Remnant 2: Venom Boss Guide [Strategies & Tips]

Everything you need to know to defeat the Venom boss in Remnant 2 - boss attacks, weakness, tips, weak points, recommended gear, and more.

Players can encounter the tough boss Venom, one of the most powerful Root entities. As a manifestation of the evolving Root corruption, Venom is a formidable foe, wielding a massive sword and employing ranged and melee attacks.

Key Takeaways
  • Venom Remnant 2 is a challenging boss with rapid melee, ranged, and beam attacks.
  • His move set includes a sword combo, root bombs, aerial attacks, and pillar beams.
  • In Venom’s second phase, Venom intensifies his attacks – stay focused and manage health.
  • Target Venom’s chest, which is his core weakness for maximum damage.
  • Use ranged weapons and abilities to maintain distance.
  • Stay mobile to avoid Venom’s attacks and getting cornered.
  • Defeating Venom rewards rare crafting materials, like the Dread Core, a Tome, Scrap, and the Dread Core.

What Is Venom Remnant 2?

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Venom Boss [Image Credits: eXputer]

The very reflection of the ever-evolving nature of the Root corruption, Venom is a world boss among the strongest and most developed Root entities.

This vile creature wields a massive sword and utilizes a variety of moves and abilities that make it a threat at any distance. The Venom boss fight is undoubtedly one of the most challenging in the game due to the boss’s unpredictable attack patterns and devastating damage potential. 

Venom’s Attacks & Abilities

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Venom Boss Exploding Bombs [Image Credits: eXputer]
Attack Description
Three-hit sword combo Performed after many moves, especially after throwing and rushing to retrieve the sword
Explosive root bombs Launched frequently while levitating in the air
Sword throw Usually done while airborne
Ground slam Flies up and slams the ground, damaging nearby enemies
Pillar beam The highly dangerous move used below 30% health can one-shot players

Venom has a wide arsenal of melee, ranged, and summon attacks that can quickly overwhelm players. He will use a three-hit sword combo after many other moves, especially when he throws his sword and rushes toward it.

Second Phase Attacks

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Venom Second Phase [Image Credits: eXputer]

Once Venom’s health drops below 50%, he will enter a more aggressive second phase. 

I recommend players remain extremely alert when Venom enters his second form:

  1. He combines new and existing abilities for dangerous combinations.
  2. Venom becomes even deadlier when he reaches this second phase.
  3. Manage health carefully, stay mobile, and keep your distance while concentrating fire on his chest core weak point to finish him off before his empowered attacks overwhelm you.

Venom Boss Fight Strategies & Tips

Below listed are the strategies and tips that I used while encountering Venom:

Weak Spots

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Venom Boss Chest Core [Image Credits: eXputer]
As per my in-game experience, Venom’s weakness is his chest core. This exposed core glows red at the center of Venom’s black armor, which absorbs most other damage. To deal maximum damage during the fight, players should concentrate their gunfire and abilities directly at Venom’s chest core whenever possible.

Dodging & Evading

Based on my experience, when fighting Venom, I recommend players exercise constant vigilance and quick reflexes to avoid taking devastating damage. Venom’s three-hit sword combo can come unexpectedly after many of his other moves. Timing your dodge well on each of the three swings is critical.

Weapon Recommendations

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Using Ranged Weapons [Image Credits: eXputer]

When battling Venom, I recommend keeping your distance and utilizing ranged secondary weapons and abilities is highly advised. Getting close to Venom to use melee attacks is extremely risky due to his swift and devastating melee strikes.

Healing Items & Mods

When preparing to fight Venom, I highly suggest equipping yourself with healing items and mods to prolong your survival. Bringing ample restorative items like Bloodroot and stocking up on Relics can provide much-needed healing amid battle when Venom damages your health bar.

  1. Equipping mods like the Healing Shot can also offer renewable healing, which is invaluable against Venom’s onslaught.
  2. Managing your healing items and mods strategically instead of panic-healing is key.

Rewards For Defeating Venom

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Venom Boss Fight Rewards [Image Credits: eXputer]
After defeating Venom, I was rewarded with the following items:

Reward Description
Lumenite Crystals Crafting material
Tome of Knowledge Consumable Items for Trait Points
Scrap Crafting material
Dread Core Used to craft Skewer 2.0 mod

In Summary, Venom Remnant 2 tests your skill with his overwhelming onslaught of melee, ranged, and area attacks. But you can overcome his offense by leveraging the strategies in this guide, including keeping your distance, destroying summons quickly, managing your health, and targeting his chest core weak point.

If you’re still struggling against Venom, learn how to get and use the Corrosive Rounds Mod. To fight other challenging in-game mobs and bosses, check out this guide on The Nightweaver, which covers her location, moveset, and rewards. Similarly, you could test yourself even further by reading up on how to find and defeat Abomination in Remnant 2.


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Moiz Banoori is the brains behind eXputer. Having worked at various Video Game sites, with 8 years of Content Writing Experience and a Journalism Degree at hand, he presently monitors teams, creates strategies, and publishes qualified pieces through his aptitude at eXputer. Feel free to get in touch with him through his gaming profile on Steam and PSN.

Experience: 8+ Years || Manages Teams, Creates Strategies, and Publishes Guides on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Journalism.

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