
The Unique Affixes

Unique Affixes are the best in Diablo 4, and they are somewhat similar to legendary ones. If you want to dominate Diablo 4, then you should use them, as every unique item will have one unique affix.

The following are my recommend unique affixes for each class: 

Harlequin CrestGenericYou will gain a 10-20% damage reduction and +4 ranks to all of your skills.
Mother's EmbraceGenericIf a core Skill hits 5 or more than 5 enemies, you will be refunded 20-40% of the resource cost.
Ancient's OathBarbarianSteel Grasp will launch 2 additional chains, and any enemy hit by it will be slowed by 55-65% for 3 seconds.
OverkillBarbarianDeathblow will create a massive shockwave which will deal 24% of base damage to the enemies.
Great staff of the CroneDruidClaw casts Storm Skill and does 120-150% of normal damage.
Mad Wolf's GleeDruidWerewolf form will become your true form, and you will gain 2 more ranks to all of your Werebear skills.
Blood Artisan's CuirassNecromancerWhen you pick orbs ranging from 5-10, a free Bone Spirit will be spawned based on your life percentage.
Deathless VisageNecromancerThe Bone Spear will leave echoes behind when traveling. The echoes will explode as it travels.
Asheara's KhanjarRogueWith this weapon, your attack speed will be increased by 4-6% for 4 seconds. It can be stacked up to 20-30%.
Cowl of the NamelessRogueAgainst crowd control enemies, you will gain a 15-25% increased lucky hit chance.
Esu's HeirloomSorcererThe Critical Strike Chance is increased by 15-25% based on your movement speed bonus.
Staff of Endless RageSorcererEvery third cast of a fireball will launch two more projectiles.
  • All classes can benefit from it.
  • Many different variations are available.
  • Has the perfect blend of different affixes.
  • Hard to find.
  • Can’t be traded.
  • Why I Chose This: I chose these unique affixes as there are many great options available in each category and can help you dominate the late game.

That’s almost everything you would want to know about the Diablo 4 Best Affixes. If you want to know about Diablo 4, All Acts, do check the guide on it. While you are at it, do check the guide on Weapon Arsenal Skill if you don’t know how to use it. If you are having a hard time with the Keeping the Old Times quest, do check the complete walkthrough.

Also, don’t forget to check out the best Barbarian Build. Lastly, check out the guide on the best twisting blades build to learn more about it.

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Atik Younas is a Junior Guides Writer on eXputer with decent experience writing about games. He’s an avid 3D designer and a coding wizard who gets fascinated by the technical aspects of the latest games. He’s got a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and loves enjoying well-written stories and combat mechanics in games. Atik has been playing games for more than 10+ years now. Most notably he has spent 1,000+ hours on GTA V Online and Minecraft! Feel free to get in touch with Atik on his gaming profile at Xbox and PSN. Experience: 2+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Computer Science || Written 200+ Guides || Mainly Covers Game Strategy Guides on eXputer

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