The Remnant 2 Soul Sparks is a central mission where players must find the Soul Spark Cylinder, an essential item that lets you access the Tal’Ratha boss fight in N’Erud, a primary early-game location. This Quest Item is only necessary if you’re doing the Tal’Ratha storyline starting from the Forgotten Prison. However, due to Remnant’s massive overworlds and random generation, finding the cylinder seems much more challenging than it should be.
- The Soul Sparks in Remnant 2 is a mission part of the Tal’Ratha storyline in which players need to find the Soul Spark Cylinder, a Quest Item required to initiate the Tal’Ratha boss fight.
- To start, players must first get to the Eon Vault, the third or fourth dungeon following the Abyssal Rift or the Hatchery in N’Erud.
- Upon reaching the Vault, find the Green Capsule Room with a V-shaped entrance towards the center of the map.
- Head inside the room, proceed to the bottom floor and grab the Soul Spark Cylinder lying on the floor.
- Finally, bring the item back to Tal’Ratha’s chamber at the Forgotten Prison and interact with him to access his arena and fight.
How To Complete The Soul Sparks Mission
To get the Soul Spark Cylinder, you must reach the Eon Vault, a primary dungeon in N’Erud. You can get to this area almost directly after the Forgotten Prison and the Abyssal Rift or after going through the Hatchery, the following dungeon after the Rift.

Here’s my recommended method for doing the Soul Sparks mission:
- After reaching the Eon Vault, stay in the center of the area and continue exploring until you come across the Green Capsule Room, a mine with a V-shaped entrance.

- Enter the mine, take the elevators down to the room on the bottom floor, and find the Soul Sparks Cylinder lying on a corpse at the far end.
- Once you pick the item, you’ll be ambushed by several N’Erud Zombies, so take them out and exit the mine after doing so.

Uses Of The Soul Spark Cylinder
As mentioned earlier, completing the Soul Sparks mission in Remnant 2 lets you open the main chamber at the Forgotten Prison location to access the Tal’Ratha boss fight. Before leaving the Eon Vault, make sure to pick up the Alien Device to craft Engineer Archetype back at Ward 13. You can also find the Engineer’s Technician Armor Set next to the device near the edge of the map.

Personally, I suggest you to follow these steps:
- Upon exiting the Green Capsule Room, head to and rest at the checkpoint near the mine and then proceed to the Eon Vault’s exit at the eastern edge of the map to return to the Forgotten Prison.
- Afterward, proceed to Tal’Ratha’s chamber and interact with him to enter the boss arena.

- Exhaust his dialogue until you reach a point where you must decide whether to sacrifice yourself, where doing so lets you fight Tal’Ratha (Metaphysical), and refusing to get eaten makes you fight his regular version.
- The main weakness of both bosses is their mouths, and killing either version of Tal’Ratha rewards players with a Tome of Knowledge, Spiced Bile, Scraps, and Lumenite Crystals.

That wraps up this brief guide on completing the Remnant 2 Soul Sparks mission, covering the location and uses of the Soul Spark Cylinder. Of course, once you get the item, you should still ideally explore the rest of the overworlds, including the Titan’s Reach dungeon at the end of N’Erud, to collect as many upgrades as possible.
If you feel under-leveled to fight Tal’Ratha, check out the best farming spots in Remnant 2 to get additional boosts and upgrades. To get your hands on other vital items when rerolling in Campaign or Adventure Mode, here’s a guide on how to find and use the Ornate Key from Yaesha. And for fighting other unique bosses later in your playthrough, consider reading up on The Huntress Boss Fight in Losomn.
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