COD Modern Warfare 2: How To Unlock Weapons [All Guns]

COD MW 2 weapons are unlocked through player and weapons progression with a new feature, Platforms being added

The weapon progression and unlocking mechanism are a little different in COD Modern Warfare 2 as compared to all of the previous CODs. With a total of 51 guns and more to be added through upcoming updates, here’s how to unlock weapons in COD Modern Warfare 2.

Key Takeaways
  • There are two ways to unlock weapons in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: by leveling up your player level or by leveling up specific weapons.
  • To level up your player level, you need to earn XP by playing multiplayer matches, completing challenges, or using the Gunsmith.
  • To level up a specific weapon, you must use it in multiplayer matches and get kills, assists, and other medals.
  • Some weapons can only be unlocked by completing specific challenges.
  • Once you have unlocked a weapon, you can equip it with attachments to customize its performance.
  • Attachments can improve a weapon’s accuracy, damage, range, and other stats.
  • Experiment with different attachments to find the ones that work best for you.

M4 Platform

COD MW 2 Platform
COD MW 2 M4 Platform [credits: eXputer]
Starting off the COD Modern Warfare 2 Weapons Unlock guide we have the M4 platform. It has the following weapons, and M4 forms its base.

Weapons Fire RateAmmo CountADS timeTactical SprintUnlocked
M4811 rpm30240 ms7.53 m/sDefault
FTAC Recon500 rpm 10250 ms7.44 m/sBy leveling up the M4 to level 13
556 Icarus779 rpm75370 ms6.93 m/sBy leveling up the M4 to level 18
FSS Hurricane698 rpm50240 ms7.6 m/sBy leveling up FETAC Recon Beatle Riffle to level 16
M16811 rpm30290 ms 7.43 m/sTaking the 556 Icarus LMG to level 13


M4 assault riffle is unlocked by default and can be seen right after entering into the Multiplayer mode in the Gunsmith Tab of Multiplayer Loadout.

FTAC Recon

All of the weapons in the M4 Platform can be unlocked by leveling up the M4 or other rifles in the Platform. The FTAC Recon Battle Rifle can be unlocked by leveling up the M4 to level 13. 

556 Icarus 

Similarly, the 556 Icarus LMG can be unlocked by leveling up the M4 to level 18.

FSS Hurricane 

This can be unlocked by further leveling up the FTAC Recon Battle Rifle to level 16.


This last family member of the M4 Platform can be unlocked by simply taking the 556 Icarus LMG to level 13.

Lachmann & Meer Platform

COD Modern Warfare 2 Platform
COD MW 2 Lachmann and Meer Platform

Lachmann and Meer Platform have five weapons and out of these five, 3 are Lachmann and the remaining 2 are obviously Meer. Below listed are all the guns in the Lachmann and Meer Platform and how to unlock them in COD MW2.

Weapons Fire RateAmmo CountADS timeTactical SprintUnlocked
Lachmann 762522 rpm20244 ms7.37 m/sDefault
LM-S333 rpm10290 ms7.22 m/sBy reaching level 16 with the Lachmann-762
Lachmann 556723 rpm30240 ms7.45 m/sBy taking the Lachmann 762 to level 13.
Lachmann SUB800 rpm30200 ms
7.68 m/sBy taking the Lachmann 556 further to level 12.
RAPP H800 rpm75480 ms6.77 m/sLeveling up the Lachmann 556 also to level 12

Lachmann 762         

Lachmann 762 lays the foundation of this Platform and you need to have Lachmann 762 to progress further into the Platform.


Simply take the Lachmann 762 to level 17.

Lachmann 556

It can be unlocked by taking the Lachmann 762 to level 13.

Lachmann SUB

Lachmann SUB in COD MW 2 can be unlocked by taking the Lachmann 556 further to level 12.


RAPP H is unlocked by leveling up the Lachmann 556 to level 12, and it is unlocked along with the Lachmann SUB.

Tactique Verte Platform

COD MW 2 Platform
MOD MW 2 Tactique Verte Platform [credits: eXputer]
Below is a breakdown of the Tactique Verte Platform with details of each family member.

Weapons Fire RateAmmo CountADS timeTactical SprintUnlocked
TAQ-56625 rpm30240 ms7.45 m/sDefault
TAQ-V571 rpm20290 ms7.31 m/sBy taking the TAQ-56 to level 11
TAQ-M240 rpm10280 ms7.35 m/sBy taking the TAQ-56 further to level 20


The primary weapon of this COD MW 2 Platform is TAQ-56. So, in order to unlock further rifles of this platform, you need to unlock the TAQ-56 first.


TAQ-V can be unlocked by taking the TAQ-56 to level 11.


It can be unlocked by taking the TAQ-56 further to level 20.

Kastovia Platform

COD MW 2 Platform
COD MW 2 Kastovia Platform [credits: eXputer]
This is basically the AKM family and has a very interesting progression tree. Here’s the breakdown of each weapon included in the Platform.

Weapons Fire RateAmmo CountADS timeTactical SprintUnlocked
Kastov 762600 rpm30.0280 ms7.48 m/sLevel 23
RPK600 rpm75.0445 ms6.86 m/sBy taking Kastov 762 to level 16
Kastov 545652 rpm30.0250 ms 7.52 m/sBy taking the Kastov 545 to level 10
Kastov-74U652 rpm30.0225 ms 7.53 m/sby taking Kastov 545 to level 13
Vaznev-9K779 rpm 30.0210 ms7.62 m/sBy leveling up the Kastov-74U to level 15
Minibak652 rpm 64.0275 ms 7.68 m/sBy taking the Kastov 74-U to level 18

Kastov 762

Kastov 762 is the primary weapon of this Call of Duty MW 2 Platform. Therefore, it can only be unlocked by Player’s Level. Hence, it can be unlocked at level 23 and then unlocks further weapons in the Platform.


RPK can be unlocked by taking KASTOV 762 to level 16.

Kastov 545

Kastov 545 in the COD MW 2 Kastovia Platform can be unlocked by taking the Kastov 545 to level 10 only.


All the remaining weapons in this Kastov family are now unlocked in a series of progression of each weapon. As, Kastov-74U can be unlocked by taking Kastov 545 to level 13.


It can be unlocked by further leveling up the Kastov-74U to level 15.


It can be unlocked by leveling up the Kastov 74-U to level 18.

Bruen Bullpup Platform

COD MW 2 Platform
COD MW 2 Bruen Bullpop Platform [credits: eXputer]
This Bruen bullpup Platform may also be termed the AUG Platform because it has all the AUGs in its tree. And here are all the guns included in the Platform.

WeaponsFire RateAmmo CountADS timeTactical SprintUnlocked
STB 556741 rpm 30.0240 ms7.46 m/s Default
MX9741 rpm 25.0220 ms 7.75 m/s By taking STB 556 to level 13
HCR 56741 rpm 60.0425 ms6.86 m/sBy taking the STB 556 to level 20

STB 556

STB 556 is the primary weapon of this platform and unlocking it unlocks further two more AUGs of this Bruen Bullpup Platform.


MX0 can be unlocked by taking STB 556 to level 13.

HCR 56

It also requires the leveling up of the STB 556 and can be unlocked by taking the STB 556 to level 20.

Ordinance Weapon Platform

COD MW 2 Platform
COD MW 2 Ordinance Weapon Platform [credits: eXputer]
This weapon Platform has only two weapons, and below given are the details of how to unlock them.

Weapons Fire RateAmmo CountADS timeTactical SprintUnlocked
EBR-14286 rpm 10.0280 ms7.23 m/s Unlocked through the player level
SO-14545 rpm 20.0302 ms 7.49 m/s By taking the EBR-14 to level 12


EBR-14 is the primary weapon of this Platform and can be unlocked through the player level.


This weapon can be unlocked by taking the EBR-14 to level 12.

Bryson 800 Series Platform

COD MW 2 Platform
COD MW 2 Bryson 800 Series Platform [credits: eXputer}
This Platform actually has only two guns, and here’s how to get these COD Modern Warfare 2 weapons unlocked.

Weapons Fire RateAmmo CountADS timeTactical SprintUnlocked
Bryson 80075 rpm 6.0365 ms7.56 m/s Unlocked through the player level
Bryson 89071 rpm 8.0320 ms 7.61 m/s By taking Bryson 800 to level 16

Bryson 800

This is the primary weapon of this platform and is simply unlocked through the player level.

Bryson 890

This sequel of Bryson 800 can be unlocked by taking Bryson 800 to level 16.

Bryson Long Rifle Platform

COD Modern Warfare 2 Weapons Unlock Bryson Long Rifle Platform
COD MW 2 Bryson Long Rifle Platform [credits: eXputer]
This COD MW 2 Platform consists of 4 weapons, and here are the details of each of them.

Weapons Fire RateAmmo CountADS timeTactical SprintUnlocked
SP-R 20859 rpm 5.0365 ms7.3 m/sUnlocked through the player level
SA-B 5065 rpm10.0310 ms7.2 m/sBy taking the level of SP-R 208 to level 13
LA-B 33047 rpm 5.0600 ms7.09 m/sBy taking the SA-B 50 to level 16
SP-X 8051 rpm 5.0721 ms2.75 m/sBy taking LA-B 330 to level 17

SP-R 208

It is the primary weapon unlocked through the player level and further unlocks three weapons of its weapon tree.

SA-B 50

Next in the progression line of this weapon tree is the SA-B 50, which can be unlocked by taking the level of SP-R 208 to level 13.

LA-B 330

This sniper rifle in the Bryson weapon tree can be unlocked by taking the SA-B 50 to level 16.

SP-X 80

Further next in the tree is also a sniper rifle that can be unlocked by taking the previous LA-B 330 to level 17.

XRK Platform

COD MW 2 Platform
COD MW 2 XRK Platform [credits: eXputer]
This Platform actually has pistols only. The primary weapon of this Platform is the X12.

Weapons Fire RateAmmo CountADS timeTactical SprintUnlocked
364 rpm 17.0150 ms7.87 m/sBy completing the requirement of player level
X13 923 rpm 17.0150 ms7.66 m/sBy leveling up X12 to Level 10


X12 can be simply unlocked by completing the requirement of player level.

X13 Auto

X13 Auto is the sequel to X12 and can be unlocked by taking the X12 to level 10. 

LMP Platform

There’s only one weapon in this Platform, and it has no weapon tree or any weapon family to carry out the progression.

Weapon Fire Rate Ammo Count ADS time Tactical Sprint Unlocked by
VEL 46 952 rpm 40 217 ms 7.78 m/s Available by default 

VEL 46

VEL 46 is the only weapon in this COD MW 2 Platform, and there may be some DLC weapons added to this weapon tree in the future.

Tactique Defense Platform

This non-weapon tree Platform has only PDSW 528 in it, which can be unlocked by the player’s platform.

What Are Platforms In COD Modern Warfare 2

COD Modern Warfare 2 weapons can be unlocked either by the player’s level in the game or by a certain weapon’s level. Weapons in COD Modern Warfare 2 are launched with a new feature added called “Platforms” to which the old players of COD will find a resemblance to the Tech Trees.

Most of the Platforms have a certain family of COD Modern Warfare 2 weapons, and the players can have a peek at any Weapon Platform and its contained items by clicking on the Weapon Progression, which can be seen above the Gun’s Stats.

The Primary weapon of each Platform can be unlocked through “Player Level,” and the remaining are to be unlocked through the progression of the weapons within the weapon tree.

This guide explained how to unlock each COD Modern Warfare 2 weapons and its family weapons in each Platform. The remaining weapons without any family weapon are not listed here, and they require a certain player level to be unlocked, which can be seen by scrolling the Gunsmith’s menu.

It can be seen in the Gunsmith’s Menu and then getting into the details of the weapon that TAQ-56, which is the primary weapon of Tactique Verte Platform, can be unlocked at player level 19. Hence, in the same way, you can check the required player level to unlock the weapon.

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Javaria Ali is a Codes Writer on eXputer who’s obsessed with the Sims franchise. She has several years of writing experience and a background in Business Management. Along with Sims, Javeria is also a huge Genshin Impact fan, which is why she is in constant search for redeemable codes. Following her passion for games, Javeria now likes to track down codes and curate guides around them on eXputer.

Experience: 2+ Years || Education: Majored in Business Management ||  Mainly Covers Game Code Guides.

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