Diablo 4: Blind Burrows Dungeon Walkthrough

Enter the Blind Burrows dungeon to fight spider hosts and unlock the Aspect of The Tempest in Diablo 4!

Blind Burrows is one of the most important dungeons in Diablo 4. Players who have druid class as their main and want to unlock the Aspect of The Tempest will have to complete the Blind Burrows dungeon. Even if you have selected another class, you should consider exploring the dungeon, as it has many treasures and legendary items. 

Key Takeaways
  • The Diablo 4 Blind Burrows dungeon is an underground labyrinth found in the location of Hawezar between Vyeresz and Zarbinzet on the map. 
  • After completing the dungeon, you can unlock one of the legendary Aspects called the Aspect of The Tempest. 
  • It is recommended that the players have a level of 40 or higher when clearing the dungeon. 
  • Blind Burrows is great for farming XP and gold, and it’s pretty easy to clear as well. 
  • After that, they must go to the Midnight Haven area. 
  • Lastly, they will have to kill the main boss of the dungeon, called the broodguard. 

Where To Find Blind Burrows In Diablo 4? 

The Blind Burrows dungeon is a massive labyrinth located underground in the region of Hawezar between Zarbinzet and Vyeresz. It also lies near the ruins of Rakhat, and before you can enter the Blind Burrows dungeon, you will have to go through the diseased embankment area and nearby. 

Diablo 4 Blind Burrows Dungeon farming
Blind Burrows Dungeon [Screenshot Captured by eXputer]
The whole dungeon is infected with hordes of spiders and other notable enemies. So make sure that you prepare for the arachnid enemies you will face. 

Here are some considerations that I took in finding the dungeon: 

  • If you are playing as the druid class, you will want to explore the dungeon as it will allow you to allow the Aspect of The Tempest. 
  • However, remember that to explore and complete the dungeon, you will have to reach at least level 40 in Diablo 4. 
  • Besides the Aspect, you will also get to use a lot of XP, gold, and other loot. 
  • You will face enemies like toxic lurkers, corpse fiends, and putrid remains as you explore the dungeon. 
  • One of the core objectives of the dungeon is to kill three infested villagers first, and they are located at different positions in the dungeon. 

How To Complete The Dungeon 

There are three main objectives that are required to complete the Blind Burrows dungeon and obtain the legendary Aspect.

Diablo 4 Blind Burrows Dungeon
Dungeon Objectives [Screenshot Captured by eXputer]
Here’s my recommended method to complete the Blind Burrows dungeon:

  • First, you will have to kill and defeat the three infested villagers located in different positions throughout the dungeon. 
  • After that, you must travel to an area known as the midnight haven within the dungeon to look for the main boss
  • Your main enemy will be Broodguard, and you will have to defeat the monster if you want to earn XP and other rewards, including the Aspect. 
  • Completing these objectives will allow you to finish the underground labyrinth as well. 
  • Throughout the dungeon, there will be a lot of spider hosts, so you must be prepared before entering it. 

Slaying The Infested Villagers 

The first objective is to find and defeat the infested villagers that are found in different corners of the dungeon.

Infested Villager
Infested Villager [Screenshot Captured by eXputer]
I highly recommend that you only enter the dungeon once you have reached at least level 40 or above, as these villagers are not an easy kill. 

These are the steps that I took into account while Slaying the Infested Villagers:

  • Upon entering the plagued tunnels, check the map for small skull icons marking infested villagers.
  • Navigate tight hallways to avoid being cornered by continuously spawning enemies attacking from various directions.
  • In addition to finding and killing the villagers, different enemies, including spiders lurk in the dark corners of the dungeon.
  • Melee weapons are essential for countering the insects in the tunnels.
  • Locate villagers in the northwestern corner, center, eastern corner, and southern corner of the dungeon

Other Enemies

If you still find any difficulty locating these villagers, just check out any dark corner you see while exploring the dungeon, and you will eventually come across an infested villager.

More enemies
More enemies [Screenshot Captured by eXputer]
While slaying the infested villagers, you will encounter other enemies; here’s how I was able to deal with them:

  • You must kill all three of them while facing other enemies, including aberrant horrors, plague maggots, and toxic lurkers.
  • Make sure to use your map whenever necessary, as the dungeon is quite vast, and you can easily get lost. 
  • When you defeat and kill the last infested villager, a new entrance will open for you. 
  • You will have to make your way across it to enter a region called Midnight Haven. 

Exploring Midnight Haven 

The next objective of the Blind Burrows underground labyrinth dungeon is to reach the midnight haven on the map.

Diablo 4 Blind Burrows
Midnight Haven [Screenshot Captured by eXputer]
This location will spawn randomly each time and will differ for every player. 

Moving on toward exploring Midnight Haven, there are several things I suggest you keep in mind:

  • The entrance to the Midnight Haven region will be located either to the right or left of where you enter the dungeon for the first time. 
  • But before continuing your journey, you must kill another set of monsters and enemies. 
  • One of the toughest enemies here is the butcher, who can perform greater damage in close-range attacks and eat up much of your HP if not counted properly. 
  • Ensure you are equipped with the right weapons before entering Midnight Haven, as the butcher can give you a tough time. 

Restoring HP

It will also come across other enemies, including the corpse fiends as well as the putrid remains.

Diablo 4 Blind Burrows
Healing and resting [Screenshot Captured by eXputer]
  • I highly recommend that you restore any of your lost health by visiting the healing well beside the entrance of Midnight Haven. 
  • After you have restored your HP, equip your best weapons, as you will have to fight the main dungeon boss and defeat him in order to get the legendary Aspect. 

Defeating The Brood Guard 

In the last phase of the dungeon, you will have to face the main boss himself, known as the brood guard.

Diablo 4 Blind Burrows Dungeon location
Brood Guard [Screenshot Captured by eXputer]
The boss has a variety of attacks up its sleeve, and this giant spider can immobilize you completely during the battle. 

After trying almost 10 times, here are some tips and findings that I would like you to know about defeating this boss:

  • Located in the northeastern region of the dungeon, most of its attacks are high AOE and can deal massive damage if not dodged or countered. 
  • The boss is notorious for its venom attacks that you should avoid at all costs, as they can immobilize you for a short period of time. 
  • Most of its attacks can be dodged easily; however, it is important to deliver a counterstrike as well whenever you get the chance to finish him off quickly. 


One of its attacks allows him to spray webs in your direction that can also immobilize you. Make sure to avoid them and deal with a counter-attack as soon as possible.

Brood Guard
Brood Guard Attacks [Screenshot Captured by eXputer]
Every once in a while, brood guard will shoot small webs on the floor of the arena, which are also capable of immobilizing and stunning you for some time and work as traps. 

Here’s a rundown of attacks I’ve observed and learned while battling this boss:

  • It can summon help like spider hosts that can give you a tough time. 
  • Your movement will be greatly compromised during the battle due to the narrowness of the dungeon itself and the high AOE brood guard. 
  • Also, keep an eye out for his constant web attacks that can compromise your mobility during the battle. 
  • I highly recommend using melee and ranged weapons for the boss if you want to defeat him as quickly as possible. 
  • Once you complete the Diablo 4 Blind Burrows location on the map, you can unlock one of the legendary Aspects known as the Aspect of The Tempest. 
  • This Aspect is considered great for the druid class and can strengthen your offensive play style with the right build. 
  • Moreover, you will also be getting some XP points and a heavy amount of gold to buy any items you require. 

Tips For Farming XP

If you are playing as any other class, I will still recommend completing the Blind Burrows dungeon, as it can allow you to farm a high amount of XP and gold.

Diablo 4 Blind Burrows Dungeon enemies
Farming Gold [Screenshot Captured by eXputer]
I would like to note that the Blind Burrows dungeon has a very similar layout to The Champion’s demise. It is good to keep some strategies in mind before entering the dungeon if you want to farm it in a more efficient way. 

I’d suggest a few general tips that might come in handy for farming XP:

  • I highly recommend getting some stock of the beast-slaying elixirs available in Diablo 4. 
  • These items can last up to 30 minutes and can be obtained quite easily. 
  • The beast-slaying elixir will allow you to deal an increased damage of 20% whenever you come across a beast or a major boss in Diablo 4. 
  • These beasts include the maggots and spiders you will face continuously in the Blind Burrows underground labyrinth. 
  • Moreover, you will also get a chance to increase your XP points by 5% as long as the elixir lasts. 
  • The first objective is to kill the three infested villagers. 

Recommended Items

If you are entering the dungeon with the sole purpose of farming, I highly recommend clearing this objective and clearing the two elite packs ahead before resetting the whole dungeon.

Arachnid Enemies
Arachnid Enemies [Screenshot Captured by eXputer]
If you are playing in a group, I recommend splitting up and taking out the infested villagers one by one to clear the dungeons quickly. 

  • After that, you just need to kill and clear the elite packs that will be right ahead, and you can reset from here. 
  • Even if you play solo, you can easily kill all the infested villagers and elite packs before resetting. 
  • When you complete the dungeon, you will get the Aspect of The Tempest, allowing you to use the hurricane damage against your enemies. Furthermore, this hurricane damage effect will increase by 7% each time you attack the enemy. 
  • It is a highly useful offensive Aspect that will make your druid build stronger and more efficient. 

Resetting The Dungeon

If you don’t want to engage in the major boss fight and skip it, or you have already completed it once, you can reset the dungeon.

Diablo 4 Blind Burrows Dungeon
Completing the dungeon [Screenshot Captured by eXputer]
Fortunately, resetting the dungeon quickly is very easy instead of waiting a few minutes.

These are some steps that I took to reset the dungeon: 

  • By default, you will have to wait for a set amount of time before the dungeon will reset automatically, and you can farm it again. 
  • In case you have gotten the hang of the Blind Burrows dungeon and want to farm it more, then you will have to reset it quickly. 
  • In order to do that, you will have to select the leave dungeon option available on the action wheel on your screen. 
  • Now log out of the game, close it, and wait for around 10 to 15 seconds before logging back in again. 
  • Make your way to the dungeon’s entrance again, and you can start it from scratch. 

With this, I conclude my detailed guide on the Diablo for Blind Burrow underground dungeon and how to complete it to get the legendary Aspect of Tempest. While you are at it, I highly recommend checking out the guide on mystery chest locations and the iron hold dungeon in Diablo 4. You can also check out the guide on how to get insatiable fury and PvP zone in Diablo 4. 

Up Next:

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Kashaf is an RPG and Battle Royale enthusiast and can be seen spending most of her time battling other players in Naraka Bladepoint or improving her skills in Diablo 4. She loves to curate builds based on her own expertise and writes guides to help the audience become pros in no time. She kicked off her writing career on eXputer with several years of experience. You can follow Kashaf's gaming activity on her Steam profile.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelors in Journalism.

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