Horizon Forbidden West Machine List [All 43]

Learn about strengths, weaknesses, attack patterns & loot drops for all 47 Machines in Horizon Forbidden West.

Horizon Forbidden West contains 43 base game machines and 4 Burning Shores new machines. To get information about machines, such as strengths, weaknesses, loot drops, & more, I scanned each & every single machine in the game & you are expected to do the same. Overriding all Cauldrons in Horizon Forbidden West is equally important if you want to speed up the process of killing these machines or making a few of them your allies. 

Key Takeaways
  • The complete Horizon Forbidden West includes a total of 47 machines.
  • Of these 47 machines, 43 are available in the base game, and 4 new machines were introduced in the Burning Shores DLC.
  • 22 out of these 47 machines are new additions in Forbidden West; the rest were carried from the first game into the sequel.
  • Aloy can mount 4 machines from the base game and one from the Burning Shores DLC, making a total of 5 mountable machines. 
  • Strengths, weaknesses, loot drops, Horizon Forbidden West machine parts list & other useful information about the machines can be acquired after Aloy scans them.
  • The best ways to defeat machines are to attack the weak parts, override them, and bring other machines as allies after overriding them.

Here’s a complete summarized comparison of all the Machines in Horizon Forbidden West:

MachineSizeClassChallenge LevelHP
Redeye WatcherSmallReconnaissance10.0200.0
Specter PrimeLargeReconnaissance20.08000.0


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Small Acquisition Light
  • 8
  • Corrupted: 15
  • 190
  • Corrupted: 225
Cauldron MU

The Grazer is a lightweight, acquisition-type machine designed for digging up natural resources and converting them into biofuel. As a herd machine, it relies on speed and evasiveness to escape danger but will not hesitate to engage hostiles if it means ensuring the herd’s safe retreat.

Attack Name Description
Front Leg Strike Rears up, delivering a powerful kick at the target
Leap and Kick Jumps forward, extending a kick toward the target
Rear Leg Thrust Kicks back at a target using their hind legs
Antler Skewer Executes a swift upward stab with antlers
Antler Charge Charges at target with lowered head and antlers
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Loot Drop

  • Metal shards
  • Blaze
  • Grazer circulator
  • Machine muscle
  • Grazer primary nerve
  • Small machine core
  • Braided wire
  • Metal bone
  • Sturdy hardplate
  • Grazer rotor horn


  • Resistant to acid damage


  • Vulnerable to shock damage

Body Parts

  • Main body
  • Rotor horns
  • Blaze canister


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Medium Reconnaissance Light
  • 5
  • 10 Canister & Apex
  • 12 Tracker
  • 18 Apex Canister
  • 19 Apex Tracker 
  • 95
  • 175 Canister
  • 280 Tracker
  • 289 Apex
  • 310 Apex Canister
  • 420 Apex Tracker
Cauldron MU

Under the small-sized Horizon Forbidden West machine names is the Burrower, which is a lightweight, recon-type machine known for its ability to emit high-pitched sounds, alerting allies and stunning enemies. It can also tunnel underground and resurface in unpredictable locations.

Attack Name Description
Sonic Blast Unleashes rapid, deafening sound waves at the target
Boulder Fling Hurls a rock at the target with a claw
Plasma Burst Fires a high-speed plasma projectile from its eye
Arcing Bite Assault Leaps and bites at target, followed with a rising bite
Tail Spin Strike Jumps and strikes the target with tail in mid-air
Ground Slam Pounce Lunges and slams ground with tail near the target
Whirling Tail Smack Jumps and spins, whipping tail in a full circle
Spiral Swim Bite Bites while swimming in a corkscrew pattern
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Burrower Variants

  • Regular Burrower
  • Fire Canister, Frost Canister, Shock Canister, Acid Canister, Purgewater Canister, and Plasma Canister Burrowers
    Tracker Burrower
  • Apex versions of all listed variants

Loot Drops

  • Metal shards
  • Machine muscle
  • Burrower circulator
  • Burrower primary nerve
  • Small machine core
  • Braided wire
  • Metal bone
  • Sturdy hardplate
  • Burrower soundshell
  • Echo shell
  • Blaze


  • Susceptible to fire damage

Body Parts

  • Main body
  • Eye
  • Soundshell
  • Resource container


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Small Acquisition Light
  • 8
  • 14 Apex
  • 150
  • 380 Apex
Cauldron MU

The Scrounger machine is an acquisition-based, lightweight creature in our machine list of Horizon Forbidden West known for its agility and scavenging prowess. Often found in packs, it quickly consumes machine parts and can either bite enemies or launch Shock attacks from a distance. The Scrounger can be overridden using the MU Cauldron override.

Attack Name Description
Omni Bite Swift bite with spherical shockwave at close range
Snap Lunge Bite Biting lunge with shockwave around jaws
Leaping Jaw Crush Leaps and bites with shockwave turns upon landing
Ascending Chomp Rising uppercut jump with multiple shockwave bites
Shock Barrage Fires rapid bursts of shock projectiles at a target
Arcing Shock Bomb Launches a tracking shock projectile with the explosion
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Scrounger Variants

  • Scrounger
  • Sentry Scrounger
  • Apex Scrounger
  • Apex Sentry Scrounger

Loot Drops

  • Sparker
  • Metal Shards
  • Machine Muscle
  • Scrounger Circulator
  • Small Machine Core
  • Scrounger Primary Nerve
  • Metal Bone
  • Braided Wire
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Blastpaste
  • Scrounger Spark Coil


  • Agile and swift, making it difficult to target.
  • Performs various shock-based attacks, keeping enemies at bay.
  • Often found in packs, increasing the overall threat.


  • Vulnerable to Frost and Acid Damage.
  • Attack delays provide opportunities for counterattacks.
  • Lacks strong defenses against particular damage types.


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Small Transport Light
  • 8
  • 14 Apex
  • 150
  • 380 Apex
Cauldron MU

The Leaplasher machine, a lightweight transport type, is known for its acrobatic abilities and comes equipped with an Acid Canister. This versatile machine can deploy its cargo to support allies or utilize it as a weapon. It can be overridden using the IOTA Cauldron override. Leaplasher’s body includes a body, cargo claw, acid canister, and power cell.

Attack Name Description
Shock Rock Fling Scrapes tail, launching 3 shock-infused rocks
Electric Pod Launch Fires pod from the claw, causing shock explosion
Electrified Axe Kick Leaps and delivers a horizontal flying kick
Shockwave Stomp Jumps and creates shock explosion on landing
Shock Tail Slam Leaps back, slamming their tail to create a shock explosion
Jolt Claw Slam Leaps with spinning claw, causing shock on impact
Charged Spin Attack Spins vertically with cargo claw, adding shock damage
Electrified Reel-Kick Grabs the target with claw, reeling in an electric kick
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Leaplasher Variants

  • Acid Canister Leaplasher
  • Fire Canister Leaplasher
  • Frost Canister Leaplasher
  • Apex Leaplasher

Loot Drops

  • Metal Shards
  • Sparker
  • Machine Muscle
  • Leaplasher Circulator
  • Leaplasher Primary Nerve
  • Small Machine Core
  • Braided Wire
  • Metal Bone
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Metalbite
  • Leaplasher Spark Coil


  • Resistant to Shock Damage.


  • Vulnerable to Purgewater Damage.


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Small Acquisition Light
  • 11
  • 15 Corrupted
  • 17 Daemonic
  • 18 Apex
  • 235
  • 330 Corrupted
  • 385 Daemonic
  • 353 Apex
Cauldron MU

The Scrapper machine is a nimble, acquisition-based lightweight robot known for dismantling fallen machines to recycle their parts. It frequently roams in groups, constantly scanning for threats and safeguarding its gathered resources from interlopers. The Scrapper can be overridden using an MU Cauldron. Its body consists of several key components, including the main body, radar, and plasma cell.

Attack Name Description
Swift Bite Fast bite at close range for self-defense
Lunge and Chomp Biting lunge aimed at the target
Claw Slash Swipes at the target with a claw during a lunge
Plasma Sweep Fires a side-to-side sweeping plasma beam
Ground-to-Target Fires plasma beam, sweeping from ground to target
Plasma Barrage Rapid-fire burst of six plasma projectiles
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  • Scrapper
  • Apex Scrapper

Loot Drops

  • Metal Shards
  • Glowblast
  • Machine Muscle
  • Scrapper Circulator
  • Braided Wire
  • Scrapper Primary Nerve
  • Small Machine Core
  • Metal Bone
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Scrapper Radar
  • Scrapper Spark Coil


  • Resistant to Plasma Damage


  • Vulnerable to Shock Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Small Acquisition Light
  • 14
  • 24 Apex
  • 430
  • 840 Apex
Cauldron MU

Next in this machine list of Horizon Forbidden West is the Spikesnout, which is an acquisition-focused lightweight robot designed to extract ground resources by liquefying them. When threatened, it withdraws, releasing clouds of vapor that can either empower allies or debilitate enemies. The Spikesnout can be overridden using a CHI Cauldron. Its body is composed of several parts, including the main body, acid canister, amplifying sac, damage dampener sac, stamina drain sac, and resource container.

Attack Name Description
Debuffing Mist Spray Sprays mist that dampens damage and drains stamina
Acidic Rock Burst Launches corrosive projectiles at target
Snout Energy Shot Fires energy shot that drains stamina and dampens damage
Slashing Attack Close-range melee slashing attack
Overhead Slash & Spray Combines overhead slash with debuffing mist
Mist Ground Slam Ground slam that releases debuffing mist shockwave
Mist-Infused Perimeter Creates a close-range misty barrier with debuffs
Defensive Tail Sweep Tail sweep attack that releases debuffing mist
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  • Spikesnout
  • Apex Spikesnout

Loot Drops

  • Metalbite
  • Metal Shards
  • Machine Muscle
  • Spikesnout Circulator
  • Small Machine Core
  • Spikesnout Primary Nerve
  • Metal Bone
  • Braided Wire
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Volatile Sludge
  • Puregewater
  • Spikesnout Sac Webbing
  • Blastpaste


  • Resistant to Shock Damage


  • Susceptible to Fire Damage
  • Vulnerable to Purewater Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Small Recon Light
  • 16
  • 26 Apex
  • 450
  • 675 Apex
Cauldron IOTA

Among the Horizon Forbidden West machine names, the Skydrifter machine falls under the lightweight recon robot known for its agility and keen tracking abilities. The Skydrifter can be overridden using an IOTA Cauldron. Its body comprises several parts, including the main body, scanning unit, tracking container, booster, antenna, sparker, and razor tail.

Attack Name Description
Tracking Dart Fires a dart that tracks the target and deals damage over time
Razor Quills Shoots 8 quills in a tight horizontal spread
Claw Dive Dives and slashes with claws, leaving a trail of fire
Wing Slasher Glides and slashes with wings may follow up if missed
Spin Blast Spins and slashes with wings create fire on takeoff/landing
Razor Swipe Hops and spins, striking with razor tail
Blast Launch Uses boosters to blast into the air
Razor Swoop Swoops in a corkscrew pattern, leaving a fire trail
Landing Air Burst Creates wind blast before landing, deals damage
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  • Skydrifter
  • Apex Skydrifter

Loot Drops

  • Metal Shards
  • Echo Shell
  • Skydrifter Circulator
  • Piercing Spike
  • Skydrifter Primary Nerve
  • Machine Muscle
  • Braided Wire
  • Small Machine Core
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Metal Bone
  • Skydrifter Razor Tail


  • Resistant to Fire Damage


  • Vulnerable to Frost Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Small Acquisition Light
  • 12
  • 22 Apex
  • 800
  • 1200 Apex
Repair-Bay TAU

The Plowhorn machine is a midweight acquisition robot specialising in tilling the earth and dispersing seeds and fertilizer. The Plowhorn can be overridden using a TAU Cauldron. Its body comprises several parts: the main body, horns, adhesive sac, seed dispenser, purgewater sac, fertilizer sac, tail clamp, and tail capsule.

Attack Name Description
Adhesive Volley Launches adhesive glob from horns, tracking target
Gravel Barrage Fires adhesive-covered rocks, tracking target
Viscous Slam Slams ground with adhesive-coated horns
Piercing Charge Charges, leaving an adhesive trail, create a wave of adhesive
Impaling Slash Whips tail, lunging forward and rotating to face the target
Impaling Dredger Dives and slams horns into the ground, skids on landing
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  • Plowhorn
  • Apex Plowhorn

Loot Drops

  • Metal Shards
  • Stickpaste
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Machine Muscle
  • Plowhorn Circulator
  • Medium Machine Core
  • Braided Wire
  • Plowhorn Primary Nerve
  • Metal Bone
  • Plowhorn Horn
  • Medicinal Berry
  • Vigorstem
  • Volatile Sludge
  • Fiberzest
  • Purgewater
  • Blastpaste


  • Resistant to Frost Damage
  • Resistant to Purgewater Damage


  • Vulnerable to Acid Damage



The Charger machine is a lightweight acquisition robot that functions as a herd machine in this machine list, excavating natural resources to transform them into biofuel. Notably, the Charger can be mounted for transportation. It can be overridden using a PSI Override, which is automatically unlocked. Its body comprises several parts, including the main body, horns, and blaze canister.

Attack Name Description
Front Kick Rears up and lunges forward with a double front kick
Back Kick Delivers a quick, powerful backward kick
Spin Kick Spins 180° and performs a roundhouse kick
Rodeo Kick Rotates 360° while kicking with hind legs
Charge Assumes aggressive posture and charges at the target
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Loot Drops

  • Blaze
  • Metal Shards
  • Charger Circulator
  • Machine Muscle
  • Charger Primary Nerve
  • Small Machine Core
  • Metal Bone
  • Braided Wire
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Charger Horn


Vulnerable to Shock Damage



The Lancehorn machine is a lightweight acquisition robot that operates as a herd machine, drilling for natural resources to convert into usable materials. Though it typically flees from danger, it may engage hostiles to ensure the herd’s safe retreat. The Lancehorn can be overridden using an IOTA Cauldron. Its body comprises several parts: the main body, drill horns, resource canister, and chillwater canister.

Attack Name Description
Front Leg Kick Rears up and delivers a front kick
Leaping Front Kick Jumps and kicks at the target
Hind Leg Kick Kicks backward at the target
Skyward Stab Stabs upward with antlers
Charge Charges at target with lowered antlers
Leaping Horn Stab Leaps and stabs with antlers
Gore and Flip Gores and flips target with antlers
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Loot Drops

  1. Metal Shards
  2. Chillwater
  3. Machine Muscle
  4. Lancehorn Circulator
  5. Small Machine Core
  6. Lancehorn Primary Nerve
  7. Braided Wire
  8. Metal Bone
  9. Sturdy Hardplate
  10. Lancehorn Drill Horn
  11. Blastpaste


  • Resistant to Frost Damage


  • Vulnerable to Fire Damage



The Longleg machine is a midweight recon robot that excels in speed and scanning capabilities. It can detect enemies hiding in tall grass, and its robust legs enable it to leap to impressive heights. The Longleg also possesses a sound-based attack that stuns its targets. It can be overridden using an IOTA Cauldron. Its body is composed of several parts, including the main body, antenna, concussion sac, wing burner, and sparker.

Attack Name Description
Sonic Stun Emits a sonic projectile causing Deafened
Ranged Heat Blast Launches fireball from heated Wing Burners
Beak Thrust Jumps and slams ground with beak
Dashing Claw Jump Hops and slashes with claws; creates shockwave
Hovering Chicken Scratch Leaps and scratches in mid-air
360° Burning Wing Flap Creates Fire explosion with Wing Burners
Jumping Wing Blast Jumps and creates a large shockwave on impact
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  1. Longleg
  2. Apex Longleg

Loot Drops

  1. Metal Shards
  2. Echo Shell
  3. Longleg Circulator
  4. Machine Muscle
  5. Medium Machine Core
  6. Longleg Primary Nerve
  7. Braided Wire
  8. Metal Bone
  9. Sturdy Hardplate
  10. Longleg Wing Burner


  • Resistant to Acid Damage


  • Vulnerable to Shock Damage



The Bristleback machine is a midweight acquisition robot that operates in herds and employs its tusks to dig up resources. This is one of the five mountable machines in our machine list that can be overridden with a TAU Cauldron. The Bristleback’s body comprises the main body, tusks, grinder discs, and an acid canister.

Attack Name Description
Tusk Smash Leaps and smashes snout; may follow up with infused rocks
Hoof Thrust Hops backward and delivers a swift kick
Reverse Snout Swing Swings snout in 180º motion, often followed by Snout Swing
Snout Swing Swings snout while lunging diagonally
Snout Bash Combo Lunges and bashes with snout
Spewing Twist Kick Spins and kicks while spewing Acid/Fire
Wreckage Rush Charges with Acid/Fire infused scrap
Charge Weaker charge when both Tusks are removed
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  1. Acid Bristleback
  2. Fire Bristleback
  3. Apex Acid Bristleback
  4. Apex Fire Bristleback

Loot Drops

  1. Metal Shards
  2. Metalbite
  3. Sturdy Hardbone
  4. Machine Muscle
  5. Bristleback Circulator
  6. Braided Wire
  7. Medium Machine Core
  8. Bristleback Primary Nerve
  9. Metal Bone
  10. Bristleback Tusk
  11. Piercing Spike


  • Resistant to Acid Damage


  • Vulnerable to Shock Damage



The Fanghorn machine is a lightweight acquisition robot that roams in herds, dissolving natural resources for biofuel conversion. Its horns can snap together powerfully, enabling it to launch long-range fire attacks. The Fanghorn can be overridden using an MU Cauldron. Its body is composed of the main body, antlers, a blaze canister, a purgewater canister, and a resource container.

Attack Name Description
Front Leg Kick Leans on hind legs and kicks at the target 
Leaping Front Kick Leans on hind legs, steps forward, and kicks at the target
Hind Leg Kick Kicks backward at the target 
Skyward Stab Stabs upward with antlers
Charge Lowers head and charges at the target with antlers
Flame Burst Shoots a series of 3 fireballs at the target, which explode on contact and leave residual fire damage areas
Antler Strike Coats antlers in flames leap at the target, clap them shut, and create a small fire explosion in front of its head when landing
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  1. Fanghorn
  2. Apex Fanghorn

Loot Drops

  1. Blaze
  2. Metal Shards
  3. Fanghorn Circulator
  4. Machine Muscle
  5. Fanghorn Primary Nerve
  6. Small Machine Core
  7. Apex Fanghorn Heart
  8. Braided Wire
  9. Metal Bone
  10. Sturdy Hardplate
  11. Fanghorn Antler
  12. Purgewater
  13. Blastpaste


  • Resistant to Fire Damage


  • Susceptible to Frost Damage

Redeye Watcher

Redeye Watcher

The Redeye Watcher is a lightweight recon machine that detects threats and alerts its allies. This machine can be overridden with CHI Cauldron access. Although it has limited melee and ranged attacks, it becomes dangerous when encountered in larger groups.

Attack Name Description
Blinding Flash Emits a bright flash of light to blind and disorient human enemies, ineffective against machines.
Plasma Blast Fires a plasma projectile at the enemy, tracking the target during windup; disabled when drenched
Spinning Tail Strike Performs a short-range spinning bludgeon attack with its tail
Rising Head Bash Jumps at the enemy, using its head as a bludgeon, may lead to an immediate counter-attack if missed
Jumping Smash Jumps at the enemy, using its body as a bludgeon; may lead to immediate counter-attack if missed; disabled when slowed
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  • Redeye Watcher
  • Apex Redeye Watcher

Loot Drops

  • Metal Shards
  • Machine Muscle
  • Redeye Watcher Circulator
  • Braided Wire
  • Redeye Watcher Primary Nerve
  • Small Machine Core
  • Metal Bone
  • Sturdy Hardplate

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Shock Damage
  • Strong Against: Fire Damage, Plasma Damage



The Widemaw is an amphibious acquisition machine that vacuums resources into its jaws for processing. In Horizon Forbidden West, this midweight machine becomes a formidable opponent in combat, utilizing its vacuum ability in various dangerous attacks. It can be overridden with access to the MU Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Cyclone Drag Sucks the target into melee range, followed by a Slosh Chomp; vacuums nearby Metal Fertilizer Pods to enter an Overcharged state
Slosh Chomp Bites while sweeping left to right, releasing a blast of Purgewater; disabled when drenched
Hurricane Haul Pulls the target within melee range with vacuum turbines
Sludge Spew Spits a series of mud projectiles coated in Purgewater, creating residual damage areas; disabled when drenched.
Sludge Bomb Forms a large mud ball coated in Purgewater and spits it at the target; disabled when drenched.
Splatter Blaster Releases a wide blast of Purgewater, creating residual damage areas; disabled when drenched
Turbine Leap Pulls the target in before leaping backward and stomping, disabled when slowed.
Tusk Charge Charges at full speed to ram the target; disabled when slowed
Turbine Sludge Charge Boosts towards the target while scooping up mud, creating residual Purgewater damage areas; disabled when drenched.
Sludge Vacuum Inhales and releases compressed air and Purgewater, leaving lingering pools; disabled when drenched
Emergency Roll Performs an evasive barrel roll to reposition
Pod Cluster Ejects a cluster of Metal Fertilizer Pods around the Widemaw
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Tusks
  • Vacuum Unit
  • Purgewater Sac
  • Sparker
  • Vacuum Turbine
  • Resource Container


  • Widemaw
  • Apex Widemaw

Loot Drops

  • Purgewater
  • Metal Shards
  • Machine Muscle
  • Widemaw Circulator
  • Medium Machine Core
  • Braided Wire
  • Widemaw Primary Nerve
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Metal Bone
  • Widemaw Tusk
  • Sparker
  • Blastpaste

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Purgewater Damage
  • Strong Against: Fire Damage, Frost Damage, Shock Damage, Acid Damage, Plasma Damage



If we have to rank Clawstrider in a machine tier list, then this one will come at the top for being a ruthless machine in the game. The Clawstrider is a swift and agile midweight combat machine, often found in small packs. Covered in razor-sharp blades, this mountable machine is capable of various deadly melee attacks. It can be overridden with access to the IOTA Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Deafening Shriek Emits a loud shriek that can deafen enemies
Winding Slash Performs a quick, powerful slashing attack
Leaping Claw Slash Leaps and slashes with claws, with added elemental damage for elemental variants
Relentless Maul Continuously mauls the target, with added elemental damage for elemental variants
Twisting Bite Bites the target while twisting, with added elemental damage for elemental variants
Reverse Tail Thrash Delivers a powerful tail attack to the rear
Leaping Tail Swipe Leaps and swipes with its tail
Twisting Tail Swipe Performs a swift tail swipe at close range
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Sparker
  • Resource Container
  • Razor Tail


  • Clawstrider
  • Fire Clawstrider
  • Acid Clawstrider
  • Apex Clawstrider
  • Apex Fire Clawstrider
  • Apex Acid Clawstrider

Loot Drops

  • Metal Shards
  • Braided Wire
  • Piercing Spike
  • Medium Machine Core
  • Clawstrider Circulator
  • Machine Muscle
  • Clawstrider Primary Nerve
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Metal Bone
  • Sparker
  • Blastpaste
  • Clawstrider Razor Tail (detach tail)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Shock Damage
  • Strong Against: Acid Damage



The Corruptor is an agile midweight combat machine from the Old World, known for its powerful ranged attacks and lethal tail. Corruptor is one of the few robots in Horizon Forbidden West that cannot be overridden.

Attack Name Description
Explosive Spikes Launches three explosive spikes at the target, avoiding friendly fire
Grenade Launcher Fires a grenade that scatters before impact, leaving a wide area of fire
Rock Throw Grabs and hurls a boulder at the target, predicting their movement
Tail Swipe 180 Lunges and rotates its torso 180°, whipping its tail around
Tail Swipe 360 Spins in place while whipping its tail, targeting enemies at its sides or behind
Tail Strike Strikes overhead with its tail, stabbing the ground in front
Dirt Blast Whips its tail diagonally into the ground
Jump Attack Leaps high and lands on top of the target; disabled when slowed
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Spike Launcher
  • Heat Core
  • Grenade Launcher

Loot Drops

  • Metal Shards
  • Piercing Spike
  • Medium Machine Core
  • Volatile Sludge
  • Corruptor Circulator
  • Machine Muscle
  • Corruptor Primary Nerve
  • Braided Wire
  • Crystal Braiding
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Metal Bone
  • Blastpaste

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Fire Damage
  • Strong Against: Berserk Damage



The Bellowback is a medium-sized transport machine that carries large quantities of volatile liquid on its back, which it uses for powerful elemental attacks. It can be overridden after unlocking the IOTA Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Elemental Projectiles Launches explosive projectiles that create residual elemental damage areas
Elemental Spray Sprays a continuous stream of elemental liquid at the target
Elemental Circular Spray Rotates while spraying elemental fluid, leaving residual elemental damage areas
Shoulder Barge Charges and barges into the target, skidding a short distance
Tail Swipe Rotates 180° while swiping with its tail
Leaping Smash Hops and leaps at the target, smashing its head into the ground
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Gullet
  • Cargo Refining Sac
  • Sparker
  • Antenna


  • Fire Bellowback
  • Acid Bellowback
  • Frost Bellowback
  • Apex Bellowback

Loot Drops

  • Blaze
  • Metal Shards
  • Medium Machine Core
  • Bellowback Circulator
  • Machine Muscle
  • Bellowback Primary Nerve
  • Braided Wire
  • Metal Bone
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Volatile Sludge (refining sac)
  • Bellowback Sac Webbing (refining sac)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Frost Damage
  • Strong Against: Fire Damage



The Glinthawk is a lightweight flying scavenger machine often seen in small groups, known for recycling small machine carcasses and launching long-range frost attacks. It can be overridden once the IOTA Cauldron is unlocked.

Attack Name Description
Elemental Spit Fires exploding elemental projectiles, leaving damaging residual pools of the same element.
Bombing Run Flies in a straight trajectory, dropping elemental bombs that create residual damage areas
Claw Slash Swoops down to slash multiple times with its talons
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Beak
  • Chillwater Sac


  • Frost Glinthawk
  • Fire Glinthawk
  • Apex Glinthawk

Loot Drops

  • Metal Shards
  • Chillwater
  • Glinthawk Circulator
  • Machine Muscle
  • Glinthawk Primary Nerve
  • Braided Wire
  • Small Machine Core
  • Metal Bone
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Glinthawk Beak (beak only)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Fire Damage, Shock Damage
  • Strong Against: Frost Damage



The Shell-Walker is a resilient, midweight transport machine that defends its cargo with a combination of energy shields and shock attacks. It can be overridden after unlocking the CHI Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Shield Claw Swipe Leaps forward and swipes with its Shield Claw
Multi Clap Snap Jumps 3 times in quick succession, snapping with its Lightning Gun claw
Claw Combo Performs a three-hit lunging combo with both claws, stopping if a hit lands
Advancing Electric Shot Fires a shock orb while advancing, creating a residual shock damage area on impact
Electric Shot Homing Launches a homing shock orb that tracks the target and generates a residual shock damage area upon impact
Electric Shot Volley Shoots 3 arcing shock orbs, each creating a residual shock damage area upon impact
360 Electric Discharge Unleashes a 360° shock blast in a large area surrounding its body
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  • Shell-Walker
  • Apex Shell-Walker

Loot Drops

  • Metal Shards
  • Sparker
  • Crystal Braiding
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Machine Muscle
  • Medium Machine Core
  • Shell-Walker Circulator
  • Braided Wire
  • Shell-Walker Primary Nerve
  • Metal Bone
  • Shell-Walker Lightning Gun (lightning gun only)

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Acid Damage
  • Strong Against: Fire Damage, Shock Damage



The Stalker is a lightweight combat machine that excels in stealth, using its cloaking abilities to ambush enemies with mines and alarm flares before launching into ranged and melee attacks. Override access is granted after unlocking the CHI Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Dart Gun Shot Fires up to 3 shots at the enemy with its dart gun
Mine Launch Deploys proximity mines
Mandible Stab Swipes with its jaw after pouncing
Jumping Mandible Stab Performs a jumping swipe with its jaw
Claw Swipe Executes a single claw slash
Back Swipe Strikes with a rear claw swipe
Claw Fury Delivers multiple claw slashes
Tail Swipe/360 Swings its tail in a 360-degree bludgeon attack
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Dart Gun
  • Stealth Generator
  • Antenna
  • Mine Launcher


Loot Drops

  • Crystal Braiding
  • Metal Shards
  • Braided Wire
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Stalker Circulator
  • Machine Muscle
  • Stalker Primary Nerve
  • Small Machine Core
  • Metal Bone
  • Useable Weapon (detach Dart Gun)
  • Stalker Stealth Generator (detach stealth generator)
  • Stalker Mine Launcher (detach mine launcher)
  • Blastpaste (detach mine launcher)
  • Medium Machine Core (detach mine launcher)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Shock Damage
  • Strong Against: Fire Damage, Acid Damage



The Grimhorn is a midweight combat machine modified from a Plowhorn for battle. It is equipped with potent ranged weapons and fire attacks and shouldn’t be taken lightly in our machine list. The machine can be overridden after unlocking the TAU Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Piercing Charge Charges at high speed to ram target or transition into Impaling Slash (disabled when slowed)
Impaling Slash Whips tail in a 270° spinning motion, lunging forward and rotating to face the target
Impaling Dredger Dives at the target, slamming both horns into the ground, causing damage to its body
Scorching Meteor Shower Launches two flaming projectiles from horns, tracking target’s movements (disabled when drenched)
Scorching Stream Sprays a continuous stream of flames while advancing (disabled when drenched)
Scorching Slam Coats horns in flames, then rises and slams the ground, creating a fire explosion (disabled when drenched)
Cluster Strike Fires two discs that hover and split into multiple explosives, detonating on impact
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Horns
  • Blaze Sac
  • Cluster Launcher
  • Tail Clamp
  • Tail Capsule


  • Grimhorn
  • Apex Grimhorn

Loot Drops

  • Metal Shards
  • Blaze
  • Piercing Spike
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Braided Wire
  • Machine Muscle
  • Plowhorn Circulator
  • Medium Machine Core
  • Plowhorn Primary Nerve
  • Metal Bone
  • Plowhorn Horn (detach horns)
  • Useable Weapon (detach Cluster Launcher)
  • Blastpaste (detach Tail Capsule)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Purgewater Damage, Acid Damage
  • Strong Against: Fire Damage, Shock Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Medium Combat Midweight
  • 20
  • 27 Corrupted
  • 32 Apex
  • 1300
  • 1950 Apex & Corrupted
Cauldron IOTA

The Ravager is a midweight combat machine known for its lethal melee and ranged attacks. Often found alone or in small groups, it aggressively guards locations or other machines. Ravager contains some interesting machine parts list that could be acquired after destroying this machine type. The Ravager can be overridden after unlocking the IOTA Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Claw Swipe Performs a single lunging claw swipe
Berserker Fury Executes multiple lunging claw slashes
Jaw Smash Delivers a lunging bite
Shock Jaw Smash Performs an electrically charged lunging bite (disabled when drenched)
Leaping Jaw Smash Swipes with jaw after pouncing (disabled when slowed)
Cannon Burst Fires rapid shots from cannon
Shock Cocoon Creates a defensive radial electric cocoon (disabled when drenched)
Shock Wave Electrifies jaws, smashing them into the ground, unleashing a shockwave
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Ravager Cannon
  • Sparker
  • Glowblast Canister
  • Antenna


  • Ravager
  • Apex Ravager

Loot Drops

  • Metal Shards
  • Crystal Braiding
  • Piercing Spike
  • Sparker
  • Braided Wire
  • Medium Machine Core
  • Ravager Circulator
  • Machine Muscle
  • Ravager Primary Nerve
  • Metal Bone
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Useable Weapon (detach Ravager Cannon)
  • Glowblast (detach Glowblast Canister)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Purgewater Damage, Acid Damage
  • Strong Against: Frost Damage, Shock Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Medium Acquisition Midweight
  • 20
  • 27 Corrupted
  • 31 Daemonic
  • 32 Apex
  • 1450
  • 2175 Corrupted & Apex
  • 2538 Daemonic
Cauldron IOTA

Another fast-moving robot in this Horizon Forbidden West complete machine list is the Snapmaw. This machine is a midweight acquisition machine that processes resources from bodies of water and deposits them on land. This amphibious machine is fast and territorial, employing its jaws, tail, and elemental materials to attack. The Snapmaw can be overridden after unlocking the IOTA Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Spin Attack Lunges forward, spinning 180° with tail in a sweeping motion
Spin on Spot Quickly spins in place, swinging its tail
Frost Mortar Spits 5 Frost projectiles in an arc (disabled when drenched)
Jump Attack Winds up at a distance before leaping at the target
Jump Bite Performs a short-range jump and bites once
Snap Bite Quickly snaps at the target with its jaws
Lunging Jaw Snap Dives underwater emerge biting twice or surges forward, snapping jaw
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Chillwater Sac
  • Purgewater Canister
  • Dispersal Tank
  • Resource Container


  • Snapmaw
  • Apex Snapmaw

Loot Drops

  • Purgewater
  • Piercing Spike
  • Metal Shards
  • Machine Muscle
  • Snapmaw Circulator
  • Medium Machine Core
  • Braided Wire
  • Snapmaw Primary Nerve
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Metal Bone
  • Snapmaw Sac Webbing (detach Snapmaw Sac)
  • Chillwater (detach Snapmaw Sac)
  • Blastpaste (detach Dispersal Tank)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Fire Damage, Shock Damage
  • Strong Against: Frost Damage, Purgewater Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Medium Acquisition Midweight 20 1100 Cauldron IOTA

The Sunwing is a midweight acquisition flying mount machine that soars through the skies, absorbing solar energy and is often found in groups. Equipped with various plasma attacks, energy shields, and excellent maneuverability, the Sunwing is difficult to hit. It can be overridden after unlocking the GEMINI Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Burst Defender Fortifies with wings outstretched and fires plasma bursts (disabled when drenched)
Air Burst Hovers and strafes while firing plasma bursts (disabled when drenched)
Power Fling Throws plasma-infused boulder at target (plasma damage disabled when drenched)
Aerial Plasma Sweep Cleaves the ground with a plasma beam (disabled when drenched)
Ground Breaker Plows beak into the ground, generating a plasma trail (plasma damage disabled when drenched)
Crashing Tear Swoops down and slams beak into the ground (plasma damage disabled when drenched)
Wing Swipe Hops and swipes with a wing, followed by another swipe if the first misses
Ascending Burster Takes off vertically, generating a wind blast and firing a plasma beam (disabled when drenched)
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Plasma Fin
  • Shield Caster
  • Resource Container
  • Sparker


  • Sunwing
  • Apex Sunwing

Loot Drops

  • Metal Shards
  • Glowblast
  • Crystal Braiding
  • Braided Wire
  • Sunwing Circulator
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Machine Muscle
  • Medium Machine Core
  • Sunwing Primary Nerve
  • Volatile Sludge
  • Metal Bone
  • Sunwing Shield Caster (detach Shield Caster)
  • Blastpaste (detach Resource Container)
  • Sparker (detach Sparker)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Purgewater Damage
  • Strong Against: Plasma Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Medium Acquisition Midweight
  • 21
  • 34 Apex
  • 1050
  • 1575 Apex
Cauldron IOTA

The Clamberjaw is a midweight acquisition machine known for its agility and fierce scavenging abilities. Utilizing its claws and tail to salvage scrap, this is a unique enemy type in Horizon Forbidden West that can cling to walls with ease and employs powerful Fire attacks against enemies. Override is possible after unlocking the CHI Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Fist Slam Frenzy Three-hit claw combo follows up only if the target is in range
Tearing Tackle Leaps and bites with powerful jaws (disabled when slowed)
Noxious Tail Slash Whips Tail Duster, releasing a cloud of noxious fumes
Seismic Slam Leaps and slams the ground, causing a Tremor effect (disabled when slowed)
Table Flip Grab Grabs target with claws and tosses them
Sacred Lunge Dismounts the wall in a leaping smash
Elemental Shrapnel Spit Spits Fire-infused shrapnel (fire damage disabled when drenched)
Snatch and Hurl Launches scrap held by Tail Duster (consumables blocked disabled when drenched)
Flash Burst Releases a dazzling flash of light
Terror Screech Inflates Concussion Sacs and emits a deafening scream
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Resource Scanner
  • Concussion Sac
  • Resource Container
  • Sparker
  • Blaze Sac
  • Tail Duster


  • Clamberjaw
  • Apex Clamberjaw

Loot Drops

  • Blaze
  • Metal Shards
  • Echo Shell
  • Machine Muscle
  • Medium Machine Core
  • Clamberjaw Circulator
  • Braided Wire
  • Clamberjaw Primary Nerve
  • Metal Bone
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Blastpaste (detach Resource Container)
  • Sparker (detach Sparker)
  • Clamberjaw Tail Duster (detach Tail Duster)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Purgewater Damage
  • Strong Against: Fire Damage, Plasma Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Medium Transport Midweight
  • 22
  • 35 Apex
  • 2200
  • 3300 Apex
Cauldron IOTA

The Rollerback is a midweight transport machine known for its heavy armor and ability to launch into rolling attacks. Equipped with a Gravity Generator, it can reattach armor plates after being torn off. Override can be performed once the IOTA Cauldron is unlocked.

Attack Name Description
Burndozer Rolls at high speed, generating a trail of residual Fire damage areas
Mega-Crush Hammer Raises and slams tail, creating a shockwave and Tremor effect
Sweep and Launch Tumbles and swipes with tail
Hammer Swing Spins while swinging Hammer Tail
Blast Off Blasts upwards and slams down, generating massive blasts and shockwaves
Adhesive Shot Spits globs of adhesive
Gravel Spray Spins in place, kicking up debris toward the target
Thruster Burst Ignites thrusters, unleashing a flaming blast
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Adhesive Sac
  • Resource Core
  • Cargo Holders
  • Cooling Block
  • Gravity Generator
  • Thruster
  • Acid Canister
  • Hammer Tail


  • Rollerback
  • Apex Rollerback

Loot Drops

  • Metalbite
  • Metal Shards
  • Blastpaste
  • Crystal Braiding
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Rollerback Circulator
  • Machine Muscle
  • Medium Machine Core
  • Rollerback Primary Nerve
  • Braided Wire
  • Metal Bone
  • Stickpaste (detach Adhesive Sac)
  • Rollerback Hammer Tail (detach tail)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Acid Damage
  • Strong Against: Frost Damage, Shock Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Large Transport Heavy
  • 25
  • 34 Corrupted
  • 40 Daemonic & Apex
  • 2600 
  • 5250 Corrupted
  • 5400 Apex
  • 6125 Daemonic
Cauldron KAPPA

The Rockbreaker is a heavyweight acquisition machine that specializes in mining underground resources and storing them in aboveground mounds. Known for its swift underground movement, it can ambush enemies from below. Override is possible once the KAPPA Cauldron is unlocked.

Attack Name Description
Dirt Jet Shoots rocks and debris in an arc
Dirt Volcano Erupts and spits out burning rocks, creating Fire explosions and damaging areas
Snap Bite Performs a fast lunging bite
Lunge Bite Lunges towards the target while biting along the surface
Spin Attack Spins while swiping with its tail
Jump Attack Dives at the target when emerging from the ground
Shark Bite Emerges below target while biting, repeating up to three times
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Mining Claw
  • Blaze Sac
  • Resource Canister
  • Exhaust Port


  • Rockbreaker
  • Apex Rockbreaker

Loot Drops

  • Metal Shards
  • Blaze
  • Volatile Sludge
  • Apex Rockbreaker Heart (Apex Variant Body)
  • Luminous Brainstem (Apex Variant Body)
  • Rockbreaker Circulator
  • Large Machine Core
  • Rockbreaker Primary Nerve
  • Machine Muscle
  • Braided Wire
  • Metal Bone
  • Crystal Braiding
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Rockbreaker Mining Claw (detach Apex Variant Mining Claw)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Fire Damage
  • Strong Against: Frost Damage, Shock Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Large Transport Heavy
  • 25
  • 32 Corrupted
  • 40 Daemonic & Apex
  • 2700
  • 4050 Corrupted & Apex
  • 4725 Daemonic
Cauldron CHI

The Behemoth is a heavyweight transport machine that gathers resources from smaller robots of Horizon Forbidden West. Equipped with an anti-gravity system, it hurls massive boulders at attackers when threatened. Override is possible after accessing the CHI Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Grinding Shrapnel Blast Fires rock shrapnel by spinning grinder jaws in the ground
Gravity Boulder Throw Forms and hurls a boulder at the target using Force Loaders
Gravity Purge Surrounds itself with rocks and blasts them in all directions
Charge Charges towards the target, swinging head side to side
Quake Smash Rises and smashes down with ram, creating a Tremor effect
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Force Loader
  • Acid Canister
  • Cargo Holders
  • Antenna
  • Chillwater Canister


  • Behemoth
  • Apex Behemoth

Loot Drops

  • Metal Shards
  • Crystal Braiding
  • Behemoth Circulator
  • Large Machine Core
  • Behemoth Primary Nerve
  • Machine Muscle
  • Metal Bone
  • Luminous Brainstem
  • Braided Wire
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Behemoth Force Loader (detach Force Loader)
  • Metalbite (detach Acid Canister)
  • Chillwater (detach Chillwater Canister)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Fire Damage, Acid Damage
  • Strong Against: Frost Damage, Shock Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Large Combat Heavy
  • 24
  • 40 Apex
  • 3500 
  • 5250 Apex
Cauldron KAPPA

The Dreadwing comes under the Horizon Forbidden West machine names that are formidable, heavyweight, and flying combat machines known for their disruptive status effect attacks. It can be overridden after accessing the KAPPA Cauldron.

Corrosive Onslaught Grounded attack with corrosive effects
Corrosive Burst Flying attack with corrosive effects
Retreating Barrage Grounded and flying attack with bombs and wing flap
Leaping Bombardment Grounded attack with bombs
Flash Blast Grounded and flying attack that blinds
Wing Striker Grounded attack with wing and plague state effects
Fang Strike Grounded attack with bite, shockwave, and plague state effects
Rampaging Bite Grounded attack with bite and plague state effects
Spin Strike Grounded attack with wings, wind blast, and plague state effects
Hook Crusher Grounded attack with stomp, shockwave, and plague state effects
Swooping Slash Flying attack with melee and plague state effects
Rampaging Smash Flying attack with body crush, shockwave, and plague state effects
Comet Barrage Flying attack with body and bombs, and plague state effects
Rising Strike Grounded attack with melee and plague state effects
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Flash Blinders
  • Metal Fang
  • Metalbite Sac
  • Stamina Drain Container
  • Sparker
  • Resource Container
  • Bomb Launcher
  • Stealth Generator
  • Antenna
  • Damage Dampener Container
  • Noxious Container
  • Radar
  • Purgewater Canistes


  • Dreadwing
  • Apex Dreadwing

Loot Drops

  • Metal Shards
  • Metalbite
  • Braided Wire
  • Dreadwing Circulator
  • Large Machine Core
  • Dreadwing Primary Nerve
  • Volatile Sludge
  • Machine Muscle
  • Crystal Braiding
  • Metal Bone
  • Luminous Brainstem
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Dreadwing Metal Fang (detach Metal Fang)
  • Sparker (detach Sparker)
  • Blastpaste (detach Resource Container)
  • Useable Weapon (detach Bomb Launcher)
  • Purgewater (detach Damaged Dampener Container / Purgewater Canister)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Fire Damage
  • Strong Against: Frost Damage, Shock Damage, Acid Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Large Combat Heavy
  • 26
  • 44 Apex
  • 4500 
  • 6750 Apex
Cauldron KAPPA

The Tideripper is a massive heavyweight acquisition machine that filters sediment for resources, employing Purgewater for lethal attacks on land and in water. Among the Horizon Forbidden West machine override list, this one can be overridden by accessing the KAPPA Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Drill Stab Grounded melee attack
Neck Sweep Grounded melee attack
Purging Smash Grounded melee attack with Purgewater
Shore Slam Melee attack with Purgewater for all terrains
Hydro Crush Grounded melee attack with Purgewater and crushing effect
Mud Wrecker Grounded melee attack with crushing effect
Sliding Hydro Crash Grounded melee attack with Purgewater and crushing effect
Twist Ripper Short-range melee attack
Torpedo Rush Medium-range melee attack over and underwater
Jet Stream Grounded Purgewater attack
Jet Stream Sweep Grounded and overwater Purgewater attack
Tidal Wave Grounded Purgewater projectile attack
Mud Spit Grounded Purgewater projectile attack
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Processing Capsule
  • Purgewater Cannon
  • Purgewater Pouch
  • Heart
  • Tail Canister
  • Chillwater Canister
  • Tail
  • Antenna
  • Tidal Disc
  • Exhaust Port
  • Sparker
  • Glowblast Canister
  • Purgewater Sac


  • Tideripper
  • Apex Tideripper

Loot Drops

  • Purgewater
  • Metal Shards
  • Large Machine Core
  • Tideripper Circulator
  • Tideripper Primary Nerve
  • Volatile Sludge
  • Machine Muscle
  • Braided Wire
  • Crystal Braiding
  • Luminous Brainstem
  • Metal Bone
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Blastpaste (detach Processing Capsule)
  • Chillwater (detach Chillwater Canister)
  • Tideripper Tail Fin (detach fin)
  • Glowblast (detach Glowblast Canister)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Frost Damage, Shock Damage
  • Strong Against: Fire Damage, Purgewater Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Large Combat Heavy
  • 27
  • 42 Apex
  • 4000 
  • 6000 Apex
Cauldron KAPPA

The Tideripper is a massive heavyweight acquisition machine that filters sediment for resources, employing Purgewater for lethal attacks on land and in water. It can be overridden by accessing the KAPPA Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Snap Bite Grounded melee attack with Frost damage
Forward Slash Grounded melee attack with icicles, Frost damage
Backward Slash Grounded melee attack with icicles, Frost damage
Tail Crack Grounded melee attack with Frost explosion
Springing Belly Flop Grounded/Burrowed melee attack with Tremor effect
Freeze Blaster Grounded/Burrowed ranged Frost attack with icicles
Tracking Cryo Blast Grounded Frost attack with residual damage areas
Tracking Burst Grounded ranged attack
Deafening Roar Grounded attack causing Deafened status
Belly Flop/Power Belly Flop Grounded melee attack with shockwave
Power Blaster Grounded ranged laser attack with explosion
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Processing Capsule
  • Energy Shield Shell
  • Shell Bolt
  • Frost Blaster
  • Plasma Generator
  • Sparker
  • Refining Core
  • Kinetic Dynamo
  • Chillwater Sac
  • Resource Container


  • Shellsnapper
  • Apex Shellsnapper

Loot Drops

  • Metal Shards
  • Purgewater
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Large Machine Core
  • Shellsnapper Circulator
  • Shellsnapper Primary Nerve
  • Machine Muscle
  • Braided Wire
  • Luminous Brainstem
  • Crystal Braiding
  • Metal Bone
  • Blastpaste (detach Processing Capsule)
  • Shellsnapper Shell Bolt (detach Shell Bolt)
  • Useable Weapon (detach Frost Blaster)
  • Glowblast (detach Plasma Generator)
  • Sparker (detach Sparker)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Fire Damage, Acid Damage
  • Strong Against: Frost Damage, Plasma Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Large Combat Heavy
  • 30
  • 40 Corrupted
  • 46 Apex
  • 5000
  • 7500 Corrupted & Apex
Cauldron KAPPA

The Stormbird is a powerful heavyweight combat machine, soaring high and diving with incredible speed to deliver devastating melee and Shock attacks in the Horizon Forbidden West. It can be overridden using the KAPPA Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Storm Cannon Blaster Flying Shock attack with large explosion and residual damage
Storm Cannon Shots Flying Shock attack with a series of orbs
Carpet Bomb Flying Shock attacks with dropped bombs
Wing Flap Grounded/Flying wind blast attack
Beak Bite Grounded Shock attack with a pecking motion
Claw Slash Grounded melee attack with talons
Thunder Walk Grounded Shock attack with electrical energy bubble
Quick Land Flying Shock attack with ground smash
Tail Swipe Grounded Shock attack with a tail whip
Thunder Dive Flying Shock attack with dive bomb
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Wing Thrusters
  • Chillwater Canister
  • Storm Cannon
  • Purgewater Canister


  • Stormbird
  • Apex Stormbird

Loot Drops

  • Crystal Braiding
  • Sparker
  • Metal Shards
  • Stormbird Circulator
  • Large Machine Core
  • Stormbird Primary Nerve
  • Volatile Sludge
  • Machine Muscle
  • Braided Wire
  • Metal Bone
  • Luminous Brainstem
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Chillwater (detach Chillwater Canister)
  • Stormbird Storm Cannon (detach Storm Cannon under its belly)
  • Purgewater (detach Purgewater Canister on its tail)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Acid Damage
  • Strong Against: Plasma Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Large Combat Heavy
  • 30
  • 36 Corrupted
  • 40 Daemonic
  • 48 Apex
  • 6500
  • 9750 Corrupted & Apex
  • 11375 Daemonic
Cauldron KAPPA

The Thunderjaw is a massive, heavily armed, and armored combat machine that moves with agility and strikes ferociously, deploying an array of powerful weapons. It can be overridden using the KAPPA Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Cannon Burst (Lead Up) Rapidfire Cannons firing projectiles starting at the ground
Cannon Burst (Side) Rapidfire Cannons sweeping horizontally
Disc Launcher Homing Homing disc projectiles launched from Disc Launchers
Disc Launcher Barrage A sequential barrage of discs from Disc Launchers
Disc Launcher 360 Defensive 360-degree formation of discs
Laser Sweep Fan-shaped spread of laser beams (below 40% HP)
Laser Blast Firing an orb-shaped laser blast
Charge Charging at full speed toward the target
Bite Attack Biting attack with head thrust
Rushing Bite Attack Lunging bite attack at a 45-degree angle
Foot Stomp Series of stomps with alternating legs, causing Tremor effect
Tail Swipe 180-degree tail swipe
Tail Slam The tail slams on the ground, causing a Tremor effect
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Data Nexus
  • Rapidfire Cannon
  • Radar
  • Antenna
  • Heart
  • Acid Canister
  • Disc Launcher
  • Blaze Canister
  • Ammo Drum
  • Purgewater Canister
  • Tail


  • Thunderjaw
  • Apex Thunderjaw

Loot Drops

  • Metal Shards
  • Crystal Braiding
  • Glowblast
  • Luminous Brainstem
  • Apex Thunderjaw Heart
  • Braided Wire
  • Thunderjaw Circulator
  • Large Machine Core
  • Thunderjaw Primary Nerve
  • Volatile Sludge
  • Piercing Spike
  • Machine Muscle
  • Metal Bone
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Useable Weapon (detach Disc Launcher on its back)
  • Thunderjaw Tail (detach tail)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Acid Damage
  • Strong Against: Fire Damage, Frost Damage, Shock Damage, Purgewater Damage, Plasma Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Medium Acquisition Midweight
  • 24
  • 36 Daemonic
  • 38 Apex
  • 2800
  • 4200 Apex
  • 4763 Daemonic
Cauldron CHI

The Frostclaw is an agile and fierce midweight acquisition machine known for its astonishing speed and potent Chillwater-fueled Frost attacks. This robot deserves special attention in this Horizon Forbidden West complete machine list, and it can be overridden using the CHI Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Ice Spikes Launches ice spikes at the target
Backhand Slash Swipes with its claws
Fury Slash Delivers a swift claw attack
Back Crush Crushes the target with its back
Lunging Dive Dives at the target
Lunging Uppercut Strikes with an uppercut
Hail Storm Hurls a storm of ice at the target
Frost Blast Unleashes a close-range frosty explosion
Grinder Scrape Scrapes the ground, flinging ice
Claw Slash Slashes target with its claws
Frost Dive Dives and causes an icy explosion
Frost Grab Grabs and crushes the target
Frost Slam Slams the ground, causing an icy explosion
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Chillwater Sac
  • Glowblast Canister
  • Chillwater Unit
  • Resource Container


  • Frostclaw
  • Apex Frostclaw

Loot Drops

  • Chillwater
  • Metal Shards
  • Piercing Spike
  • Apex Frostclaw Heart (Apex Variant Body)
  • Frostclaw Primary Nerve
  • Luminous Brainstem
  • Volatile Sludge
  • Frostclaw Circulator
  • Machine Muscle
  • Medium Machine Core
  • Braided Wire
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Metal Bone
  • Glowblast (detach Glowblast Canister)
  • Frostclaw Sac Webbing (detach Chillwater Unit)
  • Blastpaste (detach Resource Container)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Fire Damage
  • Strong Against: Frost Damage, Shock Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Medium Combat Midweight
  • 30
  • 35 Daemonic
  • 48 Apex
  • 2000
  • 2800 Daemonic
  • 3000 Apex
Cauldron CHI

The Scorcher is a relentless midweight combat machine, notorious for its fierce Fire attacks and impressive agility during melee assaults. It can be overridden using the CHI Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Scorching Fang Bites while spewing flames from its mouth
Quick Scorching Fang Faster variant of Scorching Fang
Cinder Claws Lunges and slashes with fire-augmented claws
Ignition Boost Charges with ignited leg thrusters, leaving fire trails
Furnace Blast Defensive 360° heat blast
Heat Wave Slams jaws, releasing a wave of flames along the surface
Mine Launcher (Row) Launches three rows of mines
Mine Launcher (Area) Blankets an area with multiple mines
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Scanning Ear
  • Mine Launcher
  • Purgewater Canister
  • Power Generator


  • Scorcher
  • Apex Scorcher

Loot Drops

  • Blaze
  • Crystal Braiding
  • Sparker
  • Metal Shards
  • Piercing Spike
  • Braided Wire
  • Scorcher Circulator
  • Medium Machine Core
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Machine Muscle
  • Scorcher Primary Nerve
  • Luminous Brainstem
  • Metal Bone
  • Scorcher Scanning Ear (detach Scanning Ear on its head)
  • Useable Weapon (detach Mine Launcher on its back)
  • Purgewater (detach Purgewater Canister on its back)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Frost Damage, Shock Damage
  • Strong Against: Fire Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Large Combat Heavy
  • 28
  • 48 Apex
  • 685 Reach For The Stars
  • 1180 – 2507 The Kulrut
  • 5500 Overworld
  • 8250 Apex
Cauldron KAPPA

The Slitherfang is a massive, swift heavyweight combat machine known for its long-range attacks and versatile arsenal when in a coiled stance. This formidable robot of Horizon Forbidden West can be overridden using the KAPPA Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Fang Strike Lunges forward for a vicious bite attack
Slither Charge Charges at target with great speed
Fang Dozer Burrows and rams target
Toxic Stream Spews a stream of poisonous liquid
Fang Ripper Grapples and tears at target
Excavator Unleashes a powerful ground-based attack
Loop Dives Dives in and out of the ground to strike from range
Hood Vibrations Generates deafening sound waves
Tail-Bolt Launches an electrified projectile
Thunderbolt Smash Slams tail with electrified trail
Thunderbolt Swipe Swipes with electrified tail
Shock Constrictor Constricts target with electrified coils
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Sonic Hood
  • Earthgrinder
  • Glowblaster Canister
  • Metalbite Sac
  • Sparker
  • Purgewater Canister
  • Acid Canister
  • Resource Container
  • Data Nexus
  • Purgewater Sac
  • Shock Orb


  • Slitherfang
  • Apex Slitherfang

Loot Drops

  • Metalbite
  • Crystal Braiding
  • Metal Shards
  • Braided Wire
  • Slitherfang Circulator
  • Large Machine Core
  • Slitherfang Primary Nerve
  • Volatile Sludge
  • Machine Muscle
  • Luminous Brainstem
  • Metal Bone
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Slitherfang Earthgrinder (detach Earthgrinder on its front)
  • Glowblast (detach Glowblast Canister on its front)
  • Sparker (detach Sparker)
  • Purgewater Canister (detach Purgewater Canister on its lower body)
  • Useable Weapon (detach Shock Orb on the end of its tail)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Fire Damage, Frost Damage, Plasma Damage
  • Strong Against: Shock Damage, Purgewater Damage, Acid Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Large Combat Heavy
  • 35
  • 56 Apex
  • 1700 – 2173 The Broken Sky
  • 5000 Overworld
  • 7500 Apex
Cauldron KAPPA

The Tremortusk is a colossal heavyweight combat machine that compensates for its slow pace with its heavily armored exterior and various ranged weapons. The machine can be overridden using the KAPPA Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Tusk Multi-Stab Rapid stabbing motion with tusks
Tusk Pincer Clamping attack using tusks
Shatter Swing Wide arcing swing with tusks
Terror Reaper Charging attack with tusks
Raging Terror Reaper Frenzied charging attack with tusks
Thunder Stomper Stomps with shockwave and shock ring
Seismic Thunder Slam Powerful slam with concussion explosion and shock
Homing Shock Swarm Launches homing shock projectiles
Plasma Splinter-Blitz Fires a barrage of plasma projectiles
Plasma Splinter-Barrage Long-range plasma projectile attack
Incinerator Spews fire in a wide arc
Blazing Barrier Creates a barrier of fire
Blazing Rock Throw Hurls fiery rocks at target
Cannon Blitz Rapid-fire cannon attack
Cannon Barrage Unleashes a barrage of cannon fire
Terror Trumpet Emits a deafening sound
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Tusks
  • Plasma Cannon
  • Processing Capsule
  • Sparker
  • Blaze Sac
  • Shock Cannon
  • Antenna
  • Amplifying Sac
  • Salvo Cannon
  • Heat Sink
  • Ammo Drum


  • Tremortusk
  • Apex Tremortusk

Loot Drops

  • Metal Shards
  • Sparker
  • Crystal Braiding
  • Piercing Spike
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Large Machine Core
  • Tremortusk Circulator
  • Tremortusk Primary Nerve
  • Volatile Sludge
  • Machine Muscle
  • Braided Wire
  • Metal Bone
  • Luminous Brainstem
  • Tremortusk Tusk (detach tusk on its front)
  • Useable Weapon (detach Plasma Cannon on its side)
  • Useable Weapon (detach Shock Cannon on its back)
  • Blastpaste (detach Ammo Drum)
  • Chill water (detach Ammo Drum)
  • Glowblast (detach Ammo Drum)
  • Purgewater (detach Ammo Drum)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Frost Damage
  • Strong Against: Fire Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Large Acquisition Heavy
  • 42
  • 55 Daemonic
  • 60 Apex
  • 7500
  • 9375 Daemonic
  • 11250 Apex
Cauldron CHI

The Fireclaw is a formidable heavyweight acquisition machine known for refining resources with its internal furnace. Its immense Blaze reserves fuel its lethal fire attacks. The machine can be overridden with the CHI Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Lava Burst Erupts with lava, affecting a medium range
Volcanic Meteor Shower Showers area with molten rocks
Backhand Slash Swipes with claws at close range
Lunging Dive Leaps forward, claws extended
Back Crush Slams body backward onto opponents
Fury Slash Swift, aggressive claw swipe
Fire Spray Sprays fire in a cone shape
Flame Blast Releases a powerful blast of flames
Grinder Scrape Drags claws across the ground, producing sparks
Claw Slash Quick claw swipe at close range
Inferno Dive Leaps forward with a fiery explosion
Inferno Slam Slams the ground, causing a fiery shockwave
Rock Shield Charge Charges with a rock shield in front
Rock Shield Throw Hurls rock shield at target
Rock Shield Smash Smashes rock shield into the ground
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Blaze Sac
  • Blaze Unit
  • Purgewater Canister
  • Sparker


  • Fireclaw
  • Apex Fireclaw

Loot Drops

  • Metal Shards
  • Blaze
  • Braided Wire
  • Fireclaw Circulator
  • Large Machine Core
  • Fireclaw Primary Nerve
  • Volatile Sludge
  • Machine Muscle
  • Luminous Brainstem
  • Metal Bone
  • Crystal Braiding
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Fireclaw Sac Webbing (detach Blaze Unit in the middle of its body)
  • Purgewater (detach Purgewater Canister on its back)
  • Sparker (detach Sparker on its back)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Frost Damage, Purgewater Damage
  • Strong Against: Fire Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Large Combat Heavy
  • 45
  • 64 Apex
  • 1419 Gemini
  • 7500 Overworld
  • 11250 Apex
Cauldron KAPPA

The Slaughterspine is a fearsome heavyweight combat machine that becomes even more dangerous when its Plasma Energizers are charged, enabling it to perform powerful plasma-enhanced attacks. If we’re to rank all machines in a Horizon Forbidden West machine tier list, then I’d place Slaughterspine at the highest position for being the most dangerous machine. This machine can be overridden using the KAPPA Cauldron.

Attack Name Description
Enraged Plasma Blast Short-range plasma explosion
Raging Breath (Lead Up) Prepares for a powerful breath attack
Raging Breath (Wave) Releases a wave of destructive breath
Enraged Atomic Breath Unleashes a long-range plasma beam
Spine Barrage Fires multiple spines at medium range
Precision Spine Strike Targets a single enemy with a spine at long range
Lancer Wave Sweeps the Spinetail Lancer horizontally
Lancer Eruption Thrusts the Spinetail Lancer upward
Core Earthblaster Releases a shockwave from the Plasma Core
Thundering Roar Emits a deafening roar at very close range
Raging Plasma Discharge Sends a short-range plasma burst
Slaughter Bite Bites at enemies in close range
Rampage Rush Charges forward, attacking with force
Dragging Plasma Sweep Sweeps the ground with plasma energy
Slaughter Sweep 180 Performs a 180-degree sweep attack
Slaughter Sweep 360 Executes a 360-degree sweep attack
Double Maul Attacks with two powerful swipes
Rampage Stomp Stomps the ground, causing damage nearby
Slaughter Crush Crushes enemies beneath its massive body
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Processing Capsule
  • Purgewater Canister
  • Metalbite Sac
  • Plasma Core
  • Plasma Earthblaster
  • Plasma Energizer
  • Plasma Spine Launcher
  • Capacitor Capsule
  • Antenna
  • Chillwater Canister
  • Tail Canister
  • Spinetail Lancer


  • Slaughterspine
  • Apex Slaughterspine

Loot Drops

  • Metal Shards
  • Piercing Spike
  • Glowblast
  • Crystal Braiding
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Large Machine Core
  • Slaughterspine Circulator
  • Slaughterspine Primary Nerve
  • Volatile Sludge
  • Machine Muscle
  • Braided Wire
  • Metal Bone
  • Luminous Brainstem
  • Blastpaste (detach Processing Capsule or Capacitor Capsule)
  • Purgewater (detach Purgewater Canister)
  • Useable Weapon (detach Plasma Spine Launcher on its back)
  • Useable Weapon (detach Spinetail Lancer on its tail)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Frost Damage, Purgewater Damage
  • Strong Against: Fire Damage, Shock Damage, Acid Damage, Plasma Damage


Size Class Weight Challenge LV.
Large Recon Heavy 1

The Tallneck is a heavyweight recon machine that diligently surveys a vast region, gathering data and monitoring other machines without being disturbed. It can be overridden using the PSI Override, but you do need All Tallneck locations first.

Important: Tallneck in Horizon Forbidden West are non-hostile machines. They serve only one purpose to show you every point of interest in a certain area of the map after you climb on top of them and Override.
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Radar
  • Climb Holds


Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP Override
Medium Combat Midweight 25 2400 None

The Specter machine is an advanced mobile combat drone featuring gold armor-like plates that transform into deadly weapons and can reattach using gravitational forces if detached. If you’re looking for a Horizon Forbidden West machine override list for Specter, then you’d be disappointed becasue this one is not available for an override.

Attack Name Description
Phalanx Turret Deploys Nano Plates to form a shield while firing Pulse Cannons
Pulse Cannon Burst Fires a continuous stream of projectiles while tracking target
Phalanx Barrage Fires a sweeping horizontal stream of shots from Pulse Cannons
Serrated Flail Spins in place with outstretched tentacle
Sweeping Banishment Lunges and spins, attacking with tentacles and spikes
Sacred Onslaught Lunges and swipes horizontally with tentacles
Longinus Lance Thrust Dives and slams horn into the ground, lifting them in an uppercut motion
Burning Longinus Dive Ignites thrusters and jumps, leaving a trail of fire and explosive spikes
Sacred Lunge Dismounts the wall and leaps, slashing with tentacles
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Pulse Cannon
  • Shock Unit
  • Resource Depository
  • Regeneration Unit
  • Vector Thrusters
  • Plasma Unit
  • Nano Plate
  • Control Nexus

Loot Drops

  • Glowblast
  • Sparker
  • Blastpaste
  • Metal Shards
  • Crystal Braiding
  • Piercing Spike
  • Machine Muscle
  • Braided Wire
  • Metal Bone
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Usable Weapon (detach Pulse Cannon)
  • Volatile Sludge (detach Resource Depository)
  • Luminous Brainstem (detach Resource Depository)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Acid Damage, Plasma Damage
  • Strong Against: Fire Damage, Shock Damage, Purgewater Damage

Specter Prime

Specter Prime
Size Class Weight Challenge LV. HP
Large Combat Heavy 1 8500

The Specter Prime machine is the ultimate Far Zenith exoframe that is capable of morphing into various forms. Its gold armor-like plates can transform into devastating weapons and reattach gravitationally if removed. Overrides are not available for this machine.

Attack Name Description
Pulse Cannon Burst (Lead Up) Fires an initial barrage of projectiles
Pulse Cannon Burst (Sweep) Sweeps the area with a stream of projectiles
Hellfire Strike Launches a powerful projectile attack
Pulsar Strike Unleashes a mid-to-long-range energy blast
Progenitor Wrath Engages a medium-range area-of-effect attack
Vengeful Fury Executes a long-range precision strike
Divine Wrath Unleashes a very long-range, powerful attack
Cross Strike Performs a short-range melee attack
Divine Thrust Thrusts forward with immense force
Vengeful Impaler (Triple) Launches three short-to-medium-range impaling attacks
Vengeful Impaler (Single) Performs a single impaling attack at short-to-medium range
Siege Slam Delivers a medium-range ground slam
Sludge Strike Hurls sludge at a short-range target
Annihilating Ascent Launches upward in a short-range aerial assault
Total Recall Fires a long-range projectile salvo
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Body Parts

  • Body
  • Plasma Unit
  • Siege Mortar
  • Pulse Cannon
  • Resource Repository
  • Nano Plate
  • Shock Unit
  • Regeneration Unit
  • Control Nexus
  • Lancer Prime
  • Vector Thruster

Loot Drops

  • Blasterpaste
  • Crystal Braiding
  • Sparker
  • Metal Shards
  • Glowblast
  • Piercing Spike
  • Machine Muscle
  • Braided Wire
  • Sturdy Hardplate
  • Metal Bone
  • Luminous Brainsteam (detach Siege Mortar)
  • Usable Weapon (detach Pulse Cannon)
  • Volatile Sludge (detach Resource Repository)

Strengths And Weaknesses

  • Weak Against: Acid Damage, Plasma Damage
  • Strong Against: Fire Damage, Shock Damage, Purgewater Damage

All Burning Shores Machines

The above-mentioned 43 Horizon Forbidden West all machine names are part of the base game. However, the Burning Shores DLC adds 3 new standard machines & 1 boss-type machine. 


waterwing machine information
Size Class Weight Challenge LV. Override
Medium Acquisition Midweight
  • 35
  • 52 Apex
Cauldron GEMINI

The Waterwing machine is a medium-sized, highly maneuverable flying machine with the ability to dive deep underwater. As an acquisition-class machine, it becomes a tenacious adversary when disturbed. Its override feature is unlocked during the main story progression.

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Strengths & Weaknesses

  • Strong against: Shock, Purgewater
  • Weak against: Fire


Bilegut Machine information
Size Class Weight Challenge LV. Override
Large Acquisition Heavy 42 Cauldron THETA

The Bilegut machine is a large, hazardous acquisition machine adept at launching acid to uncover Old World scrap and producing Stingspawn swarms for resource collection. Overriding this machine becomes possible after completing Cauldron THETA. Its body parts include the main body, acid launcher, and Stingspawn hives.

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Strengths & Weaknesses

  • Strong against: Purgewater, Acid
  • Weak against: Fire, Frost


Stingspawn information – Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores DLC
Size Class Weight Challenge LV. Override
Small Acquisition Light 5 None

The Stingspawn machine is a small acquisition-class machine created by the Bilegut to assist in resource gathering. Its main purpose is to collect and transport resources. This machine is not eligible for an override.

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Strengths & Weaknesses

  • Strong against: Acid
  • Weak against: Shock


Horus Machine
Size Class Challenge LV.
Titan Chariot 60

The Horus machine is the ultimate destructive force from the Old World, a Chariot-class machine capable of delivering devastating attacks and producing other machines. However, its ancient systems are susceptible to overheating. This machine cannot be overridden.

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Strengths & Weaknesses

  • Strong against: All elemental attacks
  • Weak against: None

This brings us to the end of the Machine list guide, where I have entailed all 43 base game machines and four new machines of the recently launched Burning Shores DLC. To defeat the machines in the list above, I used the best bows and new Burning Shores weapons and equipped Aloy with the best armor in Horizon Forbidden West. Otherwise, most machines like Fireclaw and Dreadwing will kill you very quickly. 


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Irfan Ansari is a Senior Editor and Guides Writer on eXputer. He has seven years of Video Game Journalism experience and has been gaming for more than 22 years. Over his editorial career, he has gained experience at multiple sites, including TheGamer and VeryAli Gaming. Irfan has also earned a degree in Writing and Editing from the University of Michigan. Learn some more about Irfan's gaming journey on his Steam, PSN, and Xbox profiles.

Experience: 7+ Years || Worked for TheGamer and VeryAli Gaming

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