Elden Ring 50 Hit Wall Location – Full Walkthrough

Learn how you can find and destroy the wall and what are the rewards behind it.

From the surface, the 50 Hit Wall Location in Elden Ring looks like just any other illusion. However, instead of disappearing after one hit, you need to hit this wall 50 times to get through. Since its discovery, a lot of people have spent collective hours hitting this wall and unlocking the secrets behind it. So, before you can unlock the secrets behind this wall, you will have to locate it.

Key Takeaways
  • The 50-hit wall easter egg in Elden Ring can be used as a secret passage.
  • To locate this wall, you need to travel to the Volcano Manor, found in the main dining hall. 
  • As I’ve mentioned above, you need to hit this wall 50 times to break it and gain access to its pathway.
  • Unfortunately, unlike other easter eggs, after breaking it, you’ll be led back to the dining room you originally entered. 
  • Most people think this is a bug because there is no surprising result, and it feels like a waste of time, but the developers know better.
Quiz Time

Where To Find 50 Hit Wall?

To find the 50 Hit Wall in Elden Ring, you must first go to the Volcano Manor.

starting point quest
Volcano Manor (Image By eXputer)

If you are having trouble getting to the Volcano Manor, I recommend you go through the Volcano Manor Location guide. Once you have made your way to the Volcano Manor, you will be able to see the wall in question instantly. It is a wall located in the main dining hall area and has a crooked picture on it.

50 Hit Wall – Front (Image By eXputer)

The Volcano Manor itself is full of puzzles and illusory walls that all react to different events. So the crooked painting will help you differentiate the wall in question from other illusory walls in the area.

Once you get into the corner area of the dining hall, you will see another wall with a painting. When you get close to this wall, a message saying “Time for Rolling” will be displayed on the screen.

entrance point
Rolling Wall – Volcano Manor (Image By eXputer)

The Narrow Passageway

After going through this wall, you will find yourself in a narrow passageway. At the end of this path, there will be another illusory wall that can be destroyed by one hit.

1st wall
First Wall in the Passageway (Image By eXputer)

You can find a Depraved Perfumer Carmaan on the other side of this wall. At the other end of this passage, you will find the 50 Hit Wall Location. As the name suggests, you will have to hit this wall 50 times to get through.

Are There Any Hidden Rewards Behind The Wall?

Now after going through all that you might be thinking there might be some crazy reward behind this wall. Sadly, that’s not the case. After you have spent minutes hitting this wall, again and again, you will be taken back to the dining hall. All this effort is for a simple shortcut that leads to the hub area of the Volcano Manor.

reward for hitting wall
Destroying the 50-Hit Wall (Image By eXputer)

My theory is that this wall was left in the game either as a coding bug or an Easter egg. Most of the players online lean towards a bug as there is no fun surprise or item behind the wall. I feel like it’s a waste of time to discover a shortcut to the starting point of the Volcano Manor.

This concludes my guide on how you can find the 50 Hit Wall Location in Elden Ring. While you’re here, I recommend going through the best starting class guide if you’re new to the game.


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Huzaifa is eXputer's Review Editor, who’s all about RPG games. He’s got several years of experience critically judging games and writing his unbiased thoughts on them. You can also find his content published on sites like Twinfinite & GearNuke. Huzaifa has been gaming for 23+ years, during which he managed to amass 400+ hours on Elden Ring! You can follow his gaming activity on his Xbox and Steam Profiles.

Experience: 5+ years || Previously Worked At GearNuke & Twinfinite || Mainly Covers RPG Guides & Latest Games Reviews || Education: Bachelors in Hospitality.

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