Discard decks have always been a popular archetype in Marvel Snap, regularly competing with Destroy and Move. However, with the recent buffs to Black Knight and his Ebony Blade, Discard has reached an upper echelon and now ranks among the best decks in Marvel Snap. Fortunately, many cards fit into this type, so I’m sure you’ll have no trouble assembling the ideal deck for Conquest and Ranked matches.
Before You Start: In this guide, I’ve listed the potential plays for each round in bullets. The priority of each play is a top-down manner, so if I’ve listed two suggestions for a round, you should play according to my topmost/foremost suggestion.
Key Takeaways
Discard decks in Marvel Snap usually consist of 3 card types – the discarders, the discard-revivers, and the discardees.
Essentially, most of these decks focus on a cycle of discarding cards and either helping you get power from them or using other cards to revive those discarded cards.
The best thing about Discard cards is their raw Power since a lot of high-power cards in Marvel Snap are designed for Discard decks.
However, one noticeable drawback is their randomness, as you cannot predict which card is going to be discarded next.
One thing to note is that discarding a card is not the same as destroying a card; those are separate actions with separate archetypes.
Author’s Note: With roughly 300 hours of endless card-battling in Marvel Snap, you can definitely trust me to provide you with reliable tips on the top discard decks.
My Best Discard Decks
Here are my picks for the best discard decks you can make in Marvel Snap:
Hellish Blade
– Blade
– Black Knight
– Lockjaw
– Lady Sif
– Caiera
– Jubilee
– Ghost Rider
– Hela
– Magneto
– The Infinaut
– Giganto
– Death
4-Cost Access
– Blade
– Black Knight
– Zabu
– Magik
– Lady Sif
– Dracula
– Ghost Rider
– Shang-Chi
– Skaar
– The Infinaut
– Magneto
– Apocalypse
– Blade
– Invisible Woman
– Morbius
– Lockjaw
– Lady Sif
– Dracula
– M.O.D.O.K.
– Hela
– Magneto
– The Infinaut
– Apocalypse
– Death
Card Combos
Wipe The Slate Clean
– Black Knight
– Morbius
– Swarm
– Mystique
– Gambit
– Magik
– Daken
– Wong
– Black Panther
– Apocalypse
– Arnim Zola
– Odin
1. Hellish Blade
The Most Reliable Discard Deck In Marvel Snap.
Discard Deck 1: Hellish Ebony (Image by Me)
Why I Chose This: Out of all the discard decks in Marvel Snap, this deck stands out as being the most consistent at beating out popular in-game decks and strategies.
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This is personally my most reliable and favorite deck as it showcases the brute force of Black Knight and the Ebony Blade. The goal here is to discard high-Power cards to get the Ebony Blade to at least 12 Power potentially. Then, use Hela or Ghost Rider to revive those discarded cards.
Here’s the play I recommend following to get the most out of this deck:
Turn 1:
Play Black Knight.
Play Blade if the rightmost card in your hand is The Infinaut, Magneto, Death, or Giganto.
Turn 2:
If you played Black Knight last turn, play Blade with the same conditions.
Play Lady Sif if you have Death or any 6-Cost card (except Hela) in your hand.
Turn 4:
Play the Ebony Blade if it has high Power.
Play Jubilee if you played Lockjaw last turn.
Play Ghost Rider if you discarded a high-Power card (preferably alongside Lockjaw.)
Turn 5:
If you have high-Power cards on the board, play Caiera.
Follow the same procedure as in turn 4.
If none of these apply, skip the turn.
Turn 6:
Play Hela if you’ve discarded high-Power card(s) in any turn.
Play any 6-Cost card (and if you skipped turn 5, play The Infinaut.)
Strong win rate and Cube rate.
Several noteworthy card combos.
Great defense against Shang-Chi.
High raw Power.
Lockjaw is random.
2. 4-Cost Access
The Discard Deck With The Highest Win-rate.
Discard Deck 2: 4-Cost Access (Screenshot taken by me)
Why I Chose This: Zabu adds a completely new layer of flexibility, and with the highest win rate on paper, this deck is a priority on my list.
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As highlighted by the name, the main objective of this deck is to make your 4-Cost cards accessible by turning them into 3-Cost cards via Zabu. Additionally, the deck also features 4-Cost cards with unique options depending on what’s on the board, your hand, and possibly your deck. Ultimately, based on stats, this has the highest win rate out of any discard-based deck, so there’s definitely room for competitive play.
With that said, follow my procedure below on how to play each turn:
Turn 1:
Play Black Knight.
Play Blade if the rightmost card in your hand is The Infinaut, Magneto, Skaar, or Apocalypse.
Turn 2:
Play Zabu.
Turn 3:
Play Magik if you played Zabu and have several 4-Cost cards in your hand.
Play Lady Sif.
Turn 4:
Play the Ebony Blade if it has high Power.
Play Dracula if your hand has several high-power cards (and Jubilee if you have none.)
Play Ghost Rider if you discarded any high-power card.
Turn 5:
Follow the same procedure as in turn 4.
Play Shang-Chi if the opponent has an unprotected card with 9+ Power.
Turn 6:
Play any 6-Cost card (and if you skipped turn 5, play The Infinaut.)
Turn 7 (if any):
Use your Energy by playing cards that bring the highest Power to the board.
Best win rate in competitive play.
Extremely versatile.
Consistent against meta decks.
Zabu is crucial.
Cards are somewhat challenging to get.
Important: Try to save Skaar for the last possible turn so his cost can be as low as possible.
3. Explosive Discard
The Hardest Discard Deck To Counter.
Discard Deck 3: Explosive Discard (Screenshot by me)
Why I Chose This: Some of the best decks in Marvel Snap are the ones that players usually can’t counter, which is a feature this deck specializes in.
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The key card in this deck is undoubtedly M.O.D.O.K. and his ability to discard every card from your hand. His ability is extremely tough to counter, but he could backfire without the proper setup. M.O.D.O.K. can discard the most cards out of any card in Marvel Snap; thus, the deck I’ve made centers around utilizing his ability to its full extent.
Once you have the cards you need, follow the strategy I’ve listed below:
Turn 1:
Play Blade if the rightmost card in your hand is Wolverine, Swarm, or Apocalypse.
Turn 2:
Play Morbius.
Play Wolverine if you don’t have M.O.D.O.K., Lady Sif, Blade, Hellcow, or Colleen Wing in your hand.
Play America Chavez as a last resort.
Turn 3:
Play Daken.
Play Lady Sif if you have Apocalypse in your hand.
Turn 4:
If you don’t have M.O.D.O.K. in your hand, play Colleen Wing (priority) or Hellcow (alternative.)
Play Dracula.
Turn 5:
Play M.O.D.O.K.
Turn 6:
If you’ve played Dracula and M.O.D.O.K., play all your cards except Apocalypse.
Otherwise, play Apocalypse and Swarm (if he has 0-Cost.)
Challenging to counter.
Ideal deck for M.O.D.O.K.
Relies heavily on M.O.D.O.K. and Apocalypse.
4. Invisible M.O.D.O.K.
The Best Card-Combo Discard Deck In Marvel Snap
Discard Deck 4: Invisible M.O.D.O.K. (Image Captured by Me)
Why I Chose This: This deck has the strongest potential out of any discard deck, in my experience, because of the reliable card combos you can piece together.
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M.O.D.O.K. and Hela are probably the best high-tier discard card combo in Marvel Snap, but the issue is that the former card is extremely volatile. Thus, I’ve added Invisible Woman to the deck to make him work flawlessly, as she’s a pivotal player in executing the card combo as intended.
Here’s how you should play the deck:
Turn 1:
Play Blade if the rightmost card in your card is Magneto, Apocalypse, Death, or The Infinaut.
Turn 2:
Play Invisible Woman (priority) or Morbius (alternative.)
Turn 3:
Play Lockjaw (priority) or Lady Sif (alternative and if you have Death or three 6-Cost cards in your hand) in a separate lane than Invisible Woman.
Turn 4:
Play Dracula alongside Invisible Woman.
Play anything else alongside Lockjaw.
Turn 5:
Play M.O.D.O.K. only alongside Invisible Woman.
Use your Energy to play Blade and/or Lady Sif under the same conditions mentioned earlier.
Turn 6:
If you’ve played M.O.D.O.K. or discarded high-Power card(s) in any turn, play Hela.
Play any 6-Cost card (and if you skipped turn 5, play The Infinaut.)
Several powerful card combos.
Potential for having the highest raw Power.
Combos are easier to pull off than other discard decks.
Risky and challenging to use.
Most cards are useless without the right draw.
Tough to maintain priority in early turns.
5. Wipe The Slate Clean
The Most Versatile Discard Deck In Marvel Snap
Discard Deck 5: Wipe The Slate Clean (Screenshot taken by me)
Why I Chose This: Although unorthodox, this deck is fun to use with backups in case the combo you want doesn’t end up in your hand.
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This is hands-down the most fun Discard deck in Marvel Snap, although it’s not the most practical. The goal is to maximize your ability to repeatedly trigger On-Reveal abilities using Wong, Mystique, and Odin, then play Gambit to eliminate all your opponent’s cards on the board.
Of course, Gambit needs ammunition since he needs to discard one of your cards to destroy an enemy card, which is where Apocalypse and Swarm come into play.
Important: I’ve incorporated two separate play lines to make this deck more competitively viable and versatile. The first and priority play line is the aforementioned combo of Wong, Mystique, Gambit, Odin, and Apocalypse/Swarm. However, if you don’t have the combo, you can use Wong+Black Panther+Arnim Zola as a backup.
To utilize this deck to its fullest, here are my tips for each turn:
Turn 1:
Skip the turn.
Turn 2:
If you have Wong in your hand, play Psylocke.
Play Morbius (priority) or Wolverine (alternative.)
Turn 3:
If you played Psylocke, play Wong.
Play Daken if you have Wong and Gambit.
Play Magik.
Turn 4:
Play Mystique alongside Wong if you played him.
Turn 5:
If you played Wong with Mystique and have Apocalypse in your hand, play Gambit.
If you played Wong and Magik, play Mystique now.
Otherwise, play Black Panther alongside Wong, if you played him at all.
Turn 6:
If you played the Wong, Black Panther, and Mystique (optional) combo, play Arnim Zola.
If you instead have the same combo but with Gambit instead of Black Panther, play Odin.
Turn 7 (if any):
Use this turn to complete any of the two play lines you’re following.
Play Apocalypse and any 0-Cost Swarm you have.
Separate play lines.
Fun to use.
Cards are easy to get.
Easy to counter.
Requires a tough setup.
Lower win rate than other discard decks on this list.
Doesn’t necessarily rely on discarding cards.
My Thoughts And Experience With Discard Decks
Since Marvel Snap’s launch, Discard has been a popular but slightly underdeveloped deck since it has a lot of randomness. In my experience, it was above average, but I was usually beaten out by Move, Destroy, and other meta decks when I initially played with it.
My in-game hours of Marvel Snap (Steam ID: WaterJuice)
Now, with the Black Knight buff and the current state of the meta, Discard has reached a new height, in my opinion. Thanks to the Hellish Ebony deck, I got to Infinite Rank within the first week of the recent seasons. It’s tough to counter, open to customization, and a ton of fun, which is why I recommend using it if you’re struggling in ranked matches. In my eyes, it’s probably one of the top 5 decks right now.
Daniyal is a Guides Writer and Editor at eXputer with over one year of experience in content writing. He's had a passion for tech and gaming for more than 15 years. Ever since his first console, the PS2, he's constantly branching off to different genres, and his go-to at the moment is the Souls experience pioneered by FromSoftware, which is evident by his 1,500+ hours of game time on Elden Ring. You can learn some more about Daniyal's gaming journey on his Steam & Xbox profiles.
Experience: 1+ Years || Mainly Covers Guides || Education: Bachelors in Computer Sciences.
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