Remnant 2: Fae Royal Set [Stats & How To Obtain]

Learn all there is to know about the Fae Royal set, its location, stats, resistances, and how to unlock it in Remnant 2.

Remnant 2’s Fae Royal set is a powerful Heavy armor set. It boasts strong resistance to Fire and Bleed damage and provides powerful defense. It can be obtained inside The Postulant Parlor in Losomn.

Key Takeaways
  • The Fae Royal set is a Heavy armor set boasting high resistance to Fire and Bleed damage.
  • As it is a Heavy armor set, it will inflict a 50 percent Stamina cost penalty upon executing a dodge.
  • In addition, wearing this set also slows down the dodge.
  • Using the Magic Quill obtained from the jester, players can unlock The Postulant’s Parlor.
  • Players can obtain this set inside The Postulant’s Parlor after completing a tic-tac-toe mini-game.
  • After moving the white piece to the top-right position on the grid, a secret room will unlock.
  • This room will be located toward the top-right part of The Postulant’s Parlor and houses the Fae Royal set.

How To Obtain Fae Royal Set In Remnant 2

Players must first obtain the Magic Quill key to open certain doors leading to the Fae Royal set. A Jester will give players the key after completing his dance at the following location.

Remnant 2 Fae Royal Set
Location of the Magic Quill | Image Credit: eXputer
  1. Once players have the Magic Quill, open the door outside Jester’s room and head forward.
Postulant Parlor Door
Door to The Postulant’s Parlor | Image By eXputer
  1. Doing so will grant access to The Postulant’s Parlor.
  2. Make your way forward until you have reached the end of the room.
  3. Here, players will find a chess board where they have to play a mini-game.
Important: Each square on the chess board represents a room inside The Postulant’s Parlor. Keeping a square empty or having a white piece on it will unlock the corresponding room.

In order to unlock the Fae Royal set, players will have to ensure that the white piece is on the top-right part of the board.

Remnant 2 Chess Board
Correct placement of White chess piece | Image by eXputer

Also, keep in mind to ensure that the AI does not win the mini-game, as it once did with me during my initial encounter with the puzzle.

Important: The mini-game works similarly to tic-tac-toe. If a piece of 1 color manages to make a straight or diagonal line, it will win the game.
  • Once the white piece is at the required position, head on over to the top-right room to collect the Remnant 2 Fae Royal set.
Remnant 2 Fae Royal set location
Location of the Fae Royal set | Image By eXputer

Armor Stats

Bleed Resistance9
Fire Resistance9
Lightning Resistance0
Blight Resistance7
Toxin Resistance0

As the Fae Royal set is a Heavy armor set, it inflicts a 50 percent penalty on Stamina cost upon executing a dodge. In addition, it also makes the dodge considerably slower in exchange for a stronger defense, so I feel it’s a great addition for almost any build in any location.

Remnant 2 is now available on PlayStation 5Xbox Series X/S, and PC via Steam and Epic Games Store. The developers incorporated the Soulsborne formula with a third-person shooter perspective. Taking heavy inspiration from Hidetaka Miyazaki’s genre-defining games, Remnant 2 is now loved by fans as one of the best Soulsborne games on the market.

And there you have it; with the Remnant 2 Fae Royal set guide, you will be able to unlock one of the best armor sets in Remnant 2.

Take a look at how to obtain the Blood Moon in Remnant 2. Also, here is the spectral blade in Remnant 2, which is one of the best melee weapons. In addition, here is how you can easily defeat the Labyrinth Sentinel. Lastly, here is how to use the plain ribbon.


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Sulaymaan Ahmad is a Senior Writer on eXputer who covers all the latest and greatest games. He has an engineering background and a knack for decimating players in First-Person Shooter games. He also enjoys narrative-driven games with characters he can emotionally invest in. Sulaymaan's love for gaming has been going strong for several years which is evident on his gaming profiles at Steam and PSN. Experience: 3+ Years || Written 150+ Guides || Mainly Covers Strategy Guides on eXputer

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