GOW Ragnarok: How To Get Zeus Armor [Walkthrough]

Olympus will finally prevail with the Armor of Zeus in GOW Ragnarok.

The GOW Ragnarok Zeus Armor makes its return in the latest update 4.00. The set increases the damage dealt by Kratos in exchange for receiving more damage. This extra damage is balanced out with a solid defense stat. The armor set was also found in the previous game too and was heavily favored by players for its perks and stats.

Key Takeaways
  • The Armor of Zeus consists of 3 pieces that can be obtained by completing 3 objectives during NG+.
    1. Players can obtain the War Belt of Zeus after heading to the Eastern Barri Woods in Vanaheim and clearing the Remnants of Asgard.
    2. In order to obtain the Cuirass of Zeus, players will have to beat Gna, the Valkyrie Queen, after finishing the story in NG+.
    3. Finally, players can obtain the Gauntlets of Zeus after heading to The Barrens in Alfheim and completing the Remnants of Asgard.
  • The Armor of Zeus set provides 80 percent more damage to Kratos’ melee and runic attacks.
  • However, the drawback is that Kratos will receive 200 percent more damage for wearing the whole set in God Of War Ragnarok.
Important: Players can obtain the Armor of Zeus in the recently added NG+ only. It cannot be obtained during a normal playthrough.

Steps To Obtaining The Zeus Armor

The armor of Zeus in GOW Ragnarok can only be obtained during the recently added NG+. In addition, players must complete the following objectives.

  • Players can obtain the War Belt of Zeus by completing the Remnants of Asgard located in the Eastern Barri Woods, Vanaheim.
  • The Cuirass of Zeus is obtained by defeating Gna, the Valkyrie Queen.
  • Lastly, the Gauntlets of Zeus are obtained by completing the Remnants of Asgard in The Barrens, Alfheim.

War Belt Of Zeus

GOW Ragnarok War Belt of Zeus
The War Belt Of Zeus | Image By eXputer
  • In order to obtain the War Belt of Zeus, players must head to this location in the Eastern Barri Woods in Vanaheim.
Vanaheim Eastern Barri Woods
The Eastern Barri Woods Location | Image By eXputer
  • Here, players will encounter the Remnants of Asgard.
  • During this encounter, players will face off against multiple hordes of Asgardian soldiers and a Drake.
  • We recommend saving your Spartan Rage and Runic attacks for this Drake, as it has a decent amount of health.
  • Once all enemies are dealt with, players can obtain the War Belt from the red chest in this area.

Cuirass Of Zeus

GOW Ragnarok Cuirass Of Zeus
The Cuirass Of Zeus | Image Credit: eXputer
  • Players can obtain the Cuirass worn by the king of Olympian Gods by defeating the Valkyrie Queen, Gna.
  • This fight can only be accessed after completing the main story. In addition, players must be in NG+ to obtain this set.
  • As Gna is a powerful enemy, we recommend checking out our guide on how to beat Gna for the smoothest experience possible.

Gauntlets Of Zeus

GOW Ragnarok Gauntlets Of Zeus
The Gauntlets Of Zeus | Image By eXputer
  • As for the Gauntlets of Zeus, players will have to do yet another one of the Remnants of Asgard.
  • This time, players will be heading to The Barrens, located in Aflheim.
Aflheim The Barrens
The Barrens | Screenshot By eXputer
  • In this location, players will encounter a duo boss fight against Skinnr and Sterkr.
  • These enemies are very slow so that they can be beaten easily.
  • We recommend players let Freya take the aggro of one enemy to make the fight much more bearable.
  • Also, just keep track of the unblockable attacks and parry everything else, and they will go down in no time.
  • Once both Skinnr and Sterkr are dead, players will be able to obtain the Gauntlets from the red chest.

Perks Of The Armor Of Zeus

  • With the whole Armor set of Zeus, the damage dealt by Kratos’ Melee and Runic attacks is increased by 80 percent.
  • However, the catch is that the damage received by Kratos is increased by a whopping 200 percent.
  • This set is only for experienced players as it requires a lot of skill to use.


God of War Ragnarok expands upon the original 2018 reboot in every way, including more boss variety, enhanced combat, and much more value in exploration. Santa Monica Studios have done justice to these characters and ended the Norse saga with a bang with a spectacular finale. The game is second to the likes of Elden Ring speaks volumes about its quality.

There you have it; with our guide on how to get Zeus armor in GOW Ragnarok, you can use the armor made just for the king of Olympus to decimate your foes.

Check out our guide on the best Blades of Chaos handles. If you wish to unlock all Aurvangar Wetlands collectibles, take a look at our guide. Similarly, here are all Jotunheim collectibles that can be obtained. Lastly, make sure you check out all Nornir Chests that can be obtained throughout the Realms. 


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Haddi is a Senior Writer at eXputer who loves to play games and talk about them like a fanatic. Hadi's years of experience in this industry let him provide a unique and critical perspective on games to share with his audience. His work is also featured on several other websites. You can hit him up on his gaming profile at Steam!

Experience: 5+ years || Previously Worked At Gamepur, Gear Siege, GearNuke

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