Crisis Core Reunion: What Is Endure Status?

Learn everything there is to know about the Endure buff in Crisis Core FFVII Reunion.

There are many statuses that either buff Zack or deteriorate his abilities. Endure Status is a beneficial buff in Crisis Core Reunion, it helps the player carry out their attacks without any interruptions. Many attacks and Materias can get broken between animations by enemy attacks, which can be an extremely annoying thing. Hence, during combats, it is important to have the Endure Buff activated in Crisis Core Reunion.

Key Highlights
  • The Endure Status allows the player to carry out their attacks and Materias without getting flinched or interrupted due to enemy attacks.
  • Endure Buff can help players out a lot, especially when facing multiple enemies together.
  • Players can get the Endure Status through DMW rolls and certain accessories such as Genji Armor and Twisted Headband.
  • Some other buffs in Crisis Core FFVII Reunion include Barrier, Critical, Raise, Regen, Invincible, etc.

What Is Endure Status?

Endure status icon in crisis core reunion
Endure Icon [Screenshot by Us]
The Endure Status is quite easy to understand, unlike many other statuses which can confuse most casual gamers. A lot of times during battle you will try carrying out a move or a Materia only to get interrupted by an enemy attack. Other than annoying you, the flinch will shake up Zack and could possibly turn the tide of the battle. Therefore, it is essential to get Endure buff as much as you can.

The Endure Status will basically allow Zack to carry out his Materias and attacks without getting flinched by enemy attacks. You may end up taking damage but your game plan will not get hindered. The animation of your moves and Materias will continue to run despite your enemy’s doing.

Endure Status helps a lot during combats where there are multiple enemies. In these situations, it gets hard to evade enemy attacks. So you do end up needing the Endure Status so that you can use your Materias like Costly Punch and Blast Wave.

How To Get Endure Status?

endure status through dmw
DMW roll Endure Status [Screenshot by eXputer]
To obtain the Endure Buff, players can:

  1. Equip Accessories: Obtain certain accessories like the Genji Armor.
  2. DMW Rolls:
    • Course Boost!: Roll 3 Cait Sith in DMW (Grants Endure).
    • Rush Assault: Roll 3 Angeal in DMW (May grant Endure).
    • DMW Number Rolls: Any two numbers followed by a 7 in DMW roll (Grants Endure for 20 seconds).
  3. Equipment:
    • Twisted Headband: Adds additional Endure.
    • Genji Armor: Keeps Endure active constantly.

Additionally, enemies like Hollander, G Dominator, G Hetairos, and G Intruder can also activate Endure status during fights against Zack Fair.

Other Statuses

Besides Endure, there are other buffs and debuffs to be aware of:

Buff Statuses:

  1. Endure: Allows uninterrupted movement.
  2. Barrier: Reduces physical damage by 50%.
  3. MBarrier: Reduces damage from spells by 50%.
  4. Critical: All attacks by Zack are critical hits.
  5. Raise: Recovers from incapacitation.
  6. Regen: Gradually heals Zack.
  7. Null Magic: Immune to magic attacks.
  8. Null Physical: Immune to physical attacks.
  9. Invincible: Immune to all damage.
  10. MP Cost Zero: No MP consumption.
  11. AP Cost Zero: No AP consumption.

Debuff Statuses:

  1. Poison
  2. Silence
  3. Stun
  4. Curse
  5. Stop
  6. Instant Death

Wrap Up

If you have just started playing through the game, ensure you know the best ways to Level up Zack fast. Also, it’s best to familiarize yourself with all the Stats in the game as early as you can.

Knowing some of the best Materia Fusions will help you in taking care of multiple enemies such as the Wyerd, Sea Hulk, and Genesis. Lastly, you should also know everything about all the DMW Summons in Crisis Core Reunion. They can help you change the tide of a battle.

Thank you for reading through our brief yet informative guide about Endure Status. For more guides related to Crisis Core FVII Reunion, feel free to stick around at eXputer.

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Sameer is a Senior Writer & Editor for all sorts of guides on eXputer. He has dove deep into many gaming genres and ended up investing 8,000+ hours on COD titles, Pokemon games, Witcher 3, Minecraft, and Bloodborne. Sameer has a degree in Writing and Editing from the University of Michigan. Additionally, he has several years of writing experience and has worked for Mashable previously. Get familiar with Sameer's gaming library on his PSN and Steam profiles.

Experience: 5+ Years || Previously Worked for Mashable || Education: ACCA

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