What Is Holy Radiation?
These Vampires have specific weaknesses, including garlic, sunlight, and Holy Radiation. The Holy Radiation can be lethal to vampires, and it is essential to gain resistance against it.
The Holy radiation acts like a fast poison that can drain your Vampire’s HP in mere seconds. Players will continuously lose 10 HP every second if exposed to the radiation unprotected.
The Holy Radiation would act as a thorn in the player’s side, so it is vital to gain resistance.
Related: Obtain some of the best armors in V Rising for additional defense.
- Holy Radiation poses a significant weakness for Vampires in the game.
- To counter this, players can acquire Holy Resistance to protect themselves.
- Obtain the Holy Resistance Potion, which is the most effective method against Holy Radiations.
- Defeat Sun Priestess Christina in Dawnbreak Village to obtain the potion.
- Defeat Clive to acquire the recipe for the Alchemy Table, enabling crafting of the resistance potion.
- Additionally, players can transform into a Bear to quickly gain 25% Holy Resistance in the game.
How To Get Holy Resistance Potion?

The most effective way to stay protected from the dangerous Holy Radiation is to obtain the Holy Resistance Potion. The potion can be crafted with a recipe that players can get after defeating a specific boss. Players would be required to beat Sun Priestess Christina and get the Alchemy table to craft the potion. Follow our steps below:
- Defeat Sun Priestess Christina: Defeat Christina to obtain the Holy Resistance Potion recipe. Prepare by leveling up to at least 40 and equipping ranged abilities to counter her ranged attacks.
Christina, the Sun Priestess - Battle Strategy: Engage Christina from a distance to avoid her ranged attacks. Take down her shielded guards first before focusing on her. Exploit opportunities to attack while she heals.
- Location: Find Christina outside Dawnbreak village, preferably in the Dunley Farmlands area. Look for her along center roads or her route from Dawnbreak village to Dunley Monastery.
Christina’s location - Gather Ingredients: Collect the following ingredients for the potion recipe:
- 45 Mourning Lily
- 2 Scourgestone
- 1 water-filled bottle
- Obtain Alchemy Table: Defeat Clive to obtain the Alchemy Table recipe. Locate Clive using the blood altar once you’re ready. Craft the Alchemy Table using 100 blood essence, 12 Sulphur, and 16 Planks.
- Craft Holy Resistance Potion: Use the Alchemy Table to craft the Holy Resistance Potion using the obtained recipe. The potion provides 50% Holy resistance for 30 minutes, allowing players to explore without hindrance from Holy Radiation.
Acquiring Complete Holy Resistance Gear
Equipping Gear with Holy Resistance can also be an effective way to get protection against the deadly Holy Radiation.
Check out our gear progression guide to make your gear more effective. Unlike potions, using Holy resistance gear is an efficient way to get permanent resistance.
Phantom’s Cloak
- Craftable cloak providing 15 Holy resistance along with resistance to other attributes like silver, garlic, and sunlight.
- Craft using 6 ghost yarn and 6 spectral dust.
Immortal King’s Mantle
- Obtained from Dracula’s Relic pack.
- Provides 15 Holy resistance along with resistance against all types of debuffs.
Also, check out these great cloaks that can provide players with excellent protection.
Getting Holy Resistance From Bear Form in V Rising

Transforming into a bear would give you quick resistance without spending resources. You would gain 25% holy resistance in your bear form. Moreover, your vampire would also gain resistance against every passive damage. While players are in bear form, they also receive minor damage and increased health regeneration.
The beat form can be obtained once you have defeated the ferocious bear. The boss can be found in the Farbane woods inside the bear cave. While defeating the bear boss, watch out for its deadly enraged mode.
That’s all about our Holy Radiation guide. Getting Holy resistance is essential, especially if you want to continue exploring without obstacles.
The best way to get resistance is through the Holy Resistance potion. Moreover, players can obtain minimal resistance in the bear form and by equipping gear.
Next: V Rising Dark Silver Ingots
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