BG3: 8 BEST Heavy Armor [Expert’s Opinion]

With more than 80 hours of experience with different builds and races, these are my top picks for the best Heavy Armor in BG3.

The Best Heavy Armor is crucial for shielding your character in battles and encounters, as it significantly enhances your Armor Class (AC), indicating how challenging it is for enemies to attack you successfully. As such, one must require the best armor sets for the best builds in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Key Takeaways
  • BG3 offers a variety of 22 Heavy Armor for robust defense against enemy attacks.
  • Heavy Armor is usually for tanky builds who are responsible for front lining.
  • Each armor comes with its effects, such as damage reduction, bonuses to saving throws, and damage reflection.
  • Consider your character’s class when choosing armor, as certain armors enhance the abilities of some BG3 classes like Fighters, Paladins, and Clerics in BG3.

Best Heavy Armor

Here’s a summary of all the best Heavy Armor, alongside their Quality, Effect, and AC.

RankNameQualityEffectACWhat Is This For
1Helldusk ArmourLegendaryHelldusk Armour, Infernal Retribution, Prime Aegis of Fire21The Holy Grail
2Adamantine SplintVery RareMagical Plate, Intense Adamantine Backlash18Adamantine Resilience
3Flawed Helldusk ArmourRareLesser Infernal Retribution, Superior Plate18Infernal Echo
4Reaper’s EmbraceVery RareMagical Plate, Reaper's Rigidity19Skeletal Guardian
5Armor Of PersistenceVery RareMagical Plate, Legendary Persistence20Indomitable Guardian
6Cerebral Citadel ArmourRareFrightened Immunity, Illithid Protection18Mindshield Bastion
7Dwarven SplintmailRareSuperior Plate, Body Aid, Disadvantage on Stealth Checks19Dwarven Fortitude
8Armor Of DevotionRareEternal Devotion18Holy Bastion

8. Armor Of Devotion

Holy Bastion

Armor of Devotion
Heavy Armor of Devotion [Image by Me]
Armor AC Quality Effects Weight Value
Armor Of Devotion 18 Rare Eternal Devotion 20 3200
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The Armor of Devotion is a valuable acquisition due to its striking resemblance to regular Plate Armor. It can be obtained during Act 2 in Moonrise before the seige.

  • Versatile Suitability: Not only does it mimic full plate armor, but it’s also highly appropriate for use by Paladins.
  • Armor Class (AC): Boasting an Armor Class of 18, the Armor of Devotion provides substantial protection.
  • Eternal Devotion: Paladins wearing Armor of Devotion can restore their Oath Charge once per day without requiring an extended rest.
  • The provision becomes especially advantageous considering the limited resources that Paladins have in Baldur’s Gate 3.

7. Dwarven Splintmail

Dwarven Fortitude

Dwarven Splintmail
Dwarven Splintmail [Image by Me]
Armor AC Quality Effects Weight Value
Dwarven Splintmail 19 Rare Superior Plate, Body Aid 19 1900
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The Dwarven Splintmail Armor offers a balanced combination of defensive perks and strength augmentation. I would recommended using it with characters who prioritize resilience and physical prowess.

  • Superior Plate: The trait reduces the Piercing damage you take by 1, bolstering your resilience in battle.
  • Body Aid: Enjoy a +1 bonus to Strength Saving Throws and Checks, enhancing your physical capabilities and prowess.
  • Disadvantage on Stealth Checks: Remember that the Dwarven Splintmail Armor hinders your Stealth Checks, making it more suited for direct engagements.
  • Constitution +2 (up to 20): The armor substantially boosts your Constitution, influencing your ability to withstand damage.

You can acquire Dwarven Splintmail Armor from Lann Tarv, a bugbear merchant located in the Moonrise Towers. 

6. Cerebral Citadel Armor

Mindshield Bastion

Cerebral Citadel Armor bg3 best heavy Armor
Cerebral Citadel Armor [Image by Me]
Armor AC Quality Effects Weight Value
Cerebral Citadel Armor 18 Rare Frightened Immunity, Illithid Protection 20 3200
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The Cerebral Citadel Armor is a strategic choice that offers protection from specific effects and enhances saving throws. While it may not be suited for stealthy approaches, its benefits make it ideal for Fighters and Paladins.

  • Frightened Immunity: Cerebral Citadel Armor guards against the Frightened Status effect.
  • Armor Class (AC): With an AC of 18, it provides solid protection.
  • Illithid Protection: Especially beneficial for characters dealing with tadpole infection as it grants a +1 bonus to intelligence, wisdom, and charisma saving throws
  • Stealth Check Disadvantage: Keep in mind that there are disadvantages to Stealth Checks.
  • Ideal for Fighters and Paladins: Due to the Stealth Check disadvantage, the Cerebral Citadel suits Fighters and Paladins.
  • Location: The Cerebral Citadel Armor can be found in the Emperor’s Hideout Wardrobe. To access the Emperor’s Old Hideout, you’ll need to eliminate tough Githyanki opponents.

5. Armor Of Persistence

Indomitable Guardian

bg3 best heavy Armor Armor of Persistance
The Heavy Armor of Persistence [Image by Me]
Armor AC Quality Effects Weight Value
Armor Of Persistence 20 Very Rare Magical Plate, Legendary Persistence 20 6400
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The Armor of Persistence stands as a noteworthy selection, featuring a unique ability to mitigate incoming damage by 2—an attribute especially advantageous amid Act Three’s trials. I recommend using this on your fighters a lot because it boosts their frontlining capabilities immensely with ease.

  • Armor Class (AC): With an AC of 20, Armor of Persistence offers robust defense, enhancing your battle survivability.
  • Legendary Persistence: The Armor of Persistence provides resistance against the three primary weapon damage types: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing, ensuring formidable protection against various threats.
  • Magical Plate: The Armor of Persistence holds its ground, and all incoming damage is reduced by 2.
  • Fighter’s Excellence: Especially notable for Fighters, Armor of Persistence significantly elevates their combat effectiveness, making it an exceptional choice for dominating the battlefield.

4. Reaper’s Embrace

Skeletal Guardian

Reaper’s Embrace
Reaper’s Embrace [Image by Me]
Armor AC Quality Effects Weight Value
Reaper’s Embrace 19 Very Rare Magical Plate, Reaper’s Rigidity 20 6400
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Upon encountering Ketheric Thorm in Baldur’s Gate 3, players might be captivated by his distinct plate armor, particularly its chest plate resembling a ribcage. 

  • Armor Class (AC): Wearing Reaper’s Embrace yields a notable AC of 19. Crafted from Magical Plate,
  • Magical Plate: It grants a permanent -2 reduction to all incoming damage.
  • Reaper’s Rigidity: A distinctive attribute of the armor, Reaper’s Rigidity renders players impervious to involuntary movement caused by spells or actions. 
    • This immunity encompasses effects like telekinesis spells and protection against falls from Thunderwave spells. 
    • However, the benefit comes with a trade-off: it imposes a Disadvantage on Dexterity Saving Throws. 
  • Howl of the Dead Cantrip: Wearers gain access to the spell, which numbs all nearby creatures.

3. Flawed Helldusk Armor

Infernal Echo

bg3 best heavy Armor Flawed Helldusk Armor
Flawed Helldusk Armor [Image by Me]
Armor AC Quality Effects Weight Value
Flawed Helldusk Armor 18 Rare Lesser Infernal Retribution, Superior Plate 20 3200
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Among the apprentices under the tutelage of the forger Carixim of Avernus, Dammon of the Emerald Grove stands out as an authority in infernal metallurgy beyond the fiery realms. When players engage with him in Act 2, he presents them with the Flawed Helldusk Armor—an emulation of an original armor, though its power is merely a fraction of the original’s.

  • Superior Plate: One of its attributes, the Superior Plate quality, diminishes all incoming attacks by -1 Piercing Damage.
  • Lesser Infernal Retribution: The armor’s Lesser Infernal Retribution inflicts 1-4 Fire Damage upon an enemy within a 2-meter radius of the player who struck you. 
  • This modest yet crucial damage becomes invaluable, as it can eliminate even a 1 HP opponent, proving particularly advantageous when facing overwhelming numbers.
  • Armor Class (AC): With an Armor Class of 18, the Flawed Helldusk Armor offers substantial protection to its wearer and is considered one of the Best Heavy Armor.

One of its most significant advantages is its availability; it can be purchased from Dammon early in Baldur’s Gate 3. While particularly advantageous for Paladins, the armor holds value for a number of classes due to its distinctive attributes and defensive benefits.

2. Adamantine Splint

Adamantine Resilience

bg3 best heavy Armor Adamantine Splint Armour
Adamantine Splint Armor [Image by Me]
Armor AC Quality Effects Weight Value
Adamantine Splint 18 Very Rare Magical Plate, Intense Adamantine Backlash 19 3800
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Upon reaching Grymforge in their Baldur’s Gate 3 journey, players can forge potent Adamantine armaments using Mithral Ore and the Splint Mould. The Adamantine Splint Armor boasts exceptional early-game defenses among Heavy Armors.

  • Adamantine Backlash: An inherent property similar to potent Illithid Powers of Cerebral Citadel Armor, the Intense Adamantine Backlash engages when foes fail to hit the player. 
  • This causes the attackers to Reel for 3 turns, imposing a -1 penalty on their Attack Rolls.
  • The Adamantine Splint Armor is particularly recommended for Cleric and Fighter classes, aligning well with their roles and attributes.
  • Magical Plate: Once worn, the armor not only reduces inflicted damage by 2 but also offers protection against Critical Hits.

1. Helldusk Armor

The Holy Grail

Helldusk Armor
Helldusk Armor [Image by eXputer]
Armor AC Quality Effects Weight Value
Helldusk Armor 21 Legendary Helldusk Armor, Infernal Retribution, Prime Aegis of Fire 20 8000
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In the fiery forges of Avernus, the Helldusk Armor, a regal and demonically influenced creation, showcases the irresistible pull of demonic power upon players. Acquired at the House of Hope, one of the Best Heavy Armor boasts an impressive Armor Class of 21, coupled with the Helldusk Armor feature that immediately imparts Proficiency to its wearer. 

  • Prime Aegis of Fire: Possessing the Prime Aegis of Fire, the armor endows users with immunity to Burning, Resistance to Fire Damage, and a substantial -3 reduction to all incoming damage. 
  • Helldusk Armor: The Helldusk Armor is a remarkable choice well-suited for all classes, as putting it grants instant Proficiency in heavy armor.
  • Infernal Retribution: Upon a successful Saving Throw, the caster of a spell is afflicted with the Burning status for a duration of 3 rounds.
  • Additional Perk: A notable bonus is the grant of a Fly spell, which lets you or your ally the ability to fly.
  • Drawback: The absence of Disadvantage on Stealth and Dexterity Saving Throws—common drawbacks associated with heavy armor.

The Helldusk Armor is the holy grail for every Paladin. In my playthroughs exploring Paladins and Fighters, I was not able to find any armor that could supersede its utility in and out of battle.

Alternative Picks

There are multiple Heavy Armors in BG3 that we did not mention in the guide because of some personal preferences. But some of them can be good Alternative picks.

  • Plate Armor +1: A good choice, but this armor can get easily exploited by the thrusting weapons.
  • Protective Plate: An excellent choice as this armor grants resistance to necrotic damage.
  • Rippling Force Mail: It absorbs force when taking Piercing, Bludgeoning, or Slashing damage.
  • Ring Mail Armor +1: A solid pick, but it has a disadvantage on the Stealth roll.

My Take On Heavy Armors

I have been playing Baldur’s Gate 3 for many months, and needless to say, Heavy Armor is as annoying as it is overpowered. It takes a lot to kill a user of heavy armor, but at the same time, moving to anything they want to hit is a challenge in itself.

My updated hours on Baldur’s Gate 3 (Steam ID: Ibzie)

From my own experience, I would suggest that you have at least one companion that boosts your mobility (or simply have Helldusk armor for flying.) Casters or rogues will take off enemies farther away, so try to use your Heavy Armor as shields for them and tackle stronger enemies head-on.

You can check out Huzaifah Durrani’s Review of Baldurs Gate 3 to get a better idea on why heavy armor is so poweful in most battles.

That’s it on the Best Heavy Armor to get the maximum protection in the frontline battle. After the Best Heavy Armor, you need the Best Greatswords in BG3. Make sure to keep an eye on the Races, as some grants advantages that will be best with your build. Furthermore, get the Best Companions, as you will need them even if you have the Best Armor available in Baldur’s Gate 3. 


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Ibrahim Akhtar is a guides & features writer at eXputer. He uses his passion for gaming to provide insightful takes in his articles. Ibrahim spends most of his time defending Baldur's Gate from the forces of the Absolute. He has accumulated more than 15 years of gaming experience, having 1000 hours in The Witcher 3 and twice as much on Skyrim V. Ibrahim has previously worked at TopTierList. You can keep up with his Steam account to stay up to date on his latest explorations.

Experience: 1+ Years || Previously Worked for TopTierList || Education: Bachelors in Data Science.

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