FF16: Blood Moon Location [Tried And Tested]

Master Final Fantasy 16 by unlocking the Weird Science sidequest, finding the location of the Blood Moon boss & defeating it for rewards.

Blood Moon also famous as The Fallen Orb or Terminus in Final Fantasy 16, is an innocent-looking creature that you will encounter while exploring Valesthia. Final Fantasy 16 is all about hunting dangerous enemies and getting rewards. After you complete the “Weird Science” sidequest, the Blood Moon location in the FF16 hunt board will become available to you, which you can then use to reach this innocent yet extremely dangerous creature. 

Key Takeaways
  • Blood Moon, known as Terminus or Fallen Orb, is a tough creature in Final Fantasy 16.
  • It’s found in Valesthia and is part of the “Weird Science” sidequest.
  • Blood Moon in FF16 appears as a large, moon-like, machine enemy that targets any visible creatures.
  • The hunt for the Blood Moon takes place in “The Crock in Crenbreque”, located south of the Dragon’s Aery.
  • Beating Blood Moon in Final Fantasy 16 is a challenging task, requiring careful observation and dodging skills.
  • To defeat it, players need to dodge its attacks and strike at the right moment using the Phoenix Shift.
  • Rewards for defeating the Blood Moon include the following items:
    1. Experience
    2. Gold
    3. Meteorite
    4. Renown
    5. Ability points

What Is Blood Moon In FF16

Terminus or Fallen Orb
Terminus or Fallen Orb [Image Credit: eXputer]
Blood Moon also famous as Terminus or Fallen Orb in Final Fantasy 16 is one of the tough and thrilling creatures to hunt. It appears to be round having moonish-white color. This huge machine-like enemy will follow anyone it sees to get its blood, therefore it’s very important to stay away from its sight.

Where To Find Blood Moon Location In FF16

The Blood Moon Location
The Blood Moon Location [Image Credit: eXputer]
The Blood Moon location in FF16 will appear in the game once you finish your side quest “Weird Science”. After getting back from the quest to Hideaway, Moogle will grant you entry to the Blood Moon Hunt. Blood Moon is located at “The Crock in Crenbreque” where you kill the Bomb King.  You can find this area in the south of the Dragon’s Aery in Final Fantasy 16. You need to have some portions and other supplies before heading towards Blood Moon Hunt in FF16. 

How To Beat Blood Moon

The Blood Moon Fight
The Blood Moon Fight [Image Credit: eXputer]
After finding the location of the Blood Moon in FF16, you need to defeat the boss also, and the fight is undoubtedly a difficult chore, however, it’s all worth it because of the amazing rewards it offers. One of the key points to having a battle with this deadly creature is just to keep dodging the Blue Moon. Right after the battle starts, take some time to watch all its moves and then get away whenever you see it launching an attack.

  • When you go close to Blood Moon in Final Fantasy 16, it will cause you some damage using its big size.
  • Blood Moon also possesses lasers that it can shoot to destroy you.
  • The only way to get yourself safe from these laser attacks is to don’t settle at one point, just keep moving to dodge attacks from Blood Moon.
  • The most dangerous quality of Blood Moon in Final Fantasy 16 is that it can divide its body into two or three pieces.
  • And afterward, it will use these separate pieces of body to crush you between them many times.
  • After crushing you thrice, Blood Moon will lead to an explosion that will cause extreme damage to you.
  • You can save yourself from this explosion by moving away from Blood Moon when you see Blood Moon getting into pieces.

Unfortunately, it is not the end of Blood Moon in Final Fantasy 16, it can bounce around the area using Hypersurge to spread the area of effect damage in its surrounding. You are supposed to not enter this area of effect to avoid damage.

The Last move of Blood Moon that you need to take care of is its firing off lasers. Blood Moon uses lasers to fire in all directions using Short Circuits. You can get away with this by Titan’s Fist to diverge the damage. When the Bloon Moon gets done with all its moves,  it will be the right time to get in quickly using FF16 Phoenix skill Shift and attack Blood Moon in Final Fantasy 16. This way you will defeat the Blood Moon and make its fall down in Final Fantasy 16.


The Blood Moon Fight Rewards
The Blood Moon Fight Rewards [Image Credit: eXputer]
After having successfully combatted with the FF16 Blood Moon boss having reached its location, then you will earn the following rewards.

  • 3200 Experience
  • 9800 Gold
  • Meteorite x2
  • 35 Renown
  • 85 Ability Points

In conclusion, Final Fantasy 16’s Blood Moon, also known as the Fallen Orb or Terminus, is a challenging yet rewarding foe you’ll face in Valesthia. Complete the “Weird Science” sidequest to unlock this hunt. This deadly creature is found in “The Crock in Crenbreque” and defeating it demands skillful dodging and clever tactics.

It can divide its body, shoot lasers, and cause area effect damage. But once you overcome its attacks and finally defeat it, you’ll earn experience, gold, Meteorite, renown, and ability points. So gear up for the thrilling battle against the Blood Moon in Final Fantasy 16

So, if you want to learn more useful information about FF16, I highly recommend you check out the Final Fantasy 16 Eikonic Challenge Mode, All Eikons, How To Beat Benedikta, and Final Fantasy 16 Whitewyrm Bone guides.


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Najam Ul Hassan is a News Reporter on eXputer who enjoys investing hours in his favorite video game titles. When he’s not playing games, he’s practicing Journalism. He began his career on eXputer after combining his limitless love of video games and all things geek with his considerable writing experience. He has been cited numerous times by several noteworthy publications and sites such as Game Rant, Yahoo, PlayStation LifeStyle, VGC, VG247, TheGamer, among others. Experience: 2+ Years || Education: Masters in Mass Media Communication || Written 300+ News Stories.

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