The snowy area in Elden Ring is actually called Consecrated Snowfield. This region is covered with snowstorms, blizzards, and avalanches of all sorts, hence the reason for poor visibility and the apparent name. This is a totally optional area to unlock in the Lands Between. In my opinion, you probably can’t even run into it if you’re not specifically looking for this overly snowy part of the game.
- The Consecrated Snowfield is a region covered with snowstorms and blizzards. It is hard to find.
- The area is unlocked after you collect both parts of the Haligtree Secret Medallion and hoist it at the Grand Lift of Roid.
- By interacting with a hidden NPC, you can get the right half of the secret medallion in the Village of the Albinaurics.
- The left half is found in Caste Sol in the Mountaintops of the Giants region after defeating Commander Niall.
- After hoisting the secret medallion at the Grand Lift of Roid, traverse the Hidden Path to the Haligtree. This short area leads to the Consecrated Snowfield.
I want to stress that it is deemed as a “secret” area that has no direct link to the main story of the game. If you’re purely after the sake of 100% game completion and want to get more out of Elden Ring despite its already colossal in-game world, then I recommend you to read the following section.
How to Get to the Snowy Area
In my opinion, you get to the area in the same way as gathering the two halves of the Dectus Medallion. You have to collect two parts of the Haligtree Secret Medallion since the item is split up and spread out. Now, go to the Grand Lift of Rold. Enter this area from the Grand Lift of Rold by hoisting the Rold Medallion.
- When you’ve got both parts of the Haligtree Secret Medallion instead, press the left or the right button on your controller’s D-Pad.
- It will change the input for the “Y” or the “Triangle” button if you’re playing on Xbox or PlayStation and let you hoist the “secret medallion,” which is the Haligtree Secret Medallion.
A cutscene will appear after that, affirming that the aforesaid process is all coming together. You enter a distinct section afterward that’s known as the Hidden Path to the Haligtree. Well, this has just been an overview of how to get to the snowy area. I am going to cover the entire procedure step-by-step from here on out.
Collecting the Two Parts of the Haligtree Secret Medallion
First, acquire the Haligtree Secret Medallion to access the Consecrated Snowfield in Elden Ring. As I mentioned earlier, you need to find two different halves of this key item to get anything out of it. The first half of the medallion, which is the Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right), can be retrieved early on in the game from the Village of the Albinaurics location.
If you’re not aware of this place, then read our Village of the Albinaurics guide and find out more about the medallion. From here, go straight from the checkpoint area and up the hill on the right side. Keep heading forward uphill. You’ll encounter an enemy as soon as you’re on the upper level, but continue until the end to find a fairly large container on the right side.

Attack the pot twice to make an NPC come out of it. You can either talk or kill him. The latter will compel him to say things like, “We have caused you no harm,” and “Let the curse take everything.” If you’re not in the mood to indulge in discourse, kill the character to get the right part of the Haligtree Secret Medallion.

I suggest visiting the Mountaintops of the Giants region in Elden Ring to find the last half. You need to be in the Castle Sol section to retrieve the right half of the Haligtree Secret Medallion. Areas like Limgrave, Liurnia of the Lakes, and the Altus Plateau need to be done before you arrive at the mountaintops of the Giants.
- Now, Castle Sol is simply straight ahead from a section called Stargazer’s Ruins.
- Gallop to the Castle Sol Main Gate Site of Lost Grace to defeat a boss called Commander Niall.
- This is a heavy-duty knight that spawns phantom soldiers and uses a variety of skills to hunt you.
- After beating him, head straight from there.
- A doorway in the back can be used to proceed further.
- Climb the flight of stairs and the building to the right.
- Go inside and activate the lift, thereby stepping on the platform.
- Now, take the stairs outside and find the purple-colored item right in front to obtain the Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right).

Hoisting the Secret Medallion at the Great Lift of Rold
Now, go to the Grand Lift of Rold to access the snowy area. It can be found in the Forbidden Lands section in the east of Leyndell, Royal Capital. Here, I would hoist the Rold Medallion, obtained after finishing off Morgott, the Omen King. Simply input the “Event Action” button after going up the lift; nothing out of the usual will manifest. You will only gain access to Mountaintops of the Giants, which you’ve already done.
Find the “Switch action” prompt. This will only appear after you have the Haligtree Secret Medallion in full. Input the action, which is either the left or right button on your controller’s D-Pad. This will simply change the medallion that your character will raise to the lift.

After pressing the Event Action button, therefore, which is “Y” on the Xbox Series X|S controller, a cutscene will appear. The eyes of the two giant figures glow red with a green color hue after you host the Red Medallion, allowing you to proceed.
After following my steps so far, it’s finally time to make your way to the Consecrated Snowfield.
Entering Consecrated Snowfield
Moving past the pathway opened up by activating the Grand Lift of Rold with the Haligtree Secret Medallion will lead you to a place called Hidden Path to the Haligtree. It’s a fairly non-descript section of the game, acting as a bridge from the Grand Lift of Rold to the Consecrated Snowfield.

- Head straight and unlock the door in front of you from here.
- You’ll be in an upper level of a room right after that.
- Take the first stairs on the left, but do watch out for the enemy.
- If you want to avoid any conflict and just want to get to the snowy area, for now, it’s possible to run past the ill-fated creatures here.
Keep going straight, and as soon as you reach the top, a giant crab will drop and block the doorway to the Consecrated Snowfield. Again, I implore you to maneuver your way around the deadly entity without taking it up on its offer to engage in battle.

Go up the stairs until you discover a Lost Site of Grace. Go further up to finally arrive at the foot of the snowy area in Elden Ring, otherwise the Consecrated Snowfield. The following is the player’s location on the map after reaching this section.

That’s about it for how to get to the snowy area! You can now explore this secret region at your convenience. Before you go, however, read on to find an essential in-game item that closely concerns the Consecrated Snowfield: the Consecrated Snowfield map fragment.
I highly recommend grabbing it at the earliest to up your chances of roaming around and discovering secrets with greater efficiency.
Consecrated Snowfield Map Fragment Location
After arriving, the next step is to gather its map fragment. Galloping around without a visible map will leave you blinded. That is, however, unless you grab the map fragment of the Consecrated Snowfield first. I suggest that the first step you take is to explore the Site of Lost Grace right in front of you. From there on out, you have to keep heading straight and descending to lower levels.
- Watch out for improving visibility as you near the correct map fragment-containing area.
- The following Beacon within the in-game world map of Elden Ring should point you in the right direction.
- It depicts the location of the Consecrated Snowfield map fragment and thereby lets you adventure around the region freely.

Elden Ring is measuring up to have Game of the Year quality, and not just because of a couple of reasons, but for tons of them. It sure has started out exceptionally strong by already being the United States of America’s best-selling video game, not to mention the unreal concurrent player peak.
A bevy of some of the best weapons, an open-world element that’s rich with details, and the thrill of the challenge are all that make the latest entry in the Soulsborne franchise outright superb. Also, why not go through our Elden Ring Weapons Tier List to see the game’s offering.
More From eXputer: Elden Ring Best Builds
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