Street Fighter 6: How To Use Pressure Time

Learn about Pressure Time, what it is, how it works, and how it can be used against opponents in Street Fighter 6

Street Fighter 6 has many techniques that players can use during combat, effectively allowing them to take control of their enemies and murder them more quickly. One technique is the Pressure Time, and players might want to know how to use it effectively to take out opponents. Therefore, a detailed explanation might be the requirement!

Important: Timing pressure time properly takes a lot of time to master and can prove to be very difficult.
Key Takeaways
  • Pressure Time in Street Fighter 6 is a mechanic that allows players to take advantage of opponents. 
  • Players must time their move well to trigger Pressure Time, allowing them to carry out greater damage against enemies. 
  • The opponent’s body will glow white, indicating you can trigger Pressure Time. 
  • Sun Drenched Symposium-R’s side quest allows players to experience a tutorial mission effectively using Pressure Time.
  • The only caveat with using Pressure Time is that it is difficult to master, and you must map out your timing. 

What Is Pressure Time In Street Fighter 6? 

Pressure Time is a small time frame while combating and fighting enemies. 

  • Whenever players fight opponents, there might be a chance for the enemies you are facing to have more authoritarian movements against them. 
    SF6 What Is Pressure Time
    What Is Pressure Time [Photo Credits: EckoSpaceWalkthrough]
  • However, while you are using Pressure Time, it allows you to stop time for a bit and let opponents hang in time while you move on them. 

The move that is carried out during pressure time can not be calculated beforehand, and enemies will be able to carry out the move during their own will, sometimes being able to carry out the move during different attacks. 

How To Use Pressure Time 

While pressure time is an excellent asset that grants players the ability to deal extra damage to opponents, there is no calculated way in which you will be able to use it during combat. 

SF6 Aiming For Pressure Time
Aiming For Pressure Time [Photo Credits: EckoSpaceWalkthrough]
  • The main thing to note while carrying out Pressure time is to time it well. Make sure to see when an opponent is about to carry out their attack against you and use it well. 
  • The Pressure Time allows you to carry out extra damage against the strongest opponents. 

Pressure Time Mission In Street Fighter 6

There is essentially a mission that can give you the dos and don’ts of optimizing pressure time. 

  1. Open up your map, and you want to start by being towards the Lowlands area, which can be spotted on the map. 
    SF6 Sun Drenched Symposium
    Sun Drenched Symposium [Photo Credits: EckoSpaceWalkthrough]
  2. There is a side quest called Sun Drenched Symposium-R, which should also be tracked on the map. 
    SF6 Talking To Ryan
    Talking To Ryan [Photo Credits: EckoSpaceWalkthrough]
  3. Go towards Ryan, who is standing and waiting for you. 
  4. Ryan will be pretty nervous by the looks of it, and after he greets you, he will give you your task
    SF6 Task To Deal Damage
    Task To Deal Damage [Photo Credits: EckoSpaceWalkthrough]
  5. Your task will be to essentially take on a brutal fight with him, during which you will only be given the ability to deal damage anytime you use Pressure Time. 
  6. He tells you that normally, Pressure Time allows you to gain an excellent advantage over opponents while dealing extra damage, but it is the *only* way to deal any damage during this task. 
  7. He points out that anytime the opponent flashes white, it is because the enemy has left themselves open for attack. 

Playing The Tutorial  

As the tutorial begins, players will be given a mission where they can only win if they can deal damage by triggering pressure time. Otherwise, the match cannot be won. 

SF6 Tutorial Starts
Tutorial Starts [Photo Credits: EckoSpaceWalkthrough]
  • One of the main things that the tutorial tells you is that during the tutorial, the overall vitality of your enemy will not decrease unless players trigger Pressure time. 
  • Once you trigger pressure time, you enter a small time frame where the body glows white, and if you carry out an attack, you can deal damage. 
    SF6 White Glow
    White Glow [Photo Credits: EckoSpaceWalkthrough]
  • You should also be able to carry out extra damage through pressure time. 

The opponent’s body will continue to glow white, indicating players that use Pressure Time. The range at which you use pressure time should be adequately calculated, too, as if you are too far from the opponent, you won’t be able to do it in time. 

SF6 Perfect Timing
Perfect Timing [Photo Credits: EckoSpaceWalkthrough]
Wait for the body to glow white at the correct time, and then use the Pressure Time to your advantage in the perfect way to launch a deadly attack against the enemy. Ryan faces his predicament as he is left to take brutal hits from you. 

And that’s just about it! All that players need to know about the Pressure Time, and with that, let’s wrap up the guide! While you’re here, why not read the Street Fighter 6 Best Gear guide detailing the top gear sets players should use! Other than that, the Street Fighter 6 All Trophies guide will entail everything you need to know about unlocking the 44 trophies. 

Apart from that, the M Bison Street Fighter 6 guide contains information regarding the character and character replacements for M Bison. Lastly, the Street Fighter 6 Equivalent Exchange guide tells you all you need to know about how to carry it out!

Up Next: 

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Mina is a Senior Guides Writer and a fanatic who’s obsessed with playing games and writing about them. She’s invested more than 2,500 hours in games like Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism, she loves to write detailed guides for beginners and pros in the Gacha Games world. You can follow Mina's gaming activity on her Steam and PSN Profiles.

Experience: 3+ Years

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