SOLVED: Destiny 2 Error Code Chicken [Quick Guide]

This guide will provide you all the fixes that will help you eliminate the Destiny 2 error code chicken permanently.

Destiny 2 error code Chicken prevents you from connecting to the Bungie servers. You can encounter this issue for various reasons, including both on your end and at the server’s end. It can range from having an unstable internet connection, high traffic on the Bungie servers, and lack of sufficient permission to connect to the Bungie servers properly. Let’s dive deeper into this problem and get you some working fixes.

The error message says: “Your connection to Destiny 2 character servers has been lost. Please check your network configuration and try again.
Error Code Chicken Destiny 2
Destiny 2 Error Code Chicken (Image Captured by eXputer)
Key Takeaways

You can use the following methods to fix Error Code Chicken:

  1. Check the Bungie servers
  2. Change your DNS server.
  3. Allow Destiny 2 through the firewall.
  4. Delete your system’s Cache files.
  5. Close any Background apps.

Check Bungie Servers Status

Your connection from the Bungie servers might be terminated due to an increase in high traffic on the server. If you are experiencing connection issues due to Destiny 2 servers undergoing maintenance, it’s best to wait for the maintenance to end.

Bungie's Destiny servers and Update Status. (image by eXputer)
Bungie’s Destiny servers and Update Status. (image by eXputer)

You can easily check if the Destiny servers are undergoing maintenance by visiting Bungie’s Destiny 2 server and the Update Status page.

Power Cycling

If you are encountering this error, then you might have some issues with your internet connection or the Console/PC you are using at the current moment.

Power cycle your modem and while you are at it, power cycle your PC/console as well. You can easily power cycle your modem/router and console/pc by following these steps.

For Modem/Router

  1. To Power Cycle your Modem/Router, first press the power button behind the router.
  2. Now Unplug the Ethernet cable from your router and wait for 4 to 5 minutes.
  3. Then plug the Ethernet cable into the router again.
  4. Lastly, press the power button behind the Modem/Router again to turn it back ON.

For Console/PC

  1. To Power Cycle your PC/Console, first press the Power Button on them.
  2. Then wait for 1 to 3 minutes.
  3. Then press the power button on your Console/PC again to start it.

Change DNS Server

Changing your DNS server can also help improve the overall stability and speed of your internet connection. It helps your internet connection route through optimized servers, reducing instability and high ping issues.

Moreover, changing your DNS server results in improved responsiveness, reduced latency, and significantly faster loading times.

Bungie has an official troubleshooting guide for server-related errors that also recommends changing your DNS server.

Allow Destiny 2 Through Firewall

Your Windows Firewall can also cause connectivity issues with Destiny 2 as it can restrict the app. Your game needs to have unrestricted access to the internet on your PC to maintain a stable connection with Bungie servers.

Hence, you should allow Destinty 2 through the firewall and then try launching the game to verify if the issues have been fixed.

Delete Cache

Cache files can create short-term files that may interfere with the connection and performance of the game. These files are present on both the console/pc and you can easily clear your cache files.

You should first know the game client you have Destinty 2 on as the methods from Steam and Epic Game Launcher differ. 

Close Background Apps

Your copy of Destiny 2 might be running into network issues due to a lack of bandwidth needed to run the game properly. Other applications running on your PC might be hogging up the bandwidth; hence you’ll need to terminate them.

My Thoughts

The issue is quite common and widespread across PCs and consoles have been reporting this issue on forums such as Steam, Reddit, Tomshardware, and Bungie.

It’s so common that Bungie had to put out an official Error Code Chicken troubleshooting guide to help players fix this issue. You can check it out to understand and diagnose the error better. 

They have also acknowledged the issue on their official Twitter account as well. As we know if game devs acknowledge an error, it means a patch will be dropped soon enough. 

But it still doesn’t work for some players. I hope that the developers fix this issue as soon as possible, as it’s been a thorn in the side of many players in the community.


Why am I getting this error?

Destiny 2 error code chicken is a network-related error that occurs due to an unstable internet connection or the servers being down at the time.

What is the error code chicken exactly?

It prevents the player from playing Destiny 2.

How can I fix this issue?

You can fix it by checking your internet connection by contacting your ISP or just waiting, as the Destiny servers may be under maintenance.

Here are some error-fixing guides for other Destiny 2 errors:

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Haider Khan is our error guides writer who loves to tinker around with operating systems and game files to find practical solutions to video game issues. He then crafts easy-to-follow error fix guides based on his findings. He’s also a Battlefield veteran who likes to rack up some Ws in his spare time. Learn some more about his gaming journey on his Steam profile. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Successfully Troubleshot Over 200 Games || Mainly Covers Error Fix & Game Settings 

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